Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SessionFactory

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.counter.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.counter.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class CounterFinderImpl
 class CounterPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the counter service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.mail.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.mail.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class CyrusUserPersistenceImpl
 class CyrusVirtualPersistenceImpl

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.common

Methods in com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.common with parameters of type SessionFactory
 Object EntityCacheImpl.getResult(boolean entityCacheEnabled, Class<?> classObj, Serializable primaryKeyObj, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
 Object FinderCacheImpl.getResult(FinderPath finderPath, Object[] args, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
 Object EntityCacheImpl.loadResult(boolean entityCacheEnabled, Class<?> classObj, Serializable primaryKeyObj, SessionFactory sessionFactory)

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate

Classes in com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate that implement SessionFactory
 class SessionFactoryImpl

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm

Methods in com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm with parameters of type SessionFactory
static Object EntityCacheUtil.getResult(boolean entityCacheEnabled, Class<?> classObj, Serializable primaryKeyObj, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
 Object EntityCache.getResult(boolean entityCacheEnabled, Class<?> classObj, Serializable primaryKeyObj, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
static Object FinderCacheUtil.getResult(FinderPath finderPath, Object[] args, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
 Object FinderCache.getResult(FinderPath finderPath, Object[] args, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
static Object FinderCacheUtil.getResult(String className, String methodName, String[] params, Object[] args, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
static Object EntityCacheUtil.loadResult(boolean entityCacheEnabled, Class<?> classObj, Serializable primaryKeyObj, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
 Object EntityCache.loadResult(boolean entityCacheEnabled, Class<?> classObj, Serializable primaryKeyObj, SessionFactory sessionFactory)

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class AccountPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the account service.
 class AddressPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the address service.
 class AddressPersistenceImpl2
 class BrowserTrackerPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the browser tracker service.
 class ClassNamePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the class name service.
 class ClusterGroupPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the cluster group service.
 class CompanyPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the company service.
 class ContactPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the contact service.
 class CountryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the country service.
 class EmailAddressPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the email address service.
 class GroupFinderImpl
 class GroupPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the group service.
 class ImagePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the image service.
 class LayoutFinderImpl
 class LayoutPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the layout service.
 class LayoutPrototypePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the layout prototype service.
 class LayoutSetPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the layout set service.
 class LayoutSetPrototypePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the layout set prototype service.
 class ListTypePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the list type service.
 class LockPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the lock service.
 class MembershipRequestPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the membership request service.
 class OrganizationFinderImpl
 class OrganizationPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the organization service.
 class OrgGroupPermissionFinderImpl
 class OrgGroupPermissionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the org group permission service.
 class OrgGroupRolePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the org group role service.
 class OrgLaborPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the org labor service.
 class PasswordPolicyFinderImpl
 class PasswordPolicyPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the password policy service.
 class PasswordPolicyRelPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the password policy rel service.
 class PasswordTrackerPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the password tracker service.
 class PermissionFinderImpl
 class PermissionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the permission service.
 class PhonePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the phone service.
 class PluginSettingPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the plugin setting service.
 class PortletItemPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the portlet item service.
 class PortletPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the portlet service.
 class PortletPreferencesFinderImpl
 class PortletPreferencesPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the portlet preferences service.
 class RegionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the region service.
 class ReleasePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the release service.
 class ResourceActionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the resource action service.
 class ResourceCodePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the resource code service.
 class ResourceFinderImpl
 class ResourcePermissionFinderImpl
 class ResourcePermissionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the resource permission service.
 class ResourcePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the resource service.
 class RoleFinderImpl
 class RolePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the role service.
 class ServiceComponentPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the service component service.
 class ShardPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shard service.
 class SubscriptionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the subscription service.
 class TeamFinderImpl
 class TeamPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the team service.
 class TicketPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the ticket service.
 class UserFinderImpl
 class UserGroupFinderImpl
 class UserGroupGroupRolePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user group group role service.
 class UserGroupPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user group service.
 class UserGroupRoleFinderImpl
 class UserGroupRolePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user group role service.
 class UserIdMapperPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user id mapper service.
 class UserPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user service.
 class UserTrackerPathPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user tracker path service.
 class UserTrackerPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the user tracker service.
 class WebDAVPropsPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the web d a v props service.
 class WebsitePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the website service.
 class WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the workflow definition link service.
 class WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the workflow instance link service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.impl

Classes in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.impl that implement SessionFactory
 class BasePersistenceImpl<T extends BaseModel<T>>
          The base implementation for all persistence classes.

