Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.service

Interface Summary
MBBanLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBBan.
MBBanService Provides the remote service interface for MBBan.
MBCategoryLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBCategory.
MBCategoryService Provides the remote service interface for MBCategory.
MBDiscussionLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBDiscussion.
MBMailingListLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBMailingList.
MBMessageLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBMessage.
MBMessageService Provides the remote service interface for MBMessage.
MBStatsUserLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBStatsUser.
MBThreadFlagLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBThreadFlag.
MBThreadLocalService Provides the local service interface for MBThread.
MBThreadService Provides the remote service interface for MBThread.

Class Summary
MBBanLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBBan.
MBBanLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBBanLocalService.
MBBanServiceUtil Provides the remote service utility for MBBan.
MBBanServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBBanService.
MBCategoryLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBCategory.
MBCategoryLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBCategoryLocalService.
MBCategoryServiceUtil Provides the remote service utility for MBCategory.
MBCategoryServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBCategoryService.
MBDiscussionLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBDiscussion.
MBDiscussionLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBDiscussionLocalService.
MBMailingListLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBMailingList.
MBMailingListLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBMailingListLocalService.
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBMessage.
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBMessageLocalService.
MBMessageServiceUtil Provides the remote service utility for MBMessage.
MBMessageServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBMessageService.
MBStatsUserLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBStatsUser.
MBStatsUserLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBStatsUserLocalService.
MBThreadFlagLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBThreadFlag.
MBThreadFlagLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBThreadFlagLocalService.
MBThreadLocalServiceUtil Provides the local service utility for MBThread.
MBThreadLocalServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBThreadLocalService.
MBThreadServiceUtil Provides the remote service utility for MBThread.
MBThreadServiceWrapper Provides a wrapper for MBThreadService.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5