Serialized Form
Package com.liferay.counter |
Package com.liferay.counter.model |
Counter _counter
Package com.liferay.counter.model.impl |
String _name
long _currentId
Package com.liferay.documentlibrary |
Package com.liferay.documentlibrary.model |
long[] _assetCategoryIds
String[] _assetTagNames
long _companyId
long _fileEntryId
String _fileName
long _groupId
Date _modifiedDate
String _portletId
String _properties
long _repositoryId
long _userId
Package com.liferay.mail.model |
String _password
String _userId
String _emailAddress
String _userId
String _emailAddress
String _folder
Package com.liferay.portal |
Lock _lock
String _keywordConflict
int _type
int _type
int _type
String _type
int _type
long _groupId
String _url
String _remoteAddress
long _remoteGroupId
int _remotePort
int _type
String _labelId
String _requiredField
int _type
int _type
Package com.liferay.portal.apache.bridges.struts |
Package com.liferay.portal.cluster |
org.jgroups.Address _address
Package com.liferay.portal.cmis |
Package com.liferay.portal.convert |
Package com.liferay.portal.dao.jdbc.aop |
DynamicDataSourceTargetSource _dynamicDataSourceTargetSource
Package com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate |
Package com.liferay.portal.editor.fckeditor.exception |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.audit |
JSONObject _additionalInfo
String _className
String _classPK
String _clientHost
String _clientIP
long _companyId
String _eventType
String _message
String _serverName
int _serverPort
String _sessionID
Date _timestamp
long _userId
String _userName
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean |
Package |
int _initialCapacity
ReportGenerationException _reportGenerationException
String _reportName
UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream _unsyncByteArrayOutputStream
String _reportName
ReportDesignRetriever _reportDesignRetriever
ReportFormat _reportFormat
Map<K,V> _reportParameters
ReportRequestContext _reportRequestContext
Map<K,V> _attributes
ReportDataSourceType _reportDataSourceType
Package |
Object _factObject
String _identifier
List<E> _arguments
String _identifier
String _queryName
QueryType _queryType
Set<E> _resourceRetrievers
String _rulesLanguage
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.cache |
Class<T> _modelClass
Serializable _primaryKeyObj
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.cache.cluster |
String _cacheName
Serializable _elementKey
PortalCacheClusterEventType _portalCacheClusterEventType
Package |
int day
- Field day
int position
- Field position
int weeks
- Field weeks
int days
- Field days
int hours
- Field hours
int minutes
- Field minutes
int seconds
- Field seconds
Calendar dtStart
- Field dtStart
Duration duration
- Field duration
int frequency
- Field frequency
int interval
- Field interval
int occurrence
- Field interval
Calendar until
- Field until
DayAndPosition[] byDay
- Field byDay
int[] byMonthDay
- Field byMonthDay
int[] byYearDay
- Field byYearDay
int[] byWeekNo
- Field byWeekNo
int[] byMonth
- Field byMonth
TimeZone _timeZone
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.captcha |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.cluster |
ClusterEventType _clusterEventType
List<E> _clusterNodes
String _clusterNodeId
String _hostName
InetAddress _inetAddress
int _port
ClusterMessageType _clusterMessageType
ClusterNode _clusterNode
Exception _exception
boolean _multicast
Object _result
String _uuid
Map<K,V> _clusterResponses
ClusterMessageType _clusterMessageType
boolean _fireAndForget
MethodHandler _methodHandler
boolean _multicast
ClusterNode _originatingClusterNode
String _servletContextName
boolean _skipLocal
Set<E> _targetClusterNodeIds
String _uuid
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm |
Package |
Package |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.sandbox |
Package |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.googleapps |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.jmx.model |
String _domainName
boolean _loaded
List<E> _mBeans
String _domainName
boolean _loaded
MBeanInfo _mBeanInfo
String _mBeanName
ObjectName _objectName
List<E> _path
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.json |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.lar |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.mail |
String _host
String _password
int _port
String _protocol
boolean _secure
String _user
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress _from
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress[] _to
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress[] _cc
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress[] _bcc
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress[] _bulkAddresses
String _subject
String _body
boolean _htmlFormat
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress[] _replyTo
String _messageId
String _inReplyTo
List<E> _attachments
SMTPAccount _smtpAccount
Package |
ClusterGroup _clusterGroup
ManageAction _manageAction
Package |
ObjectName _objectName
String _operationName
Object[] _parameters
Object _result
String[] _signature
AttributeList _attributeList
MBean _mBean
String[] _domains
String _domainName
Set<E> _mBeans
MBean _mBean
String _name
ObjectName _objectName
Object _value
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging |
String _destinationName
Object _payload
String _responseDestinationName
String _responseId
Map<K,V> _values
long _endTime
String _exceptionMessage
String _exceptionStackTrace
Object _payload
long _startTime
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.proxy |
ClassLoader _clientClassLoaders
boolean _hasReturnValue
MethodHandler _methodHandler
boolean _synchronous
Exception _exception
Object _result
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.plugin |
String _name
boolean _osiApproved
String _url
String _bugFix
String _buildNumber
String _major
String _minor
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.poller |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.pop |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.sanitizer |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.scheduler |
Date _endDate
String _groupName
String _jobName
Date _startDate
TriggerType _triggerType
String _cronText
Long _interval
String _description
String _eventListenerClass
String _propertyKey
TimeUnit _timeUnit
Trigger _trigger
TriggerType _triggerType
String _triggerValue
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.scheduler.messaging |
String _command
String _description
String _destination
Message _message
Trigger _trigger
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.scripting |
Package |
Format _dateFormat
Map<K,V> _fields
float _boost
String _name
boolean _tokenized
String[] _values
Document[] _docs
int _length
String[] _queryTerms
float[] _scores
float _searchTime
String[] _snippets
long _start
boolean _andSearch
long[] _assetCategoryIds
String[] _assetTagNames
Map<K,V> _attributes
BooleanClause[] _booleanClauses
long[] _categoryIds
long _companyId
int _end
long[] _folderIds
long[] _groupIds
String _keywords
long[] _nodeIds
long _ownerUserId
String[] _portletIds
boolean _scopeStrict
Sort[] _sorts
int _start
long _userId
String _fieldName
boolean _reverse
int _type
String _query
Package |
long _companyId
Document _document
Collection<E> _documents
int _end
String _id
Collection<E> _ids
Query _query
SearchEngineCommand _searchEngineCommand
Sort[] _sorts
int _start
Package |
Map<K,V> _members
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet |
int _intValue
long _dateValue
String _stringValue
int _type
boolean _calledPortalDestroy
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet _servlet
javax.servlet.ServletConfig _servletConfig
String _subContext
String _name
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.taglib |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.struts |
String _contextPath
String _path
Map<K,V> _parameterMap
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.util |
boolean _value
double _value
float _value
Map<K,V> _parentMap
int _value
String _key
String _value
long _value
int _capacity
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream objectInputStream)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
- Throws:
Map<K,V> _backedMap
Object[] _arguments
MethodKey _methodKey
String _className
String _methodName
Class<T>[] _parameterTypes
String _toString
String _className
- Deprecated.
String _methodName
- Deprecated.
String[] _argumentClassNames
- Deprecated.
Object[] _arguments
- Deprecated.
