Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3

Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.impl

Class Summary
MBBanBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBBan service.
MBBanCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBBan in entity cache.
MBBanModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBBan service.
MBCategoryBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBCategory service.
MBCategoryCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBCategory in entity cache.
MBCategoryModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBCategory service.
MBDiscussionBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBDiscussion service.
MBDiscussionCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBDiscussion in entity cache.
MBDiscussionModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBDiscussion service.
MBMailingListBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBMailingList service.
MBMailingListCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBMailingList in entity cache.
MBMailingListModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBMailingList service.
MBMessageBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBMessage service.
MBMessageCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBMessage in entity cache.
MBMessageModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBMessage service.
MBStatsUserBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBStatsUser service.
MBStatsUserCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBStatsUser in entity cache.
MBStatsUserModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBStatsUser service.
MBThreadBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBThread service.
MBThreadCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBThread in entity cache.
MBThreadFlagBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the MBThreadFlag service.
MBThreadFlagCacheModel The cache model class for representing MBThreadFlag in entity cache.
MBThreadFlagModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBThreadFlag service.
MBThreadModelImpl The base model implementation for the MBThread service.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3