See: Description
Interface | Description |
AccountPersistence |
The persistence interface for the account service.
AddressPersistence |
The persistence interface for the address service.
BasePersistence<T extends BaseModel<T>> |
The base interface for all ServiceBuilder persistence classes.
BatchSession | Deprecated
As of 6.2.0, see LPS-30598.
BrowserTrackerPersistence |
The persistence interface for the browser tracker service.
ClassNamePersistence |
The persistence interface for the class name service.
ClusterGroupPersistence |
The persistence interface for the cluster group service.
CompanyPersistence |
The persistence interface for the company service.
CompanyProvider | |
ContactPersistence |
The persistence interface for the contact service.
CountryPersistence |
The persistence interface for the country service.
EmailAddressPersistence |
The persistence interface for the email address service.
GroupFinder | |
GroupPersistence |
The persistence interface for the group service.
ImagePersistence |
The persistence interface for the image service.
LayoutBranchPersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout branch service.
LayoutFinder | |
LayoutFriendlyURLPersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout friendly u r l service.
LayoutPersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout service.
LayoutPrototypePersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout prototype service.
LayoutRevisionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout revision service.
LayoutSetBranchPersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout set branch service.
LayoutSetPersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout set service.
LayoutSetPrototypePersistence |
The persistence interface for the layout set prototype service.
ListTypePersistence |
The persistence interface for the list type service.
MembershipRequestPersistence |
The persistence interface for the membership request service.
OrganizationFinder | |
OrganizationPersistence |
The persistence interface for the organization service.
OrgGroupRolePersistence |
The persistence interface for the org group role service.
OrgLaborPersistence |
The persistence interface for the org labor service.
PasswordPolicyFinder | |
PasswordPolicyPersistence |
The persistence interface for the password policy service.
PasswordPolicyRelPersistence |
The persistence interface for the password policy rel service.
PasswordTrackerPersistence |
The persistence interface for the password tracker service.
PhonePersistence |
The persistence interface for the phone service.
PluginSettingPersistence |
The persistence interface for the plugin setting service.
PortalPreferencesPersistence |
The persistence interface for the portal preferences service.
PortletItemPersistence |
The persistence interface for the portlet item service.
PortletPersistence |
The persistence interface for the portlet service.
PortletPreferencesFinder | |
PortletPreferencesPersistence |
The persistence interface for the portlet preferences service.
RecentLayoutBranchPersistence |
The persistence interface for the recent layout branch service.
RecentLayoutRevisionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the recent layout revision service.
RecentLayoutSetBranchPersistence |
The persistence interface for the recent layout set branch service.
RegionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the region service.
ReleasePersistence |
The persistence interface for the release service.
RepositoryEntryPersistence |
The persistence interface for the repository entry service.
RepositoryPersistence |
The persistence interface for the repository service.
ResourceActionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the resource action service.
ResourceBlockFinder | |
ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the resource block permission service.
ResourceBlockPersistence |
The persistence interface for the resource block service.
ResourcePermissionFinder | |
ResourcePermissionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the resource permission service.
ResourceTypePermissionFinder | |
ResourceTypePermissionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the resource type permission service.
RoleFinder | |
RolePersistence |
The persistence interface for the role service.
ServiceComponentFinder | |
ServiceComponentPersistence |
The persistence interface for the service component service.
SubscriptionPersistence |
The persistence interface for the subscription service.
SystemEventPersistence |
The persistence interface for the system event service.
TeamFinder | |
TeamPersistence |
The persistence interface for the team service.
TicketPersistence |
The persistence interface for the ticket service.
UserFinder | |
UserGroupFinder | |
UserGroupGroupRoleFinder | |
UserGroupGroupRolePersistence |
The persistence interface for the user group group role service.
UserGroupPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user group service.
UserGroupRoleFinder | |
UserGroupRolePersistence |
The persistence interface for the user group role service.
UserIdMapperPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user ID mapper service.
UserNotificationDeliveryPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user notification delivery service.
UserNotificationEventPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user notification event service.
UserPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user service.
UserTrackerPathPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user tracker path service.
UserTrackerPersistence |
The persistence interface for the user tracker service.
VirtualHostPersistence |
The persistence interface for the virtual host service.
WebDAVPropsPersistence |
The persistence interface for the web d a v props service.
WebsitePersistence |
The persistence interface for the website service.
WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence |
The persistence interface for the workflow definition link service.
WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence |
The persistence interface for the workflow instance link service.
Class | Description |
AccountUtil |
The persistence utility for the account service.
AddressUtil |
The persistence utility for the address service.
BatchSessionUtil | Deprecated
As of 6.2.0, see LPS-30598.
BrowserTrackerUtil |
The persistence utility for the browser tracker service.
