Tag input-editor

Creates an input field for editing rich text.

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.liferay.taglib.ui.InputEditorTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

allowBrowseDocumentsfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
autoCreatefalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
configKeyfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
configParamsfalsetruejava.util.MapA map of configuration parameters. The map holds key value pairs of type <String, String>.
contentsfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
contentsLanguageIdfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe ID of a language for the input editor's text.
cssClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringA CSS class for styling the component.
datafalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
editorImplfalsetruejava.lang.StringDeprecated as of 7.0.0, replaced by the attribute editorName.
editorNamefalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
fileBrowserParamsfalsetruejava.util.MapA map of configuration parameters. The map holds key value pairs of <String, String>.
heightfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
initMethodfalsetruejava.lang.StringDeprecated as of 7.0.0, replaced by the attribute contents.
inlineEditfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
inlineEditSaveURLfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
namefalsetruejava.lang.StringA name for the input editor. The default value is editor.
onBlurMethodfalsetruejava.lang.StringA function to be called when the input editor loses focus.
onChangeMethodfalsetruejava.lang.StringA function to be called on a change in the input editor.
onFocusMethodfalsetruejava.lang.StringA function to be called when the input editor gets focus.
onInitMethodfalsetruejava.lang.StringA function to be called when the input editor initializes.
placeholderfalsetruejava.lang.StringPlaceholder text to display in the input editor.
resizablefalsetruebooleanWhether the field for the input editor is resizable. The default value is true.
showSourcefalsetruejava.lang.StringWhether to enable editing the HTML source code of the content. The default value is true.
skipEditorLoadingfalsetruebooleanWhether to skip loading resources necessary for the CKEditor. The default value is false.
toolbarSetfalsetruejava.lang.StringA toolbar for the input editor. The default value is liferay. Possible values are bbcode, creole, editInPlace, email, liferay, liferayArticle, phone, simple, and tablet.
widthfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description

No Variables Defined.

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