Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5 | |||||||||
@ProviderType public class JournalArticleLocalServiceWrapper
Provides a wrapper for JournalArticleLocalService
Constructor Summary | |
JournalArticleLocalServiceWrapper(JournalArticleLocalService journalArticleLocalService)
Method Summary | |
JournalArticle |
addArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
long folderId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
String articleId,
boolean autoArticleId,
double version,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
String content,
String type,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String layoutUuid,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
int expirationDateMonth,
int expirationDateDay,
int expirationDateYear,
int expirationDateHour,
int expirationDateMinute,
boolean neverExpire,
int reviewDateMonth,
int reviewDateDay,
int reviewDateYear,
int reviewDateHour,
int reviewDateMinute,
boolean neverReview,
boolean indexable,
boolean smallImage,
String smallImageURL,
File smallImageFile,
Map<String,byte[]> images,
String articleURL,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds a web content article with additional parameters. |
JournalArticle |
addArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
long folderId,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
String content,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds a web content article. |
void |
addArticleResources(JournalArticle article,
boolean addGroupPermissions,
boolean addGuestPermissions)
Adds the resources to the web content article. |
void |
addArticleResources(JournalArticle article,
String[] groupPermissions,
String[] guestPermissions)
Adds the model resources with the permissions to the web content article. |
void |
addArticleResources(long groupId,
String articleId,
boolean addGroupPermissions,
boolean addGuestPermissions)
Adds the resources to the most recently created web content article. |
void |
addArticleResources(long groupId,
String articleId,
String[] groupPermissions,
String[] guestPermissions)
Adds the resources with the permissions to the most recently created web content article. |
JournalArticle |
addJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle)
Adds the journal article to the database. |
JournalArticle |
checkArticleResourcePrimKey(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version)
Returns the web content article with the group, article ID, and version. |
void |
Checks all web content articles by handling their expirations and sending review notifications based on their current workflow. |
void |
checkNewLine(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version)
Checks the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version, replacing escaped newline and return characters with non-escaped newline and return characters. |
void |
checkStructure(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version)
Checks the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version for an associated structure. |
JournalArticle |
copyArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
String oldArticleId,
String newArticleId,
boolean autoArticleId,
double version)
Copies the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version. |
JournalArticle |
createJournalArticle(long id)
Creates a new journal article with the primary key. |
JournalArticle |
deleteArticle(JournalArticle article)
Deletes the web content article and its resources. |
JournalArticle |
deleteArticle(JournalArticle article,
String articleURL,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Deletes the web content article and its resources, optionally sending email notifying denial of the article if it had not yet been approved. |
JournalArticle |
deleteArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String articleURL,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Deletes the web content article and its resources matching the group, article ID, and version, optionally sending email notifying denial of the web content article if it had not yet been approved. |
void |
deleteArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Deletes all web content articles and their resources matching the group and article ID, optionally sending email notifying denial of article if it had not yet been approved. |
void |
deleteArticles(long groupId)
Deletes all the group's web content articles and resources. |
void |
deleteArticles(long groupId,
long folderId)
Deletes all the group's web content articles and resources in the folder, including recycled articles. |
void |
deleteArticles(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean includeTrashedEntries)
Deletes all the group's web content articles and resources in the folder, optionally including recycled articles. |
void |
deleteArticles(long groupId,
String className,
long classPK)
JournalArticle |
deleteJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle)
Deletes the journal article from the database. |
JournalArticle |
deleteJournalArticle(long id)
Deletes the journal article with the primary key from the database. |
void |
deleteLayoutArticleReferences(long groupId,
String layoutUuid)
Deletes the layout's association with the web content articles for the group. |
DynamicQuery |
List |
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows. |
List |
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
int start,
int end)
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows. |
List |
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows. |
long |
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query. |
long |
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
Projection projection)
Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query. |
JournalArticle |
expireArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String articleURL,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Expires the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version. |
void |
expireArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
String articleId,
String articleURL,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Expires the web content article matching the group and article ID, expiring all of its versions if the journal.article.expire.all.versions portal property is
true , otherwise expiring only its latest approved version. |
JournalArticle |
fetchArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
JournalArticle |
fetchArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version)
Returns the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version. |
JournalArticle |
fetchArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId,
String urlTitle)
JournalArticle |
fetchDisplayArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
JournalArticle |
fetchJournalArticle(long id)
JournalArticle |
fetchJournalArticleByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the journal article with the matching UUID and company. |
JournalArticle |
fetchJournalArticleByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the journal article matching the UUID and group. |
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey)
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey,
int status)
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey,
int[] statuses)
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey,
int status,
boolean preferApproved)
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
int status)
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId,
String urlTitle,
int status)
JournalArticle |
fetchLatestIndexableArticle(long resourcePrimKey)
Returns the latest indexable web content article matching the resource primary key. |
JournalArticle |
getArticle(long id)
Returns the web content article with the ID. |
JournalArticle |
getArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
Returns the latest approved web content article, or the latest unapproved article if none are approved. |
JournalArticle |
getArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version)
Returns the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version. |
JournalArticle |
getArticle(long groupId,
String className,
long classPK)
Returns the web content article matching the group, class name, and class PK. |
JournalArticle |
getArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId,
String urlTitle)
Returns the latest web content article that is approved, or the latest unapproved article if none are approved. |
String |
getArticleContent(JournalArticle article,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns the web content associated with the web content article and DDM template. |
String |
getArticleContent(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String viewMode,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns the web content matching the group, article ID, and version, and associated with the DDM template. |
String |
getArticleContent(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns the web content matching the group, article ID, and version. |
String |
getArticleContent(long groupId,
String articleId,
String viewMode,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns the latest web content matching the group and article ID, and associated with DDM template key. |
String |
getArticleContent(long groupId,
String articleId,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns the latest web content matching the group and article ID. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(JournalArticle article,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
