Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3

Package com.liferay.portal.model

This package defines the portal model interfaces, classes, utilities, wrappers, and annotated types.


Interface Summary
Account The extended model interface for the Account service.
AccountModel The base model interface for the Account service.
Address The extended model interface for the Address service.
AddressModel The base model interface for the Address service.
BaseModel<T> The base interface for all model classes.
BrowserTracker The extended model interface for the BrowserTracker service.
BrowserTrackerModel The base model interface for the BrowserTracker service.
ClassName The extended model interface for the ClassName service.
ClassNameModel The base model interface for the ClassName service.
ClusterGroup The extended model interface for the ClusterGroup service.
ClusterGroupModel The base model interface for the ClusterGroup service.
Company The extended model interface for the Company service.
CompanyModel The base model interface for the Company service.
Contact The extended model interface for the Contact service.
ContactModel The base model interface for the Contact service.
Country The extended model interface for the Country service.
CountryModel The base model interface for the Country service.
EmailAddress The extended model interface for the EmailAddress service.
EmailAddressModel The base model interface for the EmailAddress service.
Group The extended model interface for the Group service.
GroupModel The base model interface for the Group service.
Image The extended model interface for the Image service.
ImageModel The base model interface for the Image service.
Layout The extended model interface for the Layout service.
LayoutBranch The extended model interface for the LayoutBranch service.
LayoutBranchModel The base model interface for the LayoutBranch service.
LayoutModel The base model interface for the Layout service.
LayoutPrototype The extended model interface for the LayoutPrototype service.
LayoutPrototypeModel The base model interface for the LayoutPrototype service.
LayoutRevision The extended model interface for the LayoutRevision service.
LayoutRevisionModel The base model interface for the LayoutRevision service.
LayoutSet The extended model interface for the LayoutSet service.
LayoutSetBranch The extended model interface for the LayoutSetBranch service.
LayoutSetBranchModel The base model interface for the LayoutSetBranch service.
LayoutSetModel The base model interface for the LayoutSet service.
LayoutSetPrototype The extended model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
LayoutSetPrototypeModel The base model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
ListType The extended model interface for the ListType service.
ListTypeModel The base model interface for the ListType service.
Location Deprecated.  
Lock The extended model interface for the Lock service.
LockModel The base model interface for the Lock service.
MembershipRequest The extended model interface for the MembershipRequest service.
MembershipRequestModel The base model interface for the MembershipRequest service.
Organization The extended model interface for the Organization service.
OrganizationModel The base model interface for the Organization service.
OrgGroupPermission The extended model interface for the OrgGroupPermission service.
OrgGroupPermissionModel The base model interface for the OrgGroupPermission service.
OrgGroupRole The extended model interface for the OrgGroupRole service.
OrgGroupRoleModel The base model interface for the OrgGroupRole service.
OrgLabor The extended model interface for the OrgLabor service.
OrgLaborModel The base model interface for the OrgLabor service.
PasswordPolicy The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicy service.
PasswordPolicyModel The base model interface for the PasswordPolicy service.
PasswordPolicyRel The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicyRel service.
PasswordPolicyRelModel The base model interface for the PasswordPolicyRel service.
PasswordTracker The extended model interface for the PasswordTracker service.
PasswordTrackerModel The base model interface for the PasswordTracker service.
Permission The extended model interface for the Permission service.
PermissionModel The base model interface for the Permission service.
Phone The extended model interface for the Phone service.
PhoneModel The base model interface for the Phone service.
PluginSetting The extended model interface for the PluginSetting service.
PluginSettingModel The base model interface for the PluginSetting service.
PortalPreferences The extended model interface for the PortalPreferences service.
PortalPreferencesModel The base model interface for the PortalPreferences service.
Portlet The extended model interface for the Portlet service.
