Interface WSRPBaseRequest

All Known Subinterfaces:
InteractionRequest, MarkupRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WSRPBaseRequest

The WSRPRequest is the base interface for all requests to a consumer side invocation of a integrated remote portlet. Specialized interfaces exist for markup and action calls.

See Also:
MarkupRequest, InteractionRequest

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getCharacterEncodingSet()
          Get the character sets the consumer wants the remote portlet to use for encoding the markup.
 ClientData getClientData()
          Get the ClientData structure which carries information about the end user agent.
 java.lang.String[] getLocales()
          Get the locales which are supported by the portlet according to the client connecting to it.
 java.lang.String[] getMimeTypes()
          Get an array of mime types which are supported by the end user device.
 java.lang.String getMode()
          Get the current mode of the portlet
 java.lang.String[] getModes()
          Get the list of wsrp modes which are supported by the portlet.
 java.lang.String getNavigationalState()
          Get the current navigational state of the portlet
 java.lang.String getPortletInstanceKey()
          Get an opaque string which corresponds to a unique reference to this use of the portlet.
 java.lang.String getSessionID()
          Get the ID of the session context
 java.lang.String getUserAuthentication()
          Get the method which is used by the consumer to authenticate its users.
 java.lang.String getWindowState()
          Get the current window state of the portlet
 java.lang.String[] getWindowStates()
          Get the list of wsrp window states which are supported by the portlet.
 boolean isModeSupported(java.lang.String wsrpMode)
          Checks wether a given wsrp mode is supported by the portlet.
 boolean isWindowStateSupported(java.lang.String wsrpWindowState)
          Checks wether a given wsrp window state is supported by the portlet.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getSessionID()
Get the ID of the session context

The session context


public java.lang.String getPortletInstanceKey()
Get an opaque string which corresponds to a unique reference to this use of the portlet.

The portlet instance key


public java.lang.String getNavigationalState()
Get the current navigational state of the portlet

The navigational state


public java.lang.String getWindowState()
Get the current window state of the portlet

The window state


public java.lang.String getMode()
Get the current mode of the portlet

The mode of the portlet


public ClientData getClientData()
Get the ClientData structure which carries information about the end user agent.

The ClientData specifying the user agent.


public java.lang.String[] getLocales()
Get the locales which are supported by the portlet according to the client connecting to it. The Locales returned are in the form of (ISO-639 + "-" + ISO-3166)

Array with string representations of the locales which are supported by the consumer


public java.lang.String[] getModes()
Get the list of wsrp modes which are supported by the portlet. This should returned the list of all actuall supported modes and not necessarily the modes returned in the portlet description of the producer.

Array with string representations of the portlet modes supported by the portlet or null


public java.lang.String[] getWindowStates()
Get the list of wsrp window states which are supported by the portlet. This should returned the list of all actuall supported window states and not necessarily the window states returned in the portlet description of the producer.

Array with string representations of the window states supported by the portlet or null


public java.lang.String[] getMimeTypes()
Get an array of mime types which are supported by the end user device. The order in the array defines the order of preference of the end user.

An array of mimes types the consumer supports or null


public java.lang.String[] getCharacterEncodingSet()
Get the character sets the consumer wants the remote portlet to use for encoding the markup. Valid character sets are defined here

Array of string representations of the character encoding.


public boolean isModeSupported(java.lang.String wsrpMode)
Checks wether a given wsrp mode is supported by the portlet.

wsrpMode - The wsrp mode
True if the mode is supported by the portlet, false otherwise


public boolean isWindowStateSupported(java.lang.String wsrpWindowState)
Checks wether a given wsrp window state is supported by the portlet.

wsrpWindowState - The wsrp window state
True if the window state is supported by the portlet, false otherwise


public java.lang.String getUserAuthentication()
Get the method which is used by the consumer to authenticate its users.

String indicating how end-users were authenticated by the consumer.