Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ShoppingOrder   

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Classes in that implement ShoppingOrder
 class ShoppingOrderWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrder.

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderWrapper.getWrappedShoppingOrder()
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderWrapper.toEscapedModel()
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderModel.toEscapedModel()
          Gets a copy of this shopping order as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
 int ShoppingOrderWrapper.compareTo(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
 int ShoppingOrderModel.compareTo(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
static ShoppingOrderSoap ShoppingOrderSoap.toSoapModel(ShoppingOrder model)
static ShoppingOrderSoap[] ShoppingOrderSoap.toSoapModels(ShoppingOrder[] models)
static ShoppingOrderSoap[][] ShoppingOrderSoap.toSoapModels(ShoppingOrder[][] models)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ShoppingOrder
static ShoppingOrderSoap[] ShoppingOrderSoap.toSoapModels(List<ShoppingOrder> models)

Constructors in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
ShoppingOrderWrapper(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Classes in that implement ShoppingOrder
 class ShoppingOrderImpl

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderModelImpl.toEscapedModel()
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderModelImpl.toModel(ShoppingOrderSoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ShoppingOrder
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderModelImpl.toModels(ShoppingOrderSoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
 int ShoppingOrderModelImpl.compareTo(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.addLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.addLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.addLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.createShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.createShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.createShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.getLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.getLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.getLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.getOrder(long orderId)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.getOrder(long orderId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.getOrder(long orderId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceWrapper.getOrder(long groupId, long orderId)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceUtil.getOrder(long groupId, long orderId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderService.getOrder(long groupId, long orderId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.getOrder(String number)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.getOrder(String number)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.getOrder(String number)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.getPayPalTxnIdOrder(String ppTxnId)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.getPayPalTxnIdOrder(String ppTxnId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.getPayPalTxnIdOrder(String ppTxnId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.getShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Gets the shopping order with the primary key.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.getShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Gets the shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.getShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Gets the shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.saveLatestOrder(ShoppingCart cart)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.saveLatestOrder(ShoppingCart cart)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.saveLatestOrder(ShoppingCart cart)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceWrapper.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceUtil.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderService.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceWrapper.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceUtil.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderService.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateOrder(long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateOrder(long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateOrder(long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateOrder(long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateOrder(long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateOrder(long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ShoppingOrder
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.getShoppingOrders(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the shopping orders.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.getShoppingOrders(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderLocalService.getShoppingOrders(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end)
static List<ShoppingOrder> groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end)
 List<ShoppingOrder> groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end)

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
 void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.deleteOrder(ShoppingOrder order)
static void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.deleteOrder(ShoppingOrder order)
 void ShoppingOrderLocalService.deleteOrder(ShoppingOrder order)
 void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.deleteShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Deletes the shopping order from the database.
static void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.deleteShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Deletes the shopping order from the database.
 void ShoppingOrderLocalService.deleteShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Deletes the shopping order from the database.
 void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.sendEmail(ShoppingOrder order, String emailType)
static void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.sendEmail(ShoppingOrder order, String emailType)
 void ShoppingOrderLocalService.sendEmail(ShoppingOrder order, String emailType)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceWrapper.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalService.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.createShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.getShoppingOrder(long orderId)
          Gets the shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ShoppingOrder
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.getShoppingOrders(int start, int end)
          Gets a range of all the shopping orders.

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.addShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Adds the shopping order to the database.
 void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.deleteShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Deletes the shopping order from the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceBaseImpl.updateShoppingOrder(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
          Updates the shopping order in the database.

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceHttp.getOrder(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, long orderId)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceHttp.updateOrder(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceHttp.updateOrder(HttpPrincipal httpPrincipal, long groupId, long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
static JSONArray ShoppingOrderJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(ShoppingOrder[] models)
static JSONArray ShoppingOrderJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(ShoppingOrder[][] models)
static JSONObject ShoppingOrderJSONSerializer.toJSONObject(ShoppingOrder model)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ShoppingOrder
static JSONArray ShoppingOrderJSONSerializer.toJSONArray(List<ShoppingOrder> models)

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.addLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.getLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.getOrder(long orderId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceImpl.getOrder(long groupId, long orderId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.getOrder(String number)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.getPayPalTxnIdOrder(String ppTxnId)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.saveLatestOrder(ShoppingCart cart)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.updateLatestOrder(long userId, long groupId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceImpl.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderServiceImpl.updateOrder(long groupId, long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.updateOrder(long orderId, String ppTxnId, String ppPaymentStatus, double ppPaymentGross, String ppReceiverEmail, String ppPayerEmail)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.updateOrder(long orderId, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String billingCompany, String billingStreet, String billingCity, String billingState, String billingZip, String billingCountry, String billingPhone, boolean shipToBilling, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String shippingCompany, String shippingStreet, String shippingCity, String shippingState, String shippingZip, String shippingCountry, String shippingPhone, String ccName, String ccType, String ccNumber, int ccExpMonth, int ccExpYear, String ccVerNumber, String comments)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ShoppingOrder
 List<ShoppingOrder> groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end)

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
 void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.deleteOrder(ShoppingOrder order)
protected  void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.doSendEmail(ShoppingOrder order, String emailType)
 void ShoppingOrderLocalServiceImpl.sendEmail(ShoppingOrder order, String emailType)