ClassNameUtil |
The persistence utility for the class name service.
ClusterGroupUtil |
The persistence utility for the cluster group service.
CompanyProviderWrapper | |
CompanyUtil |
The persistence utility for the company service.
ContactUtil |
The persistence utility for the contact service.
CountryUtil |
The persistence utility for the country service.
EmailAddressUtil |
The persistence utility for the email address service.
GroupFinderUtil | |
GroupUtil |
The persistence utility for the group service.
ImageUtil |
The persistence utility for the image service.
LayoutBranchUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout branch service.
LayoutFinderUtil | |
LayoutFriendlyURLUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout friendly u r l service.
LayoutPrototypeUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout prototype service.
LayoutRevisionUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout revision service.
LayoutSetBranchUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout set branch service.
LayoutSetPrototypeUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout set prototype service.
LayoutSetUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout set service.
LayoutUtil |
The persistence utility for the layout service.
ListTypeUtil |
The persistence utility for the list type service.
MembershipRequestUtil |
The persistence utility for the membership request service.
OrganizationFinderUtil | |
OrganizationUtil |
The persistence utility for the organization service.
OrgGroupRolePK | |
OrgGroupRoleUtil |
The persistence utility for the org group role service.
OrgLaborUtil |
The persistence utility for the org labor service.
PasswordPolicyFinderUtil | |
PasswordPolicyRelUtil |
The persistence utility for the password policy rel service.
PasswordPolicyUtil |
The persistence utility for the password policy service.
PasswordTrackerUtil |
The persistence utility for the password tracker service.
PhoneUtil |
The persistence utility for the phone service.
PluginSettingUtil |
The persistence utility for the plugin setting service.
PortalPreferencesUtil |
The persistence utility for the portal preferences service.
PortletItemUtil |
The persistence utility for the portlet item service.
PortletPreferencesFinderUtil | |
PortletPreferencesUtil |
The persistence utility for the portlet preferences service.
PortletUtil |
The persistence utility for the portlet service.
RecentLayoutBranchUtil |
The persistence utility for the recent layout branch service.
RecentLayoutRevisionUtil |
The persistence utility for the recent layout revision service.
RecentLayoutSetBranchUtil |
The persistence utility for the recent layout set branch service.
RegionUtil |
The persistence utility for the region service.
ReleaseUtil |
The persistence utility for the release service.
RepositoryEntryUtil |
The persistence utility for the repository entry service.
RepositoryUtil |
The persistence utility for the repository service.
ResourceActionUtil |
The persistence utility for the resource action service.
ResourceBlockFinderUtil | |
ResourceBlockPermissionUtil |
The persistence utility for the resource block permission service.
ResourceBlockUtil |
The persistence utility for the resource block service.
ResourcePermissionFinderUtil | |
ResourcePermissionUtil |
The persistence utility for the resource permission service.
ResourceTypePermissionFinderUtil | |
ResourceTypePermissionUtil |
The persistence utility for the resource type permission service.
RoleFinderUtil | |
RoleUtil |
The persistence utility for the role service.
ServiceComponentFinderUtil | |
ServiceComponentUtil |
The persistence utility for the service component service.
SubscriptionUtil |
The persistence utility for the subscription service.
SystemEventUtil |
The persistence utility for the system event service.
TeamFinderUtil | |
TeamUtil |
The persistence utility for the team service.
TicketUtil |
The persistence utility for the ticket service.
UserFinderUtil | |
UserGroupFinderUtil | |
UserGroupGroupRoleFinderUtil | |
UserGroupGroupRolePK | |
UserGroupGroupRoleUtil |
The persistence utility for the user group group role service.
UserGroupRoleFinderUtil | |
UserGroupRolePK | |
UserGroupRoleUtil |
The persistence utility for the user group role service.
UserGroupUtil |
The persistence utility for the user group service.
UserIdMapperUtil |
The persistence utility for the user ID mapper service.
UserNotificationDeliveryUtil |
The persistence utility for the user notification delivery service.
UserNotificationEventUtil |
The persistence utility for the user notification event service.
UserTrackerPathUtil |
The persistence utility for the user tracker path service.
UserTrackerUtil |
The persistence utility for the user tracker service.
UserUtil |
The persistence utility for the user service.
VirtualHostUtil |
The persistence utility for the virtual host service.
WebDAVPropsUtil |
The persistence utility for the web d a v props service.
WebsiteUtil |
The persistence utility for the website service.
WorkflowDefinitionLinkUtil |
The persistence utility for the workflow definition link service.
WorkflowInstanceLinkUtil |
The persistence utility for the workflow instance link service.
This package defines the portal service persistence interfaces, classes, and utilities. Finder interfaces and classes are included.
Some of the most significant classes that you may need to use are: