Liferay 6.0.5

Interface DLFileRankPersistence

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DLFileRankPersistence
extends BasePersistence<DLFileRank>

The persistence interface for the d l file rank service.

Never modify or reference this interface directly. Always use DLFileRankUtil to access the d l file rank persistence. Modify service.xml and rerun ServiceBuilder to regenerate this interface.

Caching information and settings can be found in

See Also:
DLFileRankPersistenceImpl, DLFileRankUtil
ServiceBuilder generated this class. Modifications in this class will be overwritten the next time is generated.

Method Summary
 void cacheResult(DLFileRank dlFileRank)
          Caches the d l file rank in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void cacheResult(List<DLFileRank> dlFileRanks)
          Caches the d l file ranks in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 int countAll()
          Counts all the d l file ranks.
 int countByC_U_F_N(long companyId, long userId, long folderId, String name)
          Counts all the d l file ranks where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ?.
 int countByF_N(long folderId, String name)
          Counts all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 int countByG_U(long groupId, long userId)
          Counts all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 int countByUserId(long userId)
          Counts all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.
 DLFileRank create(long fileRankId)
          Creates a new d l file rank with the primary key.
 DLFileRank fetchByC_U_F_N(long companyId, long userId, long folderId, String name)
          Finds the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 DLFileRank fetchByC_U_F_N(long companyId, long userId, long folderId, String name, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 DLFileRank fetchByPrimaryKey(long fileRankId)
          Finds the d l file rank with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 List<DLFileRank> findAll()
          Finds all the d l file ranks.
 List<DLFileRank> findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the d l file ranks.
 List<DLFileRank> findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks.
 DLFileRank findByC_U_F_N(long companyId, long userId, long folderId, String name)
          Finds the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? or throws a NoSuchFileRankException if it could not be found.
 DLFileRank findByF_N_First(long folderId, String name, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first d l file rank in the ordered set where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 DLFileRank findByF_N_Last(long folderId, String name, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last d l file rank in the ordered set where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 DLFileRank[] findByF_N_PrevAndNext(long fileRankId, long folderId, String name, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the d l file ranks before and after the current d l file rank in the ordered set where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByF_N(long folderId, String name)
          Finds all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByF_N(long folderId, String name, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByF_N(long folderId, String name, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.
 DLFileRank findByG_U_First(long groupId, long userId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first d l file rank in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 DLFileRank findByG_U_Last(long groupId, long userId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last d l file rank in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 DLFileRank[] findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long fileRankId, long groupId, long userId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the d l file ranks before and after the current d l file rank in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByG_U(long groupId, long userId)
          Finds all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByG_U(long groupId, long userId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByG_U(long groupId, long userId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
 DLFileRank findByPrimaryKey(long fileRankId)
          Finds the d l file rank with the primary key or throws a NoSuchFileRankException if it could not be found.
 DLFileRank findByUserId_First(long userId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first d l file rank in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 DLFileRank findByUserId_Last(long userId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last d l file rank in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 DLFileRank[] findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long fileRankId, long userId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the d l file ranks before and after the current d l file rank in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByUserId(long userId)
          Finds all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByUserId(long userId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.
 List<DLFileRank> findByUserId(long userId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.
 DLFileRank remove(long fileRankId)
          Removes the d l file rank with the primary key from the database.
 void removeAll()
          Removes all the d l file ranks from the database.
 void removeByC_U_F_N(long companyId, long userId, long folderId, String name)
          Removes the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? from the database.
 void removeByF_N(long folderId, String name)
          Removes all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ? from the database.
 void removeByG_U(long groupId, long userId)
          Removes all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ? from the database.
 void removeByUserId(long userId)
          Removes all the d l file ranks where userId = ? from the database.
 DLFileRank updateImpl(DLFileRank dlFileRank, boolean merge)
Methods inherited from interface com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.BasePersistence
clearCache, clearCache, countWithDynamicQuery, fetchByPrimaryKey, findByPrimaryKey, findWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, getDataSource, getListeners, registerListener, remove, remove, setDataSource, unregisterListener, update, update

Method Detail


void cacheResult(DLFileRank dlFileRank)
Caches the d l file rank in the entity cache if it is enabled.

dlFileRank - the d l file rank to cache


void cacheResult(List<DLFileRank> dlFileRanks)
Caches the d l file ranks in the entity cache if it is enabled.

dlFileRanks - the d l file ranks to cache


DLFileRank create(long fileRankId)
Creates a new d l file rank with the primary key. Does not add the d l file rank to the database.

fileRankId - the primary key for the new d l file rank
the new d l file rank


DLFileRank remove(long fileRankId)
                  throws SystemException,
Removes the d l file rank with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

fileRankId - the primary key of the d l file rank to remove
the d l file rank that was removed
NoSuchFileRankException - if a d l file rank with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank updateImpl(DLFileRank dlFileRank,
                      boolean merge)
                      throws SystemException


DLFileRank findByPrimaryKey(long fileRankId)
                            throws SystemException,
Finds the d l file rank with the primary key or throws a NoSuchFileRankException if it could not be found.

fileRankId - the primary key of the d l file rank to find
the d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a d l file rank with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank fetchByPrimaryKey(long fileRankId)
                             throws SystemException
Finds the d l file rank with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.

fileRankId - the primary key of the d l file rank to find
the d l file rank, or null if a d l file rank with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByUserId(long userId)
                              throws SystemException
Finds all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.

