Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
MBBanLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBBan. |
MBBanService | Provides the remote service interface for MBBan. |
MBCategoryLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBCategory. |
MBCategoryService | Provides the remote service interface for MBCategory. |
MBDiscussionLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBDiscussion. |
MBMailingListLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBMailingList. |
MBMessageLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBMessage. |
MBMessageService | Provides the remote service interface for MBMessage. |
MBStatsUserLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBStatsUser. |
MBThreadFlagLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBThreadFlag. |
MBThreadLocalService | Provides the local service interface for MBThread. |
MBThreadService | Provides the remote service interface for MBThread. |
Class Summary | |
MBBanLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBBan. |
MBBanLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBBanLocalService . |
MBBanServiceUtil | Provides the remote service utility for MBBan. |
MBBanServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBBanService . |
MBCategoryLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBCategory. |
MBCategoryLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBCategoryLocalService . |
MBCategoryServiceUtil | Provides the remote service utility for MBCategory. |
MBCategoryServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBCategoryService . |
MBDiscussionLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBDiscussion. |
MBDiscussionLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBDiscussionLocalService . |
MBMailingListLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBMailingList. |
MBMailingListLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBMailingListLocalService . |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBMessage. |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBMessageLocalService . |
MBMessageServiceUtil | Provides the remote service utility for MBMessage. |
MBMessageServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBMessageService . |
MBStatsUserLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBStatsUser. |
MBStatsUserLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBStatsUserLocalService . |
MBThreadFlagLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBThreadFlag. |
MBThreadFlagLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBThreadFlagLocalService . |
MBThreadLocalServiceUtil | Provides the local service utility for MBThread. |
MBThreadLocalServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBThreadLocalService . |
MBThreadServiceUtil | Provides the remote service utility for MBThread. |
MBThreadServiceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for MBThreadService . |
Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5 | |||||||||