Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Class DLFileShortcutWrapper

  extended by com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.DLFileShortcutWrapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
AuditedModel, BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>, ClassedModel, GroupedModel, ModelWrapper<DLFileShortcut>, PersistedModel, StagedGroupedModel, StagedModel, TrashedModel, TreeModel, WorkflowedModel, DLFileShortcut, DLFileShortcutModel, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<DLFileShortcut>

public class DLFileShortcutWrapper
extends Object
implements DLFileShortcut, ModelWrapper<DLFileShortcut>

This class is a wrapper for DLFileShortcut.

See Also:
DLFileShortcut, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
DLFileShortcutWrapper(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
Method Summary
 String buildTreePath()
 Object clone()
          Creates a shallow clone of this model instance.
 int compareTo(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 boolean getActive()
          Returns the active of this document library file shortcut.
 boolean getApproved()
          Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by isApproved()
 long getCompanyId()
          Returns the company ID of this document library file shortcut.
 Date getCreateDate()
          Returns the create date of this document library file shortcut.
 DLFolder getDLFolder()
 ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge()
          Returns the expando bridge for this model instance.
 long getFileShortcutId()
          Returns the file shortcut ID of this document library file shortcut.
 Folder getFolder()
 long getFolderId()
          Returns the folder ID of this document library file shortcut.
 long getGroupId()
          Returns the group ID of this document library file shortcut.
 Map<String,Object> getModelAttributes()
 Class<?> getModelClass()
 String getModelClassName()
 Date getModifiedDate()
          Returns the modified date of this document library file shortcut.
 long getPrimaryKey()
          Returns the primary key of this document library file shortcut.
 Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj()
          Returns the primary key of this model instance.
 long getRepositoryId()
          Returns the repository ID of this document library file shortcut.
 StagedModelType getStagedModelType()
 int getStatus()
          Returns the status of this document library file shortcut.
 long getStatusByUserId()
          Returns the status by user ID of this document library file shortcut.
 String getStatusByUserName()
          Returns the status by user name of this document library file shortcut.
 String getStatusByUserUuid()
          Returns the status by user uuid of this document library file shortcut.
 Date getStatusDate()
          Returns the status date of this document library file shortcut.
 long getToFileEntryId()
          Returns the to file entry ID of this document library file shortcut.
 String getToTitle()
 TrashEntry getTrashEntry()
          Returns the trash entry created when this document library file shortcut was moved to the Recycle Bin.
 long getTrashEntryClassPK()
          Returns the class primary key of the trash entry for this document library file shortcut.
 TrashHandler getTrashHandler()
          Returns the trash handler for this document library file shortcut.
 String getTreePath()
          Returns the tree path of this document library file shortcut.
 long getUserId()
          Returns the user ID of this document library file shortcut.
 String getUserName()
          Returns the user name of this document library file shortcut.
 String getUserUuid()
          Returns the user uuid of this document library file shortcut.
 String getUuid()
          Returns the uuid of this document library file shortcut.
 DLFileShortcut getWrappedDLFileShortcut()
          Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by getWrappedModel()
 DLFileShortcut getWrappedModel()
 int hashCode()
 boolean isActive()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is active.
 boolean isApproved()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is approved.
 boolean isCachedModel()
          Returns true if this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.
 boolean isDenied()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is denied.
 boolean isDraft()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is a draft.
 boolean isEscapedModel()
          Returns true if this model instance is escaped.
 boolean isExpired()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is expired.
 boolean isInactive()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is inactive.
 boolean isIncomplete()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is incomplete.
 boolean isInHiddenFolder()
 boolean isInTrash()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is in the Recycle Bin.
 boolean isInTrashContainer()
          Returns true if the parent of this document library file shortcut is in the Recycle Bin.
 boolean isInTrashExplicitly()
 boolean isNew()
          Returns true if this model instance does not yet exist in the database.
 boolean isPending()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is pending.
 boolean isScheduled()
          Returns true if this document library file shortcut is scheduled.
 void persist()
          Updates this model instance in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
 void resetOriginalValues()
          Reset all original fields to current values.
 void setActive(boolean active)
          Sets whether this document library file shortcut is active.
 void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel)
          Sets whether this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.
 void setCompanyId(long companyId)
          Sets the company ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setCreateDate(Date createDate)
          Sets the create date of this document library file shortcut.
 void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(BaseModel<?> baseModel)
 void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ExpandoBridge expandoBridge)
 void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Sets the expando bridge attributes for this model instance to the attributes stored in the service context.
 void setFileShortcutId(long fileShortcutId)
          Sets the file shortcut ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setFolderId(long folderId)
          Sets the folder ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setGroupId(long groupId)
          Sets the group ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setModelAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
 void setModifiedDate(Date modifiedDate)
          Sets the modified date of this document library file shortcut.
 void setNew(boolean n)
          Sets whether this model instance does not yet exist in the database.
 void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey)
          Sets the primary key of this document library file shortcut.
 void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
          Sets the primary key of this model instance.
 void setRepositoryId(long repositoryId)
          Sets the repository ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setStatus(int status)
          Sets the status of this document library file shortcut.
 void setStatusByUserId(long statusByUserId)
          Sets the status by user ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setStatusByUserName(String statusByUserName)
          Sets the status by user name of this document library file shortcut.
 void setStatusByUserUuid(String statusByUserUuid)
          Sets the status by user uuid of this document library file shortcut.
 void setStatusDate(Date statusDate)
          Sets the status date of this document library file shortcut.
 void setToFileEntryId(long toFileEntryId)
          Sets the to file entry ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setTreePath(String treePath)
          Sets the tree path of this document library file shortcut.
 void setUserId(long userId)
          Sets the user ID of this document library file shortcut.
 void setUserName(String userName)
          Sets the user name of this document library file shortcut.
 void setUserUuid(String userUuid)
          Sets the user uuid of this document library file shortcut.
 void setUuid(String uuid)
          Sets the uuid of this document library file shortcut.
 CacheModel<DLFileShortcut> toCacheModel()
          Returns a cache model object for this entity used by entity cache.
 DLFileShortcut toEscapedModel()
          Returns a copy of this entity as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.
 String toString()
 DLFileShortcut toUnescapedModel()
 String toXmlString()
          Returns the XML representation of this model instance.
 void updateTreePath(String treePath)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DLFileShortcutWrapper(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
Method Detail