int page,
String xmlRequest,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the specified page of the latest version of the web content article, optionally based on the DDM template if the article is template driven. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
int page,
String xmlRequest,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the first page of the specified version of the web content article, optionally based on the DDM template if the article is template driven. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the first page of the specified version of the web content article matching the group and article ID, optionally based on the DDM template if the article is template driven. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(long groupId,
String articleId,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
int page,
String xmlRequest,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the first page of the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(long groupId,
String articleId,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
int page,
String xmlRequest,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the specified page of the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID, optionally based on the DDM template if the article is template driven. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(long groupId,
String articleId,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the first page of the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID, optionally based on the DDM template if the article is template driven. |
JournalArticleDisplay |
getArticleDisplay(long groupId,
String articleId,
String viewMode,
String languageId,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
Returns a web content article display for the first page of the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID. |
List<JournalArticle> |
Returns all the web content articles present in the system. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId)
Returns all the web content articles belonging to the group. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the web content articles belonging to the group. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles belonging to the group. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
long folderId)
Returns all the web content articles matching the group and folder. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
long folderId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the web content articles matching the group and folder. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
long folderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group and folder. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticles(long groupId,
String articleId)
Returns all the web content articles matching the group and article ID. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticlesByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey)
List<JournalArticle> |
getArticlesBySmallImageId(long smallImageId)
Returns all the web content articles matching the small image ID. |
int |
getArticlesCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of web content articles belonging to the group. |
int |
getArticlesCount(long groupId,
long folderId)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the group and folder. |
int |
getArticlesCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status)
int |
getArticlesCount(long groupId,
String articleId)
String |
Returns the Spring bean ID for this bean. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getCompanyArticles(long companyId,
double version,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the company, version, and workflow status. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getCompanyArticles(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the company and workflow status. |
int |
getCompanyArticlesCount(long companyId,
double version,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the company, version, and workflow status. |
int |
getCompanyArticlesCount(long companyId,
int status)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the company and workflow status. |
JournalArticle |
getDisplayArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
Returns the matching web content article currently displayed or next to be displayed if no article is currently displayed. |
JournalArticle |
getDisplayArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId,
String urlTitle)
Returns the web content article matching the URL title that is currently displayed or next to be displayed if no article is currently displayed. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getIndexableArticlesByDDMStructureKey(String[] ddmStructureKeys)
List<JournalArticle> |
getIndexableArticlesByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey)
JournalArticle |
getJournalArticle(long id)
Returns the journal article with the primary key. |
JournalArticle |
getJournalArticleByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the journal article with the matching UUID and company. |
JournalArticle |
getJournalArticleByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the journal article matching the UUID and group. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getJournalArticles(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the journal articles. |
int |
Returns the number of journal articles. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey)
Returns the latest web content article matching the resource primary key, preferring articles with approved workflow status. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey,
int status)
Returns the latest web content article matching the resource primary key and workflow status, preferring articles with approved workflow status. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey,
int status,
boolean preferApproved)
Returns the latest web content article matching the resource primary key and workflow status, optionally preferring articles with approved workflow status. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
Returns the latest web content article with the group and article ID. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
int status)
Returns the latest web content article matching the group, article ID, and workflow status. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticle(long groupId,
String className,
long classPK)
Returns the latest web content article matching the group, class name ID, and class PK. |
JournalArticle |
getLatestArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId,
String urlTitle,
int status)
Returns the latest web content article matching the group, URL title, and workflow status. |
double |
getLatestVersion(long groupId,
String articleId)
Returns the latest version number of the web content with the group and article ID. |
double |
getLatestVersion(long groupId,
String articleId,
int status)
Returns the latest version number of the web content with the group, article ID, and workflow status. |
int |
getNotInTrashArticlesCount(long groupId,
long folderId)
Returns the number of web content articles that are not recycled. |
JournalArticle |
getOldestArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
JournalArticle |
getOldestArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
int status)
PersistedModel |
getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
List<JournalArticle> |
getStructureArticles(long groupId,
String ddmStructureKey)
Returns the web content articles matching the group and DDM structure key. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getStructureArticles(long groupId,
String ddmStructureKey,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group and DDM structure key. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getStructureArticles(String[] ddmStructureKeys)
int |
getStructureArticlesCount(long groupId,
String ddmStructureKey)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the group and DDM structure key. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getTemplateArticles(long groupId,
String ddmTemplateKey)
Returns the web content articles matching the group and DDM template key. |
List<JournalArticle> |
getTemplateArticles(long groupId,
String ddmTemplateKey,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the group and DDM template key. |
int |
getTemplateArticlesCount(long groupId,
String ddmTemplateKey)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the group and DDM template key. |
String |
getUniqueUrlTitle(long groupId,
String articleId,
String urlTitle)
JournalArticleLocalService |
Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by getWrappedService() |
JournalArticleLocalService |
boolean |
hasArticle(long groupId,
String articleId)
Returns true if the specified web content article exists. |
boolean |
isLatestVersion(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version)
Returns true if the web content article, specified by group
and article ID, is the latest version. |
boolean |
isLatestVersion(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
int status)
Returns true if the web content article, specified by group,
article ID, and workflow status, is the latest version. |
JournalArticle |
moveArticle(long groupId,
String articleId,
long newFolderId)
Moves the web content article matching the group and article ID to a new folder. |
JournalArticle |
moveArticleFromTrash(long userId,
