- cacheResult(CommerceWishListItem) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Caches the commerce wish list item in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(List<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Caches the commerce wish list items in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(CommerceWishListItem) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Caches the commerce wish list item in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(List<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Caches the commerce wish list items in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(CommerceWishList) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Caches the commerce wish list in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(List<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Caches the commerce wish lists in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(CommerceWishList) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Caches the commerce wish list in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- cacheResult(List<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Caches the commerce wish lists in the entity cache if it is enabled.
- clearCache() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- clearCache(CommerceWishListItem) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- clearCache() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- clearCache(CommerceWishList) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- cloneWithOriginalValues() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
- cloneWithOriginalValues() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- cloneWithOriginalValues() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
- cloneWithOriginalValues() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util
- com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator - package com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator
- COMMERCE_WISH_LIST_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants.CommerceWishListPortletKeys
- COMMERCE_WISH_LIST_ID_ACCESSOR - Static variable in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishList
- COMMERCE_WISH_LIST_ITEM_ID_ACCESSOR - Static variable in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItem
- CommerceWishList - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
The extended model interface for the CommerceWishList service.
- CommerceWishListActionKeys - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants
- CommerceWishListActionKeys() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants.CommerceWishListActionKeys
- CommerceWishListConstants - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants
- CommerceWishListConstants() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants.CommerceWishListConstants
- CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator
- CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator
- CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator
- CommerceWishListHttpHelper - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util
- commerceWishListId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- commerceWishListId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListTable
- CommerceWishListItem - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
The extended model interface for the CommerceWishListItem service.
- CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator
- CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator
- CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator
- commerceWishListItemId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- CommerceWishListItemLocalService - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the local service interface for CommerceWishListItem.
- CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the local service utility for CommerceWishListItem.
- CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
- CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper(CommerceWishListItemLocalService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListItemModel - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
The base model interface for the CommerceWishListItem service.
- CommerceWishListItemPersistence - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence
The persistence interface for the commerce wish list item service.
- CommerceWishListItemService - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the remote service interface for CommerceWishListItem.
- CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the remote service utility for CommerceWishListItem.
- CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
- CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper(CommerceWishListItemService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListItemTable - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
The table class for the "CommerceWishListItem" database table.
- CommerceWishListItemUtil - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence
The persistence utility for the commerce wish list item service.
- CommerceWishListItemUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- CommerceWishListItemWrapper - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
- CommerceWishListItemWrapper(CommerceWishListItem) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- CommerceWishListLocalService - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the local service interface for CommerceWishList.
- CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the local service utility for CommerceWishList.
- CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
- CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper(CommerceWishListLocalService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListModel - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
The base model interface for the CommerceWishList service.
- CommerceWishListNameComparator - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator
- CommerceWishListNameComparator() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListNameComparator
- CommerceWishListNameComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListNameComparator
- CommerceWishListNameException - Exception in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception
- CommerceWishListNameException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.CommerceWishListNameException
- CommerceWishListNameException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.CommerceWishListNameException
- CommerceWishListNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.CommerceWishListNameException
- CommerceWishListNameException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.CommerceWishListNameException
- CommerceWishListPersistence - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence
The persistence interface for the commerce wish list service.
- CommerceWishListPortletKeys - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants
- CommerceWishListPortletKeys() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.constants.CommerceWishListPortletKeys
- CommerceWishListService - Interface in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the remote service interface for CommerceWishList.
- CommerceWishListServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
Provides the remote service utility for CommerceWishList.
- CommerceWishListServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- CommerceWishListServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service
- CommerceWishListServiceWrapper() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListServiceWrapper(CommerceWishListService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- CommerceWishListTable - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
The table class for the "CommerceWishList" database table.
- CommerceWishListUtil - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence
The persistence utility for the commerce wish list service.
- CommerceWishListUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- CommerceWishListWrapper - Class in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model
- CommerceWishListWrapper(CommerceWishList) - Constructor for class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
- companyId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- companyId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListTable
- compare(CommerceWishList, CommerceWishList) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator
- compare(CommerceWishListItem, CommerceWishListItem) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator
- compare(CommerceWishList, CommerceWishList) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListNameComparator
- countAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items.
- countAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items.
- countAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists.
- countAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists.
- countByCommerceWishListId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- countByCommerceWishListId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- countByCPInstanceUuid(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- countByCPInstanceUuid(String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- countByCProductId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- countByCProductId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- countByCW_CP(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- countByCW_CP(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- countByCW_CPI(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- countByCW_CPI(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- countByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ?.
- countByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ?.
- countByG_U(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- countByG_U(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- countByG_U_D(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- countByG_U_D(long, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- countByGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- countByGroupId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- countByU_LtC(long, Date) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- countByU_LtC(long, Date) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- countByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- countByUserId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- countByUuid(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- countByUuid(String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- countByUuid_C(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- countByUuid_C(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- countByUUID_G(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and groupId = ?.
- countByUUID_G(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and groupId = ?.
- countWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- countWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- CPInstanceUuid - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- CProductId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- create(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Creates a new commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- create(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Creates a new commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- create(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Creates a new commerce wish list with the primary key.
- create(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Creates a new commerce wish list with the primary key.
- createCommerceWishList(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Creates a new commerce wish list with the primary key.
- createCommerceWishList(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Creates a new commerce wish list with the primary key.
- createCommerceWishList(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Creates a new commerce wish list with the primary key.
- createCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
Creates a new commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- createCommerceWishListItem(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
Creates a new commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- createCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
Creates a new commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- createDate - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- createDate - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListTable
- createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- fetchByCommerceWishListId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- fetchByCommerceWishListId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- fetchByCommerceWishListId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- fetchByCommerceWishListId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- fetchByCPInstanceUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCPInstanceUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCPInstanceUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCPInstanceUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCProductId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCProductId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCProductId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCProductId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCW_CP_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCW_CP_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCW_CP_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCW_CP_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- fetchByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list item where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list item where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
- fetchByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list item where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list item where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
- fetchByCW_CPI_First(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCW_CPI_First(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCW_CPI_Last(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByCW_CPI_Last(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- fetchByG_U_D_First(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- fetchByG_U_D_First(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- fetchByG_U_D_Last(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- fetchByG_U_D_Last(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- fetchByG_U_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- fetchByG_U_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- fetchByG_U_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- fetchByG_U_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- fetchByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- fetchByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- fetchByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- fetchByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- fetchByU_LtC_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- fetchByU_LtC_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- fetchByU_LtC_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- fetchByU_LtC_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- fetchByUserId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- fetchByUserId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- fetchByUserId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- fetchByUserId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- fetchByUuid_C_First(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- fetchByUuid_C_First(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- fetchByUuid_C_Last(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- fetchByUuid_C_Last(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- fetchByUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- fetchByUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- fetchByUUID_G(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByUUID_G(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
- fetchByUUID_G(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish list where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found.
- fetchByUUID_G(String, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish list where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns null
if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
- fetchByUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- fetchByUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- fetchCommerceWishList(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- fetchCommerceWishList(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- fetchCommerceWishList(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- fetchCommerceWishList(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- fetchCommerceWishList(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- fetchCommerceWishList(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- fetchCommerceWishList(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- fetchCommerceWishList(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- fetchCommerceWishList(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- fetchCommerceWishListByUuidAndGroupId(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns the commerce wish list matching the UUID and group.
- fetchCommerceWishListByUuidAndGroupId(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns the commerce wish list matching the UUID and group.
- fetchCommerceWishListByUuidAndGroupId(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list matching the UUID and group.
- fetchCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- fetchCommerceWishListItem(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- fetchCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- fetchCPInstance() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItem
- fetchCPInstance() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- findAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items.
- findAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists.
- findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCommerceWishListId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid_PrevAndNext(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCPInstanceUuid_PrevAndNext(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCProductId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- findByCProductId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CP_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CProductId = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish list items where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list item where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ? or throws a NoSuchWishListItemException
if it could not be found.
- findByCW_CPI_CP(long, String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list item where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ? and CProductId = ? or throws a NoSuchWishListItemException
if it could not be found.
