@AccessControlled @JSONWebService @ProviderType @Transactional(isolation=PORTAL, rollbackFor={PortalException.class,SystemException.class}) public interface TrashEntryService extends BaseService
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
deleteEntries(long groupId)
Deletes the trash entries with the matching group ID considering
void |
deleteEntries(long[] entryIds)
Deletes the trash entries with the primary keys.
void |
deleteEntry(long entryId)
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
void |
deleteEntry(String className,
long classPK)
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and class primary key.
TrashEntryList |
getEntries(long groupId)
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
TrashEntryList |
getEntries(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<TrashEntry> obc)
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
List<TrashEntry> |
getEntries(long groupId,
String className) |
String |
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
void |
moveEntry(String className,
long classPK,
long destinationContainerModelId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Moves the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key,
restoring it to a new location identified by the destination container
model ID.
TrashEntry |
restoreEntry(long entryId) |
TrashEntry |
restoreEntry(long entryId,
long overrideClassPK,
String name)
Restores the trash entry to its original location.
TrashEntry |
restoreEntry(String className,
long classPK) |
TrashEntry |
restoreEntry(String className,
long classPK,
long overrideClassPK,
String name) |
TrashEntry restoreEntry(String className, long classPK) throws PortalException
TrashEntry restoreEntry(String className, long classPK, long overrideClassPK, String name) throws PortalException
TrashEntry restoreEntry(long entryId) throws PortalException
TrashEntry restoreEntry(long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name) throws PortalException
This method throws a TrashPermissionException
if the user did not
have the permission to perform one of the necessary operations. The
exception is created with a type specific to the operation:
- if the user did not have
permission to restore the trash entry
- if the user did not
have permission to delete the existing trash entry
- if the user did not
have permission to rename the trash entry
- the primary key of the trash entry to restoreoverrideClassPK
- the primary key of the entity to overwrite
(optionally 0
- a new name to give to the trash entry being restored
(optionally null
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) TrashEntryList getEntries(long groupId) throws PrincipalException
- the primary key of the groupPrincipalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) TrashEntryList getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry> obc) throws PrincipalException
- the primary key of the groupstart
- the lower bound of the range of trash entries to returnend
- the upper bound of the range of trash entries to return (not
- the comparator to order the trash entries (optionally
String getOSGiServiceIdentifier()
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<TrashEntry> getEntries(long groupId, String className) throws PrincipalException
@Transactional(noRollbackFor=TrashPermissionException.class) void deleteEntries(long groupId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the groupPortalException
@Transactional(noRollbackFor=TrashPermissionException.class) void deleteEntries(long[] entryIds) throws PortalException
- the primary keys of the trash entriesPortalException
void deleteEntry(String className, long classPK) throws PortalException
This method throws a TrashPermissionException
with type TrashPermissionException#DELETE
if the user did not have permission to
delete the trash entry.
- the class name of the entityclassPK
- the primary key of the entityPortalException
void deleteEntry(long entryId) throws PortalException
This method throws a TrashPermissionException
with type TrashPermissionException#DELETE
if the user did not have permission to
delete the trash entry.
- the primary key of the trash entryPortalException
void moveEntry(String className, long classPK, long destinationContainerModelId, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
This method throws a TrashPermissionException
if the user did not
have the permission to perform one of the necessary operations. The
exception is created with a type specific to the operation:
- if the user did not have
permission to move the trash entry to the new
- if the user did not have
permission to restore the trash entry
- the class name of the entityclassPK
- the primary key of the entitydestinationContainerModelId
- the primary key of the new locationserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally