Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Layout

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.action

Methods in com.liferay.portal.action with parameters of type Layout
protected  void LayoutAction.includeLayoutContent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Layout layout)
protected  void LayoutAction.processPublicRenderParameters(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Layout layout, Portlet portlet)

Uses of Layout in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Layout
protected  List<Layout> ServicePreAction.mergeAdditionalLayouts(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, User user, PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, List<Layout> layouts)

Methods in with parameters of type Layout
protected  Object[] ServicePreAction.getViewableLayouts(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, User user, PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, List<Layout> layouts)
protected  List<Layout> ServicePreAction.mergeAdditionalLayouts(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, User user, PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, List<Layout> layouts)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Layout
protected  Object[] ServicePreAction.getViewableLayouts(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, User user, PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, List<Layout> layouts)
protected  List<Layout> ServicePreAction.mergeAdditionalLayouts(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, User user, PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, List<Layout> layouts)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.kernel.staging

Methods in com.liferay.portal.kernel.staging that return types with arguments of type Layout
static List<Layout> StagingUtil.getMissingParents(Layout layout, long liveGroupId)
 List<Layout> Staging.getMissingParents(Layout layout, long liveGroupId)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.kernel.staging with parameters of type Layout
static List<Layout> StagingUtil.getMissingParents(Layout layout, long liveGroupId)
 List<Layout> Staging.getMissingParents(Layout layout, long liveGroupId)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.lar

Methods in com.liferay.portal.lar with parameters of type Layout
protected  void LayoutExporter.exportLayout(PortletDataContext context, Portlet layoutConfigurationPortlet, LayoutCache layoutCache, Map<String,Object[]> portletIds, boolean exportPermissions, boolean exportUserPermissions, Layout layout, Element layoutsElement)
protected  void PermissionExporter.exportLayoutPermissions(PortletDataContext context, LayoutCache layoutCache, long companyId, long groupId, Layout layout, Element layoutEl, boolean exportUserPermissions)
protected  void PortletExporter.exportPortlet(PortletDataContext context, LayoutCache layoutCache, String portletId, Layout layout, Element parentEl, long defaultUserId, boolean exportPermissions, boolean exportPortletArchivedSetups, boolean exportPortletData, boolean exportPortletSetup, boolean exportPortletUserPreferences, boolean exportUserPermissions)
protected  void PortletExporter.exportPortletData(PortletDataContext context, Portlet portlet, Layout layout, PortletPreferences jxPreferences, Element parentEl)
protected  void PermissionExporter.exportPortletPermissions(PortletDataContext context, LayoutCache layoutCache, String portletId, Layout layout, Element portletEl)
protected  void PortletExporter.exportPortletPreferences(PortletDataContext context, long ownerId, int ownerType, boolean defaultUser, Layout layout, String portletId, Element parentEl)
protected  void LayoutImporter.fixTypeSettings(Layout layout)
protected  void LayoutExporter.fixTypeSettings(Layout layout)
protected  String LayoutExporter.getLayoutIconPath(PortletDataContext context, Layout layout, Image image)
protected  void PermissionImporter.importLayoutPermissions_1to4(LayoutCache layoutCache, long companyId, long groupId, Group guestGroup, Layout layout, String resourceName, String resourcePrimKey, Element permissionsEl, boolean importUserPermissions)
protected  void PermissionImporter.importLayoutPermissions(LayoutCache layoutCache, long companyId, long groupId, long userId, Layout layout, Element layoutEl, Element parentEl, boolean importUserPermissions)
protected  void PermissionImporter.importPortletPermissions_1to4(LayoutCache layoutCache, long companyId, long groupId, Group guestGroup, Layout layout, Element permissionsEl, boolean importUserPermissions)
protected  void PermissionImporter.importPortletPermissions(LayoutCache layoutCache, long companyId, long groupId, long userId, Layout layout, Element portletEl, String portletId, boolean importUserPermissions)
protected  void PortletImporter.importPortletPreferences(PortletDataContext context, long companyId, long groupId, Layout layout, String portletId, Element parentEl, boolean importPortletSetup, boolean importPortletArchivedSetups, boolean importUserPreferences, boolean preserveScopeLayoutId)
protected  void LayoutImporter.mergePortlets(Layout layout, String newTypeSettings, String portletsMergeMode)
protected  void PortletExporter.updateLastPublishDate(Layout layout, String portletId, long lastPublishDate)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portal.lar with type arguments of type Layout
protected  void LayoutImporter.deleteMissingLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, Set<Long> newLayoutIds, List<Layout> previousLayouts)
protected  void LayoutImporter.importLayout(PortletDataContext context, User user, LayoutCache layoutCache, List<Layout> previousLayouts, List<Layout> newLayouts, Map<Long,Layout> newLayoutsMap, Set<Long> newLayoutIds, String portletsMergeMode, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String layoutsImportMode, boolean privateLayout, boolean importPermissions, boolean importUserPermissions, boolean useThemeZip, Element rootElement, Element layoutElement)
protected  void LayoutImporter.importLayout(PortletDataContext context, User user, LayoutCache layoutCache, List<Layout> previousLayouts, List<Layout> newLayouts, Map<Long,Layout> newLayoutsMap, Set<Long> newLayoutIds, String portletsMergeMode, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String layoutsImportMode, boolean privateLayout, boolean importPermissions, boolean importUserPermissions, boolean useThemeZip, Element rootElement, Element layoutElement)
protected  void LayoutImporter.importLayout(PortletDataContext context, User user, LayoutCache layoutCache, List<Layout> previousLayouts, List<Layout> newLayouts, Map<Long,Layout> newLayoutsMap, Set<Long> newLayoutIds, String portletsMergeMode, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String layoutsImportMode, boolean privateLayout, boolean importPermissions, boolean importUserPermissions, boolean useThemeZip, Element rootElement, Element layoutElement)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.model

