Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TrashEntry
com.liferay.portal.model This package defines the portal model interfaces, classes, utilities, wrappers, and annotated types. 

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portal.kernel.trash

Methods in com.liferay.portal.kernel.trash that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry BaseTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.kernel.trash with parameters of type TrashEntry
 void TrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)
          Checks if a duplicate trash entry already exists in the destination container.
 void BaseTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)
 boolean TrashHandler.isTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, ClassedModel classedModel)
 boolean BaseTrashHandler.isTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, ClassedModel classedModel)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portal.model

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashedModel.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry BlogsEntryWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this blogs entry was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry BlogsEntryModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this blogs entry was moved to the Recycle Bin.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry BlogsEntryModelImpl.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry BookmarksEntryModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this bookmarks entry was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry BookmarksFolderModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this bookmarks folder was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry BookmarksEntryWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this bookmarks entry was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry BookmarksFolderWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this bookmarks folder was moved to the Recycle Bin.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry BookmarksEntryModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry BookmarksFolderModelImpl.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.trash

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.trash that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry BookmarksFolderTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry BookmarksEntryTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry DLFileShortcutModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library file shortcut was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry DLFileEntryWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library file entry was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry DLFolderWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library folder was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry DLFolderModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library folder was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry DLFileEntryModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library file entry was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry DLFileShortcutWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library file shortcut was moved to the Recycle Bin.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry DLFileEntryModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry DLFolderModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry DLFileShortcutModelImpl.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.trash

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.trash that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry DLFileEntryTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry DLFolderTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry DLFileShortcutTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.trash with parameters of type TrashEntry
 void DLFileEntryTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)
 void DLFolderTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry JournalFolderWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this journal folder was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry JournalFolderModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this journal folder was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry JournalArticleWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this journal article was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry JournalArticleModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this journal article was moved to the Recycle Bin.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry JournalArticleModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry JournalFolderModelImpl.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.journal.trash

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.trash that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry JournalArticleTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry JournalFolderTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.trash with parameters of type TrashEntry
 void JournalArticleTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)
 void JournalFolderTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry MBThreadWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this message boards thread was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry MBThreadModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this message boards thread was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry MBMessageModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this message-boards message was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry MBCategoryWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this message boards category was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry MBCategoryModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this message boards category was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry MBMessageWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this message-boards message was moved to the Recycle Bin.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry MBThreadModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry MBCategoryModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry MBMessageModelImpl.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.trash

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.trash that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry MBCategoryTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry MBThreadTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry MBMessageTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model that implement TrashEntry
 class TrashEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for TrashEntry.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntry.getRootEntry()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryWrapper.getRootEntry()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryWrapper.getWrappedModel()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryWrapper.getWrappedTrashEntry()
          Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by TrashEntryWrapper.getWrappedModel()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryWrapper.toEscapedModel()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryModel.toEscapedModel()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryWrapper.toUnescapedModel()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryModel.toUnescapedModel()

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
 CacheModel<TrashEntry> TrashEntryWrapper.toCacheModel()
 CacheModel<TrashEntry> TrashEntryModel.toCacheModel()

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model with parameters of type TrashEntry
 int TrashEntryWrapper.compareTo(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 int TrashEntryModel.compareTo(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 void TrashEntry.setRootEntry(TrashEntry rootEntry)
 void TrashEntryWrapper.setRootEntry(TrashEntry rootEntry)
static TrashEntrySoap TrashEntrySoap.toSoapModel(TrashEntry model)
static TrashEntrySoap[] TrashEntrySoap.toSoapModels(TrashEntry[] models)
static TrashEntrySoap[][] TrashEntrySoap.toSoapModels(TrashEntry[][] models)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model with type arguments of type TrashEntry
static TrashEntrySoap[] TrashEntrySoap.toSoapModels(List<TrashEntry> models)

Constructors in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model with parameters of type TrashEntry
TrashEntryWrapper(TrashEntry trashEntry)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model.impl

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model.impl that implement TrashEntry
 class TrashEntryBaseImpl
          The extended model base implementation for the TrashEntry service.
 class TrashEntryImpl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryImpl.getRootEntry()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryCacheModel.toEntityModel()
 TrashEntry TrashEntryModelImpl.toEscapedModel()
static TrashEntry TrashEntryModelImpl.toModel(TrashEntrySoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model.impl that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
 CacheModel<TrashEntry> TrashEntryModelImpl.toCacheModel()
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryModelImpl.toModels(TrashEntrySoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.model.impl with parameters of type TrashEntry
 int TrashEntryModelImpl.compareTo(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 void TrashEntryImpl.setRootEntry(TrashEntry rootEntry)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.addTrashEntry(long userId, long groupId, String className, long classPK, String classUuid, String referrerClassName, int status, List<ObjectValuePair<Long,Integer>> statusOVPs, UnicodeProperties typeSettingsProperties)
          Moves an entry to trash.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.addTrashEntry(long userId, long groupId, String className, long classPK, String classUuid, String referrerClassName, int status, List<ObjectValuePair<Long,Integer>> statusOVPs, UnicodeProperties typeSettingsProperties)
          Moves an entry to trash.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.addTrashEntry(long userId, long groupId, String className, long classPK, String classUuid, String referrerClassName, int status, List<ObjectValuePair<Long,Integer>> statusOVPs, UnicodeProperties typeSettingsProperties)
          Moves an entry to trash.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.createTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.createTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.createTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.fetchEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.fetchEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.fetchEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.fetchEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.fetchTrashEntry(long entryId)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.fetchTrashEntry(long entryId)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.fetchTrashEntry(long entryId)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.getEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.getEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.getTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceUtil.restoreEntry(long entryId)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceWrapper.restoreEntry(long entryId)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryService.restoreEntry(long entryId)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceUtil.restoreEntry(long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name)
          Restores the trash entry to its original location.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceWrapper.restoreEntry(long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name)
          Restores the trash entry to its original location.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryService.restoreEntry(long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name)
          Restores the trash entry to its original location.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId)
          Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getEntries(long groupId)
          Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntries(long groupId)
          Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId, String className)
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getEntries(long groupId, String className)
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntries(long groupId, String className)
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalService.getTrashEntries(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.getTrashEntries(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getTrashEntries(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service with parameters of type TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalService.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.base