PortletItem The extended model interface for the PortletItem service.
PortletItemModel The base model interface for the PortletItem service.
PortletModel The base model interface for the Portlet service.
PortletPreferences The extended model interface for the PortletPreferences service.
PortletPreferencesModel The base model interface for the PortletPreferences service.
Region The extended model interface for the Region service.
RegionModel The base model interface for the Region service.
Release The extended model interface for the Release service.
ReleaseModel The base model interface for the Release service.
Repository The extended model interface for the Repository service.
RepositoryEntry The extended model interface for the RepositoryEntry service.
RepositoryEntryModel The base model interface for the RepositoryEntry service.
RepositoryModel The base model interface for the Repository service.
Resource The extended model interface for the Resource service.
ResourceAction The extended model interface for the ResourceAction service.
ResourceActionModel The base model interface for the ResourceAction service.
ResourceBlock The extended model interface for the ResourceBlock service.
ResourceBlockModel The base model interface for the ResourceBlock service.
ResourceBlockPermission The extended model interface for the ResourceBlockPermission service.
ResourceBlockPermissionModel The base model interface for the ResourceBlockPermission service.
ResourceCode The extended model interface for the ResourceCode service.
ResourceCodeModel The base model interface for the ResourceCode service.
ResourceConstants Contains constants used for resource permissions and permission scoping.
ResourceModel The base model interface for the Resource service.
ResourcePermission The extended model interface for the ResourcePermission service.
ResourcePermissionModel The base model interface for the ResourcePermission service.
ResourceTypePermission The extended model interface for the ResourceTypePermission service.
ResourceTypePermissionModel The base model interface for the ResourceTypePermission service.
Role The extended model interface for the Role service.
RoleModel The base model interface for the Role service.
ServiceComponent The extended model interface for the ServiceComponent service.
ServiceComponentModel The base model interface for the ServiceComponent service.
Shard The extended model interface for the Shard service.
ShardModel The base model interface for the Shard service.
Subscription The extended model interface for the Subscription service.
SubscriptionModel The base model interface for the Subscription service.
Team The extended model interface for the Team service.
TeamModel The base model interface for the Team service.
Ticket The extended model interface for the Ticket service.
TicketModel The base model interface for the Ticket service.
User The extended model interface for the User service.
UserGroup The extended model interface for the UserGroup service.
UserGroupGroupRole The extended model interface for the UserGroupGroupRole service.
UserGroupGroupRoleModel The base model interface for the UserGroupGroupRole service.
UserGroupModel The base model interface for the UserGroup service.
UserGroupRole The extended model interface for the UserGroupRole service.
UserGroupRoleModel The base model interface for the UserGroupRole service.
UserIdMapper The extended model interface for the UserIdMapper service.
UserIdMapperModel The base model interface for the UserIdMapper service.
UserModel The base model interface for the User service.
UserNotificationEvent The extended model interface for the UserNotificationEvent service.
UserNotificationEventModel The base model interface for the UserNotificationEvent service.
UserPersonalSite See
UserTracker The extended model interface for the UserTracker service.
UserTrackerModel The base model interface for the UserTracker service.
UserTrackerPath The extended model interface for the UserTrackerPath service.
UserTrackerPathModel The base model interface for the UserTrackerPath service.
VirtualHost The extended model interface for the VirtualHost service.
VirtualHostModel The base model interface for the VirtualHost service.
WebDAVProps The extended model interface for the WebDAVProps service.
WebDAVPropsModel The base model interface for the WebDAVProps service.
Website The extended model interface for the Website service.
WebsiteModel The base model interface for the Website service.
WorkflowDefinitionLink The extended model interface for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service.
WorkflowDefinitionLinkModel The base model interface for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service.
WorkflowInstanceLink The extended model interface for the WorkflowInstanceLink service.
WorkflowInstanceLinkModel The base model interface for the WorkflowInstanceLink service.

