Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3

Package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service

This package defines the document library portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.


Interface Summary
DLAppHelperLocalService The interface for the d l app helper local service.
DLAppLocalService The interface for the d l app local service.
DLAppService The interface for the d l app remote service.
DLContentLocalService The interface for the document library content local service.
DLFileEntryLocalService The interface for the document library file entry local service.
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService The interface for the document library file entry metadata local service.
DLFileEntryService The interface for the document library file entry remote service.
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService The interface for the document library file entry type local service.
DLFileEntryTypeService The interface for the document library file entry type remote service.
DLFileRankLocalService The interface for the document library file rank local service.
DLFileShortcutLocalService The interface for the document library file shortcut local service.
DLFileShortcutService The interface for the document library file shortcut remote service.
DLFileVersionLocalService The interface for the document library file version local service.
DLFileVersionService The interface for the document library file version remote service.
DLFolderLocalService The interface for the document library folder local service.
DLFolderService The interface for the document library folder remote service.
DLSyncLocalService The interface for the d l sync local service.
DLSyncService The interface for the d l sync remote service.

Class Summary
DLAppHelperLocalServiceUtil The utility for the d l app helper local service.
DLAppHelperLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLAppHelperLocalService.
DLAppLocalServiceUtil The utility for the d l app local service.
DLAppLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLAppLocalService.
DLAppServiceUtil The utility for the d l app remote service.
DLAppServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLAppService.
DLContentLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library content local service.
DLContentLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLContentLocalService.
DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library file entry local service.
DLFileEntryLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryLocalService.
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library file entry metadata local service.
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.
DLFileEntryServiceUtil The utility for the document library file entry remote service.
DLFileEntryServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryService.
DLFileEntryTypeLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library file entry type local service.
DLFileEntryTypeLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.
DLFileEntryTypeServiceUtil The utility for the document library file entry type remote service.
DLFileEntryTypeServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryTypeService.
DLFileRankLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library file rank local service.
DLFileRankLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileRankLocalService.
DLFileShortcutLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library file shortcut local service.
DLFileShortcutLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileShortcutLocalService.
DLFileShortcutServiceUtil The utility for the document library file shortcut remote service.
DLFileShortcutServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileShortcutService.
DLFileVersionLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library file version local service.
DLFileVersionLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileVersionLocalService.
DLFileVersionServiceUtil The utility for the document library file version remote service.
DLFileVersionServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFileVersionService.
DLFolderLocalServiceUtil The utility for the document library folder local service.
DLFolderLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFolderLocalService.
DLFolderServiceUtil The utility for the document library folder remote service.
DLFolderServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLFolderService.
DLSyncLocalServiceUtil The utility for the d l sync local service.
DLSyncLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLSyncLocalService.
DLSyncServiceUtil The utility for the d l sync remote service.
DLSyncServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for DLSyncService.

Package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service Description

This package defines the document library portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.

Some of the most significant classes that you may need to use are:



Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3