Set the display name of the plugin.
name=Nosester App
Specify a module group identifier for the plugin.
module-group-id=liferay module-group-id=nosester
Specify the starting version number of the plugin. Every time a user modifies the plugin, the version number increments by 1.
Specify a list of comma delimited tags that categorize the plugin.
tags=collaboration, communication
Provide a short description of the plugin for users to read.
Note: the text of this element can contain simple HTML formatting.
Provide a long description of the plugin for users to read.
Note: the text value of this property can contain simple HTML formatting.
Describe the changes made in the latest release. Try to offer all information users might need in deciding whether to update from a previous version of the plugin.
Note: the text value of this property can contain simple HTML formatting.
Specify the URL of the plugin's home page.
page-url= page-url=
Specify the URL of the plugin's download page.
Examples:download-url= download-url=
Specify the plugin's author(s).
author=Liferay, Inc. author=Nosester author=Jose Nose and Peter Proboscis
Specify a list of comma delimited licenses under which the plugin is provided.
licenses=AGPL licenses=CCA licenses=GPL licenses=LGPL
Specify a list of comma delimited Liferay versions that are supported by the plugin.
liferay-versions=6.1.10, 6.1.20 liferay-versions=7.4.0
Specify all JARs the plugin requires. If any of these JAR files are already present in Liferay Portal's "lib" folder, avoid packaging them again by adding them here.
During deployment, these JARs are copied from Liferay Portal's "lib" folder to the deployed plugin's "lib" folder. The JAR files are also added to the plugin's API class path container.
This property is deprecated as of Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA4 and Liferay Digital Enterprise 7.0 Fix Pack 13; it's only provided for backwards compatibility.
Examples:portal-dependency-jars= portal-dependency-jars=\ jstl-api.jar,\ jstl-impl.jar,\ slf4j-api.jar
Specify all TLDs the plugin requires. If any of these TLD files are already present in Liferay Portal's "tld" folder, avoid packaging them again by adding them here.
During deployment, these TLDs are copied from Liferay Portal's "tld" folder to the deployed plugin's "tld" folder and setup in web.xml to facilitate design time DTD validation.
Examples:portal-dependency-tlds= portal-dependency-tlds=c.tld
Specify other plugins that depend on deployment of this plugin. Some plugins require this in order to rely on services and features provided by other plugins.
Examples:required-deployment-contexts= required-deployment-contexts=\ chat-portlet,\ sample-service-builder-portlet