String _className
Object _key
Object _value
Vector<E> _names
Locale _locale
TimeZone _timeZone
String _todayString
String _yesterdayString
short _value
Set<E> _names
boolean _ascending
boolean _caseSensitive
Object[] _array
boolean _safe
int _length
List<E> _list
Class com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.UnmodifiableList$1 extends Object implements Serializable |
Class com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.UnmodifiableList$2 extends Object implements Serializable |
ConcurrentMap<K,V> _map
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.webcache |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.webdav |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow |
boolean _active
InputStream _inputStream
String _name
Map<K,V> _optionalAttributes
String _title
int _version
List<E> _childrenWorkflowInstances
Date _endDate
WorkflowInstance _parentWorkflowInstance
Date _startDate
String _state
Map<K,V> _workflowContext
String _workflowDefinitionName
int _workflowDefinitionVersion
long _workflowInstanceId
String _comment
Date _createDate
long _previousRoleId
String _previousState
long _previousUserId
String _state
int _type
long _userId
long _roleId
long _workflowLogId
long _workflowTaskId
boolean _asynchronous
Date _completionDate
Date _createDate
String _description
Date _dueDate
String _name
Map<K,V> _optionalAttributes
long _workflowDefinitionId
String _workflowDefinitionName
int _workflowDefinitionVersion
long _workflowInstanceId
List<E> _workflowTaskAssignees
long _workflowTaskId
String _assigneeClassName
long _assigneeClassPK
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml |
Package com.liferay.portal.kernel.xmlrpc |
Package com.liferay.portal.lar |
Map<K,V> _assetCategoryIdsMap
Map<K,V> _assetCategoryUuidsMap
Map<K,V> _assetTagNamesMap
Map<K,V> _commentsMap
long _companyId
String _dataStrategy
Date _endDate
long _groupId
Map<K,V> _locksMap
Map<K,V> _newPrimaryKeysMaps
Set<E> _notUniquePerLayout
long _oldPlid
Map<K,V> _parameterMap
Map<K,V> _permissionsMap
long _plid
PortletDataContextListener _portletDataContextListener
Set<E> _primaryKeys
boolean _privateLayout
Map<K,V> _ratingsEntriesMap
long _scopeGroupId
String _scopeLayoutUuid
long _sourceGroupId
Date _startDate
UserIdStrategy _userIdStrategy
com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream _xStream
ZipReader _zipReader
ZipWriter _zipWriter
Package com.liferay.portal.model |
long _accountId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentAccountId
String _name
String _legalName
String _legalId
String _legalType
String _sicCode
String _tickerSymbol
String _industry
String _type
String _size
Account _account
long _addressId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _street1
String _street2
String _street3
String _city
String _zip
long _regionId
long _countryId
int _typeId
boolean _mailing
boolean _primary
Address _address
BrowserTracker _browserTracker
long _classNameId
String _value
ClassName _className
ClusterGroup _clusterGroup
long _companyId
long _accountId
String _webId
String _key
String _virtualHost
String _mx
String _homeURL
long _logoId
boolean _system
int _maxUsers
Company _company
long _contactId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _accountId
long _parentContactId
String _firstName
String _middleName
String _lastName
int _prefixId
int _suffixId
boolean _male
Date _birthday
String _smsSn
String _aimSn
String _facebookSn
String _icqSn
String _jabberSn
String _msnSn
String _mySpaceSn
String _skypeSn
String _twitterSn
String _ymSn
String _employeeStatusId
String _employeeNumber
String _jobTitle
String _jobClass
String _hoursOfOperation
Contact _contact
long _countryId
String _name
String _a2
String _a3
String _number
String _idd
boolean _active
Country _country
long _emailAddressId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _address
int _typeId
boolean _primary
EmailAddress _emailAddress
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _creatorUserId
long _classNameId
long _classPK
long _parentGroupId
long _liveGroupId
String _name
String _description
int _type
String _typeSettings
String _friendlyURL
boolean _active
Group _group
long _imageId
Date _modifiedDate
String _text
String _type
int _height
int _width
int _size
Image _image
long _layoutPrototypeId
long _companyId
String _name
String _description
String _settings
boolean _active
LayoutPrototype _layoutPrototype
LayoutSoap _layoutSoap
String _portletId
long _layoutSetPrototypeId
long _companyId
String _name
String _description
String _settings
boolean _active
LayoutSetPrototype _layoutSetPrototype
long _layoutSetId
long _groupId
long _companyId
boolean _privateLayout
boolean _logo
long _logoId
String _themeId
String _colorSchemeId
String _wapThemeId
String _wapColorSchemeId
String _css
int _pageCount
String _virtualHost
String _settings
long _layoutSetPrototypeId
LayoutSet _layoutSet
String _uuid
long _plid
long _groupId
long _companyId
boolean _privateLayout
long _layoutId
long _parentLayoutId
String _name
String _title
String _description
String _type
String _typeSettings
boolean _hidden
String _friendlyURL
boolean _iconImage
long _iconImageId
String _themeId
String _colorSchemeId
String _wapThemeId
String _wapColorSchemeId
String _css
int _priority
long _layoutPrototypeId
long _dlFolderId
Layout _layout
int _listTypeId
String _name
String _type
ListType _listType
Lock _lock
long _membershipRequestId
long _companyId
long _userId
Date _createDate
long _groupId
String _comments
String _replyComments
Date _replyDate
long _replierUserId
int _statusId
MembershipRequest _membershipRequest
long _organizationId
long _companyId
long _parentOrganizationId
long _leftOrganizationId
long _rightOrganizationId
String _name
String _type
boolean _recursable
long _regionId
long _countryId
int _statusId
String _comments
Organization _organization
OrgGroupPermission _orgGroupPermission
OrgGroupRole _orgGroupRole
long _orgLaborId
long _organizationId
int _typeId
int _sunOpen
int _sunClose
int _monOpen
int _monClose
int _tueOpen
int _tueClose
int _wedOpen
int _wedClose
int _thuOpen
int _thuClose
int _friOpen
int _friClose
int _satOpen
int _satClose
OrgLabor _orgLabor
PasswordPolicyRel _passwordPolicyRel
long _passwordPolicyId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
boolean _defaultPolicy
String _name
String _description
boolean _changeable
boolean _changeRequired
long _minAge
boolean _checkSyntax
boolean _allowDictionaryWords
int _minAlphanumeric
int _minLength
int _minLowerCase
int _minNumbers
int _minSymbols
int _minUpperCase
boolean _history
int _historyCount
boolean _expireable
long _maxAge
long _warningTime
int _graceLimit
boolean _lockout
int _maxFailure
long _lockoutDuration
boolean _requireUnlock
long _resetFailureCount
long _resetTicketMaxAge
PasswordPolicy _passwordPolicy
PasswordTracker _passwordTracker
Permission _permission
Resource _resource
String _portletName
String _portletLabel
String _modelName
String _modelLabel
String _actionId
String _actionLabel
long _permissionId
long _companyId
String _actionId
long _resourceId
Permission _permission
long _phoneId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _number
String _extension
int _typeId
boolean _primary
Phone _phone
long _pluginSettingId
long _companyId
String _pluginId
String _pluginType
String _roles
boolean _active
PluginSetting _pluginSetting
Map<K,V> _categories
String _name
Set<E> _portletIds
String _title
String _shortTitle
String _keywords
String _description
PortletItem _portletItem
long _companyId
long _ownerId
int _ownerType
long _plid
String _portletId
long _portletPreferencesId
long _ownerId
int _ownerType
long _plid
String _portletId
String _preferences
PortletPreferences _portletPreferences
long _id
long _companyId
String _portletId
String _roles
boolean _active
Portlet _portlet
long _regionId
long _countryId
String _regionCode
String _name
boolean _active
Region _region
Release _release
ResourceAction _resourceAction
ResourceCode _resourceCode
long _resourcePermissionId
long _companyId
String _name
int _scope
String _primKey
long _roleId
long _actionIds
ResourcePermission _resourcePermission
long _resourceId
long _codeId
String _primKey
Resource _resource
long _roleId
long _companyId
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _name
String _title
String _description
int _type
String _subtype
Role _role
ServiceComponent _serviceComponent
Shard _shard
String _spriteFileName
String _imageFileName
int _offset
int _height
int _width
Subscription _subscription
long _teamId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _groupId
String _name
String _description
Team _team
Ticket _ticket
long _userGroupId
long _groupId
long _roleId
UserGroupGroupRole _userGroupGroupRole
long _userId
long _groupId
long _roleId
UserGroupRole _userGroupRole
long _userGroupId
long _companyId
long _parentUserGroupId
String _name
String _description
UserGroup _userGroup
UserIdMapper _userIdMapper
String _uuid
long _userId
long _companyId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
boolean _defaultUser
long _contactId
String _password
boolean _passwordEncrypted
boolean _passwordReset
Date _passwordModifiedDate
String _digest
String _reminderQueryQuestion
String _reminderQueryAnswer
int _graceLoginCount
String _screenName
String _emailAddress
long _facebookId
String _openId
long _portraitId
String _languageId
String _timeZoneId
String _greeting
String _comments
String _firstName
String _middleName
String _lastName
String _jobTitle
Date _loginDate
String _loginIP
Date _lastLoginDate
String _lastLoginIP
Date _lastFailedLoginDate
int _failedLoginAttempts
boolean _lockout
Date _lockoutDate
boolean _agreedToTermsOfUse
boolean _active
UserTrackerPath _userTrackerPath
UserTracker _userTracker
User _user
WebDAVProps _webDAVProps
long _websiteId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _url
int _typeId
boolean _primary
Website _website
WorkflowDefinitionLink _workflowDefinitionLink
WorkflowInstanceLink _workflowInstanceLink
Package com.liferay.portal.model.impl |
long _accountId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentAccountId
String _name
String _legalName
String _legalId
String _legalType
String _sicCode
String _tickerSymbol
String _industry
String _type
String _size
long _addressId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _street1
String _street2
String _street3
String _city
String _zip
long _regionId
long _countryId
int _typeId
boolean _mailing
boolean _primary
boolean _new
boolean _cachedModel
boolean _escapedModel
long _browserTrackerId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
long _browserKey
long _classNameId
String _value
String _originalValue
long _clusterGroupId
String _name
String _clusterNodeIds
boolean _wholeCluster
String _colorSchemeId
String _name
String _cssClass
String _colorSchemeImagesPath
boolean _defaultCs
Properties _settingsProperties
Key _keyObj
long _companyId
long _accountId
String _webId
String _originalWebId
String _key
String _virtualHost
String _originalVirtualHost
String _mx
String _originalMx
String _homeURL
long _logoId
long _originalLogoId
boolean _setOriginalLogoId
boolean _system
int _maxUsers
long _contactId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _accountId
long _parentContactId
String _firstName
String _middleName
String _lastName
int _prefixId
int _suffixId
boolean _male
Date _birthday
String _smsSn
String _aimSn
String _facebookSn
String _icqSn
String _jabberSn
String _msnSn
String _mySpaceSn
String _skypeSn
String _twitterSn
String _ymSn
String _employeeStatusId
String _employeeNumber
String _jobTitle
String _jobClass
String _hoursOfOperation
long _countryId
String _name
String _originalName
String _a2
String _originalA2
String _a3
String _originalA3
String _number
String _idd
boolean _active
long _emailAddressId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _address
int _typeId
boolean _primary
QName _qName
String _valueType
PortletApp _portletApp
Group _liveGroup
Group _stagingGroup
UnicodeProperties _typeSettingsProperties
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _creatorUserId
String _creatorUserUuid
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
long _parentGroupId
long _liveGroupId
long _originalLiveGroupId
