Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3


Class Summary
ShoppingCategoryServiceHttp This class provides a HTTP utility for the ShoppingCategoryServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingCategoryServiceSoap This class provides a SOAP utility for the ShoppingCategoryServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingCouponServiceHttp This class provides a HTTP utility for the ShoppingCouponServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingCouponServiceSoap This class provides a SOAP utility for the ShoppingCouponServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingItemServiceHttp This class provides a HTTP utility for the ShoppingItemServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingItemServiceSoap This class provides a SOAP utility for the ShoppingItemServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingOrderServiceHttp This class provides a HTTP utility for the ShoppingOrderServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingOrderServiceSoap This class provides a SOAP utility for the ShoppingOrderServiceUtil service utility.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3