Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Package com.liferay.portlet.asset.model

Interface Summary
AssetCategory The extended model interface for the AssetCategory service.
AssetCategoryModel The base model interface for the AssetCategory service.
AssetCategoryProperty The extended model interface for the AssetCategoryProperty service.
AssetCategoryPropertyModel The base model interface for the AssetCategoryProperty service.
AssetEntry The extended model interface for the AssetEntry service.
AssetEntryModel The base model interface for the AssetEntry service.
AssetLink The extended model interface for the AssetLink service.
AssetLinkModel The base model interface for the AssetLink service.
AssetTag The extended model interface for the AssetTag service.
AssetTagModel The base model interface for the AssetTag service.
AssetTagProperty The extended model interface for the AssetTagProperty service.
AssetTagPropertyModel The base model interface for the AssetTagProperty service.
AssetTagStats The extended model interface for the AssetTagStats service.
AssetTagStatsModel The base model interface for the AssetTagStats service.
AssetVocabulary The extended model interface for the AssetVocabulary service.
AssetVocabularyModel The base model interface for the AssetVocabulary service.

Class Summary
AssetCategoryPropertySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AssetCategoryPropertyServiceSoap.
AssetCategoryPropertyWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetCategoryProperty.
AssetCategorySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AssetCategoryServiceSoap.
AssetCategoryWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetCategory.
AssetEntrySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AssetEntryServiceSoap.
AssetEntryWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetEntry.
AssetLinkSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
AssetLinkWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetLink.
AssetTagPropertySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AssetTagPropertyServiceSoap.
AssetTagPropertyWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetTagProperty.
AssetTagSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AssetTagServiceSoap.
AssetTagStatsSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
AssetTagStatsWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetTagStats.
AssetTagWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetTag.
AssetVocabularySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AssetVocabularyServiceSoap.
AssetVocabularyWrapper This class is a wrapper for AssetVocabulary.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5