Liferay 6.0.5

Interface MembershipRequest

All Superinterfaces:
BaseModel<MembershipRequest>, Cloneable, Comparable<MembershipRequest>, MembershipRequestModel, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
MembershipRequestImpl, MembershipRequestWrapper

public interface MembershipRequest
extends MembershipRequestModel

The model interface for the MembershipRequest service. Represents a row in the "MembershipRequest" database table, with each column mapped to a property of this class.

Never modify this interface directly. Add methods to MembershipRequestImpl and rerun ServiceBuilder to automatically copy the method declarations to this interface.

Never reference this interface directly. All methods that expect a membership request model instance should use the MembershipRequest interface instead.

See Also:
MembershipRequestModel, MembershipRequestImpl, MembershipRequestModelImpl
ServiceBuilder generated this class. Modifications in this class will be overwritten the next time is generated.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.liferay.portal.model.MembershipRequestModel
clone, compareTo, getComments, getCompanyId, getCreateDate, getExpandoBridge, getGroupId, getMembershipRequestId, getPrimaryKey, getPrimaryKeyObj, getReplierUserId, getReplierUserUuid, getReplyComments, getReplyDate, getStatusId, getUserId, getUserUuid, hashCode, isCachedModel, isEscapedModel, isNew, setCachedModel, setComments, setCompanyId, setCreateDate, setEscapedModel, setExpandoBridgeAttributes, setGroupId, setMembershipRequestId, setNew, setPrimaryKey, setReplierUserId, setReplierUserUuid, setReplyComments, setReplyDate, setStatusId, setUserId, setUserUuid, toEscapedModel, toString, toXmlString

Liferay 6.0.5