Liferay 6.0.5

Package com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model

Interface Summary
AnnouncementsDelivery The model interface for the AnnouncementsDelivery service.
AnnouncementsDeliveryModel The base model interface for the AnnouncementsDelivery service.
AnnouncementsEntry The model interface for the AnnouncementsEntry service.
AnnouncementsEntryModel The base model interface for the AnnouncementsEntry service.
AnnouncementsFlag The model interface for the AnnouncementsFlag service.
AnnouncementsFlagModel The base model interface for the AnnouncementsFlag service.

Class Summary
AnnouncementsDeliverySoap This class is used by AnnouncementsDeliveryServiceSoap.
AnnouncementsDeliveryWrapper This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsDelivery.
AnnouncementsEntrySoap This class is used by AnnouncementsEntryServiceSoap.
AnnouncementsEntryWrapper This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsEntry.
AnnouncementsFlagSoap This class is used by AnnouncementsFlagServiceSoap.
AnnouncementsFlagWrapper This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsFlag.

Liferay 6.0.5