long groupId,
JournalArticle article,
long newFolderId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Moves the web content article from the Recycle Bin to a new folder. |
JournalArticle |
moveArticleToTrash(long userId,
JournalArticle article)
Moves the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID to the recycle bin. |
JournalArticle |
moveArticleToTrash(long userId,
long groupId,
String articleId)
Moves the latest version of the web content article matching the group and article ID to the recycle bin. |
void |
rebuildTree(long companyId)
JournalArticle |
removeArticleLocale(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String languageId)
Removes the web content of the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version, and language. |
JournalArticle |
restoreArticleFromTrash(long userId,
JournalArticle article)
Restores the web content article from the Recycle Bin. |
List<JournalArticle> |
search(long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
int status,
int start,
int end)
List<JournalArticle> |
search(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
List<JournalArticle> |
search(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String keywords,
Double version,
String type,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
Date displayDateGT,
Date displayDateLT,
int status,
Date reviewDate,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters without using the indexer, including a keywords parameter for matching with the article's ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure key parameter, and a DDM template key parameter. |
List<JournalArticle> |
search(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String articleId,
Double version,
String title,
String description,
String content,
String type,
String[] ddmStructureKeys,
String[] ddmTemplateKeys,
Date displayDateGT,
Date displayDateLT,
int status,
Date reviewDate,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters without using the indexer, including keyword parameters for article ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure keys (plural) parameter, a DDM template keys (plural) parameter, and an AND operator switch. |
List<JournalArticle> |
search(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String articleId,
Double version,
String title,
String description,
String content,
String type,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
Date displayDateGT,
Date displayDateLT,
int status,
Date reviewDate,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters without using the indexer, including keyword parameters for article ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure key parameter, a DDM template key parameter, and an AND operator switch. |
Hits |
search(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters using the indexer, including a keywords parameter for matching an article's ID, title, description, or content, a DDM structure key parameter, a DDM template key parameter, and a finder hash map parameter. |
Hits |
search(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String articleId,
String title,
String description,
String content,
String type,
String status,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the web content articles matching the parameters using the indexer, including a keywords parameter for matching an article's ID, title, description, or content, a DDM structure key parameter, a DDM template key parameter, an AND operator switch, and parameters for type, status, a finder hash map. |
Hits |
search(long groupId,
long userId,
long creatorUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
int |
searchCount(long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
int status)
int |
searchCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status)
int |
searchCount(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String keywords,
Double version,
String type,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
Date displayDateGT,
Date displayDateLT,
int status,
Date reviewDate)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the parameters, including a keywords parameter for matching with the article's ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure key parameter, and a DDM template key parameter. |
int |
searchCount(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String articleId,
Double version,
String title,
String description,
String content,
String type,
String[] ddmStructureKeys,
String[] ddmTemplateKeys,
Date displayDateGT,
Date displayDateLT,
int status,
Date reviewDate,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the parameters, including keyword parameters for article ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure keys (plural) parameter, a DDM template keys (plural) parameter, and an AND operator switch. |
int |
searchCount(long companyId,
long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long classNameId,
String articleId,
Double version,
String title,
String description,
String content,
String type,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
Date displayDateGT,
Date displayDateLT,
int status,
Date reviewDate,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of web content articles matching the parameters, including keyword parameters for article ID, title, description, and content, a DDM structure key parameter, a DDM template key parameter, and an AND operator switch. |
void |
setBeanIdentifier(String beanIdentifier)
Sets the Spring bean ID for this bean. |
void |
setTreePaths(long folderId,
String treePath,
boolean reindex)
void |
setWrappedJournalArticleLocalService(JournalArticleLocalService journalArticleLocalService)
Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by setWrappedService(com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService) |
void |
setWrappedService(JournalArticleLocalService journalArticleLocalService)
void |
subscribe(long userId,
long groupId)
Subscribes the user to notifications for the web content article matching the group, notifying him the instant versions of the article are created, deleted, or modified. |
void |
unsubscribe(long userId,
long groupId)
Unsubscribes the user from notifications for the web content article matching the group. |
JournalArticle |
updateArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
long folderId,
String articleId,
double version,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
String content,
String layoutUuid,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the web content article matching the version, replacing its folder, title, description, content, and layout UUID. |
JournalArticle |
updateArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
long folderId,
String articleId,
double version,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
String content,
String type,
String ddmStructureKey,
String ddmTemplateKey,
String layoutUuid,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
int expirationDateMonth,
int expirationDateDay,
int expirationDateYear,
int expirationDateHour,
int expirationDateMinute,
boolean neverExpire,
int reviewDateMonth,
int reviewDateDay,
int reviewDateYear,
int reviewDateHour,
int reviewDateMinute,
boolean neverReview,
boolean indexable,
boolean smallImage,
String smallImageURL,
File smallImageFile,
Map<String,byte[]> images,
String articleURL,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the web content article with additional parameters. |
JournalArticle |
updateArticle(long userId,
long groupId,
long folderId,
String articleId,
double version,
String content,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the web content article matching the version, replacing its folder and content. |
JournalArticle |
updateArticleTranslation(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
Locale locale,
String title,
String description,
String content,
Map<String,byte[]> images)
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by updateArticleTranslation(long, String, double, Locale,
String, String, String, Map, ServiceContext) |
JournalArticle |
updateArticleTranslation(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
Locale locale,
String title,
String description,
String content,
Map<String,byte[]> images,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the translation of the web content article. |
void |
updateAsset(long userId,
JournalArticle article,
long[] assetCategoryIds,
String[] assetTagNames,
long[] assetLinkEntryIds)
Updates the web content article's asset with the new asset categories, tag names, and link entries, removing and adding them as necessary. |
JournalArticle |
updateContent(long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
String content)
Updates the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version, replacing its content. |
JournalArticle |
updateJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle)
Updates the journal article in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. |
JournalArticle |
updateStatus(long userId,
JournalArticle article,
int status,
String articleURL,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the workflow status of the web content article. |
JournalArticle |
updateStatus(long userId,
long classPK,
int status,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the workflow status of the web content article matching the class PK. |
JournalArticle |
updateStatus(long userId,
long groupId,
String articleId,
double version,
int status,
String articleURL,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the workflow status of the web content article matching the group, article ID, and version. |
