Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3


Interface Summary
ShoppingCartLocalService The interface for the shopping cart local service.
ShoppingCategoryLocalService The interface for the shopping category local service.
ShoppingCategoryService The interface for the shopping category remote service.
ShoppingCouponLocalService The interface for the shopping coupon local service.
ShoppingCouponService The interface for the shopping coupon remote service.
ShoppingItemFieldLocalService The interface for the shopping item field local service.
ShoppingItemLocalService The interface for the shopping item local service.
ShoppingItemPriceLocalService The interface for the shopping item price local service.
ShoppingItemService The interface for the shopping item remote service.
ShoppingOrderItemLocalService The interface for the shopping order item local service.
ShoppingOrderLocalService The interface for the shopping order local service.
ShoppingOrderService The interface for the shopping order remote service.

Class Summary
ShoppingCartLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping cart local service.
ShoppingCartLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCartLocalService.
ShoppingCategoryLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping category local service.
ShoppingCategoryLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCategoryLocalService.
ShoppingCategoryServiceUtil The utility for the shopping category remote service.
ShoppingCategoryServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCategoryService.
ShoppingCouponLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping coupon local service.
ShoppingCouponLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCouponLocalService.
ShoppingCouponServiceUtil The utility for the shopping coupon remote service.
ShoppingCouponServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCouponService.
ShoppingItemFieldLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping item field local service.
ShoppingItemFieldLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemFieldLocalService.
ShoppingItemLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping item local service.
ShoppingItemLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemLocalService.
ShoppingItemPriceLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping item price local service.
ShoppingItemPriceLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemPriceLocalService.
ShoppingItemServiceUtil The utility for the shopping item remote service.
ShoppingItemServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemService.
ShoppingOrderItemLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping order item local service.
ShoppingOrderItemLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrderItemLocalService.
ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil The utility for the shopping order local service.
ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrderLocalService.
ShoppingOrderServiceUtil The utility for the shopping order remote service.
ShoppingOrderServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrderService.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3