Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WikiPage   

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage DataFactory.addWikiPage(long groupId, long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, boolean head)

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 void SampleSQLBuilder.insertWikiPage(WikiNode wikiNode, WikiPage wikiPage)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
protected  WikiPage EditPageAction.updatePage(ActionRequest actionRequest)

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
protected  String EditPageAction.getSaveAndContinueRedirect(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse, WikiPage page, String redirect)

Uses of WikiPage in

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiPage
WikiPageAssetRenderer(WikiPage page)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 String WikiEngine.convert(WikiPage page, PortletURL portletURL)
          Convert the content of the given page to HTML using the portletURL to build links.
 String TextEngine.convert(WikiPage page, PortletURL portletURL)
 String HtmlEngine.convert(WikiPage page, PortletURL portletURL)
 Map<String,Boolean> WikiEngine.getOutgoingLinks(WikiPage page)
          Get a map with the links included in the given page.
 Map<String,Boolean> TextEngine.getOutgoingLinks(WikiPage page)
 Map<String,Boolean> HtmlEngine.getOutgoingLinks(WikiPage page)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
protected  String JSPWikiEngine.convert(WikiPage page)
 String JSPWikiEngine.convert(WikiPage page, PortletURL portletURL)
 Map<String,Boolean> JSPWikiEngine.getOutgoingLinks(WikiPage page)
static com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiPage LiferayPageProvider.toJSPWikiPage(WikiPage page, com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine engine)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
protected static void WikiPortletDataHandlerImpl.exportPage(PortletDataContext context, Element nodesElement, Element pagesElement, WikiPage page)
protected static String WikiPortletDataHandlerImpl.getPageAttachementBinPath(PortletDataContext context, WikiPage page, String attachment)
protected static String WikiPortletDataHandlerImpl.getPagePath(PortletDataContext context, WikiPage page)
static void WikiPortletDataHandlerImpl.importPage(PortletDataContext context, Element pageElement, WikiPage page)

Uses of WikiPage in

Classes in that implement WikiPage
 class WikiPageWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WikiPage.

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageWrapper.getParentPage()
 WikiPage WikiPage.getParentPage()
 WikiPage WikiPageWrapper.getRedirectPage()
 WikiPage WikiPage.getRedirectPage()
 WikiPage WikiPageWrapper.getWrappedWikiPage()
 WikiPage WikiPageWrapper.toEscapedModel()
 WikiPage WikiPageModel.toEscapedModel()
          Gets a copy of this wiki page as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageWrapper.getChildPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPage.getChildPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageWrapper.getParentPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPage.getParentPages()

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 int WikiPageWrapper.compareTo(WikiPage wikiPage)
 int WikiPageModel.compareTo(WikiPage wikiPage)
static WikiPageSoap WikiPageSoap.toSoapModel(WikiPage model)
static WikiPageSoap[] WikiPageSoap.toSoapModels(WikiPage[] models)
static WikiPageSoap[][] WikiPageSoap.toSoapModels(WikiPage[][] models)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type WikiPage
static WikiPageSoap[] WikiPageSoap.toSoapModels(List<WikiPage> models)

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiPage
WikiPageWrapper(WikiPage wikiPage)