void |
updateTemplateId(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String oldDDMTemplateKey,
String newDDMTemplateKey)
Updates the web content articles matching the group, class name ID, and DDM template key, replacing the DDM template key with a new one. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public JournalArticleLocalServiceWrapper(JournalArticleLocalService journalArticleLocalService)
Method Detail |
public JournalArticle addJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle createJournalArticle(long id)
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key for the new journal article
public JournalArticle deleteJournalArticle(long id) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the journal article
- if a journal article with the primary key could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle deleteJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article
- if a system exception occurredpublic DynamicQuery dynamicQuery()
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the dynamic query
- if a system exception occurredpublic List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start
instances. start
and end
are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil.ALL_POS
will return the full result set. If orderByComparator
is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator
is absent and pagination is required (start
and end
are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS
), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from JournalArticleModelImpl
. If both orderByComparator
and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the dynamic querystart
- the lower bound of the range of model instancesend
- the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start
instances. start
and end
are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil.ALL_POS
will return the full result set. If orderByComparator
is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator
is absent and pagination is required (start
and end
are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS
), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from JournalArticleModelImpl
. If both orderByComparator
and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the dynamic querystart
- the lower bound of the range of model instancesend
- the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)orderByComparator
- the comparator to order the results by (optionally null
- if a system exception occurredpublic long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the dynamic query
- if a system exception occurredpublic long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, Projection projection) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the dynamic queryprojection
- the projection to apply to the query
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle fetchJournalArticle(long id) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchJournalArticleByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid, long companyId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article's UUIDcompanyId
- the primary key of the company
if a matching journal article could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle fetchJournalArticleByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article's UUIDgroupId
- the primary key of the group
if a matching journal article could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getJournalArticle(long id) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the journal article
- if a journal article with the primary key could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic PersistedModel getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface PersistedModelLocalService
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle getJournalArticleByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid, long companyId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article's UUIDcompanyId
- the primary key of the company
- if a matching journal article could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getJournalArticleByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article's UUIDgroupId
- the primary key of the group
- if a matching journal article could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getJournalArticles(int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start
instances. start
and end
are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil.ALL_POS
will return the full result set. If orderByComparator
is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator
is absent and pagination is required (start
and end
are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS
), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from JournalArticleModelImpl
. If both orderByComparator
and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the lower bound of the range of journal articlesend
- the upper bound of the range of journal articles (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getJournalArticlesCount() throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the journal article
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getBeanIdentifier()
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public void setBeanIdentifier(String beanIdentifier)
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the Spring bean ID for this beanpublic JournalArticle addArticle(long userId, long groupId, long folderId, long classNameId, long classPK, String articleId, boolean autoArticleId, double version, Map<Locale,String> titleMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String content, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, String layoutUuid, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, int expirationDateMonth, int expirationDateDay, int expirationDateYear, int expirationDateHour, int expirationDateMinute, boolean neverExpire, int reviewDateMonth, int reviewDateDay, int reviewDateYear, int reviewDateHour, int reviewDateMinute, boolean neverReview, boolean indexable, boolean smallImage, String smallImageURL, File smallImageFile, Map<String,byte[]> images, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's creator/ownergroupId
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folderclassNameId
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the primary key of the DDM structure, if the primary key
of the DDMStructure class is given as the
parameter, the primary key of the class
associated with the web content article, or 0
- the primary key of the web content articleautoArticleId
- whether to auto generate the web content article IDversion
- the web content article's versiontitleMap
- the web content article's locales and localized titlesdescriptionMap
- the web content article's locales and localized
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- the structure's type, if the web content article is related
to a DDM structure. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the unique string identifying the web content
article's display pagedisplayDateMonth
- the month the web content article is set to
- the calendar day the web content article is set to
- the year the web content article is set to
- the hour the web content article is set to
- the minute the web content article is set to
- the month the web content article is set to
- the calendar day the web content article is set
to expireexpirationDateYear
- the year the web content article is set to
- the hour the web content article is set to
- the minute the web content article is set to
- whether the web content article is not set to auto
- the month the web content article is set for
- the calendar day the web content article is set for
- the year the web content article is set for reviewreviewDateHour
- the hour the web content article is set for reviewreviewDateMinute
- the minute the web content article is set for
- whether the web content article is not set for reviewindexable
- whether the web content article is searchablesmallImage
- whether the web content article has a small imagesmallImageURL
- the web content article's small image URLsmallImageFile
- the web content article's small image fileimages
- the web content's imagesarticleURL
- the web content article's accessible URLserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
UUID, creation date, modification date, expando bridge
attributes, guest permissions, group permissions, asset category
IDs, asset tag names, asset link entry IDs, the "urlTitle"
attribute, and workflow actions for the web content article. Can
also set whether to add the default guest and group permissions.
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle addArticle(long userId, long groupId, long folderId, Map<Locale,String> titleMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String content, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's creator/ownergroupId
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article foldertitleMap
- the web content article's locales and localized titlesdescriptionMap
- the web content article's locales and localized
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
UUID, creation date, modification date, expando bridge
attributes, guest permissions, group permissions, asset category
IDs, asset tag names, asset link entry IDs, the "urlTitle"
attribute, and workflow actions for the web content article. Can
also set whether to add the default guest and group permissions.
