Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3

Package com.liferay.portlet.expando.service.persistence

Interface Summary
ExpandoColumnPersistence The persistence interface for the expando column service.
ExpandoRowPersistence The persistence interface for the expando row service.
ExpandoTablePersistence The persistence interface for the expando table service.
ExpandoValuePersistence The persistence interface for the expando value service.

Class Summary
ExpandoColumnPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the expando column service.
ExpandoColumnUtil The persistence utility for the expando column service.
ExpandoRowPersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the expando row service.
ExpandoRowUtil The persistence utility for the expando row service.
ExpandoTablePersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the expando table service.
ExpandoTableUtil The persistence utility for the expando table service.
ExpandoValuePersistenceImpl The persistence implementation for the expando value service.
ExpandoValueUtil The persistence utility for the expando value service.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3