Classes in com.liferay.portal.model that implement Layout
 class LayoutWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Layout.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model that return Layout
 Layout LayoutType.getLayout()
 Layout LayoutPrototypeWrapper.getLayout()
 Layout LayoutPrototype.getLayout()
 Layout LayoutWrapper.getWrappedLayout()
 Layout LayoutWrapper.toEscapedModel()
 Layout LayoutModel.toEscapedModel()
          Gets a copy of this layout as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> LayoutWrapper.getAllChildren()
 List<Layout> Layout.getAllChildren()
 List<Layout> LayoutWrapper.getAncestors()
 List<Layout> Layout.getAncestors()
 List<Layout> LayoutWrapper.getChildren()
 List<Layout> Layout.getChildren()
 List<Layout> LayoutWrapper.getChildren(PermissionChecker permissionChecker)
 List<Layout> Layout.getChildren(PermissionChecker permissionChecker)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model with parameters of type Layout
protected  void LayoutListener.clearCache(Layout layout)
 int LayoutWrapper.compareTo(Layout layout)
 int LayoutModel.compareTo(Layout layout)
 boolean LayoutWrapper.isChildSelected(boolean selectable, Layout layout)
 boolean Layout.isChildSelected(boolean selectable, Layout layout)
 boolean LayoutWrapper.isSelected(boolean selectable, Layout layout, long ancestorPlid)
 boolean Layout.isSelected(boolean selectable, Layout layout, long ancestorPlid)
 void LayoutListener.onAfterCreate(Layout layout)
 void LayoutListener.onAfterRemove(Layout layout)
 void LayoutListener.onAfterUpdate(Layout layout)
 void LayoutType.setLayout(Layout layout)
static LayoutSoap LayoutSoap.toSoapModel(Layout model)
static LayoutSoap[] LayoutSoap.toSoapModels(Layout[] models)
static LayoutSoap[][] LayoutSoap.toSoapModels(Layout[][] models)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portal.model with type arguments of type Layout
static LayoutSoap[] LayoutSoap.toSoapModels(List<Layout> models)

Constructors in com.liferay.portal.model with parameters of type Layout
LayoutWrapper(Layout layout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.model.impl

Classes in com.liferay.portal.model.impl that implement Layout
 class LayoutImpl

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model.impl that return Layout
 Layout LayoutTypeImpl.getLayout()
 Layout LayoutPrototypeImpl.getLayout()
 Layout LayoutModelImpl.toEscapedModel()
static Layout LayoutModelImpl.toModel(LayoutSoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model.impl that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> LayoutImpl.getAllChildren()
 List<Layout> LayoutImpl.getAncestors()
 List<Layout> LayoutImpl.getChildren()
 List<Layout> LayoutImpl.getChildren(PermissionChecker permissionChecker)
static List<Layout> LayoutModelImpl.toModels(LayoutSoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model.impl with parameters of type Layout
 int LayoutModelImpl.compareTo(Layout layout)
 boolean LayoutImpl.isChildSelected(boolean selectable, Layout layout)
 boolean LayoutImpl.isSelected(boolean selectable, Layout layout, long ancestorPlid)
 void LayoutTypeImpl.setLayout(Layout layout)

Constructors in com.liferay.portal.model.impl with parameters of type Layout
LayoutTypeImpl(Layout layout)
LayoutTypePortletImpl(Layout layout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.service

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service that return Layout
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutService.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutService.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.createLayout(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.createLayout(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.createLayout(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getDLFolderLayout(long dlFolderId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getDLFolderLayout(long dlFolderId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.getDLFolderLayout(long dlFolderId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getFriendlyURLLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getFriendlyURLLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.getFriendlyURLLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayout(long plid)
          Gets the layout with the primary key.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayout(long plid)
          Gets the layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.getLayout(long plid)
          Gets the layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.getLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayoutByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.getLayoutByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the layout with the UUID and group id.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the layout with the UUID and group id.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the layout with the UUID and group id.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateFriendlyURL(long plid, String friendlyURL)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateFriendlyURL(long plid, String friendlyURL)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateFriendlyURL(long plid, String friendlyURL)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutService.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutService.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
 Layout LayoutService.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
 Layout LayoutService.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutService.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutService.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
 Layout LayoutService.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
 Layout LayoutService.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
 Layout LayoutService.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
 Layout LayoutServiceWrapper.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)
static Layout LayoutServiceUtil.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)
 Layout LayoutService.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayouts(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the layouts.
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long[] layoutIds)
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long[] layoutIds)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long[] layoutIds)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.getNullFriendlyURLLayouts()
static List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getNullFriendlyURLLayouts()
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalService.getNullFriendlyURLLayouts()

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service with parameters of type Layout
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
 void LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.deleteLayout(Layout layout)
          Deletes the layout from the database.
static void LayoutLocalServiceUtil.deleteLayout(Layout layout)
          Deletes the layout from the database.
 void LayoutLocalService.deleteLayout(Layout layout)
          Deletes the layout from the database.
 void LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.deleteLayout(Layout layout, boolean updateLayoutSet)
static void LayoutLocalServiceUtil.deleteLayout(Layout layout, boolean updateLayoutSet)
 void LayoutLocalService.deleteLayout(Layout layout, boolean updateLayoutSet)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceWrapper.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)
static Layout LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalService.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.service.base

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.base that return Layout
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.createLayout(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.getLayout(long plid)
          Gets the layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the layout with the UUID and group id.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.base that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.getLayouts(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the layouts.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.base with parameters of type Layout
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.addLayout(Layout layout)
          Adds the layout to the database.
 void LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.deleteLayout(Layout layout)
          Deletes the layout from the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateLayout(Layout layout)
          Updates the layout in the database.
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateLayout(Layout layout, boolean merge)
          Updates the layout in the database.