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void addArticleResources(JournalArticle article, boolean addGroupPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the web content articleaddGroupPermissions
- whether to add group permissionsaddGuestPermissions
- whether to add guest permissions
- if no portal actions could be found associated
with the web content article or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void addArticleResources(JournalArticle article, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the web content article to add resources togroupPermissions
- the group permissions to be addedguestPermissions
- the guest permissions to be added
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void addArticleResources(long groupId, String articleId, boolean addGroupPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleaddGroupPermissions
- whether to add group permissionsaddGuestPermissions
- whether to add guest permissions
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void addArticleResources(long groupId, String articleId, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articlegroupPermissions
- the group permissions to be addedguestPermissions
- the guest permissions to be added
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle checkArticleResourcePrimKey(long groupId, String articleId, double version) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's version
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic void checkArticles() throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void checkNewLine(long groupId, String articleId, double version) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's version
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic void checkStructure(long groupId, String articleId, double version) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's version
- if a matching web content article could not be
found, if the article's structure does not match it, or if a
portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle copyArticle(long userId, long groupId, String oldArticleId, String newArticleId, boolean autoArticleId, double version) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's creator/ownergroupId
- the primary key of the web content article's groupoldArticleId
- the primary key of the old web content articlenewArticleId
- the primary key of the new web content articleautoArticleId
- whether to auto-generate the web content article IDversion
- the web content article's version
- if a matching web content article could not be
found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle deleteArticle(JournalArticle article) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the web content article
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle deleteArticle(JournalArticle article, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the web content articlearticleURL
- the web content article's accessible URL to include in
email notifications (optionally null
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the portlet preferences that include
email information to notify recipients of the unapproved web
content's denial.
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle deleteArticle(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionarticleURL
- the web content article's accessible URLserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
portlet preferences that include email information to notify
recipients of the unapproved web content article's denial.
- if a matching web content article could not be
found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void deleteArticle(long groupId, String articleId, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
portlet preferences that include email information to notify
recipients of the unapproved web content article's denial.
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void deleteArticles(long groupId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's group
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void deleteArticles(long groupId, long folderId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folder
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void deleteArticles(long groupId, long folderId, boolean includeTrashedEntries) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folderincludeTrashedEntries
- whether to include recycled web content
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void deleteArticles(long groupId, String className, long classPK) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public void deleteLayoutArticleReferences(long groupId, String layoutUuid) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouplayoutUuid
- the unique string identifying the web content
article's display page
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle expireArticle(long userId, long groupId, String articleId, double version, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionarticleURL
- the web content article's accessible URLserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, status date, portlet preferences, and can set
whether to add the default command update for the web content
article. With respect to social activities, by setting the
service context's command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a matching web content article could not be
found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void expireArticle(long userId, long groupId, String articleId, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
portal property is
, otherwise expiring only its latest approved version.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articlearticleURL
- the web content article's accessible URLserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, status date, portlet preferences, and can set
whether to add the default command update for the web content
article. With respect to social activities, by setting the
service context's command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a matching web content article could not be
found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle fetchArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchArticle(long groupId, String articleId, double version) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's version
if no web content article could be
public JournalArticle fetchArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchDisplayArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey, int[] statuses) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey, int status, boolean preferApproved) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestArticle(long groupId, String articleId, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle fetchLatestIndexableArticle(long resourcePrimKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the resource instance
if no matching web content
article could be found
public JournalArticle getArticle(long id) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getArticle(long groupId, String articleId, double version) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's version
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getArticle(long groupId, String className, long classPK) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupclassName
- the DDMStructure class name if the web content article
is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of the class name
associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the primary key of the DDM structure, if the the
DDMStructure class name is given as the className
parameter, the primary key of the class associated with the web
content article, or 0
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupurlTitle
- the web content article's accessible URL title
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getArticleContent(JournalArticle article, String ddmTemplateKey, String viewMode, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the web content articleddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
- if a matching DDM template could not be found or
if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getArticleContent(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String viewMode, String ddmTemplateKey, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionviewMode
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getArticleContent(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String viewMode, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionviewMode
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getArticleContent(long groupId, String articleId, String viewMode, String ddmTemplateKey, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleviewMode
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getArticleContent(long groupId, String articleId, String viewMode, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleviewMode
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(JournalArticle article, String ddmTemplateKey, String viewMode, String languageId, int page, String xmlRequest, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
) or the XML request otherwise.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the web content articleddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getpage
- the web content's page number. Page numbers start at
- the request that serializes the web content into a
hierarchical hash map (optionally null
- the theme display
- if a matching DDM template could not be found or
if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String ddmTemplateKey, String viewMode, String languageId, int page, String xmlRequest, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
) or the XML request otherwise.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getpage
- the web content's page numberxmlRequest
- the request that serializes the web content into a
hierarchical hash mapthemeDisplay
- the theme display
if the
article has expired or if article's display date/time is after
the current date/time
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String ddmTemplateKey, String viewMode, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
if the
article has expired or if article's display date/time is after
the current date/time
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(long groupId, String articleId, String viewMode, String languageId, int page, String xmlRequest, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
) or the XML
request otherwise.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleviewMode
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getpage
- the web content's page numberxmlRequest
- the request that serializes the web content into a
hierarchical hash mapthemeDisplay
- the theme display
if the
article has expired or if article's display date/time is after
the current date/time
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(long groupId, String articleId, String ddmTemplateKey, String viewMode, String languageId, int page, String xmlRequest, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
) or the
XML request otherwise.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getpage
- the web content's page numberxmlRequest
- the request that serializes the web content into a
hierarchical hash mapthemeDisplay
- the theme display
if the
article has expired or if article's display date/time is after
the current date/time
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(long groupId, String articleId, String ddmTemplateKey, String viewMode, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
if the
article has expired or if article's display date/time is after
the current date/time
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleDisplay getArticleDisplay(long groupId, String articleId, String viewMode, String languageId, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleviewMode
- the mode in which the web content is being viewedlanguageId
- the primary key of the language translation to getthemeDisplay
- the theme display
if the
article has expired or if article's display date/time is after
the current date/time
- if a matching web content article or DDM template