Uses of WikiPage in

Classes in that implement WikiPage
 class WikiPageImpl

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageImpl.getParentPage()
 WikiPage WikiPageImpl.getRedirectPage()
 WikiPage WikiPageModelImpl.toEscapedModel()
static WikiPage WikiPageModelImpl.toModel(WikiPageSoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageImpl.getChildPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageImpl.getParentPages()
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageModelImpl.toModels(WikiPageSoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 int WikiPageModelImpl.compareTo(WikiPage wikiPage)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, boolean head, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, boolean head, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, boolean head, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.createWikiPage(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.createWikiPage(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.createWikiPage(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPage(long resourcePrimKey)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPage(long resourcePrimKey)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getPage(long resourcePrimKey)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPage(long resourcePrimKey, Boolean head)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPage(long resourcePrimKey, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getPage(long resourcePrimKey, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getWikiPage(long pageId)
          Gets the wiki page with the primary key.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getWikiPage(long pageId)
          Gets the wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getWikiPage(long pageId)
          Gets the wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getWikiPageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the wiki page with the UUID and group id.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getWikiPageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the wiki page with the UUID and group id.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.getWikiPageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the wiki page with the UUID and group id.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.revertPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.revertPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.revertPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.revertPage(long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.revertPage(long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.revertPage(long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updatePage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updatePage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updatePage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceWrapper.updatePage(long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceUtil.updatePage(long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageService.updatePage(long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateStatus(long userId, long resourcePrimKey, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(long userId, long resourcePrimKey, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateStatus(long userId, long resourcePrimKey, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getChildren(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getChildren(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getChildren(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getIncomingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getIncomingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getIncomingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getNoAssetPages()
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getNoAssetPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getNoAssetPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageServiceWrapper.getNodePages(long nodeId, int max)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageServiceUtil.getNodePages(long nodeId, int max)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageService.getNodePages(long nodeId, int max)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getOrphans(long nodeId)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getOrphans(long nodeId)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getOrphans(long nodeId)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getOutgoingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getOutgoingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getOutgoingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPages(String format)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPages(String format)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getPages(String format)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getRecentChanges(long nodeId, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getRecentChanges(long nodeId, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getRecentChanges(long nodeId, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getWikiPages(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the wiki pages.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getWikiPages(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalService.getWikiPages(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the wiki pages.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 void WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.addPageResources(WikiPage page, boolean addCommunityPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
static void WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.addPageResources(WikiPage page, boolean addCommunityPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
 void WikiPageLocalService.addPageResources(WikiPage page, boolean addCommunityPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
 void WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.addPageResources(WikiPage page, String[] communityPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
static void WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.addPageResources(WikiPage page, String[] communityPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
 void WikiPageLocalService.addPageResources(WikiPage page, String[] communityPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
 void WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.deletePage(WikiPage page)
static void WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.deletePage(WikiPage page)
 void WikiPageLocalService.deletePage(WikiPage page)
 void WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Deletes the wiki page from the database.
static void WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.deleteWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Deletes the wiki page from the database.
 void WikiPageLocalService.deleteWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Deletes the wiki page from the database.
 WikiPageDisplay WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.getPageDisplay(WikiPage page, PortletURL viewPageURL, PortletURL editPageURL, String attachmentURLPrefix)
static WikiPageDisplay WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.getPageDisplay(WikiPage page, PortletURL viewPageURL, PortletURL editPageURL, String attachmentURLPrefix)
 WikiPageDisplay WikiPageLocalService.getPageDisplay(WikiPage page, PortletURL viewPageURL, PortletURL editPageURL, String attachmentURLPrefix)
 void WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateAsset(long userId, WikiPage page, long[] assetCategoryIds, String[] assetTagNames)
static void WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateAsset(long userId, WikiPage page, long[] assetCategoryIds, String[] assetTagNames)
 void WikiPageLocalService.updateAsset(long userId, WikiPage page, long[] assetCategoryIds, String[] assetTagNames)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceWrapper.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceUtil.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalService.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.createWikiPage(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.getWikiPage(long pageId)
          Gets the wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.getWikiPageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Gets the wiki page with the UUID and group id.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.getWikiPages(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the wiki pages.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.addWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Adds the wiki page to the database.
 void WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.deleteWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Deletes the wiki page from the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateWikiPage(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
          Updates the wiki page in the database.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.addPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.addPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.getDraftPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.getPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.getPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.getPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title, double version)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.revertPage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageServiceHttp.updatePage(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageServiceHttp.getNodePages(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long nodeId, int max)

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
static JSONArray WikiPageJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(WikiPage[] models)
static JSONArray WikiPageJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(WikiPage[][] models)
static JSONObject WikiPageJSONSerializer.toJSONObject(WikiPage model)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type WikiPage
static JSONArray WikiPageJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(List<WikiPage> models)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, boolean head, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.addPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.addPage(long nodeId, String title, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getDraftPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPage(long resourcePrimKey)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPage(long resourcePrimKey, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPage(long nodeId, String title)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPage(long nodeId, String title, Boolean head)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPage(long nodeId, String title, double version)
protected  WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPreviousVersionPage(WikiPage page)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.revertPage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.revertPage(long nodeId, String title, double version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.updatePage(long userId, long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageServiceImpl.updatePage(long nodeId, String title, double version, String content, String summary, boolean minorEdit, String format, String parentTitle, String redirectTitle, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.updateStatus(long userId, long resourcePrimKey, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getChildren(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getIncomingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getNoAssetPages()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageServiceImpl.getNodePages(long nodeId, int max)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getOrphans(long nodeId)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getOutgoingLinks(long nodeId, String title)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPages(String format)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getRecentChanges(long nodeId, int start, int end)

