Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
DLAppHelperLocalService | The interface for the d l app helper local service. |
DLAppLocalService | The interface for the d l app local service. |
DLAppService | The interface for the d l app remote service. |
DLContentLocalService | The interface for the document library content local service. |
DLFileEntryLocalService | The interface for the document library file entry local service. |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService | The interface for the document library file entry metadata local service. |
DLFileEntryService | The interface for the document library file entry remote service. |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService | The interface for the document library file entry type local service. |
DLFileEntryTypeService | The interface for the document library file entry type remote service. |
DLFileRankLocalService | The interface for the document library file rank local service. |
DLFileShortcutLocalService | The interface for the document library file shortcut local service. |
DLFileShortcutService | The interface for the document library file shortcut remote service. |
DLFileVersionLocalService | The interface for the document library file version local service. |
DLFileVersionService | The interface for the document library file version remote service. |
DLFolderLocalService | The interface for the document library folder local service. |
DLFolderService | The interface for the document library folder remote service. |
DLSyncLocalService | The interface for the d l sync local service. |
DLSyncService | The interface for the d l sync remote service. |
Class Summary | |
DLAppHelperLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the d l app helper local service. |
DLAppHelperLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLAppHelperLocalService . |
DLAppLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the d l app local service. |
DLAppLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLAppLocalService . |
DLAppServiceUtil | The utility for the d l app remote service. |
DLAppServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLAppService . |
DLContentLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library content local service. |
DLContentLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLContentLocalService . |
DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file entry local service. |
DLFileEntryLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryLocalService . |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file entry metadata local service. |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService . |
DLFileEntryServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file entry remote service. |
DLFileEntryServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryService . |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file entry type local service. |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryTypeLocalService . |
DLFileEntryTypeServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file entry type remote service. |
DLFileEntryTypeServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryTypeService . |
DLFileRankLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file rank local service. |
DLFileRankLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileRankLocalService . |
DLFileShortcutLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file shortcut local service. |
DLFileShortcutLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileShortcutLocalService . |
DLFileShortcutServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file shortcut remote service. |
DLFileShortcutServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileShortcutService . |
DLFileVersionLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file version local service. |
DLFileVersionLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileVersionLocalService . |
DLFileVersionServiceUtil | The utility for the document library file version remote service. |
DLFileVersionServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFileVersionService . |
DLFolderLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the document library folder local service. |
DLFolderLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFolderLocalService . |
DLFolderServiceUtil | The utility for the document library folder remote service. |
DLFolderServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLFolderService . |
DLSyncLocalServiceUtil | The utility for the d l sync local service. |
DLSyncLocalServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLSyncLocalService . |
DLSyncServiceUtil | The utility for the d l sync remote service. |
DLSyncServiceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for DLSyncService . |
This package defines the document library portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
Some of the most significant classes that you may need to use are:
Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||