Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3

Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model

Interface Summary
SCFrameworkVersion The extended model interface for the SCFrameworkVersion service.
SCFrameworkVersionModel The base model interface for the SCFrameworkVersion service.
SCLicense The extended model interface for the SCLicense service.
SCLicenseModel The base model interface for the SCLicense service.
SCProductEntry The extended model interface for the SCProductEntry service.
SCProductEntryModel The base model interface for the SCProductEntry service.
SCProductScreenshot The extended model interface for the SCProductScreenshot service.
SCProductScreenshotModel The base model interface for the SCProductScreenshot service.
SCProductVersion The extended model interface for the SCProductVersion service.
SCProductVersionModel The base model interface for the SCProductVersion service.

Class Summary
SCFrameworkVersionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically SCFrameworkVersionServiceSoap.
SCFrameworkVersionWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCFrameworkVersion.
SCLicenseSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically SCLicenseServiceSoap.
SCLicenseWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCLicense.
SCProductEntrySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically SCProductEntryServiceSoap.
SCProductEntryWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductEntry.
SCProductScreenshotSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
SCProductScreenshotWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductScreenshot.
SCProductVersionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically SCProductVersionServiceSoap.
SCProductVersionWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductVersion.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3