could not be found, or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles() throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's group
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupstart
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupstart
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)obc
- the comparator to order the web content articles
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, long folderId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folder
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, long folderId, int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article's folderstart
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, long folderId, int status, int start, int end) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, long folderId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article's folderstart
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)orderByComparator
- the comparator to order the web content
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticles(long groupId, String articleId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getArticlesByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> getArticlesBySmallImageId(long smallImageId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's small
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getArticlesCount(long groupId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's group
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getArticlesCount(long groupId, long folderId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article's folder
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getArticlesCount(long groupId, long folderId, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public int getArticlesCount(long groupId, String articleId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> getCompanyArticles(long companyId, double version, int status, int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companyversion
- the web content article's versionstatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.start
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getCompanyArticles(long companyId, int status, int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companystatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.start
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getCompanyArticlesCount(long companyId, double version, int status, int start, int end) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companyversion
- the web content article's versionstatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.start
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getCompanyArticlesCount(long companyId, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companystatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getDisplayArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
- if no approved matching web content articles
could be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getDisplayArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupurlTitle
- the web content article's accessible URL title
- if no approved matching web content articles
could be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getIndexableArticlesByDDMStructureKey(String[] ddmStructureKeys) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> getIndexableArticlesByResourcePrimKey(long resourcePrimKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the resource instance
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey, int status) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the resource instancestatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getLatestArticle(long resourcePrimKey, int status, boolean preferApproved) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the resource instancestatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.preferApproved
- whether to prefer returning the latest matching
article that has workflow status WorkflowConstants#STATUS_APPROVED
over returning one that has a
different status
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getLatestArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getLatestArticle(long groupId, String articleId, int status) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articlestatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getLatestArticle(long groupId, String className, long classPK) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupclassName
- the DDMStructure class name if the web content article
is related to a DDM structure, the class name associated with the
article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the primary key of the DDM structure, if the DDMStructure
class name is given as the className
parameter, the
primary key of the class associated with the web content article,
or 0
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getLatestArticleByUrlTitle(long groupId, String urlTitle, int status) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupurlTitle
- the web content article's accessible URL titlestatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic double getLatestVersion(long groupId, String articleId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic double getLatestVersion(long groupId, String articleId, int status) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articlestatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getNotInTrashArticlesCount(long groupId, long folderId) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folder
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle getOldestArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle getOldestArticle(long groupId, String articleId, int status) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> getStructureArticles(long groupId, String ddmStructureKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupddmStructureKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getStructureArticles(long groupId, String ddmStructureKey, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupddmStructureKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)obc
- the comparator to order the web content articles
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getStructureArticles(String[] ddmStructureKeys) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public int getStructureArticlesCount(long groupId, String ddmStructureKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupddmStructureKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getTemplateArticles(long groupId, String ddmTemplateKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> getTemplateArticles(long groupId, String ddmTemplateKey, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)obc
- the comparator to order the web content articles
- if a system exception occurredpublic int getTemplateArticlesCount(long groupId, String ddmTemplateKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupddmTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- if a system exception occurredpublic String getUniqueUrlTitle(long groupId, String articleId, String urlTitle) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public boolean hasArticle(long groupId, String articleId) throws SystemException
if the specified web content article exists.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
if the specified web content article exists;
- if a system exception occurredpublic boolean isLatestVersion(long groupId, String articleId, double version) throws PortalException, SystemException
if the web content article, specified by group
and article ID, is the latest version.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's version
if the specified web content article is the
latest version; false
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic boolean isLatestVersion(long groupId, String articleId, double version, int status) throws PortalException, SystemException
if the web content article, specified by group,
article ID, and workflow status, is the latest version.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionstatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.
if the specified web content article is the
latest version; false
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle moveArticle(long groupId, String articleId, long newFolderId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articlenewFolderId
- the primary key of the web content article's new
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle moveArticleFromTrash(long userId, long groupId, JournalArticle article, long newFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticle
- the web content articlenewFolderId
- the primary key of the web content article's new
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, portlet preferences, and can set whether to
add the default command update for the web content article. With
respect to social activities, by setting the service context's
command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a trashed web content article with the primary
key could not be found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle moveArticleToTrash(long userId, JournalArticle article) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the web content article
- if the user did not have permission to move the
article to the Recycle Bin or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle moveArticleToTrash(long userId, long groupId, String articleId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content article
if no matching
article was found
- if the user did not have permission to move the
article to the Recycle Bin or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void rebuildTree(long companyId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle removeArticleLocale(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String languageId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionlanguageId
- the primary key of the language locale to remove
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle restoreArticleFromTrash(long userId, JournalArticle article) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user restoring the web content
- the web content article
- if the web content article with the primary key
could not be found in the Recycle Bin, if the user did not have
permission to restore the article, or if a portal exception
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> search(long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, int status, int start, int end) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> search(long groupId, long folderId, int status, int start, int end) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public List<JournalArticle> search(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String keywords, Double version, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException
search(long, long, List,
long, String, String, String, LinkedHashMap, int, int, Sort)
instead of
this method wherever possible for performance reasons.
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
web content article ID, title, description, or content
(optionally null
). If the keywords value is not
, the search uses the OR operator in connecting
query criteria; otherwise it uses the AND operator.version
- the web content article's version (optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the date after which a matching web content
article's display date must be after (optionally
- the date before which a matching web content
article's display date must be before (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.reviewDate
- the web content article's scheduled review date
(optionally null
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)obc
- the comparator to order the web content articles
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> search(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, Double version, String title, String description, String content, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException
search(long, long, List,
long, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String,
LinkedHashMap, boolean, int, int, Sort)
instead of this method wherever
possible for performance reasons.