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.service.http

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.http that return Layout
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.addLayout(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.addLayout(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateLayout(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateLayout(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateLayout(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateLookAndFeel(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateName(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateName(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long plid, String name, String languageId)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateParentLayoutId(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updateParentLayoutId(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long plid, long parentPlid)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updatePriority(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
static Layout LayoutServiceHttp.updatePriority(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long plid, int priority)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.http with parameters of type Layout
static JSONArray LayoutJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(Layout[] models)
static JSONArray LayoutJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(Layout[][] models)
static JSONObject LayoutJSONSerializer.toJSONObject(Layout model)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portal.service.http with type arguments of type Layout
static JSONArray LayoutJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(List<Layout> models)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.service.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.impl that return Layout
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.addLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, long dlFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.addLayout(long userId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, String name, String title, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getDLFolderLayout(long dlFolderId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getFriendlyURLLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayout(long plid)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayoutByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateFriendlyURL(long plid, String friendlyURL)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, Boolean iconImage, byte[] iconBytes, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap, String description, String type, boolean hidden, String friendlyURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateLayout(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String typeSettings)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateLookAndFeel(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String themeId, String colorSchemeId, String css, boolean wapTheme)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateName(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateName(long plid, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateParentLayoutId(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, long parentLayoutId)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateParentLayoutId(long plid, long parentPlid)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updatePriority(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, int priority)
 Layout LayoutServiceImpl.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updatePriority(long plid, int priority)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.impl that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long[] layoutIds)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
 List<Layout> LayoutLocalServiceImpl.getNullFriendlyURLLayouts()

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.impl with parameters of type Layout
 void LayoutLocalServiceImpl.deleteLayout(Layout layout, boolean updateLayoutSet)
protected  boolean LayoutLocalServiceImpl.isDescendant(Layout layout, long layoutId)
protected  void LayoutLocalServiceImpl.setLocalizedAttributes(Layout layout, Map<Locale,String> localeNamesMap, Map<Locale,String> localeTitlesMap)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updateName(Layout layout, String name, String languageId)
 Layout LayoutLocalServiceImpl.updatePriority(Layout layout, int priority)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.service.permission