boolean _setOriginalLiveGroupId
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
int _type
String _typeSettings
String _friendlyURL
String _originalFriendlyURL
boolean _active
byte[] _textObj
long _imageId
Date _modifiedDate
String _text
String _type
int _height
int _width
int _size
UnicodeProperties _typeSettingsProperties
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _plid
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
boolean _privateLayout
boolean _originalPrivateLayout
boolean _setOriginalPrivateLayout
long _layoutId
long _originalLayoutId
boolean _setOriginalLayoutId
long _parentLayoutId
String _name
String _title
String _description
String _type
String _typeSettings
boolean _hidden
String _friendlyURL
String _originalFriendlyURL
boolean _iconImage
long _iconImageId
long _originalIconImageId
boolean _setOriginalIconImageId
String _themeId
String _colorSchemeId
String _wapThemeId
String _wapColorSchemeId
String _css
int _priority
long _layoutPrototypeId
long _dlFolderId
long _originalDlFolderId
boolean _setOriginalDlFolderId
long _layoutPrototypeId
long _companyId
String _name
String _description
String _settings
boolean _active
UnicodeProperties _settingsProperties
long _layoutSetId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
boolean _privateLayout
boolean _originalPrivateLayout
boolean _setOriginalPrivateLayout
boolean _logo
long _logoId
String _themeId
String _colorSchemeId
String _wapThemeId
String _wapColorSchemeId
String _css
int _pageCount
String _virtualHost
String _originalVirtualHost
String _settings
long _layoutSetPrototypeId
long _layoutSetPrototypeId
long _companyId
String _name
String _description
String _settings
boolean _active
String _layoutTemplateId
boolean _standard
String _themeId
String _name
String _templatePath
String _wapTemplatePath
String _thumbnailPath
String _content
boolean _setContent
String _wapContent
boolean _setWapContent
List<E> _columns
String _servletContextName
boolean _warFile
Layout _layout
boolean _enablePortletLayoutListener
int _listTypeId
String _name
String _type
String _uuid
long _lockId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
String _className
String _originalClassName
String _key
String _originalKey
String _owner
boolean _inheritable
Date _expirationDate
long _membershipRequestId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
Date _createDate
long _groupId
String _comments
String _replyComments
Date _replyDate
long _replierUserId
String _replierUserUuid
int _statusId
long _organizationId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _parentOrganizationId
long _originalParentOrganizationId
boolean _setOriginalParentOrganizationId
long _leftOrganizationId
long _rightOrganizationId
String _name
String _originalName
String _type
boolean _recursable
long _regionId
long _countryId
int _statusId
String _comments
long _organizationId
long _groupId
long _permissionId
long _organizationId
long _groupId
long _roleId
long _orgLaborId
long _organizationId
int _typeId
int _sunOpen
int _sunClose
int _monOpen
int _monClose
int _tueOpen
int _tueClose
int _wedOpen
int _wedClose
int _thuOpen
int _thuClose
int _friOpen
int _friClose
int _satOpen
int _satClose
long _passwordPolicyId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
boolean _defaultPolicy
boolean _originalDefaultPolicy
boolean _setOriginalDefaultPolicy
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
boolean _changeable
boolean _changeRequired
long _minAge
boolean _checkSyntax
boolean _allowDictionaryWords
int _minAlphanumeric
int _minLength
int _minLowerCase
int _minNumbers
int _minSymbols
int _minUpperCase
boolean _history
int _historyCount
boolean _expireable
long _maxAge
long _warningTime
int _graceLimit
boolean _lockout
int _maxFailure
long _lockoutDuration
boolean _requireUnlock
long _resetFailureCount
long _resetTicketMaxAge
long _passwordPolicyRelId
long _passwordPolicyId
long _originalPasswordPolicyId
boolean _setOriginalPasswordPolicyId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
long _passwordTrackerId
long _userId
String _userUuid
Date _createDate
String _password
String _name
String _primKey
int _scope
long _permissionId
long _companyId
String _actionId
String _originalActionId
long _resourceId
long _originalResourceId
boolean _setOriginalResourceId
long _phoneId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _number
String _extension
int _typeId
boolean _primary
String[] _rolesArray
- An array of required roles of the plugin.
long _pluginSettingId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
String _pluginId
String _originalPluginId
String _pluginType
String _originalPluginType
String _roles
boolean _active
Map<K,V> _containerRuntimeOptions
Map<K,V> _customUserAttributes
String _defaultNamespace
Set<E> _eventDefinitions
Set<E> _portletFilters
Map<K,V> _portletFiltersByFilterName
List<E> _portlets
Set<E> _portletURLListeners
Map<K,V> _portletURLListenersByListenerClass
Set<E> _publicRenderParameters
Map<K,V> _publicRenderParametersByIdentifier
String _servletContextName
Set<E> _servletURLPatterns
Map<K,V> _spriteImagesMap
Set<E> _userAttributes
boolean _warFile
String _filterName
String _filterClass
Set<E> _lifecycles
Map<K,V> _initParams
PortletApp _portletApp
PluginPackage _pluginPackage
- Package this plugin belongs to.
PluginSetting _defaultPluginSetting
- Plugin settings associated with the portlet.
long _timestamp
- The timestamp of the portlet.
String _icon
- The icon of the portlet.
String _virtualPath
- The virtual path of the portlet.
String _strutsPath
- The struts path of the portlet.
String _portletName
- The name of the portlet.
String _displayName
- The display name of the portlet.
String _portletClass
- The name of the portlet class of the portlet.
String _configurationActionClass
- The configuration action class of the portlet.
String _indexerClass
- The name of the indexer class of the portlet.
String _openSearchClass
- The name of the open search class of the portlet.
List<E> _schedulerEntries
- The scheduler entries of the portlet.
String _portletURLClass
- The name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.
String _friendlyURLMapperClass
- The name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.
String _friendlyURLMapping
- The name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet.
String _friendlyURLRoutes
- The the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the
String _urlEncoderClass
- The name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.
String _portletDataHandlerClass
- The name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.
String _portletLayoutListenerClass
- The name of the portlet data layout listener class of the portlet.
String _pollerProcessorClass
- The name of the poller processor class of the portlet.
String _popMessageListenerClass
- The name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.
String _socialActivityInterpreterClass
- The name of the social activity interpreter class of the portlet.
String _socialRequestInterpreterClass
- The name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.
String _webDAVStorageToken
- The name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.
String _webDAVStorageClass
- The name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.
String _xmlRpcMethodClass
- The name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet.
String _defaultPreferences
- The default preferences of the portlet.
String _preferencesValidator
- The name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.
boolean _preferencesCompanyWide
if preferences are shared across the entire company.
boolean _preferencesUniquePerLayout
if preferences are unique per layout.
boolean _preferencesOwnedByGroup
if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet
is shown in a group layout. False
if preferences are owned
by the user at all times.
String _controlPanelEntryCategory
- The name of the category of the Control Panel where this portlet will be
double _controlPanelEntryWeight
- The relative weight of this portlet with respect to the other portlets in
the same category of the Control Panel.
String _controlPanelEntryClass
- The name of the class that will control when this portlet will be shown
in the Control Panel.
List<E> _assetRendererFactoryClasses
- The names of the classes that represents asset types associated with the
List<E> _customAttributesDisplayClasses
- The names of the classes that represents custom attribute displays
associated with the portlet.
List<E> _workflowHandlerClasses
- The names of the classes that represents workflow handlers associated
with the portlet.
boolean _useDefaultTemplate
if the portlet uses the default template.
boolean _showPortletAccessDenied
if users are shown that they do not have access to the
boolean _showPortletInactive
if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
boolean _actionURLRedirect
if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto
boolean _restoreCurrentView
if the portlet restores to the current view from the
maximized state.
boolean _maximizeEdit
if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the
user goes into the edit mode.
boolean _maximizeHelp
if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the
user goes into the help mode.
boolean _popUpPrint
if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user
goes into the print mode.
boolean _layoutCacheable
if the portlet can be cached within the layout.
boolean _instanceable
if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
boolean _remoteable
if the portlet supports remoting.
boolean _scopeable
if the portlet supports scoping of data.
String _userPrincipalStrategy
- The user principal strategy of the portlet.
boolean _privateRequestAttributes
if the portlet does not share request attributes with
the portal or portlets from another WAR.
boolean _privateSessionAttributes
if the portlet does not share session attributes with
the portal.
int _renderWeight
- Render weight of the portlet.
boolean _ajaxable
if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
List<E> _headerPortalCss
- A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
relative to the portal's context path.
List<E> _headerPortletCss
- A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
relative to the portlet's context path.
List<E> _headerPortalJavaScript
- A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header
relative to the portal's context path.
List<E> _headerPortletJavaScript
- A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header
relative to the portlet's context path.
List<E> _footerPortalCss
- A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
relative to the portal's context path.
List<E> _footerPortletCss
- A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
relative to the portlet's context path.
List<E> _footerPortalJavaScript
- A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer
relative to the portal's context path.
List<E> _footerPortletJavaScript
- A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer
relative to the portlet's context path.
String _cssClassWrapper
- The name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps
this portlet.
String _facebookIntegration
- The Facebook integration method of the portlet.
boolean _addDefaultResource
if default resources for the portlet are added to a
String[] _rolesArray
- An array of required roles of the portlet.
Set<E> _unlinkedRoles
- The unlinked roles of the portlet.
Map<K,V> _roleMappers
- The role mappers of the portlet.
boolean _system
if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot
manually add to their page.
boolean _include
to include the portlet and make it available to be made
Map<K,V> _initParams
- The init parameters of the portlet.
Integer _expCache
- The expiration cache of the portlet.
Map<K,V> _portletModes
- The portlet modes of the portlet.
Map<K,V> _windowStates
- The window states of the portlet.
Set<E> _supportedLocales
- The supported locales of the portlet.
String _resourceBundle
- The resource bundle of the portlet.
PortletInfo _portletInfo
- The portlet info of the portlet.
Map<K,V> _portletFilters
- The filters of the portlet.
Set<E> _processingEvents
- The supported processing events of the portlet.