- findByCW_CPI_First(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI_First(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI_Last(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI_Last(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI_PrevAndNext(long, long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByCW_CPI_PrevAndNext(long, long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list items before and after the current commerce wish list item in the ordered set where commerceWishListId = ? and CPInstanceUuid = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D(long, long, boolean, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D_First(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D_First(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D_Last(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D_Last(long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_D_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, boolean, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and defaultWishList = ?.
- findByG_U_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
- findByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key or throws a NoSuchWishListItemException
if it could not be found.
- findByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key or throws a NoSuchWishListItemException
if it could not be found.
- findByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key or throws a NoSuchWishListException
if it could not be found.
- findByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key or throws a NoSuchWishListException
if it could not be found.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC_PrevAndNext(long, long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByU_LtC_PrevAndNext(long, long, Date, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ? and createDate < ?.
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where userId = ?.
- findByUserId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- findByUserId_First(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- findByUserId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- findByUserId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where userId = ?.
- findByUuid(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid(String, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the commerce wish lists where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C_First(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C_First(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C_Last(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C_Last(String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long, String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long, String, long, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
- findByUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid_First(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the first commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- findByUUID_G(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish list where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchWishListException
if it could not be found.
- findByUUID_G(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish list where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a NoSuchWishListException
if it could not be found.
- findByUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid_Last(String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the last commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListPersistence
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long, String, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
Returns the commerce wish lists before and after the current commerce wish list in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
- findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishList() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItem
- getCommerceWishList() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- getCommerceWishList(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key.
- getCommerceWishList(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key.
- getCommerceWishList(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list with the primary key.
- getCommerceWishList(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- getCommerceWishList(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishList(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListByUuidAndGroupId(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns the commerce wish list matching the UUID and group.
- getCommerceWishListByUuidAndGroupId(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns the commerce wish list matching the UUID and group.
- getCommerceWishListByUuidAndGroupId(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list matching the UUID and group.
- getCommerceWishListId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the commerce wish list ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCommerceWishListId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCommerceWishListId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the commerce wish list ID of this commerce wish list.
- getCommerceWishListId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list ID of this commerce wish list.
- getCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- getCommerceWishListItem(long, String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getCommerceWishListItem(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- getCommerceWishListItem(long, String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list item with the primary key.
- getCommerceWishListItem(long, String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
- getCommerceWishListItem(long, String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
- getCommerceWishListItem(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItem(long, String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItem(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItem(long, String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCPInstanceCount(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCPInstanceCount(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCPInstanceCount(long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCPInstanceCount(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCPInstanceCount(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCPInstanceCount(long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCProductCount(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCProductCount(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCProductCount(long, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCProductCount(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCProductCount(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItemByContainsCProductCount(long, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the commerce wish list item ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCommerceWishListItemId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the commerce wish list item ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCommerceWishListItems(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items.
- getCommerceWishListItems(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getCommerceWishListItems(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items.
- getCommerceWishListItems(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItems(int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the commerce wish list items.
- getCommerceWishListItems(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItems(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
- getCommerceWishListItems(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItems(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishListItem>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
Returns the number of commerce wish list items.
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish list items.
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of commerce wish list items.
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListItemsCount(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListPortletURL(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.CommerceWishListHttpHelper
- getCommerceWishLists(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists.
- getCommerceWishLists(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getCommerceWishLists(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getCommerceWishLists(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists.
- getCommerceWishLists(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishLists(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishLists(int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the commerce wish lists.
- getCommerceWishLists(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishLists(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishLists(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- getCommerceWishLists(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- getCommerceWishLists(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishLists(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishLists(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishLists(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns all the commerce wish lists matching the UUID and company.
- getCommerceWishListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns a range of commerce wish lists matching the UUID and company.
- getCommerceWishListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns all the commerce wish lists matching the UUID and company.
- getCommerceWishListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of commerce wish lists matching the UUID and company.
- getCommerceWishListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns all the commerce wish lists matching the UUID and company.
- getCommerceWishListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<CommerceWishList>) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of commerce wish lists matching the UUID and company.
- getCommerceWishListsCount() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns the number of commerce wish lists.
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getCommerceWishListsCount() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of commerce wish lists.
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListsCount() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of commerce wish lists.