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.impl with parameters of type SessionFactory
 void BasePersistenceImpl.setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory)

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class AnnouncementsDeliveryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the announcements delivery service.
 class AnnouncementsEntryFinderImpl
 class AnnouncementsEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the announcements entry service.
 class AnnouncementsFlagPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the announcements flag service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class AssetCategoryFinderImpl
 class AssetCategoryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset category service.
 class AssetCategoryPropertyFinderImpl
 class AssetCategoryPropertyPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset category property service.
 class AssetEntryFinderImpl
 class AssetEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset entry service.
 class AssetLinkPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset link service.
 class AssetTagFinderImpl
 class AssetTagPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset tag service.
 class AssetTagPropertyFinderImpl
 class AssetTagPropertyKeyFinderImpl
 class AssetTagPropertyPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset tag property service.
 class AssetTagStatsPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset tag stats service.
 class AssetVocabularyPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the asset vocabulary service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class BlogsEntryFinderImpl
 class BlogsEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the blogs entry service.
 class BlogsStatsUserFinderImpl
 class BlogsStatsUserPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the blogs stats user service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class BookmarksEntryFinderImpl
 class BookmarksEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the bookmarks entry service.
 class BookmarksFolderPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the bookmarks folder service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class CalEventFinderImpl
 class CalEventPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the cal event service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class DLFileEntryFinderImpl
 class DLFileEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the d l file entry service.
 class DLFileRankPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the d l file rank service.
 class DLFileShortcutPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the d l file shortcut service.
 class DLFileVersionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the d l file version service.
 class DLFolderFinderImpl
 class DLFolderPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the d l folder service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.expando.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.expando.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class ExpandoColumnPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the expando column service.
 class ExpandoRowPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the expando row service.
 class ExpandoTablePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the expando table service.
 class ExpandoValuePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the expando value service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class IGFolderPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the i g folder service.
 class IGImageFinderImpl
 class IGImagePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the i g image service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class JournalArticleFinderImpl
 class JournalArticleImagePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal article image service.
 class JournalArticlePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal article service.
 class JournalArticleResourcePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal article resource service.
 class JournalContentSearchPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal content search service.
 class JournalFeedFinderImpl
 class JournalFeedPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal feed service.
 class JournalStructureFinderImpl
 class JournalStructurePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal structure service.
 class JournalTemplateFinderImpl
 class JournalTemplatePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the journal template service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class MBBanPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards ban service.
 class MBCategoryFinderImpl
 class MBCategoryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards category service.
 class MBDiscussionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards discussion service.
 class MBMailingListPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards mailing list service.
 class MBMessageFinderImpl
 class MBMessageFlagPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards message flag service.
 class MBMessagePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message-boards message service.
 class MBStatsUserPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards stats user service.
 class MBThreadFinderImpl
 class MBThreadPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the message boards thread service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.polls.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.polls.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class PollsChoiceFinderImpl
 class PollsChoicePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the polls choice service.
 class PollsQuestionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the polls question service.
 class PollsVotePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the polls vote service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class RatingsEntryFinderImpl
 class RatingsEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the ratings entry service.
 class RatingsStatsFinderImpl
 class RatingsStatsPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the ratings stats service.

Uses of SessionFactory in

Classes in that implement SessionFactory
 class ShoppingCartPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping cart service.
 class ShoppingCategoryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping category service.
 class ShoppingCouponFinderImpl
 class ShoppingCouponPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping coupon service.
 class ShoppingItemFieldPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping item field service.
 class ShoppingItemFinderImpl
 class ShoppingItemPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping item service.
 class ShoppingItemPricePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping item price service.
 class ShoppingOrderFinderImpl
 class ShoppingOrderItemPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping order item service.
 class ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the shopping order service.

Uses of SessionFactory in

Classes in that implement SessionFactory
 class SocialActivityFinderImpl
 class SocialActivityPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social activity service.
 class SocialEquityAssetEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social equity asset entry service.
 class SocialEquityHistoryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social equity history service.
 class SocialEquityLogPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social equity log service.
 class SocialEquitySettingPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social equity setting service.
 class SocialEquityUserPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social equity user service.
 class SocialRelationPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social relation service.
 class SocialRequestPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the social request service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class SCFrameworkVersionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the s c framework version service.
 class SCLicensePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the s c license service.
 class SCProductEntryPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the s c product entry service.
 class SCProductScreenshotPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the s c product screenshot service.
 class SCProductVersionPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the s c product version service.

Uses of SessionFactory in com.liferay.portlet.tasks.service.persistence

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.tasks.service.persistence that implement SessionFactory
 class TasksProposalFinderImpl
 class TasksProposalPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the tasks proposal service.
 class TasksReviewPersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the tasks review service.

Uses of SessionFactory in

Classes in that implement SessionFactory
 class WikiNodePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the wiki node service.
 class WikiPageFinderImpl
 class WikiPagePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the wiki page service.
 class WikiPageResourcePersistenceImpl
          The persistence implementation for the wiki page resource service.

Liferay 6.0.5