Interface MarkupRequest

All Superinterfaces:

public interface MarkupRequest
extends WSRPBaseRequest

This is the abstraction for a render request at a integrated remote portlet at the consumer side.

Method Summary
 MarkupContext getCachedMarkup()
          Get the markup context if there is cached markup for this portlet instance or null in case of an empty markup cache.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wsrp4j.consumer.WSRPBaseRequest
getCharacterEncodingSet, getClientData, getLocales, getMimeTypes, getMode, getModes, getNavigationalState, getPortletInstanceKey, getSessionID, getUserAuthentication, getWindowState, getWindowStates, isModeSupported, isWindowStateSupported

Method Detail


public MarkupContext getCachedMarkup()
Get the markup context if there is cached markup for this portlet instance or null in case of an empty markup cache.

The cached markup context