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
static void ShoppingOrderPermission.check(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, long groupId, ShoppingOrder order, String actionId)
static boolean ShoppingOrderPermission.contains(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, long groupId, ShoppingOrder order, String actionId)

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in that return ShoppingOrder
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.create(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.create(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.create(long orderId)
          Creates a new shopping order with the primary key.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.fetchByNumber(String number)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.fetchByNumber(String number)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.fetchByNumber(String number)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.fetchByNumber(String number, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.fetchByNumber(String number, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.fetchByNumber(String number, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.fetchByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.fetchByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.fetchByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.fetchByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.fetchByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.fetchByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.fetchByPrimaryKey(long orderId)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(long orderId)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(long orderId)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByG_U_PPPS_First(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByG_U_PPPS_First(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByG_U_PPPS_First(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByG_U_PPPS_Last(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByG_U_PPPS_Last(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByG_U_PPPS_Last(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static ShoppingOrder[] ShoppingOrderUtil.findByG_U_PPPS_PrevAndNext(long orderId, long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the shopping orders before and after the current shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 ShoppingOrder[] ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByG_U_PPPS_PrevAndNext(long orderId, long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the shopping orders before and after the current shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 ShoppingOrder[] ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByG_U_PPPS_PrevAndNext(long orderId, long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the shopping orders before and after the current shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_First(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the first shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the last shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static ShoppingOrder[] ShoppingOrderUtil.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long orderId, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the shopping orders before and after the current shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 ShoppingOrder[] ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long orderId, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the shopping orders before and after the current shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
 ShoppingOrder[] ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long orderId, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds the shopping orders before and after the current shopping order in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByNumber(String number)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByNumber(String number)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByNumber(String number)
          Finds the shopping order where number = ? or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByPPTxnId(String ppTxnId)
          Finds the shopping order where ppTxnId = ? or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.findByPrimaryKey(long orderId)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(long orderId)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(long orderId)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or throws a NoSuchOrderException if it could not be found.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Finds the shopping order with the primary key or throws a NoSuchModelException if it could not be found.
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.getByG_U_PPPS_PrevAndNext(Session session, ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.getByGroupId_PrevAndNext(Session session, ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.remove(long orderId)
          Removes the shopping order with the primary key from the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.remove(long orderId)
          Removes the shopping order with the primary key from the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.remove(long orderId)
          Removes the shopping order with the primary key from the database.
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.remove(Serializable primaryKey)
          Removes the shopping order with the primary key from the database.
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.remove(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.removeImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.update(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.update(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.updateImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.updateImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.updateImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ShoppingOrder
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.filterFindByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Filters by the user's permissions and finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findAll()
          Finds all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findAll()
          Finds all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findAll()
          Finds all the shopping orders.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findAll(int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderFinderUtil.findByG_C_U_N_PPPS(long groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderFinder.findByG_C_U_N_PPPS(long groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderFinderImpl.findByG_C_U_N_PPPS(long groupId, long companyId, long userId, String number, String billingFirstName, String billingLastName, String billingEmailAddress, String shippingFirstName, String shippingLastName, String shippingEmailAddress, String ppPaymentStatus, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus)
          Finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus)
          Finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus)
          Finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByG_U_PPPS(long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ? and userId = ? and ppPaymentStatus = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId)
          Finds all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Finds a range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
 List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.findByGroupId(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Finds an ordered range of all the shopping orders where groupId = ?.
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
static List<ShoppingOrder> ShoppingOrderUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
static void ShoppingOrderUtil.cacheResult(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Caches the shopping order in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void ShoppingOrderPersistence.cacheResult(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Caches the shopping order in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.cacheResult(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Caches the shopping order in the entity cache if it is enabled.
static void ShoppingOrderUtil.clearCache(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
 void ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.clearCache(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
          Clears the cache for the shopping order.
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.getByG_U_PPPS_PrevAndNext(Session session, ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, long groupId, long userId, String ppPaymentStatus, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.getByGroupId_PrevAndNext(Session session, ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, long groupId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator, boolean previous)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.remove(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.removeImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
protected  ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.toUnwrappedModel(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.update(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.update(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderUtil.updateImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistence.updateImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)
 ShoppingOrder ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.updateImpl(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder, boolean merge)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ShoppingOrder
static void ShoppingOrderUtil.cacheResult(List<ShoppingOrder> shoppingOrders)
          Caches the shopping orders in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void ShoppingOrderPersistence.cacheResult(List<ShoppingOrder> shoppingOrders)
          Caches the shopping orders in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void ShoppingOrderPersistenceImpl.cacheResult(List<ShoppingOrder> shoppingOrders)
          Caches the shopping orders in the entity cache if it is enabled.

Uses of ShoppingOrder in

Methods in with parameters of type ShoppingOrder
static double ShoppingUtil.calculateTotal(ShoppingOrder order)
static String ShoppingUtil.getPayPalRedirectURL(ShoppingPreferences preferences, ShoppingOrder order, double total, String returnURL, String notifyURL)
static String ShoppingUtil.getPayPalReturnURL(PortletURL portletURL, ShoppingOrder order)
static String ShoppingUtil.getPpPaymentStatus(ShoppingOrder order, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)

Liferay 6.0.5