Liferay 6.0.5


Class Summary
SocialActivityInterpreterLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social activity interpreter local service.
SocialActivityLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social activity local service.
SocialEquityHistoryLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social equity history local service.
SocialEquityLogLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social equity log local service.
SocialEquitySettingLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social equity setting local service.
SocialEquityUserLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social equity user local service.
SocialRelationLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social relation local service.
SocialRequestInterpreterLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social request interpreter local service.
SocialRequestLocalServiceBaseImpl The base implementation of the social request local service.

Liferay 6.0.5