Map<K,V> _processingEventsByQName
- Map of the supported processing events of the portlet keyed by the QName.
Set<E> _publishingEvents
- The supported publishing events of the portlet.
Set<E> _publicRenderParameters
- The supported public render parameters of the portlet.
Map<K,V> _publicRenderParametersByIdentifier
- Map of the supported public render parameters of the portlet keyed by the
Map<K,V> _publicRenderParametersByQName
- Map of the supported public render parameters of the portlet keyed by the
PortletApp _portletApp
- The application this portlet belongs to.
Map<K,V> _clonedInstances
- The cloned instances of the portlet.
boolean _staticPortlet
if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be
boolean _staticPortletStart
if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a
list of portlets.
boolean _undeployedPortlet
if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
long _portletItemId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _originalName
String _portletId
String _originalPortletId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _id
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
String _portletId
String _originalPortletId
String _roles
boolean _active
long _portletPreferencesId
long _ownerId
long _originalOwnerId
boolean _setOriginalOwnerId
int _ownerType
int _originalOwnerType
boolean _setOriginalOwnerType
long _plid
long _originalPlid
boolean _setOriginalPlid
String _portletId
String _originalPortletId
String _preferences
String _listenerClass
PortletApp _portletApp
String _identifier
QName _qName
PortletApp _portletApp
long _regionId
long _countryId
String _regionCode
String _name
boolean _active
long _releaseId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _servletContextName
String _originalServletContextName
int _buildNumber
Date _buildDate
boolean _verified
String _testString
long _resourceActionId
String _name
String _originalName
String _actionId
String _originalActionId
long _bitwiseValue
long _codeId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
String _name
String _originalName
int _scope
int _originalScope
boolean _setOriginalScope
long _companyId
String _name
int _scope
long _resourceId
long _codeId
long _originalCodeId
boolean _setOriginalCodeId
String _primKey
String _originalPrimKey
long _resourcePermissionId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
String _name
String _originalName
int _scope
int _originalScope
boolean _setOriginalScope
String _primKey
String _originalPrimKey
long _roleId
long _originalRoleId
boolean _setOriginalRoleId
long _actionIds
long _roleId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
String _name
String _originalName
String _title
String _description
int _type
String _subtype
Element _dataEl
long _serviceComponentId
String _buildNamespace
String _originalBuildNamespace
long _buildNumber
long _originalBuildNumber
boolean _setOriginalBuildNumber
long _buildDate
String _data
long _shardId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
String _name
String _originalName
long _subscriptionId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
String _frequency
long _teamId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
String _themeId
ThemeCompanyLimit _themeCompanyLimit
ThemeGroupLimit _themeGroupLimit
long _timestamp
String _name
String _rootPath
String _templatesPath
String _cssPath
String _imagesPath
String _javaScriptPath
String _virtualPath
String _templateExtension
Properties _settings
boolean _wapTheme
Map<K,V> _colorSchemesMap
Map<K,V> _spriteImagesMap
String _servletContextName
boolean _warFile
boolean _loadFromServletContext
long _ticketId
long _companyId
Date _createDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _key
String _originalKey
Date _expirationDate
long _userGroupId
long _groupId
long _roleId
long _userGroupId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _parentUserGroupId
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _groupId
long _roleId
long _userIdMapperId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
String _type
String _originalType
String _description
String _externalUserId
String _originalExternalUserId
Locale _locale
boolean _passwordModified
String _passwordUnencrypted
AtomicReference<V> _socialContributionEquity
AtomicReference<V> _socialParticipationEquity
TimeZone _timeZone
String _uuid
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
boolean _defaultUser
boolean _originalDefaultUser
boolean _setOriginalDefaultUser
long _contactId
long _originalContactId
boolean _setOriginalContactId
String _password
boolean _passwordEncrypted
boolean _passwordReset
Date _passwordModifiedDate
String _digest
String _reminderQueryQuestion
String _reminderQueryAnswer
int _graceLoginCount
String _screenName
String _originalScreenName
String _emailAddress
String _originalEmailAddress
long _facebookId
long _originalFacebookId
boolean _setOriginalFacebookId
String _openId
String _originalOpenId
long _portraitId
long _originalPortraitId
boolean _setOriginalPortraitId
String _languageId
String _timeZoneId
String _greeting
String _comments
String _firstName
String _middleName
String _lastName
String _jobTitle
Date _loginDate
String _loginIP
Date _lastLoginDate
String _lastLoginIP
Date _lastFailedLoginDate
int _failedLoginAttempts
boolean _lockout
Date _lockoutDate
boolean _agreedToTermsOfUse
boolean _active
User _user
String _fullName
String _emailAddress
List<E> _paths
long _userTrackerId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
Date _modifiedDate
String _sessionId
String _remoteAddr
String _remoteHost
String _userAgent
long _userTrackerPathId
long _userTrackerId
String _path
Date _pathDate
Document _document
long _webDavPropsId
long _companyId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
String _props
long _websiteId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _url
int _typeId
boolean _primary
long _workflowDefinitionLinkId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
String _workflowDefinitionName
int _workflowDefinitionVersion
long _workflowInstanceLinkId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
long _workflowInstanceId
Package com.liferay.portal.monitoring |
Package com.liferay.portal.monitoring.statistics |
Map<K,V> _attributes
long _companyId
String _description
long _duration
String _name
String _namespace
RequestStatus _requestStatus
String _user
Package com.liferay.portal.monitoring.statistics.portal |
String _requestURL
Package com.liferay.portal.monitoring.statistics.portlet |
String _displayName
String _portletId
PortletRequestType _requestType
Package com.liferay.portal.monitoring.statistics.service |
MethodKey _methodKey
Package com.liferay.portal.plugin |
String _artifactId
String _groupId
Version _pluginVersion
String _type
String _author
String _changeLog
String _context
Properties _deploymentSettings
String _downloadURL
List<E> _licenses
List<E> _liferayVersions
String _longDescription
Date _modifiedDate
ModuleId _moduleId
String _name
String _pageURL
String _recommendedDeploymentContext
RemotePluginPackageRepository _repository
List<E> _screenshots
String _shortDescription
List<E> _tags
List<E> _types
Package com.liferay.portal.poller |
Package |
BooleanClauseOccur _booleanClauseOccur
Query _query
List<E> _clauses
String _field
String _value
QueryTerm _queryTerm
QueryTerm _queryTerm
Package |
_booleanClause _booleanClause
_booleanQuery _booleanQuery
_query _query
_termQuery _termQuery
Package |
String _url
long _companyId
String _login
String _password
String _name
String _password
Package |
String _userName
Package |
long _userId
List<E> _userGroups
List<E> _userOrgs
List<E> _userOrgGroups
List<E> _userUserGroupGroups
List<E> _groups
long[] _roleIds
List<E> _roles
Map<K,V> _communityAdmins
Map<K,V> _communityOwners
Package |
Locale _locale
Locale _locale
Package com.liferay.portal.service |
boolean _addCommunityPermissions
boolean _addGuestPermissions
long[] _assetCategoryIds
String[] _assetTagNames
Map<K,V> _attributes
String _command
String[] _communityPermissions
long _companyId
Date _createDate
Map<K,V> _expandoBridgeAttributes
String[] _guestPermissions
String _languageId
String _layoutFullURL
String _layoutURL
Date _modifiedDate
String _pathMain
String _portalURL
PortletPreferencesIds _portletPreferencesIds
long _scopeGroupId
String _userDisplayURL
long _plid
int _workflowAction
long _userId
String _uuid
Package com.liferay.portal.service.persistence |
long organizationId
long groupId
long permissionId
long organizationId
long groupId
long roleId
long userGroupId
long groupId
long roleId
long userId
long groupId
long roleId
Package com.liferay.portal.servlet |
ClassLoader _portletClassLoader
ConcurrentMap<K,V> _fileContents
boolean _private
boolean _user
boolean _lastModified
org.apache.struts.action.Action _action
ClassLoader _portletClassLoader
List<E> _indexers
Map<K,V> _attributes
Package com.liferay.portal.servlet.filters.doubleclick |
StringServletResponse _stringResponse
Throwable _throwable
Package com.liferay.portal.sharepoint |
Package com.liferay.portal.spring.annotation |
Package com.liferay.portal.spring.jpa |
Package com.liferay.portal.spring.servlet |
Package com.liferay.portal.struts |
Portlet _portlet
String _strutsPath
Package com.liferay.portal.theme |
RequestVars _vars
Layout _layout
List<E> _children
ThemeDisplay _themeDisplay
String _id
String _rootPortletId
String _instanceId
String _resourcePK
String _portletName
String _namespace
String _title
String _description
String _customCSSClassName
boolean _access
boolean _active
String _columnId
int _columnPos
int _columnCount
boolean _stateExclusive
boolean _stateMax
boolean _stateMin
boolean _stateNormal
boolean _statePopUp
boolean _modeAbout
boolean _modeConfig
boolean _modeEdit
boolean _modeEditDefaults
boolean _modeEditGuest
boolean _modeHelp
boolean _modePreview
boolean _modePrint
boolean _showBackIcon
boolean _showCloseIcon
boolean _showConfigurationIcon
boolean _showEditIcon
boolean _showEditDefaultsIcon
boolean _showEditGuestIcon
boolean _showExportImportIcon
boolean _showHelpIcon
boolean _showMaxIcon
boolean _showMinIcon
boolean _showMoveIcon
boolean _showPortletCssIcon
boolean _showPortletIcon
boolean _showPrintIcon
boolean _showRefreshIcon
String _urlBack
String _urlClose
String _urlConfiguration
String _urlEdit
String _urlEditDefaults
String _urlEditGuest
String _urlExportImport
String _urlHelp
String _urlMax
String _urlMin
String _urlPortlet
String _urlPortletCss
String _urlPrint
String _urlRefresh
boolean _webDAVEnabled
boolean _restoreCurrentView
StringBundler _content
PortletPreferences _portletSetup
String _value
boolean _pattern
List<E> _includes
List<E> _excludes
Company _company
long _companyGroupId
String _companyLogo
int _companyLogoHeight
int _companyLogoWidth
String _realCompanyLogo
int _realCompanyLogoHeight
int _realCompanyLogoWidth
Account _account
User _defaultUser
User _user
User _realUser
String _doAsUserId
String _doAsUserLanguageId
long _doAsGroupId
long _refererPlid
Contact _contact
String _layoutSetLogo
Layout _layout
List<E> _layouts
long _plid
LayoutTypePortlet _layoutTypePortlet
Group _scopeGroup
long _scopeGroupId
Group _parentGroup
long _parentGroupId
boolean _signedIn
Locale _locale
String _languageId
boolean _i18n
String _i18nLanguageId
String _i18nPath
TimeZone _timeZone
Theme _theme
ColorScheme _colorScheme
boolean _themeCssFastLoad
boolean _themeImagesFastLoad
boolean _themeJsBarebone
boolean _themeJsFastLoad
boolean _freeformLayout
String _serverName
int _serverPort
boolean _secure
String _lifecycle
boolean _lifecycleAction
boolean _lifecycleRender
boolean _lifecycleResource
boolean _stateExclusive
boolean _stateMaximized
boolean _statePopUp
boolean _isolated
boolean _facebook
String _facebookCanvasPageURL
boolean _widget
String _cdnHost
String _portalURL
String _pathApplet
String _pathCms
String _pathColorSchemeImages
String _pathContext
String _pathFlash
String _pathFriendlyURLPrivateGroup
String _pathFriendlyURLPrivateUser
String _pathFriendlyURLPublic
String _pathImage
String _pathJavaScript
String _pathMain
String _pathSound
String _pathThemeCss
String _pathThemeImages
String _pathThemeJavaScript
String _pathThemeRoot
String _pathThemeTemplates
boolean _showAddContentIcon
boolean _showAddContentIconPermission
boolean _showControlPanelIcon
boolean _showHomeIcon
boolean _showLayoutTemplatesIcon
boolean _showMyAccountIcon
boolean _showPageSettingsIcon
boolean _showPortalIcon
boolean _showSignInIcon
boolean _showSignOutIcon
boolean _showStagingIcon
String _urlAddContent
String _urlControlPanel
String _urlCurrent
String _urlHome
String _urlLayoutTemplates
String _urlPortal
String _urlSignIn
String _urlSignOut
String _tilesTitle
String _tilesContent
boolean _tilesSelectable
boolean _includePortletCssJs
boolean _includeServiceJs
PortletDisplay _portletDisplay
Package com.liferay.portal.upload |
String _fileName
File _repository
String _encodedString
Package com.liferay.portal.util |
List<E> _list
int _depth
List<E> _list
int _depth
Package com.liferay.portal.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Layout _layout
boolean _lessThan
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Locale _locale
Locale _locale
