Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3


Class Summary
SocialActivityAchievementBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialActivityAchievement service.
SocialActivityAchievementCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialActivityAchievement in entity cache.
SocialActivityAchievementModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialActivityAchievement service.
SocialActivityBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialActivity service.
SocialActivityCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialActivity in entity cache.
SocialActivityCounterBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialActivityCounter service.
SocialActivityCounterCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialActivityCounter in entity cache.
SocialActivityCounterModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialActivityCounter service.
SocialActivityLimitBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialActivityLimit service.
SocialActivityLimitCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialActivityLimit in entity cache.
SocialActivityLimitModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialActivityLimit service.
SocialActivityModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialActivity service.
SocialActivitySettingBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialActivitySetting service.
SocialActivitySettingCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialActivitySetting in entity cache.
SocialActivitySettingModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialActivitySetting service.
SocialRelationBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialRelation service.
SocialRelationCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialRelation in entity cache.
SocialRelationModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialRelation service.
SocialRequestBaseImpl The extended model base implementation for the SocialRequest service.
SocialRequestCacheModel The cache model class for representing SocialRequest in entity cache.
SocialRequestModelImpl The base model implementation for the SocialRequest service.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3