Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
Account | The extended model interface for the Account service. |
AccountModel | The base model interface for the Account service. |
Address | The extended model interface for the Address service. |
AddressModel | The base model interface for the Address service. |
AttachedModel | |
AuditedModel | |
BaseModel<T> | The base interface for all model classes. |
BrowserTracker | The extended model interface for the BrowserTracker service. |
BrowserTrackerModel | The base model interface for the BrowserTracker service. |
CacheModel<T> | |
ClassedModel | |
ClassName | The extended model interface for the ClassName service. |
ClassNameModel | The base model interface for the ClassName service. |
ClusterGroup | The extended model interface for the ClusterGroup service. |
ClusterGroupModel | The base model interface for the ClusterGroup service. |
ColorScheme | |
Company | The extended model interface for the Company service. |
CompanyModel | The base model interface for the Company service. |
Contact | The extended model interface for the Contact service. |
ContactModel | The base model interface for the Contact service. |
Country | The extended model interface for the Country service. |
CountryModel | The base model interface for the Country service. |
Dummy | |
DummyModel | |
EmailAddress | The extended model interface for the EmailAddress service. |
EmailAddressModel | The base model interface for the EmailAddress service. |
EventDefinition | |
Group | The extended model interface for the Group service. |
GroupedModel | |
GroupModel | The base model interface for the Group service. |
Image | The extended model interface for the Image service. |
ImageModel | The base model interface for the Image service. |
Layout | The extended model interface for the Layout service. |
LayoutBranch | The extended model interface for the LayoutBranch service. |
LayoutBranchModel | The base model interface for the LayoutBranch service. |
LayoutModel | The base model interface for the Layout service. |
LayoutPrototype | The extended model interface for the LayoutPrototype service. |
LayoutPrototypeModel | The base model interface for the LayoutPrototype service. |
LayoutRevision | The extended model interface for the LayoutRevision service. |
LayoutRevisionModel | The base model interface for the LayoutRevision service. |
LayoutSet | The extended model interface for the LayoutSet service. |
LayoutSetBranch | The extended model interface for the LayoutSetBranch service. |
LayoutSetBranchModel | The base model interface for the LayoutSetBranch service. |
LayoutSetModel | The base model interface for the LayoutSet service. |
LayoutSetPrototype | The extended model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service. |
LayoutSetPrototypeModel | The base model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service. |
LayoutTemplate | |
LayoutType | |
LayoutTypePortlet | |
ListType | The extended model interface for the ListType service. |
ListTypeModel | The base model interface for the ListType service. |
Location | Deprecated. |
Lock | The extended model interface for the Lock service. |
LockModel | The base model interface for the Lock service. |
MembershipRequest | The extended model interface for the MembershipRequest service. |
MembershipRequestModel | The base model interface for the MembershipRequest service. |
ModelHints | |
ModelListener<T> | |
ModelWrapper<T> | |
Organization | The extended model interface for the Organization service. |
OrganizationModel | The base model interface for the Organization service. |
OrgGroupPermission | The extended model interface for the OrgGroupPermission service. |
OrgGroupPermissionModel | The base model interface for the OrgGroupPermission service. |
OrgGroupRole | The extended model interface for the OrgGroupRole service. |
OrgGroupRoleModel | The base model interface for the OrgGroupRole service. |
OrgLabor | The extended model interface for the OrgLabor service. |
OrgLaborModel | The base model interface for the OrgLabor service. |
PasswordPolicy | The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicy service. |
PasswordPolicyModel | The base model interface for the PasswordPolicy service. |
PasswordPolicyRel | The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicyRel service. |
PasswordPolicyRelModel | The base model interface for the PasswordPolicyRel service. |
PasswordTracker | The extended model interface for the PasswordTracker service. |
PasswordTrackerModel | The base model interface for the PasswordTracker service. |
Permission | The extended model interface for the Permission service. |
PermissionedModel | |
PermissionModel | The base model interface for the Permission service. |
PersistedModel | |
Phone | The extended model interface for the Phone service. |
PhoneModel | The base model interface for the Phone service. |
Plugin | |
PluginSetting | The extended model interface for the PluginSetting service. |
PluginSettingModel | The base model interface for the PluginSetting service. |
PortalPreferences | The extended model interface for the PortalPreferences service. |
PortalPreferencesModel | The base model interface for the PortalPreferences service. |
Portlet | The extended model interface for the Portlet service. |
PortletApp | |
PortletFilter | |
PortletItem | The extended model interface for the PortletItem service. |
PortletItemModel | The base model interface for the PortletItem service. |
PortletModel | The base model interface for the Portlet service. |
PortletPreferences | The extended model interface for the PortletPreferences service. |
PortletPreferencesModel | The base model interface for the PortletPreferences service. |
PortletURLListener | |
PublicRenderParameter | |