userId - the user id to search with
the matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByUserId(long userId,
                              int start,
                              int end)
                              throws SystemException
Finds a range of all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

userId - the user id to search with
start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByUserId(long userId,
                              int start,
                              int end,
                              OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                              throws SystemException
Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

userId - the user id to search with
start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by
the ordered range of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByUserId_First(long userId,
                              OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                              throws SystemException,
Finds the first d l file rank in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

userId - the user id to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the first matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByUserId_Last(long userId,
                             OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                             throws SystemException,
Finds the last d l file rank in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

userId - the user id to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the last matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank[] findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long fileRankId,
                                      long userId,
                                      OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                      throws SystemException,
Finds the d l file ranks before and after the current d l file rank in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

fileRankId - the primary key of the current d l file rank
userId - the user id to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the previous, current, and next d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a d l file rank with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByG_U(long groupId,
                           long userId)
                           throws SystemException
Finds all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
the matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByG_U(long groupId,
                           long userId,
                           int start,
                           int end)
                           throws SystemException
Finds a range of all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByG_U(long groupId,
                           long userId,
                           int start,
                           int end,
                           OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                           throws SystemException
Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by
the ordered range of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByG_U_First(long groupId,
                           long userId,
                           OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                           throws SystemException,
Finds the first d l file rank in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the first matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByG_U_Last(long groupId,
                          long userId,
                          OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                          throws SystemException,
Finds the last d l file rank in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the last matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank[] findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long fileRankId,
                                   long groupId,
                                   long userId,
                                   OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                   throws SystemException,
Finds the d l file ranks before and after the current d l file rank in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

fileRankId - the primary key of the current d l file rank
groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the previous, current, and next d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a d l file rank with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByF_N(long folderId,
                           String name)
                           throws SystemException
Finds all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
the matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByF_N(long folderId,
                           String name,
                           int start,
                           int end)
                           throws SystemException
Finds a range of all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findByF_N(long folderId,
                           String name,
                           int start,
                           int end,
                           OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                           throws SystemException
Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by
the ordered range of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByF_N_First(long folderId,
                           String name,
                           OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                           throws SystemException,
Finds the first d l file rank in the ordered set where folderId = ? and name = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the first matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByF_N_Last(long folderId,
                          String name,
                          OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                          throws SystemException,
Finds the last d l file rank in the ordered set where folderId = ? and name = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the last matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank[] findByF_N_PrevAndNext(long fileRankId,
                                   long folderId,
                                   String name,
                                   OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                   throws SystemException,
Finds the d l file ranks before and after the current d l file rank in the ordered set where folderId = ? and name = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

fileRankId - the primary key of the current d l file rank
folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by
the previous, current, and next d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a d l file rank with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank findByC_U_F_N(long companyId,
                         long userId,
                         long folderId,
                         String name)
                         throws SystemException,
Finds the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? or throws a NoSuchFileRankException if it could not be found.

companyId - the company id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
the matching d l file rank
NoSuchFileRankException - if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank fetchByC_U_F_N(long companyId,
                          long userId,
                          long folderId,
                          String name)
                          throws SystemException
Finds the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? or returns null if it could not be found. Uses the finder cache.

companyId - the company id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
the matching d l file rank, or null if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


DLFileRank fetchByC_U_F_N(long companyId,
                          long userId,
                          long folderId,
                          String name,
                          boolean retrieveFromCache)
                          throws SystemException
Finds the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.

companyId - the company id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
the matching d l file rank, or null if a matching d l file rank could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findAll()
                         throws SystemException
Finds all the d l file ranks.

the d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findAll(int start,
                         int end)
                         throws SystemException
Finds a range of all the d l file ranks.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
the range of d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


List<DLFileRank> findAll(int start,
                         int end,
                         OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                         throws SystemException
Finds an ordered range of all the d l file ranks.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

start - the lower bound of the range of d l file ranks to return
end - the upper bound of the range of d l file ranks to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by
the ordered range of d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


void removeByUserId(long userId)
                    throws SystemException
Removes all the d l file ranks where userId = ? from the database.

userId - the user id to search with
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


void removeByG_U(long groupId,
                 long userId)
                 throws SystemException
Removes all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ? from the database.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


void removeByF_N(long folderId,
                 String name)
                 throws SystemException
Removes all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ? from the database.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


void removeByC_U_F_N(long companyId,
                     long userId,
                     long folderId,
                     String name)
                     throws SystemException,
Removes the d l file rank where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ? from the database.

companyId - the company id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


void removeAll()
               throws SystemException
Removes all the d l file ranks from the database.

SystemException - if a system exception occurred


int countByUserId(long userId)
                  throws SystemException
Counts all the d l file ranks where userId = ?.

userId - the user id to search with
the number of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


int countByG_U(long groupId,
               long userId)
               throws SystemException
Counts all the d l file ranks where groupId = ? and userId = ?.

groupId - the group id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
the number of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


int countByF_N(long folderId,
               String name)
               throws SystemException
Counts all the d l file ranks where folderId = ? and name = ?.

folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
the number of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


int countByC_U_F_N(long companyId,
                   long userId,
                   long folderId,
                   String name)
                   throws SystemException
Counts all the d l file ranks where companyId = ? and userId = ? and folderId = ? and name = ?.

companyId - the company id to search with
userId - the user id to search with
folderId - the folder id to search with
name - the name to search with
the number of matching d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


int countAll()
             throws SystemException
Counts all the d l file ranks.

the number of d l file ranks
SystemException - if a system exception occurred

Liferay 6.0.5