
Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="liferay-ui" uri="" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:liferay-ui="" />

Provides the Liferay UI component tags, prefixed with liferay-ui:.

Tag Library Information
Display NameNone
Short Nameliferay-ui

Tag Summary
alertNo Description
app-view-entryNo Description
app-view-search-entryDeprecated as of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement.
asset-categories-selectorNo Description
asset-categories-summaryNo Description
asset-tags-selectorCreates a Liferay.AssetTagsSelector component to create and select tags to add to an asset, such as a blog entry, bookmark, or wiki page.
asset-tags-summaryCreates a component to display all the tags associated with an asset, such as a blog entry, wiki page, or message boards message.
breadcrumbNo Description
diff-htmlNo Description
drop-here-infoNo Description
empty-result-messageNo Description
errorCreates an error message to display to the user.
error-headerCreates a liferay-ui:header with a back button; it's for displaying above an error message.
error-markerNo Description
error-principalCreates an authorization failure error message to display to the user.
flashNo Description
form-navigatorCreates a navigable form for multiple section forms. Its default navigation is a side navigation box with links to each section. The navigation can be configured as a progressive step navigation positioned above the form, or as vertically stacked accordion style sections that expand when clicked.
headerCreates a header that displays its text above a horizontal rule accompanied by a configurable back URL button.
iconCreates a fully configurable icon that provides access to current Liferay theme icons.
icon-deactivateCreates an icon to associate with deactivating an item.
icon-deleteCreates a configurable icon to associate with deleting or removing an item.
icon-helpCreates a help icon that displays a custom message as a tooltip on mouse over of the help icon.
icon-listCreates a list of icons from a list of child components.
icon-menuCreates an icon menu from a list of child components.
input-checkboxCreates a configurable input checkbox.
input-dateCreates a date input field that displays a calendar for date selection.
input-editorDeprecated as of 7.1.0, replaced by the liferay-editor:editor tag.
input-fieldNo Description
input-localizedNo Description
input-move-boxesCreates an input move boxes component comprised of two columns of key value pairs that can be rearranged.
input-permissionsNo Description
input-permissions-paramsNo Description
input-repeatCreates a component allowing users to make an event repeat over a given interval.
input-resourceCreates an input field for selecting resources such as folders.
input-schedulerDeprecated as of 7.2.0, with no direct replacement.
input-searchCreates a configurable search box.
input-timeCreates a time input field that provides a scrollable dropdown list of hours, in intervals designated by the minuteInterval attribute.
input-time-zoneCreates a configurable timezone drop-down menu.
languageNo Description
layout-commonNo Description
layout-templates-listNo Description
logo-selectorNo Description
membership-policy-errorNo Description
menuNo Description
menu-itemNo Description
messageCreates a message to display to the user.
organization-search-container-resultsNo Description
organization-search-formDeprecated as of 7.2.0, with no direct replacement.
page-iteratorCreates a page iterator for paginating through lists of items.
panelCreates a collapsible panel for housing content.
panel-containerCreates a collapsible container to house liferay-ui:panel components.
paramNo Description
quick-accessNo Description
quick-access-entryNo Description
ratingsNo Description
search-containerCreates a grid for displaying a list of objects and their properties.
search-container-column-dateCreates a date column in a search container.
search-container-column-iconCreates a column in a search container for displaying an icon.
search-container-column-imageCreates a column in a search container for displaying an image.
search-container-column-jspCreates a column in a search container with the contents of a JSP file.
search-container-column-statusCreates a column in a search container for the workflow status.
search-container-column-textCreates a text column in a search container.
search-container-column-userNo Description
search-container-resultsThe list of objects to display in the search container.
search-container-rowCreates rows in the search container for each object returned by liferay-ui:search-container-results.
search-container-row-parameterCreates parameters for rows in the search container. The liferay-ui:search-container-row tag is required.
search-formNo Description
search-iteratorCreates a search results page iterator with an optional paginator.
search-paginatorCreates a page iterator to paginate through search results.
search-speedNo Description
search-toggleCreates a search instance that can be toggled between basic and advanced search.
sectionNo Description
sites-directoryNo Description
successCreates a success message to display to the user.
table-iteratorNo Description
tabsCreates a tabbed UI of section dividers that each house their own content.

toggleCreates a component that toggles the visibility of the content of the component matching the given id. Default icons are used as the component's default mechanism for showing and hiding the content.
toggle-areaCreates a component that toggles the visibility of a div and its contents.
toggle-valueNo Description
toolbar-itemNo Description
upload-progressCreates a progress bar for items being uploaded.
user-displayNo Description
user-group-search-container-resultsNo Description
user-name-fieldsNo Description
user-portraitNo Description
user-search-container-resultsNo Description
user-search-formDeprecated as of 7.2.0, with no direct replacement.

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