javax.servlet.ServletContext _servletContext
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portal.velocity |
String _body
String _encoding
Package com.liferay.portal.verify |
Package com.liferay.portal.webdav |
Package com.liferay.portal.webserver |
Package com.liferay.portal.xml |
org.dom4j.Attribute _attribute
org.dom4j.Branch _branch
org.dom4j.CDATA _cdata
org.dom4j.Comment _comment
org.dom4j.Document _document
org.dom4j.Element _element
org.dom4j.Entity _entity
org.dom4j.Namespace _namespace
org.dom4j.Node _node
org.dom4j.ProcessingInstruction _processingInstruction
org.dom4j.QName _qName
org.dom4j.Text _text
org.dom4j.XPath _xPath
Package com.liferay.portal.xmlrpc |
Package com.liferay.portlet |
String _title
String _content
long _time
PortletPreferencesImpl _preferences
boolean _signedIn
long _companyId
PortletPreferences _defaultPreferences
Map<K,V> _modifiedPreferences
Map<K,V> _originalPreferences
long _ownerId
int _ownerType
long _plid
String _portletId
PortletPreferences _preferences
String _lifecycle
boolean _anchor
String _cacheability
boolean _copyCurrentPublicRenderParameters
boolean _copyCurrentRenderParameters
long _doAsGroupId
long _doAsUserId
String _doAsUserLanguageId
boolean _encrypt
boolean _escapeXml
Layout _layout
String _layoutFriendlyURL
String _lifecycle
String _namespace
Set<E> _parametersIncludedInPath
Map<K,V> _params
long _plid
Portlet _portlet
String _portletId
PortletMode _portletMode
PortletRequest _portletRequest
long _refererPlid
Map<K,V> _removePublicRenderParameters
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest _request
Map<K,V> _reservedParameters
String _resourceID
boolean _secure
String _toString
WindowState _windowState
boolean _wsrp
String _name
String[] _values
boolean _readOnly
Package com.liferay.portlet.amazonrankings.model |
String _isbn
String _productName
String _catalog
String[] _authors
Date _releaseDate
String _releaseDateAsString
String _manufacturer
String _smallImageURL
String _mediumImageURL
String _largeImageURL
double _listPrice
double _ourPrice
double _usedPrice
double _collectiblePrice
double _thirdPartyNewPrice
int _salesRank
String _media
String _availability
Package com.liferay.portlet.amazonrankings.util |
String _isbn
Package com.liferay.portlet.announcements |
Package com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model |
long _deliveryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _type
boolean _email
boolean _sms
boolean _website
AnnouncementsDelivery _announcementsDelivery
String _uuid
long _entryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _title
String _content
String _url
String _type
Date _displayDate
Date _expirationDate
int _priority
boolean _alert
AnnouncementsEntry _announcementsEntry
long _flagId
long _userId
Date _createDate
long _entryId
int _value
AnnouncementsFlag _announcementsFlag
Package com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model.impl |
long _deliveryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
String _type
String _originalType
boolean _email
boolean _sms
boolean _website
String _uuid
long _entryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _title
String _content
String _url
String _type
Date _displayDate
Date _expirationDate
int _priority
boolean _alert
long _flagId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
Date _createDate
long _entryId
long _originalEntryId
boolean _setOriginalEntryId
int _value
int _originalValue
boolean _setOriginalValue
Package com.liferay.portlet.asset |
int _type
Package com.liferay.portlet.asset.model |
long _categoryPropertyId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _categoryId
String _key
String _value
AssetCategoryProperty _assetCategoryProperty
String _uuid
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long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentCategoryId
long _leftCategoryId
long _rightCategoryId
String _name
String _title
long _vocabularyId
AssetCategory _assetCategory
long _entryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
String _className
long _classPK
String _portletId
String _portletTitle
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
Date _publishDate
Date _expirationDate
String _mimeType
String _title
String _description
String _summary
String _url
int _height
int _width
double _priority
int _viewCount
long[] _categoryIds
String _tagNames
long _entryId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
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long _classPK
String _classUuid
boolean _visible
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
Date _publishDate
Date _expirationDate
String _mimeType
String _title
String _description
String _summary
String _url
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double _priority
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String _className
String _portletId
String _portletTitle
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AssetLink _assetLink
long _tagPropertyId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _tagId
String _key
String _value
AssetTagProperty _assetTagProperty
long _tagId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
int _assetCount
AssetTagStats _assetTagStats
AssetTag _assetTag
String _uuid
long _vocabularyId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _title
String _description
String _settings
AssetVocabulary _assetVocabulary
Package com.liferay.portlet.asset.model.impl |
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _categoryId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentCategoryId
long _originalParentCategoryId
boolean _setOriginalParentCategoryId
long _leftCategoryId
long _rightCategoryId
String _name
String _originalName
String _title
long _vocabularyId
long _originalVocabularyId
boolean _setOriginalVocabularyId
long _categoryPropertyId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _categoryId
long _originalCategoryId
boolean _setOriginalCategoryId
String _key
String _originalKey
String _value
AtomicReference<V> _socialInformationEquity
long _entryId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
String _classUuid
String _originalClassUuid
boolean _visible
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
Date _publishDate
Date _expirationDate
String _mimeType
String _title
String _description
String _summary
String _url
int _height
int _width
double _priority
int _viewCount
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long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
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long _entryId1
long _entryId2
int _type
int _weight
long _tagId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
int _assetCount
long _tagPropertyId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _tagId
long _originalTagId
boolean _setOriginalTagId
String _key
String _originalKey
String _value
long _tagStatsId
long _tagId
long _originalTagId
boolean _setOriginalTagId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
int _assetCount
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _vocabularyId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _originalName
String _title
String _description
String _settings
Package com.liferay.portlet.blogs |
Package com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model |
String _uuid
long _entryId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _title
String _urlTitle
String _content
Date _displayDate
boolean _allowPingbacks
boolean _allowTrackbacks
String _trackbacks
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
BlogsEntry _blogsEntry
BlogsStatsUser _blogsStatsUser
Package com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model.impl |
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _entryId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _title
String _urlTitle
String _originalUrlTitle
String _content
Date _displayDate
boolean _allowPingbacks
boolean _allowTrackbacks
String _trackbacks
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserUuid
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
long _statsUserId
String _statsUserUuid
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
int _entryCount
Date _lastPostDate
int _ratingsTotalEntries
double _ratingsTotalScore
double _ratingsAverageScore
Package com.liferay.portlet.blogs.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks |
Package com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model |
String _uuid
long _entryId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
String _name
String _url
String _comments
int _visits
int _priority
BookmarksEntry _bookmarksEntry
String _uuid
long _folderId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentFolderId
String _name
String _description
BookmarksFolder _bookmarksFolder
Package com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model.impl |
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _entryId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
String _name
String _url
String _comments
int _visits
int _priority
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _folderId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentFolderId
String _name
String _description
Package com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.calendar |
Package com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model |
String _uuid
long _eventId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _title
String _description
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
int _durationHour
int _durationMinute
boolean _allDay
boolean _timeZoneSensitive
String _type
boolean _repeating
String _recurrence
int _remindBy
int _firstReminder
int _secondReminder
CalEvent _calEvent
Package com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model.impl |
TZSRecurrence _recurrenceObj
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _eventId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _title
String _description
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
int _durationHour
int _durationMinute
boolean _allDay
boolean _timeZoneSensitive
String _type
boolean _repeating
String _recurrence
int _remindBy
int _firstReminder
int _secondReminder
Package com.liferay.portlet.communities.messaging |
String _command
String _cronText
long _userId
long _sourceGroupId
long _targetGroupId
boolean _privateLayout
Map<K,V> _layoutIdMap
Map<K,V> _parameterMap
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
Date _scheduledFireTime
String _cronText
long _userId
long _sourceGroupId
boolean _privateLayout
Map<K,V> _layoutIdMap
Map<K,V> _parameterMap
String _remoteAddress
int _remotePort
boolean _secureConnection
long _remoteGroupId
boolean _remotePrivateLayout
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
Date _scheduledFireTime
Package com.liferay.portlet.currencyconverter.model |
String _symbol
double _rate
Package com.liferay.portlet.currencyconverter.util |
String _symbol
Package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary |
Package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model |
String _uuid
long _fileEntryId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
long _versionUserId
String _versionUserName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
String _name
String _extension
String _title
String _description
String _extraSettings
String _version
long _size
int _readCount
DLFileEntry _dlFileEntry
DLFileRank _dlFileRank
String _uuid
long _fileShortcutId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
long _toFolderId
String _toName
int _status
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String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
DLFileShortcut _dlFileShortcut
long _fileVersionId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
long _folderId
String _name
String _extension
String _title
String _description
String _changeLog
String _extraSettings
String _version
long _size
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
DLFileVersion _dlFileVersion
String _uuid
long _folderId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentFolderId
String _name
String _description
Date _lastPostDate
DLFolder _dlFolder
Package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl |
UnicodeProperties _extraSettingsProperties
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _fileEntryId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
long _versionUserId
String _versionUserUuid
String _versionUserName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
long _originalFolderId
boolean _setOriginalFolderId
String _name
String _originalName
String _extension
String _title
String _originalTitle
String _description
String _extraSettings
String _version
long _size
int _readCount
long _fileRankId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _originalCompanyId
boolean _setOriginalCompanyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
Date _createDate
long _folderId
long _originalFolderId
boolean _setOriginalFolderId
String _name
String _originalName
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _fileShortcutId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
long _toFolderId
String _toName