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the article ID keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's version (optionally
- the title keywords (space separated, optionally
- the description keywords (space separated, optionally
- the content keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the date after which a matching web content
article's display date must be after (optionally
- the date before which a matching web content
article's display date must be before (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.reviewDate
- the web content article's scheduled review date
(optionally null
- whether every field must match its value or keywords,
or just one field must match. Company, group, folder IDs, class
name ID, and status must all match their values.start
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)obc
- the comparator to order the web content articles
- if a system exception occurredpublic List<JournalArticle> search(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, Double version, String title, String description, String content, String type, String[] ddmStructureKeys, String[] ddmTemplateKeys, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the article ID keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's version (optionally
- the title keywords (space separated, optionally
- the description keywords (space separated, optionally
- the content keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the primary keys of the web content article's
DDM structures, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary keys of the web content article's DDM
templates (originally null
). If the articles are
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the date after which a matching web content
article's display date must be after (optionally
- the date before which a matching web content
article's display date must be before (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.reviewDate
- the web content article's scheduled review date
(optionally null
- whether every field must match its value or keywords,
or just one field must match. Company, group, folder IDs, class
name ID, and status must all match their values.start
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)obc
- the comparator to order the web content articles
- if a system exception occurredpublic Hits search(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, String keywords, LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params, int start, int end, Sort sort) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
web content article ID, title, description, or content
(optionally null
). If the keywords value is not
, the search uses the OR operator in connecting
query criteria; otherwise it uses the AND operator.params
- the finder parameters (optionally null
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)sort
- the field, type, and direction by which to sort (optionally
- if a system exception occurredpublic Hits search(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, String title, String description, String content, String type, String status, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params, boolean andSearch, int start, int end, Sort sort) throws SystemException
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the article ID keywords (space separated, optionally
- the title keywords (space separated, optionally
- the description keywords (space separated, optionally
- the content keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.ddmStructureKey
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the finder parameters (optionally null
). Can
set parameter "includeDiscussions"
to search for the keywords in the web content
article discussions.andSearch
- whether every field must match its value or keywords,
or just one field must matchstart
- the lower bound of the range of web content articles to
- the upper bound of the range of web content articles to
return (not inclusive)sort
- the field, type, and direction by which to sort (optionally
- if a system exception occurredpublic Hits search(long groupId, long userId, long creatorUserId, int status, int start, int end) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public int searchCount(long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public int searchCount(long groupId, long folderId, int status) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public int searchCount(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String keywords, Double version, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
web content article ID, title, description, or content
(optionally null
). If the keywords value is not
, the search uses the OR operator in connecting
query criteria; otherwise it uses the AND operator.version
- the web content article's version (optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the date after which a matching web content
article's display date must be after (optionally
- the date before which a matching web content
article's display date must be before (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.reviewDate
- the web content article's scheduled review date
(optionally null
- if a system exception occurredpublic int searchCount(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, Double version, String title, String description, String content, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, boolean andOperator) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the article ID keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's version (optionally
- the title keywords (space separated, optionally
- the description keywords (space separated, optionally
- the content keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the date after which a matching web content
article's display date must be after (optionally
- the date before which a matching web content
article's display date must be before (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.reviewDate
- the web content article's scheduled review date
(optionally null
- whether every field must match its value or keywords,
or just one field must match. Group, folder IDs, class name ID,
and status must all match their values.
- if a system exception occurredpublic int searchCount(long companyId, long groupId, List<Long> folderIds, long classNameId, String articleId, Double version, String title, String description, String content, String type, String[] ddmStructureKeys, String[] ddmTemplateKeys, Date displayDateGT, Date displayDateLT, int status, Date reviewDate, boolean andOperator) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's companygroupId
- the primary key of the group (optionally 0
- the primary keys of the web content article folders
(optionally Collections.EMPTY_LIST
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the article ID keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's version (optionally
- the title keywords (space separated, optionally
- the description keywords (space separated, optionally
- the content keywords (space separated, optionally
- the web content article's type (optionally
- the primary keys of the web content article's
DDM structures, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary keys of the web content article's DDM
templates (originally null
). If the articles are
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the date after which a matching web content
article's display date must be after (optionally
- the date before which a matching web content
article's display date must be before (optionally
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.reviewDate
- the web content article's scheduled review date
(optionally null
- whether every field must match its value or keywords,
or just one field must match. Group, folder IDs, class name ID,
and status must all match their values.
- if a system exception occurredpublic void setTreePaths(long folderId, String treePath, boolean reindex) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public void subscribe(long userId, long groupId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user to subscribegroupId
- the primary key of the group
- if a matching user or group could not be found
- if a system exception occurredpublic void unsubscribe(long userId, long groupId) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user to unsubscribegroupId
- the primary key of the group
- if a matching user or subscription could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateArticle(long userId, long groupId, long folderId, String articleId, double version, Map<Locale,String> titleMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String content, String layoutUuid, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folderarticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versiontitleMap
- the web content article's locales and localized titlesdescriptionMap
- the web content article's locales and localized
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- the unique string identifying the web content
article's display pageserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, expando bridge attributes, asset category IDs,
asset tag names, asset link entry IDs, workflow actions, the
"defaultLanguageId" and "urlTitle" attributes, and can set
whether to add the default command update for the web content
article. With respect to social activities, by setting the
service context's command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a user with the primary key or a matching web
content article could not be found, or if a portal exception
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateArticle(long userId, long groupId, long folderId, String articleId, double version, Map<Locale,String> titleMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String content, String type, String ddmStructureKey, String ddmTemplateKey, String layoutUuid, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, int expirationDateMonth, int expirationDateDay, int expirationDateYear, int expirationDateHour, int expirationDateMinute, boolean neverExpire, int reviewDateMonth, int reviewDateDay, int reviewDateYear, int reviewDateHour, int reviewDateMinute, boolean neverReview, boolean indexable, boolean smallImage, String smallImageURL, File smallImageFile, Map<String,byte[]> images, String articleURL, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folderarticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versiontitleMap
- the web content article's locales and localized titlesdescriptionMap
- the web content article's locales and localized
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- the structure's type, if the web content article is related
to a DDM structure. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
structure, if the article is related to a DDM structure, or
- the primary key of the web content article's DDM
template (optionally null
). If the article is
related to a DDM structure, the template's structure must match
- the unique string identifying the web content
article's display pagedisplayDateMonth
- the month the web content article is set to
- the calendar day the web content article is set to
- the year the web content article is set to
- the hour the web content article is set to
- the minute the web content article is set to
- the month the web content article is set to
- the calendar day the web content article is set
to expireexpirationDateYear
- the year the web content article is set to
- the hour the web content article is set to
- the minute the web content article is set to
- whether the web content article is not set to auto
- the month the web content article is set for
- the calendar day the web content article is set for
- the year the web content article is set for reviewreviewDateHour
- the hour the web content article is set for reviewreviewDateMinute
- the minute the web content article is set for
- whether the web content article is not set for reviewindexable
- whether the web content is searchablesmallImage
- whether to update web content article's a small image.