Region | The extended model interface for the Region service. |
RegionModel | The base model interface for the Region service. |
Release | The extended model interface for the Release service. |
ReleaseModel | The base model interface for the Release service. |
Repository | The extended model interface for the Repository service. |
RepositoryEntry | The extended model interface for the RepositoryEntry service. |
RepositoryEntryModel | The base model interface for the RepositoryEntry service. |
RepositoryModel | The base model interface for the Repository service. |
Resource | The extended model interface for the Resource service. |
ResourceAction | The extended model interface for the ResourceAction service. |
ResourceActionModel | The base model interface for the ResourceAction service. |
ResourceBlock | The extended model interface for the ResourceBlock service. |
ResourceBlockModel | The base model interface for the ResourceBlock service. |
ResourceBlockPermission | The extended model interface for the ResourceBlockPermission service. |
ResourceBlockPermissionModel | The base model interface for the ResourceBlockPermission service. |
ResourceCode | The extended model interface for the ResourceCode service. |
ResourceCodeModel | The base model interface for the ResourceCode service. |
ResourceConstants | Contains constants used for resource permissions and permission scoping. |
ResourcedModel | |
ResourceModel | The base model interface for the Resource service. |
ResourcePermission | The extended model interface for the ResourcePermission service. |
ResourcePermissionModel | The base model interface for the ResourcePermission service. |
ResourceTypePermission | The extended model interface for the ResourceTypePermission service. |
ResourceTypePermissionModel | The base model interface for the ResourceTypePermission service. |
Role | The extended model interface for the Role service. |
RoleModel | The base model interface for the Role service. |
ServiceComponent | The extended model interface for the ServiceComponent service. |
ServiceComponentModel | The base model interface for the ServiceComponent service. |
Shard | The extended model interface for the Shard service. |
ShardModel | The base model interface for the Shard service. |
Subscription | The extended model interface for the Subscription service. |
SubscriptionModel | The base model interface for the Subscription service. |
Team | The extended model interface for the Team service. |
TeamModel | The base model interface for the Team service. |
Theme | |
ThemeSetting | |
Ticket | The extended model interface for the Ticket service. |
TicketModel | The base model interface for the Ticket service. |
User | The extended model interface for the User service. |
UserGroup | The extended model interface for the UserGroup service. |
UserGroupGroupRole | The extended model interface for the UserGroupGroupRole service. |
UserGroupGroupRoleModel | The base model interface for the UserGroupGroupRole service. |
UserGroupModel | The base model interface for the UserGroup service. |
UserGroupRole | The extended model interface for the UserGroupRole service. |
UserGroupRoleModel | The base model interface for the UserGroupRole service. |
UserIdMapper | The extended model interface for the UserIdMapper service. |
UserIdMapperModel | The base model interface for the UserIdMapper service. |
UserModel | The base model interface for the User service. |
UserNotificationEvent | The extended model interface for the UserNotificationEvent service. |
UserNotificationEventModel | The base model interface for the UserNotificationEvent service. |
UserPersonalSite | See http://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-15016. |
UserTracker | The extended model interface for the UserTracker service. |
UserTrackerModel | The base model interface for the UserTracker service. |
UserTrackerPath | The extended model interface for the UserTrackerPath service. |
UserTrackerPathModel | The base model interface for the UserTrackerPath service. |
VirtualHost | The extended model interface for the VirtualHost service. |
VirtualHostModel | The base model interface for the VirtualHost service. |
WebDAVProps | The extended model interface for the WebDAVProps service. |
WebDAVPropsModel | The base model interface for the WebDAVProps service. |
Website | The extended model interface for the Website service. |
WebsiteModel | The base model interface for the Website service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLink | The extended model interface for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkModel | The base model interface for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service. |
WorkflowedModel | |
WorkflowInstanceLink | The extended model interface for the WorkflowInstanceLink service. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkModel | The base model interface for the WorkflowInstanceLink service. |
Class Summary | |
AccountConstants | |
AccountSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AccountServiceSoap . |
AccountWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Account . |
AddressSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically AddressServiceSoap . |
AddressWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Address . |
BaseModelListener<T extends BaseModel<T>> | |
BrowserTrackerSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
BrowserTrackerWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for BrowserTracker . |
ClassNameSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ClassNameServiceSoap . |
ClassNameWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ClassName . |
ClusterGroupSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ClusterGroupWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ClusterGroup . |