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserUuid
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
ExpandoBridge _expandoBridge
long _fileVersionId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
long _folderId
long _originalFolderId
boolean _setOriginalFolderId
String _name
String _originalName
String _extension
String _title
String _description
String _changeLog
String _extraSettings
String _version
String _originalVersion
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int _status
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String _statusByUserUuid
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _folderId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentFolderId
long _originalParentFolderId
boolean _setOriginalParentFolderId
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
Date _lastPostDate
Package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.expando |
Package com.liferay.portlet.expando.model |
long _columnId
long _companyId
long _tableId
String _name
int _type
String _defaultData
String _typeSettings
ExpandoColumn _expandoColumn
ExpandoRow _expandoRow
ExpandoTable _expandoTable
long _valueId
long _companyId
long _tableId
long _columnId
long _rowId
long _classNameId
long _classPK
String _data
ExpandoValue _expandoValue
Package com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.impl |
UnicodeProperties _typeSettingsProperties
long _columnId
long _companyId
long _tableId
long _originalTableId
boolean _setOriginalTableId
String _name
String _originalName
int _type
String _defaultData
String _typeSettings
long _rowId
long _companyId
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long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
long _tableId
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long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
String _name
String _originalName
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long _tableId
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long _columnId
long _originalColumnId
boolean _setOriginalColumnId
long _rowId
long _originalRowId
boolean _setOriginalRowId
long _classNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
String _data
Package com.liferay.portlet.flags.messaging |
String _className
long _classPK
String _comments
String _contentTitle
String _contentURL
String _reason
long _reportedUserId
String _reporterEmailAddress
ServiceContext _serviceContext
Package com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery |
Package com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.model |
String _uuid
long _folderId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentFolderId
String _name
String _description
IGFolder _igFolder
String _uuid
long _imageId
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long _companyId
long _userId
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
String _name
String _description
long _smallImageId
long _largeImageId
long _custom1ImageId
long _custom2ImageId
IGImage _igImage
Package com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.model.impl |
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _folderId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
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String _name
String _originalName
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Integer _imageSize
String _imageType
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
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boolean _setOriginalGroupId
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String _userUuid
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _folderId
String _name
String _description
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boolean _setOriginalSmallImageId
long _largeImageId
long _originalLargeImageId
boolean _setOriginalLargeImageId
long _custom1ImageId
long _originalCustom1ImageId
boolean _setOriginalCustom1ImageId
long _custom2ImageId
long _originalCustom2ImageId
boolean _setOriginalCustom2ImageId
Package com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.journal |
Package com.liferay.portlet.journal.model |
JournalArticleImage _journalArticleImage
JournalArticleResource _journalArticleResource
String _uuid
long _id
long _resourcePrimKey
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _articleId
double _version
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String _urlTitle
String _description
String _content
String _type
String _structureId
String _templateId
Date _displayDate
Date _expirationDate
Date _reviewDate
boolean _indexable
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long _smallImageId
String _smallImageURL
int _status
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String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
JournalArticle _journalArticle
JournalContentSearch _journalContentSearch
String _uuid
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String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
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JournalFeed _journalFeed
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String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
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JournalStructure _journalStructure
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Date _modifiedDate
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String _structureId
String _name
String _description
String _xsl
String _langType
boolean _cacheable
boolean _smallImage
long _smallImageId
String _smallImageURL
JournalTemplate _journalTemplate
Package com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl |
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long _id
long _resourcePrimKey
long _groupId
long _userId
String _articleId
double _version
String _title
String _urlTitle
String _description
String[] _availableLocales
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String _originalLanguageId
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Date _modifiedDate
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String _originalArticleId
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double _originalVersion
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String _description
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Date _expirationDate
Date _reviewDate
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String _statusByUserName
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String _originalArticleId
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String _userName
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String _description
String _xsd
String _smallImageType
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _id
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long _companyId
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String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _templateId
String _originalTemplateId
String _structureId
String _name
String _description
String _xsl
String _langType
boolean _cacheable
boolean _smallImage
long _smallImageId
long _originalSmallImageId
boolean _setOriginalSmallImageId
String _smallImageURL
Package com.liferay.portlet.journal.util |
Map<K,V> _children
List<E> _siblings
ThemeDisplay _themeDisplay
Package com.liferay.portlet.journal.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards |
Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.messaging |
long _categoryId
long _companyId
long _groupId
String _inPassword
String _inProtocol
String _inServerName
int _inServerPort
String _inUserName
boolean _inUseSSL
long _userId
Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model |
long _banId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _banUserId
MBBan _mbBan
String _uuid
long _categoryId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentCategoryId
String _name
String _description
int _threadCount
int _messageCount
Date _lastPostDate
MBCategory _mbCategory
MBDiscussion _mbDiscussion
MBMailingList _mbMailingList
long _messageFlagId
long _userId
Date _modifiedDate
long _threadId
long _messageId
int _flag
MBMessageFlag _mbMessageFlag
String _uuid
long _messageId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
long _categoryId
long _threadId
long _rootMessageId
long _parentMessageId
String _subject
String _body
boolean _attachments
boolean _anonymous
double _priority
boolean _allowPingbacks
int _status
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String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
MBMessage _mbMessage
MBStatsUser _mbStatsUser
long _threadId
long _groupId
long _categoryId
long _rootMessageId
int _messageCount
int _viewCount
long _lastPostByUserId
Date _lastPostDate
double _priority
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
MBThread _mbThread
Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.impl |
long _banId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _banUserId
String _banUserUuid
long _originalBanUserId
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String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _categoryId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentCategoryId
String _name
String _description
int _threadCount
int _messageCount
Date _lastPostDate
long _discussionId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
long _threadId
long _originalThreadId
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String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _mailingListId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
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String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _categoryId
long _originalCategoryId
boolean _setOriginalCategoryId
String _emailAddress
String _inProtocol
String _inServerName
int _inServerPort
boolean _inUseSSL
String _inUserName
String _inPassword
int _inReadInterval
String _outEmailAddress
boolean _outCustom
String _outServerName
int _outServerPort
boolean _outUseSSL
String _outUserName
String _outPassword
boolean _active
MBCategory _category
MBMessage _message
MBThread _nextThread
MBMessage _parentMessage
MBThread _previousThread
MBThread _thread
String _threadView
MBTreeWalker _treeWalker
long _messageFlagId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
Date _modifiedDate
long _threadId
long _messageId
long _originalMessageId
boolean _setOriginalMessageId
int _flag
int _originalFlag
boolean _setOriginalFlag
String _attachmentDirs
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _messageId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
long _categoryId
long _threadId
long _rootMessageId
long _parentMessageId
String _subject
String _body
boolean _attachments
boolean _anonymous
double _priority
boolean _allowPingbacks
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserUuid
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
long _statsUserId
String _statsUserUuid
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
int _messageCount
Date _lastPostDate
long _threadId
long _groupId
long _categoryId
long _rootMessageId
int _messageCount
int _viewCount
long _lastPostByUserId
String _lastPostByUserUuid
Date _lastPostDate
double _priority
int _status
long _statusByUserId
String _statusByUserUuid
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
Map<K,V> _messageIdsMap
List<E> _messages
boolean _odd
Package com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package |
String _domain
String _results
String _domain
String _results
Package |
String _domain
String _domain
Package com.liferay.portlet.polls |
Package com.liferay.portlet.polls.model |
PollsChoice _pollsChoice
String _uuid
long _questionId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _title
String _description
Date _expirationDate
Date _lastVoteDate
PollsQuestion _pollsQuestion
long _voteId
long _userId
long _questionId
long _choiceId
Date _voteDate
PollsVote _pollsVote
Package com.liferay.portlet.polls.model.impl |
String _uuid
long _choiceId
long _questionId
long _originalQuestionId
boolean _setOriginalQuestionId
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
String _uuid
String _originalUuid
long _questionId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _title
String _description
Date _expirationDate
Date _lastVoteDate
long _voteId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
long _questionId
long _originalQuestionId
boolean _setOriginalQuestionId
long _choiceId
Date _voteDate
Package com.liferay.portlet.ratings |
Package com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model |
long _entryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _classPK
double _score
RatingsEntry _ratingsEntry
RatingsStats _ratingsStats
Package com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model.impl |
long _entryId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
double _score
long _statsId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
int _totalEntries
double _totalScore
double _averageScore
Package com.liferay.portlet.rss.util |
String _url
Package |
List<E> _categoryIds
List<E> _skus
Package |
ShoppingCart _shoppingCart
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long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _parentCategoryId
