Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3


Class Summary
ShoppingCartBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingCart service.
ShoppingCartCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingCart in entity cache.
ShoppingCartModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingCart service.
ShoppingCategoryBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingCategory service.
ShoppingCategoryCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingCategory in entity cache.
ShoppingCategoryModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingCategory service.
ShoppingCouponBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingCoupon service.
ShoppingCouponCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingCoupon in entity cache.
ShoppingCouponModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingCoupon service.
ShoppingItemBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingItem service.
ShoppingItemCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingItem in entity cache.
ShoppingItemFieldBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingItemField service.
ShoppingItemFieldCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingItemField in entity cache.
ShoppingItemFieldModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingItemField service.
ShoppingItemModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingItem service.
ShoppingItemPriceBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
ShoppingItemPriceCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingItemPrice in entity cache.
ShoppingItemPriceModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
ShoppingOrderBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingOrder service.
ShoppingOrderCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingOrder in entity cache.
ShoppingOrderItemBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
ShoppingOrderItemCacheModel The cache model class for representing ShoppingOrderItem in entity cache.
ShoppingOrderItemModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
ShoppingOrderModelImpl The base model implementation for the ShoppingOrder service.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3