button | Deprecated. Please use h:commandButton instead. Renders a div with CSS class name "aui-button" and a child input element with CSS class name "aui-button-input". The button's interface also defines an actionSource with name="click" that can be referenced in the using page. |
input | Deprecated. Please use h:inputText, h:inputTextarea, h:inputSecret, or h:selectBooleanCheckbox instead. The aui-cc:input renders either an input (type=text), textarea, input (type="secret"), input (type="checkbox"), or input (type="radio") with appropriate Alloy UI CSS class names, according to the value of the type attribute. |
message | Deprecated. Please use h:message instead. The aui-cc:message encapsulates a standard JSF h:message tag with JSR 286 (Portlet 2.0) CSS class names. |
messages | Deprecated. Please use h:messages instead. The aui-cc:messages encapsulates a standard JSF h:messages tag with JSR 286 (Portlet 2.0) CSS class names. |
select | Deprecated. Please use h:selectOneMenu instead. The aui-cc:select encapsulates a standard JSF h:selectOneMenu tag with CSS class name "aui-field-input aui-field-input-select aui-field-input-menu". NOTE that sometimes the JSF implementation performs more reliably if a simple h:selectOneMenu is used instead of this tag. |