Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Uses of Class

Packages that use JournalArticleSoap

Uses of JournalArticleSoap in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model that return JournalArticleSoap
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleSoap.toSoapModel(JournalArticle model)
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleSoap.toSoapModels(JournalArticle[] models)
static JournalArticleSoap[][] JournalArticleSoap.toSoapModels(JournalArticle[][] models)
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleSoap.toSoapModels(List<JournalArticle> models)

Uses of JournalArticleSoap in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl with parameters of type JournalArticleSoap
static JournalArticle JournalArticleModelImpl.toModel(JournalArticleSoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.
static List<JournalArticle> JournalArticleModelImpl.toModels(JournalArticleSoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Uses of JournalArticleSoap in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.http

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.http that return JournalArticleSoap
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.addArticle(long groupId, long folderId, long classNameId, long classPK, String articleId, boolean autoArticleId, String[] titleMapLanguageIds, String[] titleMapValues, String[] descriptionMapLanguageIds, String[] descriptionMapValues, String content, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, String layoutUuid, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, int expirationDateMonth, int expirationDateDay, int expirationDateYear, int expirationDateHour, int expirationDateMinute, boolean neverExpire, int reviewDateMonth, int reviewDateDay, int reviewDateYear, int reviewDateHour, int reviewDateMinute, boolean neverReview, boolean indexable, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Adds a web content article without any images.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.copyArticle(long groupId, String oldArticleId, String newArticleId, boolean autoArticleId, double version)
          Copies the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.expireArticle(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Expires the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.fetchArticle(long groupId, String articleId)
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticle(long id)
          Returns the web content article with the ID.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticle(long groupId, String articleId)
          Returns the latest approved web content article, or the latest unapproved article if none are approved.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticle(long groupId, String articleId, double version)
          Returns the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticle(long groupId, String className, long classPK)
          Returns the web content article matching the group, class name, and class PK.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle)
          Returns the latest web content article that is approved, or the latest unapproved article if none are approved.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticles(long groupId, long folderId)
          Returns all the web content articles matching the group and folder.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticles(long groupId, long folderId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group and folder.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticlesByArticleId(long groupId, String articleId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group and article ID.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticlesByLayoutUuid(long groupId, String layoutUuid)
          Returns all the web content articles matching the group and layout UUID.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticlesByStructureId(long groupId, long classNameId, String ddmStructureKey, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group, class name ID, DDM structure key, and workflow status.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getArticlesByStructureId(long groupId, String ddmStructureKey, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group, default class name ID, and DDM structure key.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getDisplayArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle)
          Returns the web content article matching the URL title that is currently displayed or next to be displayed if no article is currently displayed.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getGroupArticles(long groupId, long userId, long rootFolderId, int status, boolean includeOwner, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group, user, the root folder or any of its subfolders.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getGroupArticles(long groupId, long userId, long rootFolderId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group, user, the root folder or any of its subfolders.
static JournalArticleSoap[] JournalArticleServiceSoap.getGroupArticles(long groupId, long userId, long rootFolderId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group, user, the root folder or any of its subfolders.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey)
          Returns the latest web content article matching the resource primary key, preferring articles with approved workflow status.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getLatestArticle(long groupId, String articleId, int status)
          Returns the latest web content article matching the group, article ID, and workflow status.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.getLatestArticle(long groupId, String className, long classPK)
          Returns the latest web content article matching the group, class name ID, and class PK.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.moveArticleFromTrash(long groupId, long resourcePrimKey, long newFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Moves the web content article from the Recycle Bin to the folder.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.moveArticleFromTrash(long groupId, String articleId, long newFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Moves the web content article from the Recycle Bin to the folder.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.moveArticleToTrash(long groupId, String articleId)
          Moves the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID to the recycle bin.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.removeArticleLocale(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String languageId)
          Removes the web content of the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version, and language.
static JournalArticleSoap[] companyId, long groupId, Long[] folderIds, long classNameId, String keywords, Double version, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters, including a keywords parameter for matching with the article's ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure key parameter, and a DDM template key parameter.
static JournalArticleSoap[] companyId, long groupId, Long[] folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, Double version, String title, String description, String content, String type, String[] ddmStructureKeys, String[] ddmTemplateKeys, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters, including keyword parameters for article ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure keys (plural) parameter, a DDM template keys (plural) parameter, and an AND operator switch.
static JournalArticleSoap[] companyId, long groupId, Long[] folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, Double version, String title, String description, String content, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters, including keyword parameters for article ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure key parameter, a DDM template key parameter, and an AND operator switch.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.updateArticle(long userId, long groupId, long folderId, String articleId, double version, String[] titleMapLanguageIds, String[] titleMapValues, String[] descriptionMapLanguageIds, String[] descriptionMapValues, String content, String layoutUuid, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the web content article matching the version, replacing its folder, title, description, content, and layout UUID.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.updateArticle(long groupId, long folderId, String articleId, double version, String content, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the web content article matching the version, replacing its folder and content.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.updateContent(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String content)
          Updates the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version, replacing its content.
static JournalArticleSoap JournalArticleServiceSoap.updateStatus(long groupId, String articleId, double version, int status, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the workflow status of the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5