public Class<?> getModelClass()
Specified by:
getModelClass in interface ClassedModel


public String getModelClassName()
Specified by:
getModelClassName in interface ClassedModel


public Map<String,Object> getModelAttributes()
Specified by:
getModelAttributes in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>


public void setModelAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
Specified by:
setModelAttributes in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>


public long getPrimaryKey()
Returns the primary key of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getPrimaryKey in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the primary key of this document library file shortcut


public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey)
Sets the primary key of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setPrimaryKey in interface DLFileShortcutModel
primaryKey - the primary key of this document library file shortcut


public String getUuid()
Returns the uuid of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getUuid in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
getUuid in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the uuid of this document library file shortcut


public void setUuid(String uuid)
Sets the uuid of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setUuid in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
setUuid in interface DLFileShortcutModel
uuid - the uuid of this document library file shortcut


public long getFileShortcutId()
Returns the file shortcut ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getFileShortcutId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the file shortcut ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setFileShortcutId(long fileShortcutId)
Sets the file shortcut ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setFileShortcutId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
fileShortcutId - the file shortcut ID of this document library file shortcut


public long getGroupId()
Returns the group ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getGroupId in interface GroupedModel
Specified by:
getGroupId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the group ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setGroupId(long groupId)
Sets the group ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setGroupId in interface GroupedModel
Specified by:
setGroupId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
groupId - the group ID of this document library file shortcut