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.permission with parameters of type Layout
static void LayoutPermissionUtil.check(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, String actionId)
 void LayoutPermission.check(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, String actionId)
 void LayoutPermissionImpl.check(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, String actionId)
static boolean LayoutPermissionUtil.contains(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, String actionId)
 boolean LayoutPermission.contains(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, String actionId)
 boolean LayoutPermissionImpl.contains(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, Layout layout, String actionId)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence that return Layout
static Layout LayoutUtil.create(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.create(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.create(long plid)
          Creates a new layout with the primary key.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByIconImageId(long iconImageId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByIconImageId(long iconImageId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByIconImageId(long iconImageId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByPrimaryKey(long plid)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(long plid)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(long plid)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static Layout[] LayoutUtil.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long plid, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistence.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long plid, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long plid, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByDLFolderId(long dlFolderId)
          Finds the layout where dlFolderId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_F(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String friendlyURL)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and friendlyURL = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_L(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long layoutId)
          Finds the layout where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and layoutId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_P_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_P_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_P_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_P_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_P_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_P_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
static Layout[] LayoutUtil.findByG_P_P_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_P_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_P_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
static Layout[] LayoutUtil.findByG_P_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_T_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_T_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_T_First(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByG_P_T_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_T_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_T_Last(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
static Layout[] LayoutUtil.findByG_P_T_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_T_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_T_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static Layout[] LayoutUtil.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistence.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long plid, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
          Finds the layout where iconImageId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByPrimaryKey(long plid)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(long plid)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(long plid)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Finds the layout with the primary key or throws a NoSuchModelException if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByUuid_First(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByUuid_First(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUuid_First(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the layout where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchLayoutException if it could not be found.
static Layout LayoutUtil.findByUuid_Last(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.findByUuid_Last(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUuid_Last(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static Layout[] LayoutUtil.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long plid, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistence.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long plid, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 Layout[] LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long plid, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the layouts before and after the current layout in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByG_P_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByG_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByG_P_T_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByGroupId_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByUuid_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static Layout LayoutUtil.remove(Layout layout)
static Layout LayoutUtil.remove(long plid)
          Removes the layout with the primary key from the database.
 Layout LayoutPersistence.remove(long plid)
          Removes the layout with the primary key from the database.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.remove(long plid)
          Removes the layout with the primary key from the database.
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.remove(Serializable primaryKey)
          Removes the layout with the primary key from the database.
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.removeImpl(Layout layout)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(Layout layout)
static Layout LayoutUtil.update(Layout layout, boolean merge)
static Layout LayoutUtil.update(Layout layout, boolean merge, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutUtil.updateImpl(Layout layout, boolean merge)
 Layout LayoutPersistence.updateImpl(Layout layout, boolean merge)
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.updateImpl(Layout layout, boolean merge)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence that return types with arguments of type Layout
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findAll()
          Finds all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findAll()
          Finds all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findAll()
          Finds all the layouts.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
          Finds all the layouts where companyId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
          Finds all the layouts where companyId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
          Finds all the layouts where companyId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where companyId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where companyId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where companyId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where companyId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where companyId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where companyId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and parentLayoutId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P_T(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ? and type = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P(long groupId, boolean privateLayout, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ? and privateLayout = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Finds all the layouts where groupId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where groupId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where groupId = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutFinderUtil.findByNullFriendlyURL()
 List<Layout> LayoutFinder.findByNullFriendlyURL()
 List<Layout> LayoutFinderImpl.findByNullFriendlyURL()
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByUuid(String uuid)
          Finds all the layouts where uuid = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByUuid(String uuid)
          Finds all the layouts where uuid = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUuid(String uuid)
          Finds all the layouts where uuid = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where uuid = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where uuid = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the layouts where uuid = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where uuid = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistence.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where uuid = ?.
 List<Layout> LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the layouts where uuid = ?.
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
static List<Layout> LayoutUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence with parameters of type Layout
static void LayoutUtil.cacheResult(Layout layout)
          Caches the layout in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void LayoutPersistence.cacheResult(Layout layout)
          Caches the layout in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void LayoutPersistenceImpl.cacheResult(Layout layout)
          Caches the layout in the entity cache if it is enabled.
static void LayoutUtil.clearCache(Layout layout)
 void LayoutPersistenceImpl.clearCache(Layout layout)
          Clears the cache for the layout.
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByG_P_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, long parentLayoutId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByG_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByG_P_T_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, boolean privateLayout, String type, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByGroupId_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.getByUuid_PrevAndNext(Session session, Layout layout, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static Layout LayoutUtil.remove(Layout layout)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.removeImpl(Layout layout)
protected  Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(Layout layout)
static Layout LayoutUtil.update(Layout layout, boolean merge)
static Layout LayoutUtil.update(Layout layout, boolean merge, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static Layout LayoutUtil.updateImpl(Layout layout, boolean merge)
 Layout LayoutPersistence.updateImpl(Layout layout, boolean merge)
 Layout LayoutPersistenceImpl.updateImpl(Layout layout, boolean merge)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence with type arguments of type Layout
static void LayoutUtil.cacheResult(List<Layout> layouts)
          Caches the layouts in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void LayoutPersistence.cacheResult(List<Layout> layouts)
          Caches the layouts in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void LayoutPersistenceImpl.cacheResult(List<Layout> layouts)
          Caches the layouts in the entity cache if it is enabled.

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.staging

Methods in com.liferay.portal.staging that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> StagingImpl.getMissingParents(Layout layout, long liveGroupId)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.staging with parameters of type Layout
 List<Layout> StagingImpl.getMissingParents(Layout layout, long liveGroupId)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.theme

Methods in com.liferay.portal.theme that return Layout
 Layout ThemeDisplay.getLayout()
 Layout NavItem.getLayout()

Methods in com.liferay.portal.theme that return types with arguments of type Layout
 List<Layout> ThemeDisplay.getLayouts()

Methods in com.liferay.portal.theme with parameters of type Layout
static NavItem NavItem.fromLayout(RequestVars vars, Layout layout)
 void ThemeDisplay.setLayout(Layout layout)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portal.theme with type arguments of type Layout
static List<NavItem> NavItem.fromLayouts(RequestVars vars, List<Layout> layouts)
 void ThemeDisplay.setLayouts(List<Layout> layouts)

Constructors in com.liferay.portal.theme with parameters of type Layout
NavItem(RequestVars vars, Layout layout)