Class Summary
AccountSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AccountServiceSoap.
AccountWrapper This class is a wrapper for Account.
AddressSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AddressServiceSoap.
AddressWrapper This class is a wrapper for Address.
BaseModelListener<T extends BaseModel<T>>  
BrowserTrackerSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
BrowserTrackerWrapper This class is a wrapper for BrowserTracker.
ClassNameSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ClassNameServiceSoap.
ClassNameWrapper This class is a wrapper for ClassName.
ClusterGroupSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ClusterGroupWrapper This class is a wrapper for ClusterGroup.
CompanySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically CompanyServiceSoap.
CompanyWrapper This class is a wrapper for Company.
ContactSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ContactServiceSoap.
ContactWrapper This class is a wrapper for Contact.
CountrySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically CountryServiceSoap.
CountryWrapper This class is a wrapper for Country.
CustomizedPages See
EmailAddressSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically EmailAddressServiceSoap.
EmailAddressWrapper This class is a wrapper for EmailAddress.
GroupSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically GroupServiceSoap.
GroupWrapper This class is a wrapper for Group.
ImageSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ImageServiceSoap.
ImageWrapper This class is a wrapper for Image.
LayoutBranchConstants View Source
LayoutBranchSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutBranchServiceSoap.
LayoutBranchWrapper This class is a wrapper for LayoutBranch.
LayoutPrototypeSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutPrototypeServiceSoap.
LayoutPrototypeWrapper This class is a wrapper for LayoutPrototype.
LayoutRevisionConstants View Source
LayoutRevisionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutRevisionServiceSoap.
LayoutRevisionWrapper This class is a wrapper for LayoutRevision.
LayoutSetBranchConstants View Source
LayoutSetBranchSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutSetBranchServiceSoap.
LayoutSetBranchWrapper This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetBranch.
LayoutSetPrototypeSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutSetPrototypeServiceSoap.
LayoutSetPrototypeWrapper This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetPrototype.
LayoutSetSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutSetServiceSoap.
LayoutSetWrapper This class is a wrapper for LayoutSet.
LayoutSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutServiceSoap.
LayoutWrapper This class is a wrapper for Layout.
ListTypeSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ListTypeServiceSoap.
ListTypeWrapper This class is a wrapper for ListType.
LockSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
LockWrapper This class is a wrapper for Lock.
MembershipRequestSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically MembershipRequestServiceSoap.
MembershipRequestWrapper This class is a wrapper for MembershipRequest.
OrganizationSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically OrganizationServiceSoap.
OrganizationWrapper This class is a wrapper for Organization.
OrgGroupPermissionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
OrgGroupPermissionWrapper This class is a wrapper for OrgGroupPermission.
OrgGroupRoleSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
OrgGroupRoleWrapper This class is a wrapper for OrgGroupRole.
OrgLaborSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically OrgLaborServiceSoap.
OrgLaborWrapper This class is a wrapper for OrgLabor.
PasswordPolicyRelSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
PasswordPolicyRelWrapper This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicyRel.
PasswordPolicySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PasswordPolicyServiceSoap.
PasswordPolicyWrapper This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicy.
PasswordTrackerSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
PasswordTrackerWrapper This class is a wrapper for PasswordTracker.
PermissionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PermissionServiceSoap.
PermissionWrapper This class is a wrapper for Permission.
PhoneSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PhoneServiceSoap.
PhoneWrapper This class is a wrapper for Phone.
PluginSettingSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PluginSettingServiceSoap.
PluginSettingWrapper This class is a wrapper for PluginSetting.
PortalPreferencesSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
PortalPreferencesWrapper This class is a wrapper for PortalPreferences.
PortletItemSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
PortletItemWrapper This class is a wrapper for PortletItem.
PortletPreferencesSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PortletPreferencesServiceSoap.
PortletPreferencesWrapper This class is a wrapper for PortletPreferences.
PortletSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PortletServiceSoap.
PortletWrapper This class is a wrapper for Portlet.
RegionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically RegionServiceSoap.
RegionWrapper This class is a wrapper for Region.
ReleaseSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ReleaseWrapper This class is a wrapper for Release.
RepositoryEntrySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
RepositoryEntryWrapper This class is a wrapper for RepositoryEntry.
RepositorySoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically RepositoryServiceSoap.
RepositoryWrapper This class is a wrapper for Repository.
ResourceActionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ResourceActionWrapper This class is a wrapper for ResourceAction.
ResourceBlockPermissionsContainer Manages a list of the roles with permission to access a resource block and the actions they can perform.
ResourceBlockPermissionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ResourceBlockPermissionWrapper This class is a wrapper for ResourceBlockPermission.
ResourceBlockSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ResourceBlockServiceSoap.
ResourceBlockWrapper This class is a wrapper for ResourceBlock.
ResourceCodeSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ResourceCodeWrapper This class is a wrapper for ResourceCode.
ResourcePermissionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ResourcePermissionServiceSoap.
ResourcePermissionWrapper This class is a wrapper for ResourcePermission.
ResourceSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ResourceServiceSoap.
ResourceTypePermissionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ResourceTypePermissionWrapper This class is a wrapper for ResourceTypePermission.
ResourceWrapper This class is a wrapper for Resource.
RoleConstants Contains constants used by roles, including the names of the default roles and the role types.
RoleSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically RoleServiceSoap.
RoleWrapper This class is a wrapper for Role.
ServiceComponentSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ServiceComponentWrapper This class is a wrapper for ServiceComponent.
ShardSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
ShardWrapper This class is a wrapper for Shard.
SubscriptionSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
SubscriptionWrapper This class is a wrapper for Subscription.
TeamSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically TeamServiceSoap.
TeamWrapper This class is a wrapper for Team.
TicketSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
TicketWrapper This class is a wrapper for Ticket.
UserGroupGroupRoleSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserGroupGroupRoleServiceSoap.
UserGroupGroupRoleWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserGroupGroupRole.
UserGroupRoleSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserGroupRoleServiceSoap.
UserGroupRoleWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserGroupRole.
UserGroupSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserGroupServiceSoap.
UserGroupWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserGroup.
UserIdMapperSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
UserIdMapperWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserIdMapper.
UserNotificationEventSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
UserNotificationEventWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserNotificationEvent.
UserSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserServiceSoap.
UserTrackerPathSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
UserTrackerPathWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserTrackerPath.
UserTrackerSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
UserTrackerWrapper This class is a wrapper for UserTracker.
UserWrapper This class is a wrapper for User.
VirtualHostSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
VirtualHostWrapper This class is a wrapper for VirtualHost.
WebDAVPropsSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
WebDAVPropsWrapper This class is a wrapper for WebDAVProps.
WebsiteSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically WebsiteServiceSoap.
WebsiteWrapper This class is a wrapper for Website.
WorkflowDefinitionLinkSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
WorkflowDefinitionLinkWrapper This class is a wrapper for WorkflowDefinitionLink.
WorkflowInstanceLinkSoap This class is used by SOAP remote services.
WorkflowInstanceLinkWrapper This class is a wrapper for WorkflowInstanceLink.

Annotation Types Summary

Package com.liferay.portal.model Description

This package defines the portal model interfaces, classes, utilities, wrappers, and annotated types.

Some of the most significant classes that you may need to use are:


Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3