public long getCompanyId()
Returns the company ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getCompanyId in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
getCompanyId in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
getCompanyId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the company ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setCompanyId(long companyId)
Sets the company ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setCompanyId in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
setCompanyId in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
setCompanyId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
companyId - the company ID of this document library file shortcut


public long getUserId()
Returns the user ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getUserId in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
getUserId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the user ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setUserId(long userId)
Sets the user ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setUserId in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
setUserId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
userId - the user ID of this document library file shortcut


public String getUserUuid()
                   throws SystemException
Returns the user uuid of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getUserUuid in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
getUserUuid in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the user uuid of this document library file shortcut
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void setUserUuid(String userUuid)
Sets the user uuid of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setUserUuid in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
setUserUuid in interface DLFileShortcutModel
userUuid - the user uuid of this document library file shortcut


public String getUserName()
Returns the user name of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getUserName in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
getUserName in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the user name of this document library file shortcut


public void setUserName(String userName)
Sets the user name of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setUserName in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
setUserName in interface DLFileShortcutModel
userName - the user name of this document library file shortcut


public Date getCreateDate()
Returns the create date of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getCreateDate in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
getCreateDate in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
getCreateDate in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the create date of this document library file shortcut


public void setCreateDate(Date createDate)
Sets the create date of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setCreateDate in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
setCreateDate in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
setCreateDate in interface DLFileShortcutModel
createDate - the create date of this document library file shortcut


public Date getModifiedDate()
Returns the modified date of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getModifiedDate in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
getModifiedDate in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
getModifiedDate in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the modified date of this document library file shortcut


public void setModifiedDate(Date modifiedDate)
Sets the modified date of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setModifiedDate in interface AuditedModel
Specified by:
setModifiedDate in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
setModifiedDate in interface DLFileShortcutModel
modifiedDate - the modified date of this document library file shortcut


public long getRepositoryId()
Returns the repository ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getRepositoryId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the repository ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setRepositoryId(long repositoryId)
Sets the repository ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setRepositoryId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
repositoryId - the repository ID of this document library file shortcut


public long getFolderId()
Returns the folder ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getFolderId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the folder ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setFolderId(long folderId)
Sets the folder ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setFolderId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
folderId - the folder ID of this document library file shortcut


public long getToFileEntryId()
Returns the to file entry ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getToFileEntryId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the to file entry ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setToFileEntryId(long toFileEntryId)
Sets the to file entry ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setToFileEntryId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
toFileEntryId - the to file entry ID of this document library file shortcut


public String getTreePath()
Returns the tree path of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getTreePath in interface TreeModel
Specified by:
getTreePath in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the tree path of this document library file shortcut


public void setTreePath(String treePath)
Sets the tree path of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setTreePath in interface DLFileShortcutModel
treePath - the tree path of this document library file shortcut


public boolean getActive()
Returns the active of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getActive in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the active of this document library file shortcut


public boolean isActive()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is active.

Specified by:
isActive in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is active; false otherwise


public void setActive(boolean active)
Sets whether this document library file shortcut is active.

Specified by:
setActive in interface DLFileShortcutModel
active - the active of this document library file shortcut


public int getStatus()
Returns the status of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getStatus in interface TrashedModel
Specified by:
getStatus in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
getStatus in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the status of this document library file shortcut


public void setStatus(int status)
Sets the status of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setStatus in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
setStatus in interface DLFileShortcutModel
status - the status of this document library file shortcut


public long getStatusByUserId()
Returns the status by user ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getStatusByUserId in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
getStatusByUserId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the status by user ID of this document library file shortcut


public void setStatusByUserId(long statusByUserId)
Sets the status by user ID of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setStatusByUserId in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
setStatusByUserId in interface DLFileShortcutModel
statusByUserId - the status by user ID of this document library file shortcut


