Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service.persistence

Interface Summary
SCFrameworkVersionPersistence The persistence interface for the s c framework version service.
SCLicensePersistence The persistence interface for the s c license service.
SCProductEntryPersistence The persistence interface for the s c product entry service.
SCProductScreenshotPersistence The persistence interface for the s c product screenshot service.
SCProductVersionPersistence The persistence interface for the s c product version service.

Class Summary
SCFrameworkVersionUtil The persistence utility for the s c framework version service.
SCLicenseUtil The persistence utility for the s c license service.
SCProductEntryUtil The persistence utility for the s c product entry service.
SCProductScreenshotUtil The persistence utility for the s c product screenshot service.
SCProductVersionUtil The persistence utility for the s c product version service.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5