Uses of Layout in

Methods in that return Layout
 Layout DataFactory.addLayout(int layoutId, String name, String friendlyURL, String column1, String column2)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Layout
 void SampleSQLBuilder.insertGroup(Group group, List<Layout> privateLayouts, List<Layout> publicLayouts)
 void SampleSQLBuilder.insertGroup(Group group, List<Layout> privateLayouts, List<Layout> publicLayouts)
 void SampleSQLBuilder.insertUser(Contact contact, Group group, List<Long> groupIds, List<Long> organizationIds, List<Layout> privateLayouts, List<Layout> publicLayouts, List<Role> roleIds, User user)
 void SampleSQLBuilder.insertUser(Contact contact, Group group, List<Long> groupIds, List<Long> organizationIds, List<Layout> privateLayouts, List<Layout> publicLayouts, List<Role> roleIds, User user)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.util

Methods in com.liferay.portal.util with parameters of type Layout
protected  void PortalImpl.addDefaultResource(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Layout layout, Portlet portlet, boolean portletActions)
static String PortalUtil.addPreservedParameters(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Layout layout, String url, boolean doAsUser)
          Adds preserved parameters such as doAsGroupId, doAsUserId, doAsUserLanguageId, and referrerPlid that should always be preserved as the user navigates through the portal.
 String Portal.addPreservedParameters(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Layout layout, String url, boolean doAsUser)
          Adds preserved parameters such as doAsGroupId, doAsUserId, doAsUserLanguageId, and referrerPlid that should always be preserved as the user navigates through the portal.
 String PortalImpl.addPreservedParameters(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Layout layout, String url, boolean doAsUser)
static LayoutSettings LayoutSettings.getInstance(Layout layout)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutActualURL(Layout layout)
 String Portal.getLayoutActualURL(Layout layout)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutActualURL(Layout layout)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutActualURL(Layout layout, String mainPath)
 String Portal.getLayoutActualURL(Layout layout, String mainPath)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutActualURL(Layout layout, String mainPath)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutEditPage(Layout layout)
 String Portal.getLayoutEditPage(Layout layout)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutEditPage(Layout layout)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
 String Portal.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Locale locale)
 String Portal.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Locale locale)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, Locale locale)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutFullURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
 String Portal.getLayoutFullURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutFullURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutFullURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, boolean doAsUser)
 String Portal.getLayoutFullURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, boolean doAsUser)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutFullURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, boolean doAsUser)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutTarget(Layout layout)
 String Portal.getLayoutTarget(Layout layout)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutTarget(Layout layout)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
 String Portal.getLayoutURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, boolean doAsUser)
 String Portal.getLayoutURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, boolean doAsUser)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutURL(Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, boolean doAsUser)
static String PortalUtil.getLayoutViewPage(Layout layout)
 String Portal.getLayoutViewPage(Layout layout)
 String PortalImpl.getLayoutViewPage(Layout layout)
static long PortalUtil.getScopeGroupId(Layout layout)
 long Portal.getScopeGroupId(Layout layout)
 long PortalImpl.getScopeGroupId(Layout layout)
static long PortalUtil.getScopeGroupId(Layout layout, String portletId)
 long Portal.getScopeGroupId(Layout layout, String portletId)
 long PortalImpl.getScopeGroupId(Layout layout, String portletId)
static boolean PortalUtil.isLayoutFirstPageable(Layout layout)
 boolean Portal.isLayoutFirstPageable(Layout layout)
 boolean PortalImpl.isLayoutFirstPageable(Layout layout)
static boolean PortalUtil.isLayoutFriendliable(Layout layout)
 boolean Portal.isLayoutFriendliable(Layout layout)
 boolean PortalImpl.isLayoutFriendliable(Layout layout)
static boolean PortalUtil.isLayoutParentable(Layout layout)
 boolean Portal.isLayoutParentable(Layout layout)
 boolean PortalImpl.isLayoutParentable(Layout layout)
static boolean PortalUtil.isLayoutSitemapable(Layout layout)
 boolean Portal.isLayoutSitemapable(Layout layout)
 boolean PortalImpl.isLayoutSitemapable(Layout layout)
static PortletMode PortalUtil.updatePortletMode(String portletId, User user, Layout layout, PortletMode portletMode, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 PortletMode Portal.updatePortletMode(String portletId, User user, Layout layout, PortletMode portletMode, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 PortletMode PortalImpl.updatePortletMode(String portletId, User user, Layout layout, PortletMode portletMode, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
static WindowState PortalUtil.updateWindowState(String portletId, User user, Layout layout, WindowState windowState, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 WindowState Portal.updateWindowState(String portletId, User user, Layout layout, WindowState windowState, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 WindowState PortalImpl.updateWindowState(String portletId, User user, Layout layout, WindowState windowState, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portal.util.comparator

