Liferay 6.0.5


Interface Summary
ShoppingCartPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping cart service.
ShoppingCategoryPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping category service.
ShoppingCouponPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping coupon service.
ShoppingItemFieldPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping item field service.
ShoppingItemPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping item service.
ShoppingItemPricePersistence The persistence interface for the shopping item price service.
ShoppingOrderItemPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping order item service.
ShoppingOrderPersistence The persistence interface for the shopping order service.

Class Summary
ShoppingCartPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping cart service.
ShoppingCartUtil The persistence utility for the shopping cart service.
ShoppingCategoryPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping category service.
ShoppingCategoryUtil The persistence utility for the shopping category service.
ShoppingCouponPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping coupon service.
ShoppingCouponUtil The persistence utility for the shopping coupon service.
ShoppingItemFieldPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping item field service.
ShoppingItemFieldUtil The persistence utility for the shopping item field service.
ShoppingItemPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping item service.
ShoppingItemPricePersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping item price service.
ShoppingItemPriceUtil The persistence utility for the shopping item price service.
ShoppingItemUtil The persistence utility for the shopping item service.
ShoppingOrderItemPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping order item service.
ShoppingOrderItemUtil The persistence utility for the shopping order item service.
ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the shopping order service.
ShoppingOrderUtil The persistence utility for the shopping order service.

Liferay 6.0.5