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.base that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.createTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.deleteTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.fetchTrashEntry(long entryId)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.getTrashEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.base that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.getTrashEntries(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.base with parameters of type TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Adds the trash entry to the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Deletes the trash entry from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.http

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.http that return TrashEntry
static TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceHttp.restoreEntry(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long entryId)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceHttp.restoreEntry(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.impl that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.addTrashEntry(long userId, long groupId, String className, long classPK, String classUuid, String referrerClassName, int status, List<ObjectValuePair<Long,Integer>> statusOVPs, UnicodeProperties typeSettingsProperties)
          Moves an entry to trash.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.deleteEntry(long entryId)
          Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.deleteEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.fetchEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.fetchEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.getEntry(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.getEntry(String className, long classPK)
          Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceImpl.restoreEntry(long entryId)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryServiceImpl.restoreEntry(long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name)
          Restores the trash entry to its original location.

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.impl that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.getEntries(long groupId)
          Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.getEntries(long groupId, String className)

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.impl with parameters of type TrashEntry
 TrashEntry TrashEntryLocalServiceImpl.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
protected  void TrashEntryServiceImpl.deleteEntry(TrashEntry entry)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.persistence

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.persistence that return TrashEntry
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.create(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.create(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.create(long entryId)
          Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByG_LtCD_First(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByG_LtCD_First(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_LtCD_First(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByG_LtCD_Last(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByG_LtCD_Last(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByG_LtCD_Last(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.fetchByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static TrashEntry[] TrashEntryUtil.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistence.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByG_C_First(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_C_First(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_C_First(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByG_C_Last(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_C_Last(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_C_Last(long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static TrashEntry[] TrashEntryUtil.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByG_LtCD_First(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_LtCD_First(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_LtCD_First(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByG_LtCD_Last(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_LtCD_Last(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_LtCD_Last(long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static TrashEntry[] TrashEntryUtil.findByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static TrashEntry[] TrashEntryUtil.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 TrashEntry[] TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.findByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Returns the trash entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchModelException if it could not be found.
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByG_C_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByGroupId_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.remove(long entryId)
          Removes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.remove(long entryId)
          Removes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.remove(long entryId)
          Removes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.remove(Serializable primaryKey)
          Removes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.removeByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Removes the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.removeByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Removes the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.removeByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Removes the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.removeImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.update(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.update(TrashEntry trashEntry, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.updateImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.updateImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.updateImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.persistence that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findAll()
          Returns all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findAll()
          Returns all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findAll()
          Returns all the trash entries.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findAll(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findAll(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
          Returns all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
          Returns all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
          Returns all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByCompanyId(long companyId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_C(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByG_LtCD(long groupId, Date createDate, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
 List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
static List<TrashEntry> TrashEntryUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.persistence with parameters of type TrashEntry
static void TrashEntryUtil.cacheResult(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Caches the trash entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void TrashEntryPersistence.cacheResult(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Caches the trash entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.cacheResult(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Caches the trash entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.
protected  void TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.cacheUniqueFindersCache(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static void TrashEntryUtil.clearCache(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 void TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.clearCache(TrashEntry trashEntry)
          Clears the cache for the trash entry.
protected  void TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.clearUniqueFindersCache(TrashEntry trashEntry)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long companyId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByG_C_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long groupId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long groupId, Date createDate, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.getByGroupId_PrevAndNext(Session session, TrashEntry trashEntry, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.removeImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)
protected  TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.update(TrashEntry trashEntry)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.update(TrashEntry trashEntry, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static TrashEntry TrashEntryUtil.updateImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistence.updateImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)
 TrashEntry TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.updateImpl(TrashEntry trashEntry)

Method parameters in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service.persistence with type arguments of type TrashEntry
static void TrashEntryUtil.cacheResult(List<TrashEntry> trashEntries)
          Caches the trash entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void TrashEntryPersistence.cacheResult(List<TrashEntry> trashEntries)
          Caches the trash entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.cacheResult(List<TrashEntry> trashEntries)
          Caches the trash entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void TrashEntryPersistenceImpl.clearCache(List<TrashEntry> trashEntries)

Uses of TrashEntry in com.liferay.portlet.trash.util

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.trash.util that return types with arguments of type TrashEntry
static List<TrashEntry> TrashUtil.getEntries(Hits hits)
 List<TrashEntry> Trash.getEntries(Hits hits)
 List<TrashEntry> TrashImpl.getEntries(Hits hits)

Uses of TrashEntry in

Methods in that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry WikiNodeWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this wiki node was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry WikiPageWrapper.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this wiki page was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry WikiNodeModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this wiki node was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 TrashEntry WikiPageModel.getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this wiki page was moved to the Recycle Bin.

Uses of TrashEntry in

Methods in that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry WikiPageModelImpl.getTrashEntry()
 TrashEntry WikiNodeModelImpl.getTrashEntry()

Uses of TrashEntry in

Methods in that return TrashEntry
 TrashEntry WikiNodeTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)
 TrashEntry WikiPageTrashHandler.getTrashEntry(long classPK)

Methods in with parameters of type TrashEntry
 void WikiNodeTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)
 void WikiPageTrashHandler.checkDuplicateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName)

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5