public String getStatusByUserUuid()
                           throws SystemException
Returns the status by user uuid of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getStatusByUserUuid in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
getStatusByUserUuid in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the status by user uuid of this document library file shortcut
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void setStatusByUserUuid(String statusByUserUuid)
Sets the status by user uuid of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setStatusByUserUuid in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
setStatusByUserUuid in interface DLFileShortcutModel
statusByUserUuid - the status by user uuid of this document library file shortcut


public String getStatusByUserName()
Returns the status by user name of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getStatusByUserName in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
getStatusByUserName in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the status by user name of this document library file shortcut


public void setStatusByUserName(String statusByUserName)
Sets the status by user name of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setStatusByUserName in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
setStatusByUserName in interface DLFileShortcutModel
statusByUserName - the status by user name of this document library file shortcut


public Date getStatusDate()
Returns the status date of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getStatusDate in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
getStatusDate in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the status date of this document library file shortcut


public void setStatusDate(Date statusDate)
Sets the status date of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
setStatusDate in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
setStatusDate in interface DLFileShortcutModel
statusDate - the status date of this document library file shortcut


public TrashEntry getTrashEntry()
                         throws PortalException,
Returns the trash entry created when this document library file shortcut was moved to the Recycle Bin. The trash entry may belong to one of the ancestors of this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getTrashEntry in interface TrashedModel
Specified by:
getTrashEntry in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the trash entry created when this document library file shortcut was moved to the Recycle Bin
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public long getTrashEntryClassPK()
Returns the class primary key of the trash entry for this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getTrashEntryClassPK in interface TrashedModel
Specified by:
getTrashEntryClassPK in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the class primary key of the trash entry for this document library file shortcut


public TrashHandler getTrashHandler()
Returns the trash handler for this document library file shortcut.

Specified by:
getTrashHandler in interface TrashedModel
Specified by:
getTrashHandler in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the trash handler for this document library file shortcut


public boolean isInTrash()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is in the Recycle Bin.

Specified by:
isInTrash in interface TrashedModel
Specified by:
isInTrash in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is in the Recycle Bin; false otherwise


public boolean isInTrashContainer()
Returns true if the parent of this document library file shortcut is in the Recycle Bin.

Specified by:
isInTrashContainer in interface TrashedModel
Specified by:
isInTrashContainer in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if the parent of this document library file shortcut is in the Recycle Bin; false otherwise
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public boolean getApproved()
Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by isApproved()

Specified by:
getApproved in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
getApproved in interface DLFileShortcutModel


public boolean isApproved()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is approved.

Specified by:
isApproved in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isApproved in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is approved; false otherwise


public boolean isDenied()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is denied.

Specified by:
isDenied in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isDenied in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is denied; false otherwise


public boolean isDraft()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is a draft.

Specified by:
isDraft in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isDraft in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is a draft; false otherwise


public boolean isExpired()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is expired.

Specified by:
isExpired in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isExpired in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is expired; false otherwise


public boolean isInactive()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is inactive.

Specified by:
isInactive in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isInactive in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is inactive; false otherwise


public boolean isIncomplete()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is incomplete.

Specified by:
isIncomplete in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isIncomplete in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is incomplete; false otherwise


public boolean isPending()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is pending.

Specified by:
isPending in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isPending in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is pending; false otherwise


public boolean isScheduled()
Returns true if this document library file shortcut is scheduled.

Specified by:
isScheduled in interface WorkflowedModel
Specified by:
isScheduled in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this document library file shortcut is scheduled; false otherwise


public boolean isNew()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns true if this model instance does not yet exist in the database.

Specified by:
isNew in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
isNew in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this model instance does not yet exist in the database; false otherwise


public void setNew(boolean n)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets whether this model instance does not yet exist in the database.

Specified by:
setNew in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
setNew in interface DLFileShortcutModel
n - whether this model instance does not yet exist in the database


public boolean isCachedModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns true if this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.

