Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
MBBanPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards ban service. |
MBCategoryFinder | |
MBCategoryPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards category service. |
MBDiscussionPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards discussion service. |
MBMailingListPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards mailing list service. |
MBMessageFinder | |
MBMessagePersistence | The persistence interface for the message-boards message service. |
MBStatsUserPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards stats user service. |
MBThreadFinder | |
MBThreadFlagPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards thread flag service. |
MBThreadPersistence | The persistence interface for the message boards thread service. |
Class Summary | |
MBBanActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBBanExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBBanPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards ban service. |
MBBanUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards ban service. |
MBCategoryActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBCategoryExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBCategoryFinderImpl | |
MBCategoryFinderUtil | |
MBCategoryPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards category service. |
MBCategoryUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards category service. |
MBDiscussionActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBDiscussionExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBDiscussionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards discussion service. |
MBDiscussionUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards discussion service. |
MBMailingListActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBMailingListExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBMailingListPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards mailing list service. |
MBMailingListUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards mailing list service. |
MBMessageActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBMessageExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBMessageFinderImpl | |
MBMessageFinderUtil | |
MBMessagePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message-boards message service. |
MBMessageUtil | The persistence utility for the message-boards message service. |
MBStatsUserActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBStatsUserPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards stats user service. |
MBStatsUserUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards stats user service. |
MBThreadActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBThreadExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBThreadFinderImpl | |
MBThreadFinderUtil | |
MBThreadFlagActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBThreadFlagExportActionableDynamicQuery | |
MBThreadFlagPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards thread flag service. |
MBThreadFlagUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards thread flag service. |
MBThreadPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the message boards thread service. |
MBThreadUtil | The persistence utility for the message boards thread service. |
Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5 | |||||||||