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.addPageResources(WikiPage page, boolean addCommunityPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
 void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.addPageResources(WikiPage page, String[] communityPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
protected  void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.clearPageCache(WikiPage page)
protected  void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.clearReferralsCache(WikiPage page)
 void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.deletePage(WikiPage page)
protected  String WikiPageServiceImpl.getPageDiff(long companyId, WikiPage latestPage, WikiPage page, Locale locale)
 WikiPageDisplay WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPageDisplay(WikiPage page, PortletURL viewPageURL, PortletURL editPageURL, String attachmentURLPrefix)
protected  String WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getParentPageTitle(WikiPage page)
protected  WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.getPreviousVersionPage(WikiPage page)
protected  boolean WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.isLinkedTo(WikiPage page, String targetTitle)
protected  void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.notifySubscribers(WikiNode node, WikiPage page, ServiceContext serviceContext, boolean update)
 void WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.updateAsset(long userId, WikiPage page, long[] assetCategoryIds, String[] assetTagNames)
 WikiPage WikiPageLocalServiceImpl.updateStatus(long userId, WikiPage page, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type WikiPage
protected  String WikiPageServiceImpl.exportToRSS(long companyId, String name, String description, String type, double version, String displayStyle, String feedURL, String entryURL, List<WikiPage> pages, boolean diff, Locale locale)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
static void WikiPagePermission.check(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, WikiPage page, String actionId)
static boolean WikiPagePermission.contains(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, WikiPage page, String actionId)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.create(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.create(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.create(long pageId)
          Creates a new wiki page with the primary key.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByPrimaryKey(long pageId)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(long pageId)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(long pageId)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByFormat_First(String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByFormat_First(String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByFormat_First(String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByFormat_Last(String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByFormat_Last(String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByFormat_Last(String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByFormat_PrevAndNext(long pageId, String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByFormat_PrevAndNext(long pageId, String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByFormat_PrevAndNext(long pageId, String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where format = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_First(long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_First(long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_First(long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_First(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_First(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_First(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_S_First(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_S_First(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_S_First(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_S_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_S_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_S_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_S_First(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_S_First(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_S_First(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_S_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_S_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_S_Last(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_P_First(long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_P_First(long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_P_First(long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_P_Last(long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_P_Last(long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_P_Last(long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_P_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_P_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_P_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_R_First(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_R_First(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_R_First(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_R_Last(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_R_Last(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_R_Last(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_R_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_R_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_R_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_S_First(long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_S_First(long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_S_First(long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_S_Last(long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_S_Last(long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_S_Last(long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_First(long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_First(long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_First(long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_H_First(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_H_First(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_H_First(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_H_Last(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_H_Last(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_H_Last(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_H_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_H_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_H_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_Last(long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_Last(long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_Last(long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_S_First(long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_S_First(long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_S_First(long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_S_Last(long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_S_Last(long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_S_Last(long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_V(long nodeId, String title, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where nodeId = ? and title = ? and version = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByNodeId_First(long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByNodeId_First(long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByNodeId_First(long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByNodeId_Last(long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByNodeId_Last(long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByNodeId_Last(long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByNodeId_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByNodeId_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByNodeId_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where nodeId = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByPrimaryKey(long pageId)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByPrimaryKey(long pageId)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(long pageId)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Finds the wiki page with the primary key or throws a NoSuchModelException if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_First(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_First(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_First(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_Last(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_Last(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_Last(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_S_First(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_S_First(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_S_First(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_S_Last(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_S_Last(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_S_Last(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_V(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, double version)
          Finds the wiki page where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and version = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageFinderUtil.findByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey)
 WikiPage WikiPageFinder.findByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey)
 WikiPage WikiPageFinderImpl.findByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByU_N_S_First(long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByU_N_S_First(long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByU_N_S_First(long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByU_N_S_Last(long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByU_N_S_Last(long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByU_N_S_Last(long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByU_N_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByU_N_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByU_N_S_PrevAndNext(long pageId, long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByUuid_First(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByUuid_First(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUuid_First(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUUID_G(String uuid, long groupId)
