Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5


Interface Summary
ShoppingCart The extended model interface for the ShoppingCart service.
ShoppingCartModel The base model interface for the ShoppingCart service.
ShoppingCategory The extended model interface for the ShoppingCategory service.
ShoppingCategoryModel The base model interface for the ShoppingCategory service.
ShoppingCoupon The extended model interface for the ShoppingCoupon service.
ShoppingCouponModel The base model interface for the ShoppingCoupon service.
ShoppingItem The extended model interface for the ShoppingItem service.
ShoppingItemField The extended model interface for the ShoppingItemField service.
ShoppingItemFieldModel The base model interface for the ShoppingItemField service.
ShoppingItemModel The base model interface for the ShoppingItem service.
ShoppingItemPrice The extended model interface for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
ShoppingItemPriceModel The base model interface for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
ShoppingOrder The extended model interface for the ShoppingOrder service.
ShoppingOrderItem The extended model interface for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
ShoppingOrderItemModel The base model interface for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
ShoppingOrderModel The base model interface for the ShoppingOrder service.

Class Summary
ShoppingCartSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ShoppingCartWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCart.
ShoppingCategorySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ShoppingCategoryServiceSoap.
ShoppingCategoryWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCategory.
ShoppingCouponSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ShoppingCouponServiceSoap.
ShoppingCouponWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCoupon.
ShoppingItemFieldSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ShoppingItemFieldWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemField.
ShoppingItemPriceSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ShoppingItemPriceWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemPrice.
ShoppingItemSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ShoppingItemServiceSoap.
ShoppingItemWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItem.
ShoppingOrderItemSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ShoppingOrderItemWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrderItem.
ShoppingOrderSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ShoppingOrderServiceSoap.
ShoppingOrderWrapper This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrder.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5