String _name
String _description
ShoppingCategory _shoppingCategory
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long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _code
String _name
String _description
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
boolean _active
String _limitCategories
String _limitSkus
double _minOrder
double _discount
String _discountType
ShoppingCoupon _shoppingCoupon
ShoppingItemField _shoppingItemField
ShoppingItemPrice _shoppingItemPrice
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long _companyId
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String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _categoryId
String _sku
String _name
String _description
String _properties
boolean _fields
String _fieldsQuantities
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int _maxQuantity
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double _discount
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String _smallImageURL
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String _mediumImageURL
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String _largeImageURL
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ShoppingOrderItem _shoppingOrderItem
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Date _modifiedDate
String _number
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String _billingLastName
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String _billingCompany
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String _billingCity
String _billingState
String _billingZip
String _billingCountry
String _billingPhone
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String _shippingLastName
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String _shippingCompany
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String _shippingCity
String _shippingState
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String _shippingCountry
String _shippingPhone
String _ccName
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int _ccExpYear
String _ccVerNumber
String _comments
String _ppTxnId
String _ppPaymentStatus
double _ppPaymentGross
String _ppReceiverEmail
String _ppPayerEmail
boolean _sendOrderEmail
boolean _sendShippingEmail
ShoppingOrder _shoppingOrder
Package |
String _fields
ShoppingItem _item
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long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
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String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
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String _userName
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Date _modifiedDate
String _code
String _originalCode
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String _description
Date _startDate
Date _endDate
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String _limitSkus
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double _discount
String _discountType
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long _itemId
String _name
String _values
String _description
String[] _fieldsQuantitiesArray
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String _originalSku
String _name
String _description
String _properties
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String _fieldsQuantities
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int _maxQuantity
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double _discount
boolean _taxable
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boolean _useShippingFormula
boolean _requiresShipping
int _stockQuantity
boolean _featured
boolean _sale
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String _smallImageURL
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long _originalMediumImageId
boolean _setOriginalMediumImageId
String _mediumImageURL
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long _originalLargeImageId
boolean _setOriginalLargeImageId
String _largeImageURL
long _itemPriceId
long _itemId
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int _maxQuantity
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double _discount
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long _orderId
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String _name
String _description
String _properties
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int _quantity
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long _companyId
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String _userUuid
String _userName
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Date _modifiedDate
String _number
String _originalNumber
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double _shipping
String _altShipping
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boolean _insure
double _insurance
String _couponCodes
double _couponDiscount
String _billingFirstName
String _billingLastName
String _billingEmailAddress
String _billingCompany
String _billingStreet
String _billingCity
String _billingState
String _billingZip
String _billingCountry
String _billingPhone
boolean _shipToBilling
String _shippingFirstName
String _shippingLastName
String _shippingEmailAddress
String _shippingCompany
String _shippingStreet
String _shippingCity
String _shippingState
String _shippingZip
String _shippingCountry
String _shippingPhone
String _ccName
String _ccType
String _ccNumber
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int _ccExpYear
String _ccVerNumber
String _comments
String _ppTxnId
String _originalPpTxnId
String _ppPaymentStatus
double _ppPaymentGross
String _ppReceiverEmail
String _ppPayerEmail
boolean _sendOrderEmail
boolean _sendShippingEmail
Package |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package |
Package |
SocialActivity _socialActivity
String _actionId
String _className
int _informationDailyLimit
int _informationLifespan
boolean _informationUnique
int _informationValue
int _participationDailyLimit
int _participationLifespan
boolean _participationUnique
int _participationValue
SocialEquityAssetEntry _socialEquityAssetEntry
SocialEquityHistory _socialEquityHistory
SocialEquityLog _socialEquityLog
SocialEquitySetting _socialEquitySetting
SocialEquityUser _socialEquityUser
SocialRelation _socialRelation
SocialRequest _socialRequest
Package |
long _activityId
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long _originalGroupId
boolean _setOriginalGroupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
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long _originalCreateDate
boolean _setOriginalCreateDate
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long _originalMirrorActivityId
boolean _setOriginalMirrorActivityId
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long _originalClassNameId
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long _originalClassPK
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String _extraData
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String _userUuid
long _assetEntryId
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double _informationK
double _informationB
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long _companyId
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String _userUuid
Date _createDate
int _personalEquity
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long _companyId
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String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
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long _originalAssetEntryId
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String _actionId
String _originalActionId
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int _originalActionDate
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boolean _active
boolean _originalActive
boolean _setOriginalActive
int _expiration
int _type
int _originalType
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int _value
long _equitySettingId
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
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long _companyId
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
String _actionId
String _originalActionId
int _dailyLimit
int _lifespan
int _type
int _originalType
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boolean _uniqueEntry
int _value
long _equityUserId
String _equityUserUuid
long _groupId
long _originalGroupId
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long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
double _contributionK
double _contributionB
double _participationK
double _participationB
int _rank
String _uuid
long _relationId
long _companyId
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long _originalUserId2
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int _originalType
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String _originalUuid
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long _originalGroupId
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long _companyId
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String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
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long _modifiedDate
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long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
long _classPK
long _originalClassPK
boolean _setOriginalClassPK
int _type
int _originalType
boolean _setOriginalType
String _extraData
long _receiverUserId
String _receiverUserUuid
long _originalReceiverUserId
boolean _setOriginalReceiverUserId
int _status
Package |
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog |
Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model |
long _frameworkVersionId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _url
boolean _active
int _priority
SCFrameworkVersion _scFrameworkVersion
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String _name
String _url
boolean _openSource
boolean _active
boolean _recommended
SCLicense _scLicense
long _productEntryId
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long _companyId
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String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _type
String _tags
String _shortDescription
String _longDescription
String _pageURL
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String _repoGroupId
String _repoArtifactId
SCProductEntry _scProductEntry
SCProductScreenshot _scProductScreenshot
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long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _productEntryId
String _version
String _changeLog
String _downloadPageURL
String _directDownloadURL
boolean _repoStoreArtifact
SCProductVersion _scProductVersion
Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model.impl |
long _frameworkVersionId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _url
boolean _active
int _priority
long _licenseId
String _name
String _url
boolean _openSource
boolean _active
boolean _recommended
long _productEntryId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _type
String _tags
String _shortDescription
String _longDescription
String _pageURL
String _author
String _repoGroupId
String _originalRepoGroupId
String _repoArtifactId
String _originalRepoArtifactId
long _productScreenshotId
long _companyId
long _groupId
long _productEntryId
long _originalProductEntryId
boolean _setOriginalProductEntryId
long _thumbnailId
long _originalThumbnailId
boolean _setOriginalThumbnailId
long _fullImageId
long _originalFullImageId
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int _priority
int _originalPriority
boolean _setOriginalPriority
long _productVersionId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _productEntryId
String _version
String _changeLog
String _downloadPageURL
String _directDownloadURL
String _originalDirectDownloadURL
boolean _repoStoreArtifact
Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.tasks |
Package com.liferay.portlet.tasks.model |
long _proposalId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
String _classPK
String _name
String _description
Date _publishDate
Date _dueDate
TasksProposal _tasksProposal
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long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _proposalId
long _assignedByUserId
String _assignedByUserName
int _stage
boolean _completed
boolean _rejected
TasksReview _tasksReview
Package com.liferay.portlet.tasks.model.impl |
long _proposalId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _classNameId
long _originalClassNameId
boolean _setOriginalClassNameId
String _classPK
String _originalClassPK
String _name
String _description
Date _publishDate
Date _dueDate
long _reviewId
long _groupId
long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
long _originalUserId
boolean _setOriginalUserId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _proposalId
long _originalProposalId
boolean _setOriginalProposalId
long _assignedByUserId
String _assignedByUserUuid
String _assignedByUserName
int _stage
boolean _completed
boolean _rejected