          Finds the wiki page where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchPageException if it could not be found.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.findByUuid_Last(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.findByUuid_Last(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUuid_Last(String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static WikiPage[] WikiPageUtil.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long pageId, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistence.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long pageId, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 WikiPage[] WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long pageId, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the wiki pages before and after the current wiki page in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByFormat_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_P_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_R_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_T_H_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_T_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_T_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByNodeId_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByR_N_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByR_N_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByU_N_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByUuid_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.remove(long pageId)
          Removes the wiki page with the primary key from the database.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.remove(long pageId)
          Removes the wiki page with the primary key from the database.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.remove(long pageId)
          Removes the wiki page with the primary key from the database.
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.remove(Serializable primaryKey)
          Removes the wiki page with the primary key from the database.
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.remove(WikiPage wikiPage)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.removeImpl(WikiPage wikiPage)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(WikiPage wikiPage)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.update(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.update(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.updateImpl(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.updateImpl(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.updateImpl(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type WikiPage
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findAll()
          Finds all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findAll()
          Finds all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findAll()
          Finds all the wiki pages.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinderUtil.findByCreateDate(long nodeId, Date createDate, boolean before, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinder.findByCreateDate(long nodeId, Date createDate, boolean before, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinderImpl.findByCreateDate(long nodeId, Date createDate, boolean before, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinderUtil.findByCreateDate(long nodeId, Timestamp createDate, boolean before, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinder.findByCreateDate(long nodeId, Timestamp createDate, boolean before, int start, int end)
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinderImpl.findByCreateDate(long nodeId, Timestamp createDate, boolean before, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByFormat(String format)
          Finds all the wiki pages where format = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByFormat(String format)
          Finds all the wiki pages where format = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByFormat(String format)
          Finds all the wiki pages where format = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByFormat(String format, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where format = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByFormat(String format, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where format = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByFormat(String format, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where format = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByFormat(String format, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where format = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByFormat(String format, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where format = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByFormat(String format, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where format = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P_S(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_P(long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H_S(long nodeId, boolean head, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_H(long nodeId, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and head = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_P(long nodeId, String parentTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and parentTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_R(long nodeId, String redirectTitle, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and redirectTitle = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_S(long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_H(long nodeId, String title, boolean head, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and head = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T_S(long nodeId, String title, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByN_T(long nodeId, String title, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ? and title = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinderUtil.findByNoAssets()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinder.findByNoAssets()
 List<WikiPage> WikiPageFinderImpl.findByNoAssets()
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByNodeId(long nodeId)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByNodeId(long nodeId)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByNodeId(long nodeId)
          Finds all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByNodeId(long nodeId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByNodeId(long nodeId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByNodeId(long nodeId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByNodeId(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByNodeId(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByNodeId(long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where nodeId = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N_S(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId)
          Finds all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId)
          Finds all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId)
          Finds all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByR_N(long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where resourcePrimKey = ? and nodeId = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status)
          Finds all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByU_N_S(long userId, long nodeId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where userId = ? and nodeId = ? and status = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid)
          Finds all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid)
          Finds all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUuid(String uuid)
          Finds all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
 List<WikiPage> WikiPagePersistenceImpl.findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the wiki pages where uuid = ?.
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
static List<WikiPage> WikiPageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
static void WikiPageUtil.cacheResult(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Caches the wiki page in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void WikiPagePersistence.cacheResult(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Caches the wiki page in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void WikiPagePersistenceImpl.cacheResult(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Caches the wiki page in the entity cache if it is enabled.
static void WikiPageUtil.clearCache(WikiPage wikiPage)
 void WikiPagePersistenceImpl.clearCache(WikiPage wikiPage)
          Clears the cache for the wiki page.
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByFormat_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, String format, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_P_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, String parentTitle, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_H_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, boolean head, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_P_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String parentTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_R_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String redirectTitle, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_T_H_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String title, boolean head, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_T_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String title, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByN_T_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, String title, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByNodeId_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByR_N_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByR_N_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long resourcePrimKey, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByU_N_S_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, long userId, long nodeId, int status, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.getByUuid_PrevAndNext(Session session, WikiPage wikiPage, String uuid, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.remove(WikiPage wikiPage)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.removeImpl(WikiPage wikiPage)
protected  WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(WikiPage wikiPage)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.update(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.update(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static WikiPage WikiPageUtil.updateImpl(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistence.updateImpl(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)
 WikiPage WikiPagePersistenceImpl.updateImpl(WikiPage wikiPage, boolean merge)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type WikiPage
static void WikiPageUtil.cacheResult(List<WikiPage> wikiPages)
          Caches the wiki pages in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void WikiPagePersistence.cacheResult(List<WikiPage> wikiPages)
          Caches the wiki pages in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void WikiPagePersistenceImpl.cacheResult(List<WikiPage> wikiPages)
          Caches the wiki pages in the entity cache if it is enabled.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
static String WikiUtil.convert(WikiPage page, PortletURL viewPageURL, PortletURL editPageURL, String attachmentURLPrefix)
static String WikiUtil.diffHtml(WikiPage sourcePage, WikiPage targetPage, PortletURL viewPageURL, PortletURL editPageURL, String attachmentURLPrefix)
static Map<String,Boolean> WikiUtil.getLinks(WikiPage page)
static Map<String,Boolean> WikiCacheUtil.getOutgoingLinks(WikiPage page)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageWorkflowHandler.updateStatus(int status, Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext)

Liferay 6.0.5