Constructors in com.liferay.portal.util.comparator with parameters of type Layout
LayoutPriorityComparator(Layout layout, boolean lessThan)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portlet

Methods in com.liferay.portlet that return Layout
 Layout StateAwareResponseImpl.getLayout()
 Layout PortletURLImpl.getLayout()

Methods in com.liferay.portlet with parameters of type Layout
static ActionResponseImpl ActionResponseFactory.create(ActionRequestImpl actionRequestImpl, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String portletName, User user, Layout layout, WindowState windowState, PortletMode portletMode)
static EventResponseImpl EventResponseFactory.create(EventRequestImpl eventRequestImpl, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String portletName, User user, Layout layout)
static PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactoryUtil.getLayoutPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId)
 PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactory.getLayoutPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId)
 PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactoryImpl.getLayoutPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId)
static PortletPreferencesIds PortletPreferencesFactoryUtil.getPortletPreferencesIds(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Layout selLayout, String portletId)
 PortletPreferencesIds PortletPreferencesFactory.getPortletPreferencesIds(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Layout selLayout, String portletId)
 PortletPreferencesIds PortletPreferencesFactoryImpl.getPortletPreferencesIds(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Layout selLayout, String portletId)
static PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactoryUtil.getPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId, String defaultPreferences)
 PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactory.getPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId, String defaultPreferences)
 PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactoryImpl.getPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId, String defaultPreferences)
protected  PortletPreferences PortletPreferencesFactoryImpl.getPortletSetup(long scopeGroupId, Layout layout, String portletId, String defaultPreferences)
protected  void EventResponseImpl.init(PortletRequestImpl portletRequestImpl, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String portletName, User user, Layout layout)
protected  void StateAwareResponseImpl.init(PortletRequestImpl portletRequestImpl, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String portletName, User user, Layout layout, WindowState windowState, PortletMode portletMode)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portlet.assetpublisher.util

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.assetpublisher.util with parameters of type Layout
static long[] AssetPublisherUtil.getGroupIds(PortletPreferences preferences, long scopeGroupId, Layout layout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portlet.communities.action

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.communities.action that return types with arguments of type Layout
protected  List<Layout> GetLayoutsAction.getLayouts(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.communities.action with parameters of type Layout
static void ActionUtil.copyPreferences(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Layout targetLayout, Layout sourceLayout)
static void ActionUtil.copyPreferences(PortletRequest portletRequest, Layout targetLayout, Layout sourceLayout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portlet.journal.action

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.action with parameters of type Layout
protected  String RSSAction.exportToRSS(ResourceRequest resourceRequest, ResourceResponse resourceResponse, JournalFeed feed, String languageId, Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
protected  String RSSAction.getEntryURL(ResourceRequest resourceRequest, JournalFeed feed, JournalArticle article, Layout layout, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portlet.myplaces.action

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.myplaces.action that return types with arguments of type Layout
protected  List<Layout> ViewAction.getLayouts(long groupId, boolean privateLayout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.portlet.nestedportlets.action

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.nestedportlets.action with parameters of type Layout
protected  void ViewAction.checkLayout(Layout layout, Collection<String> columnIds)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.taglib.theme

Methods in com.liferay.taglib.theme with parameters of type Layout
static void LayoutIconTag.doTag(Layout layout, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
static void LayoutIconTag.doTag(String page, Layout layout, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
 void LayoutIconTag.setLayout(Layout layout)
static void LayoutIconTag.setRequestAttributes(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Layout layout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.taglib.ui

Methods in com.liferay.taglib.ui with parameters of type Layout
 void BreadcrumbTag.setSelLayout(Layout selLayout)

Uses of Layout in com.liferay.taglib.util

Methods in com.liferay.taglib.util with parameters of type Layout
 void VelocityTaglib.layoutIcon(Layout layout)

Liferay 6.0.5