Package com.liferay.portlet.tasks.util.comparator |
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.translator.model |
String _translationId
String _fromText
String _toText
Package com.liferay.portlet.translator.util |
String _translationId
String _fromText
Package |
Package |
String _uuid
long _nodeId
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long _companyId
long _userId
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _description
Date _lastPostDate
WikiNode _wikiNode
WikiPageResource _wikiPageResource
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Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
long _nodeId
String _title
double _version
boolean _minorEdit
String _content
String _summary
String _format
boolean _head
String _parentTitle
String _redirectTitle
int _status
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String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
WikiPage _wikiPage
Package |
String _uuid
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long _companyId
long _userId
String _userUuid
String _userName
Date _createDate
Date _modifiedDate
String _name
String _originalName
String _description
Date _lastPostDate
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String _content
String _formattedContent
String _format
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String _uuid
String _originalUuid
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String _userUuid
String _userName
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Date _modifiedDate
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String _title
String _originalTitle
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double _originalVersion
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String _content
String _summary
String _format
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String _redirectTitle
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String _statusByUserUuid
String _statusByUserName
Date _statusDate
String _uuid
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long _nodeId
long _originalNodeId
boolean _setOriginalNodeId
String _title
String _originalTitle
Package |
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
boolean _ascending
Package com.liferay.portlet.words |
Package com.liferay.portlet.words.util.comparator |
Package com.liferay.taglib.aui |
String _cssClass
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String _cssClass
Map<K,V> _data
boolean _disabled
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boolean _inlineLabels
String _name
String _onSubmit
boolean _useNamespace
Object _bean
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Map<K,V> _data
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String _helpMessage
String _id
boolean _inlineField
String _inlineLabel
String _inputCssClass
String _label
boolean _last
Class<T> _model
String _name
String _onChange
String _onClick
String _prefix
String _suffix
String _title
String _type
Object _value
String _cssClass
String _cssClass
String _label
Object _bean
Class<T> _model
String _cssClass
String _label
boolean _selected
String _style
String _value
boolean _collapsible
String _id
String _label
List<E> _toolTags
String _position
String _use
Object _bean
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String _cssClass
Map<K,V> _data
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String _helpMessage
String _id
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String _inlineLabel
String _inputCssClass
String _label
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String _name
String _onChange
String _onClick
String _prefix
boolean _showEmptyOption
String _suffix
String _title
String _handler
String _icon
String _id
Object _bean
String _id
Class<T> _model
int _status
double _version
Package com.liferay.taglib.faces.converter |
String _unitedStatesFormat
Package com.liferay.taglib.faces.validator |
Package com.liferay.taglib.portlet |
String _windowState
String _portletMode
String _var
String _varImpl
Boolean _secure
Boolean _copyCurrentRenderParameters
Boolean _escapeXml
String _name
String _resourceID
String _cacheability
long _plid
String _portletName
Boolean _anchor
Boolean _encrypt
long _doAsUserId
Boolean _portletConfiguration
String _varImpl
Package com.liferay.taglib.portletext |
Portlet _portlet
String _portletName
String _queryString
String _width
String _portletName
String _queryString
String _defaultPreferences
Package |
long _doAsUserId
String _var
String _className
String _style
String _protocol
Set<E> _unencryptedParamsSet
String _url
String _target
String _redirect
String _modelResource
String _modelResourceDescription
String _resourcePrimKey
String _var
Package com.liferay.taglib.theme |
Layout _layout
String _page
Package com.liferay.taglib.ui |
boolean _hidePortletWhenEmpty
long[] _vocabularyIds
String _className
long _classPK
String _contentCallback
String _curCategoryIds
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String _hiddenInput
String _className
long _classPK
String _message
PortletURL _portletURL
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String _displayStyle
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String _className
long _classPK
String _contentCallback
String _curTags
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String _className
long _classPK
String _message
PortletURL _portletURL
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PortletURL _portletURL
Layout _selLayout
String _selLayoutParam
boolean _showGuestGroup
boolean _showLayout
boolean _showParentGroups
boolean _showPortletBreadcrumb
Set<E> _data
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String _headerPattern
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boolean _showAllPotentialWeeks
int _year
String _url
String _className
long _classPK
boolean _editable
boolean _label
String _className
long _companyId
String _className
long _classPK
boolean _editable
boolean _label
String _name
String _diffHtmlResults
List<E>[] _diffResults
String _sourceName
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String _className
long _classPK
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String _flashvars
String _height
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String _loop
String _menu
String _movie
String _play
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String _salign
String _scale
String _swliveconnect
String _version
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String _url
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Boolean _defaultValue
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String _id
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String _dayParam
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boolean _disabled
boolean _disableNamespace
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boolean _monthAndYearNullable
String _monthAndYearParam
boolean _monthNullable
String _monthParam
int _monthValue
boolean _yearNullable
String _yearParam
int _yearRangeEnd
int _yearRangeStart
int _yearValue
String _cssClass
String _editorImpl
String _height
String _initMethod
String _name
String _onChangeMethod
String _toolbarSet
String _width
Object _bean
String _cssClass
Object _defaultValue
boolean _disabled
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String _fieldParam
Format _format
String _formName
Class<T> _model
String _cssClass
boolean _disabled
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String _leftBoxName
List<E> _leftList
String _leftOnChange
String _leftReorder
String _leftTitle
String _rightBoxName
List<E> _rightList
String _rightOnChange
String _rightReorder
String _rightTitle
String _modelName
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String _modelName
String _cssClass
CalEvent _event
String _cssClass
String _url
String _cssClass
Boolean _defaultValue
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String _formName
String _param
String _cssClass
String _defaultValue
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String _amPmParam
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String _cssClass
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String _hourParam
int _hourValue
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boolean _minuteNullable
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String _name
Object[] _arguments
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String _displayStyle
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long _classPK
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RatingsEntry _ratingsEntry
RatingsStats _ratingsStats
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boolean _setRatingsStats
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Object _href
String _path
String _name
float _score
String align
int colspan
int index
String name
String valign
String _buffer
Object _href
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String _property
StringBuilder _sb
String _target
String _title
boolean _translate
String _value
List<E> _results
String _resultsVar
int _total
String _totalVar
String _name
Object _value
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List<E> _headerNames
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String _indexVar
String _keyProperty
String _modelVar
Map<K,V> _orderableHeaders
List<E> _results
List<E> _resultRows
int _rowIndex
String _rowVar
ResultRow _row
javax.servlet.ServletContext _servletContext
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String _curParam
int _delta
boolean _deltaConfigurable
String _deltaParam
DisplayTerms _displayTerms
String _emptyResultsMessage
boolean _hasResults
List<E> _headerNames
boolean _hover
String _id
PortletURL _iteratorURL
OrderByComparator _orderByComparator
String _orderByCol
String _orderByColParam
String _orderByType
String _orderByTypeParam
RowChecker _rowChecker
SearchContainer<R> _searchContainer
DisplayTerms _searchTerms
String _var
SearchContainer<R> _searchContainer
boolean _showAddButton
boolean _paginate
String _type
Hits _hits
String _buttonLabel
DisplayTerms _displayTerms
String _id
TabsTag _tabsTag
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List<E> _activities
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long _classPK
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String _feedLinkMessage
String _feedTitle
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String _rowBreak
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String _value
PortletURL _portletURL
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String _url0
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String _url2
String _url3
String _url4
String _url5
String _url6
String _url7
String _url8
String _url9
String _backLabel
String _backURL
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String _onClick
String _startPage
String _endPage
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String _hideImage
String _showMessage
String _hideMessage
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String _stateVar
String _align
String _id
String _showImage
String _hideImage
String _showMessage
String _hideMessage
boolean _defaultShowContent
String _stateVar
String _id
String _id
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String _message
String _redirect
String _startPage
String _endPage
long _userId
String _userName
String _url
int _displayStyle
PortletURL _portletURL
RowChecker _rowChecker
LinkedHashMap<K,V> _userParams
String _path
Object _bean
String _property
Package com.liferay.taglib.util |
String _var
String _url
long _expires
String _var
String _url
long _refreshTime
boolean _calledSetAttributes
Map<K,V> _dynamicAttributes
String _page
String _portletId
TrackedServletRequest _trackedRequest
Map<K,V> _params
Map<K,V> _properties
javax.servlet.ServletContext _servletContext
String _name
String _value
String _name
String _value
int _maxSize
Package com.liferay.util.axis |
Package com.liferay.util.bridges.jsf.common |
Package com.liferay.util.bridges.struts |
Package |
int day
- Deprecated.
- Field day
int position
- Deprecated.
- Field position
int weeks
- Deprecated.
- Field weeks
int days
- Deprecated.
- Field days
int hours
- Deprecated.
- Field hours
int minutes
- Deprecated.
- Field minutes
int seconds
- Deprecated.
- Field seconds
Calendar dtStart
- Deprecated.
- Field dtStart
Duration duration
- Deprecated.
- Field duration
int frequency
- Deprecated.
- Field frequency
int interval
- Deprecated.
- Field interval
int occurrence
- Deprecated.
- Field interval
Calendar until
- Deprecated.
- Field until
DayAndPosition[] byDay
- Deprecated.
- Field byDay
int[] byMonthDay
- Deprecated.
- Field byMonthDay
int[] byYearDay
- Deprecated.
- Field byYearDay
int[] byWeekNo
- Deprecated.
- Field byWeekNo
int[] byMonth
- Deprecated.
- Field byMonth
Package com.liferay.util.jazzy |
String _invalidWord
List<E> _suggestions
String _wordContext
int _wordContextPosition
Package com.liferay.util.mail |
Package com.liferay.util.servlet |
Package com.liferay.util.servlet.filters |
Map<K,V> _attributes
byte[] _content
int _contentLength
String _contentType
Map<K,V> _headers