Specified by:
isCachedModel in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
isCachedModel in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache; false otherwise
See Also:


public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets whether this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.

Specified by:
setCachedModel in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
setCachedModel in interface DLFileShortcutModel
cachedModel - whether this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache
See Also:


public boolean isEscapedModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns true if this model instance is escaped.

Specified by:
isEscapedModel in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
isEscapedModel in interface DLFileShortcutModel
true if this model instance is escaped; false otherwise


public Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns the primary key of this model instance.

Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface ClassedModel
Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface TreeModel
Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the primary key of this model instance


public void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets the primary key of this model instance.

Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyObj in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyObj in interface ClassedModel
Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyObj in interface DLFileShortcutModel
primaryKeyObj - the primary key of this model instance


public ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns the expando bridge for this model instance.

Specified by:
getExpandoBridge in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
getExpandoBridge in interface ClassedModel
Specified by:
getExpandoBridge in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the expando bridge for this model instance


public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(BaseModel<?> baseModel)
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface DLFileShortcutModel


public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ExpandoBridge expandoBridge)
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface DLFileShortcutModel


public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets the expando bridge attributes for this model instance to the attributes stored in the service context.

Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface DLFileShortcutModel
serviceContext - the service context to be applied
See Also:
ServiceContext.getExpandoBridgeAttributes( )


public Object clone()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Creates a shallow clone of this model instance.

Specified by:
clone in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
clone in interface StagedModel
Specified by:
clone in interface DLFileShortcutModel
clone in class Object
the shallow clone of this model instance


public int compareTo(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface DLFileShortcutModel
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable<DLFileShortcut>


public int hashCode()
Specified by:
hashCode in interface DLFileShortcutModel
hashCode in class Object


public CacheModel<DLFileShortcut> toCacheModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns a cache model object for this entity used by entity cache.

Specified by:
toCacheModel in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
toCacheModel in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the cache model object


public DLFileShortcut toEscapedModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns a copy of this entity as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.

Specified by:
toEscapedModel in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
toEscapedModel in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the escaped model instance
See Also:


public DLFileShortcut toUnescapedModel()
Specified by:
toUnescapedModel in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
toUnescapedModel in interface DLFileShortcutModel


public String toString()
Specified by:
toString in interface DLFileShortcutModel
toString in class Object


public String toXmlString()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns the XML representation of this model instance.

Specified by:
toXmlString in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>
Specified by:
toXmlString in interface DLFileShortcutModel
the XML representation of this model instance


public void persist()
             throws SystemException
Description copied from interface: PersistedModel
Updates this model instance in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

Specified by:
persist in interface PersistedModel
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void updateTreePath(String treePath)
                    throws SystemException
Specified by:
updateTreePath in interface TreeModel


public String buildTreePath()
                     throws PortalException,
Specified by:
buildTreePath in interface TreeModel
Specified by:
buildTreePath in interface DLFileShortcut


public DLFolder getDLFolder()
                     throws PortalException,
Specified by:
getDLFolder in interface DLFileShortcut


public Folder getFolder()
                 throws PortalException,
Specified by:
getFolder in interface DLFileShortcut


public String getToTitle()
Specified by:
getToTitle in interface DLFileShortcut


public boolean isInHiddenFolder()
Specified by:
isInHiddenFolder in interface DLFileShortcut


public boolean isInTrashExplicitly()
                            throws SystemException
Specified by:
isInTrashExplicitly in interface DLFileShortcut


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object


public StagedModelType getStagedModelType()
Specified by:
getStagedModelType in interface StagedModel


public DLFileShortcut getWrappedDLFileShortcut()
Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by getWrappedModel()


public DLFileShortcut getWrappedModel()
Specified by:
getWrappedModel in interface ModelWrapper<DLFileShortcut>


public void resetOriginalValues()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Reset all original fields to current values.

Specified by:
resetOriginalValues in interface BaseModel<DLFileShortcut>

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5