A file must be passed in as smallImageFile
otherwise the current small image is deleted.smallImageURL
- the web content article's small image URL
(optionally null
- the web content article's new small image file
(optionally null
). Must pass in
value of true
to replace the
article's small image file.images
- the web content's images (optionally null
- the web content article's accessible URL (optionally
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, expando bridge attributes, asset category IDs,
asset tag names, asset link entry IDs, workflow actions, the
"defaultLanguageId" and "urlTitle" attributes, and can set
whether to add the default command update for the web content
article. With respect to social activities, by setting the
service context's command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a user with the primary key or a matching web
content article could not be found, or if a portal exception
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateArticle(long userId, long groupId, long folderId, String articleId, double version, String content, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
- the primary key of the web content article's groupfolderId
- the primary key of the web content article folderarticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versioncontent
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, expando bridge attributes, asset category IDs,
asset tag names, asset link entry IDs, workflow actions, the
"defaultLanguageId" and "urlTitle" attributes, and can set
whether to add the default command update for the web content
article. With respect to social activities, by setting the
service context's command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a user with the primary key or a matching web
content article could not be found, or if a portal exception
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateArticleTranslation(long groupId, String articleId, double version, Locale locale, String title, String description, String content, Map<String,byte[]> images) throws PortalException, SystemException
updateArticleTranslation(long, String, double, Locale,
String, String, String, Map, ServiceContext)
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
public JournalArticle updateArticleTranslation(long groupId, String articleId, double version, Locale locale, String title, String description, String content, Map<String,byte[]> images, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionlocale
- the locale of the web content article's display templatetitle
- the translated web content article titledescription
- the translated web content article descriptioncontent
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- the web content's imagesserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date and "urlTitle" attribute for the web content
- if a user with the primary key or a matching web
content article could not be found, or if a portal exception
- if a system exception occurredpublic void updateAsset(long userId, JournalArticle article, long[] assetCategoryIds, String[] assetTagNames, long[] assetLinkEntryIds) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
article's assetarticle
- the web content articleassetCategoryIds
- the primary keys of the new asset categoriesassetTagNames
- the new asset tag namesassetLinkEntryIds
- the primary keys of the new asset link entries
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateContent(long groupId, String articleId, double version, String content) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versioncontent
- the HTML content wrapped in XML. For more information,
see the content example in the class description for JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl
- if a matching web content article could not be
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateStatus(long userId, JournalArticle article, int status, String articleURL, Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
article's statusarticle
- the web content articlestatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.articleURL
- the web content article's accessible URLworkflowContext
- the web content article's configured workflow
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, status date, and portlet preferences. With
respect to social activities, by setting the service context's
command to Constants.UPDATE
, the invocation
is considered a web content update activity; otherwise it is
considered a web content add activity.
- if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateStatus(long userId, long classPK, int status, Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
article's statusclassPK
- the primary key of the DDM structure, if the web content
article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of the
class associated with the article, or 0
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.workflowContext
- the web content article's configured workflowserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, portlet preferences, and can set whether to
add the default command update for the web content article.
- if a matching web content article could not be
found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticle updateStatus(long userId, long groupId, String articleId, double version, int status, String articleURL, Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the user updating the web content
article's statusgroupId
- the primary key of the web content article's grouparticleId
- the primary key of the web content articleversion
- the web content article's versionstatus
- the web content article's workflow status. For more
information see WorkflowConstants
for constants starting
with the "STATUS_" prefix.articleURL
- the web content article's accessible URLworkflowContext
- the web content article's configured workflowserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
modification date, portlet preferences, and can set whether to
add the default command update for the web content article.
- if a matching web content article could not be
found or if a portal exception occurred
- if a system exception occurredpublic void updateTemplateId(long groupId, long classNameId, String oldDDMTemplateKey, String newDDMTemplateKey) throws SystemException
in interface JournalArticleLocalService
- the primary key of the web content article's groupclassNameId
- the primary key of the DDMStructure class if the web
content article is related to a DDM structure, the primary key of
the class name associated with the article, or JournalArticleConstants#CLASSNAME_ID_DEFAULT
- the primary key of the web content article's
old DDM templatenewDDMTemplateKey
- the primary key of the web content article's
new DDM template
- if a system exception occurredpublic JournalArticleLocalService getWrappedJournalArticleLocalService()
public void setWrappedJournalArticleLocalService(JournalArticleLocalService journalArticleLocalService)
public JournalArticleLocalService getWrappedService()
in interface ServiceWrapper<JournalArticleLocalService>
public void setWrappedService(JournalArticleLocalService journalArticleLocalService)
in interface ServiceWrapper<JournalArticleLocalService>
Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5 | |||||||||