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- getCommerceWishListsCount(long, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- getCompanyId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the company ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the company ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCompanyId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the company ID of this commerce wish list.
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the company ID of this commerce wish list.
- getCPDefinition() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItem
- getCPDefinition() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- getCPInstanceUuid() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the cp instance uuid of this commerce wish list item.
- getCPInstanceUuid() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the cp instance uuid of this commerce wish list item.
- getCProduct() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItem
- getCProduct() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- getCProductId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the c product ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCProductId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the c product ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the create date of this commerce wish list item.
- getCreateDate() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the create date of this commerce wish list item.
- getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the create date of this commerce wish list.
- getCreateDate() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the create date of this commerce wish list.
- getCurrentCommerceWishList(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.CommerceWishListHttpHelper
- getCurrentCommerceWishListItemsCount(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.CommerceWishListHttpHelper
- getDefaultCommerceWishList(long, long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getDefaultCommerceWishList(long, long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getDefaultCommerceWishList(long, long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getDefaultCommerceWishList(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
- getDefaultCommerceWishList(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getDefaultCommerceWishList(long, long) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- getDefaultWishList() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the default wish list of this commerce wish list.
- getDefaultWishList() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the default wish list of this commerce wish list.
- getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getGroupId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the group ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getGroupId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the group ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getGroupId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the group ID of this commerce wish list.
- getGroupId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the group ID of this commerce wish list.
- getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getJson() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the json of this commerce wish list item.
- getJson() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the json of this commerce wish list item.
- getModelAttributes() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
- getModelAttributes() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
- getModifiedDate() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the modified date of this commerce wish list item.
- getModifiedDate() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the modified date of this commerce wish list item.
- getModifiedDate() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the modified date of this commerce wish list.
- getModifiedDate() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the modified date of this commerce wish list.
- getMvccVersion() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the mvcc version of this commerce wish list item.
- getMvccVersion() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the mvcc version of this commerce wish list item.
- getMvccVersion() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the mvcc version of this commerce wish list.
- getMvccVersion() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the mvcc version of this commerce wish list.
- getName() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the name of this commerce wish list.
- getName() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the name of this commerce wish list.
- getOrderBy() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator
- getOrderBy() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator
- getOrderBy() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListNameComparator
- getOrderByFields() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListCreateDateComparator
- getOrderByFields() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListItemCreateDateComparator
- getOrderByFields() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.util.comparator.CommerceWishListNameComparator
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
- getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalService
- getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalService
- getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getPersistence() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListItemUtil
- getPersistence() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.persistence.CommerceWishListUtil
- getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the primary key of this commerce wish list item.
- getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the primary key of this commerce wish list item.
- getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the primary key of this commerce wish list.
- getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the primary key of this commerce wish list.
- getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceUtil
- getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceUtil
- getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceUtil
- getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceUtil
- getStagedModelType() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
- getUserId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the user ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getUserId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the user ID of this commerce wish list item.
- getUserId() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the user ID of this commerce wish list.
- getUserId() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the user ID of this commerce wish list.
- getUserName() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the user name of this commerce wish list item.
- getUserName() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the user name of this commerce wish list item.
- getUserName() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the user name of this commerce wish list.
- getUserName() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the user name of this commerce wish list.
- getUserUuid() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemModel
Returns the user uuid of this commerce wish list item.
- getUserUuid() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemWrapper
Returns the user uuid of this commerce wish list item.
- getUserUuid() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the user uuid of this commerce wish list.
- getUserUuid() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the user uuid of this commerce wish list.
- getUuid() - Method in interface com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListModel
Returns the uuid of this commerce wish list.
- getUuid() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListWrapper
Returns the uuid of this commerce wish list.
- getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemLocalServiceWrapper
- getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListItemServiceWrapper
- getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListLocalServiceWrapper
- getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.service.CommerceWishListServiceWrapper
- groupId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListItemTable
- groupId - Variable in class com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishListTable
- GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException - Exception in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception
- GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListItemMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListMaxAllowedException - Exception in com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception
- GuestWishListMaxAllowedException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListMaxAllowedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListMaxAllowedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListMaxAllowedException
- GuestWishListMaxAllowedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.exception.GuestWishListMaxAllowedException