CompanyConstants | |
CompanySoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically CompanyServiceSoap . |
CompanyWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Company . |
ContactConstants | |
ContactListener | |
ContactSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ContactServiceSoap . |
ContactWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Contact . |
CountryConstants | |
CountrySoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically CountryServiceSoap . |
CountryWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Country . |
CustomizedPages | See http://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-15626. |
EmailAddressSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically EmailAddressServiceSoap . |
EmailAddressWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for EmailAddress . |
GroupConstants | |
GroupSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically GroupServiceSoap . |
GroupWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Group . |
ImageConstants | |
ImageSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ImageServiceSoap . |
ImageWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Image . |
LayoutBranchConstants | View Source |
LayoutBranchSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutBranchServiceSoap . |
LayoutBranchWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for LayoutBranch . |
LayoutConstants | |
LayoutListener | |
LayoutPrototypeSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutPrototypeServiceSoap . |
LayoutPrototypeWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for LayoutPrototype . |
LayoutReference | |
LayoutRevisionConstants | View Source |
LayoutRevisionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutRevisionServiceSoap . |
LayoutRevisionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for LayoutRevision . |
LayoutSetBranchConstants | View Source |
LayoutSetBranchSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutSetBranchServiceSoap . |
LayoutSetBranchWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetBranch . |
LayoutSetListener | |
LayoutSetPrototypeSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutSetPrototypeServiceSoap . |
LayoutSetPrototypeWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetPrototype . |
LayoutSetSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutSetServiceSoap . |
LayoutSetStagingHandler | |
LayoutSetWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for LayoutSet . |
LayoutSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically LayoutServiceSoap . |
LayoutStagingHandler | |
LayoutTemplateConstants | |
LayoutTypeArticleConfigurationDeleteAction | |
LayoutTypeArticleConfigurationUpdateAction | |
LayoutTypePortletConstants | |
LayoutWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Layout . |
ListTypeConstants | |
ListTypeSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ListTypeServiceSoap . |
ListTypeWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ListType . |
LockSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
LockWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Lock . |
MembershipRequestConstants | |
MembershipRequestSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically MembershipRequestServiceSoap . |
MembershipRequestWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for MembershipRequest . |
ModelHintsConstants | |
ModelHintsImpl | |
ModelHintsUtil | |
OrganizationConstants | |
OrganizationSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically OrganizationServiceSoap . |
OrganizationWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Organization . |
OrgGroupPermissionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
OrgGroupPermissionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for OrgGroupPermission . |
OrgGroupRoleSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
OrgGroupRoleWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for OrgGroupRole . |
OrgLaborSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically OrgLaborServiceSoap . |
OrgLaborWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for OrgLabor . |
PasswordPolicyConstants | |
PasswordPolicyRelSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
PasswordPolicyRelWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicyRel . |
PasswordPolicySoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PasswordPolicyServiceSoap . |
PasswordPolicyWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicy . |
PasswordTrackerSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
PasswordTrackerWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PasswordTracker . |
PermissionDisplay | |
PermissionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PermissionServiceSoap . |
PermissionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Permission . |
PhoneSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PhoneServiceSoap . |
PhoneWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Phone . |
PluginSettingSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PluginSettingServiceSoap . |
PluginSettingWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PluginSetting . |
PortalPreferencesSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
PortalPreferencesWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PortalPreferences . |
PortletCategory | |
PortletCategoryConstants | |
PortletConstants | |
PortletInfo | |
PortletItemSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
PortletItemWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PortletItem . |
PortletPreferencesIds | |
PortletPreferencesListener | |
PortletPreferencesSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PortletPreferencesServiceSoap . |
PortletPreferencesWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for PortletPreferences . |
PortletSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically PortletServiceSoap . |
PortletWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Portlet . |
RegionConstants | |
RegionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically RegionServiceSoap . |
RegionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Region . |
ReleaseConstants | |
ReleaseSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ReleaseWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Release . |
RepositoryEntrySoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
RepositoryEntryWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for RepositoryEntry . |
RepositorySoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically RepositoryServiceSoap . |
RepositoryWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Repository . |
ResourceActionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ResourceActionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ResourceAction . |
ResourceBlockConstants | |
ResourceBlockPermissionsContainer | Manages a list of the roles with permission to access a resource block and the actions they can perform. |
ResourceBlockPermissionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ResourceBlockPermissionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ResourceBlockPermission . |
ResourceBlockSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ResourceBlockServiceSoap . |
ResourceBlockWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ResourceBlock . |
ResourceCodeSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ResourceCodeWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ResourceCode . |
ResourcePermissionConstants | |
ResourcePermissionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ResourcePermissionServiceSoap . |
ResourcePermissionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ResourcePermission . |
ResourceSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically ResourceServiceSoap . |
ResourceTypePermissionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ResourceTypePermissionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ResourceTypePermission . |
ResourceWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Resource . |
RoleConstants | Contains constants used by roles, including the names of the default roles and the role types. |
RoleSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically RoleServiceSoap . |
RoleWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Role . |
ServiceComponentSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ServiceComponentWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for ServiceComponent . |
ShardSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
ShardWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Shard . |
SpriteImage | |
SubscriptionConstants | |
SubscriptionSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
SubscriptionWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Subscription . |
TeamSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically TeamServiceSoap . |
TeamWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Team . |
TicketConstants | |
TicketSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
TicketWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Ticket . |
UserConstants | |
UserGroupConstants | |
UserGroupGroupRoleSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserGroupGroupRoleServiceSoap . |
UserGroupGroupRoleWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserGroupGroupRole . |
UserGroupListener | |
UserGroupRoleSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserGroupRoleServiceSoap . |
UserGroupRoleWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserGroupRole . |
UserGroupSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserGroupServiceSoap . |
UserGroupWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserGroup . |
UserIdMapperSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
UserIdMapperWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserIdMapper . |
UserListener | |
UserNotificationEventSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
UserNotificationEventWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserNotificationEvent . |
UserSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically UserServiceSoap . |
UserTrackerPathSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
UserTrackerPathWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserTrackerPath . |
UserTrackerSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
UserTrackerWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for UserTracker . |
UserWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for User . |
VirtualHostSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
VirtualHostWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for VirtualHost . |
VirtualLayoutConstants | |
WebDAVPropsSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
WebDAVPropsWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for WebDAVProps . |
WebsiteSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services, specifically WebsiteServiceSoap . |
WebsiteWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for Website . |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for WorkflowDefinitionLink . |
WorkflowInstanceLinkSoap | This class is used by SOAP remote services. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for WorkflowInstanceLink . |
Annotation Types Summary | |
CacheField |
This package defines the portal model interfaces, classes, utilities, wrappers, and annotated types.
Some of the most significant classes that you may need to use are:
Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||