Tag input-move-boxes

Creates an input move boxes component comprised of two columns of key value pairs that can be rearranged.

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.liferay.taglib.ui.InputMoveBoxesTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

cssClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringA CSS class for styling the component.
leftBoxMaxItemsfalsetrueintSets the maximum number of items for the left box. The default value null represents an unlimited number of items.
leftBoxNametruetruejava.lang.StringA name for the left box.
leftListtruetruejava.util.ListA list of key value pairs for the left box.
leftOnChangefalsetruejava.lang.StringA function to be called on a change in selection in the left list.
leftReorderfalsetruebooleanWhether the left list can be reordered. The default value is false.
leftTitletruetruejava.lang.StringA title to display at the top of the left box.
rightBoxMaxItemsfalsetrueintSets the maximum number of items for the right box. The default value null represents an unlimited number of items.
rightBoxNametruetruejava.lang.StringA name for the right box.
rightListtruetruejava.util.ListA list of key value pairs for the right box.
rightOnChangefalsetruejava.lang.StringA function to be called on a change in selection in the right list.
rightReorderfalsetruebooleanWhether the right list can be reordered. The default value is false.
rightTitletruetruejava.lang.StringA title to display at the top of the right box.

No Variables Defined.

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