Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BaseService
com.liferay.portal.service This package defines the portal service interfaces and classes. 
com.liferay.portlet.asset.service This package defines the asset portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers. 
com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service This package defines the document library portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers. 
com.liferay.portlet.ratings.service This package defines the social related portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers. 

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portal.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portal.service
 interface AccountService
          Provides the remote service interface for Account.
 interface AddressService
          Provides the remote service interface for Address.
 interface BackgroundTaskService
          Provides the remote service interface for BackgroundTask.
 interface ClassNameService
          Provides the remote service interface for ClassName.
 interface CompanyService
          Provides the remote service interface for Company.
 interface ContactService
          Provides the remote service interface for Contact.
 interface CountryService
          Provides the remote service interface for Country.
 interface EmailAddressService
          Provides the remote service interface for EmailAddress.
 interface GroupService
          Provides the remote service interface for Group.
 interface ImageService
          Provides the remote service interface for Image.
 interface LayoutBranchService
          Provides the remote service interface for LayoutBranch.
 interface LayoutPrototypeService
          Provides the remote service interface for LayoutPrototype.
 interface LayoutRevisionService
          Provides the remote service interface for LayoutRevision.
 interface LayoutService
          Provides the remote service interface for Layout.
 interface LayoutSetBranchService
          Provides the remote service interface for LayoutSetBranch.
 interface LayoutSetPrototypeService
          Provides the remote service interface for LayoutSetPrototype.
 interface LayoutSetService
          Provides the remote service interface for LayoutSet.
 interface ListTypeService
          Provides the remote service interface for ListType.
 interface MembershipRequestService
          Provides the remote service interface for MembershipRequest.
 interface OrganizationService
          Provides the remote service interface for Organization.
 interface OrgLaborService
          Provides the remote service interface for OrgLabor.
 interface PasswordPolicyService
          Provides the remote service interface for PasswordPolicy.
 interface PermissionService
          Provides the remote service interface for Permission.
 interface PhoneService
          Provides the remote service interface for Phone.
 interface PluginSettingService
          Provides the remote service interface for PluginSetting.
 interface PortalService
          Provides the remote service interface for Portal.
 interface PortletPreferencesService
          Provides the remote service interface for PortletPreferences.
 interface PortletService
          Provides the remote service interface for Portlet.
 interface RegionService
          Provides the remote service interface for Region.
 interface RepositoryService
          Provides the remote service interface for Repository.
 interface ResourceBlockService
          Provides the remote service interface for ResourceBlock.
 interface ResourcePermissionService
          Provides the remote service interface for ResourcePermission.
 interface RoleService
          Provides the remote service interface for Role.
 interface StagingService
          Provides the remote service interface for Staging.
 interface TeamService
          Provides the remote service interface for Team.
 interface ThemeService
          Provides the remote service interface for Theme.
 interface UserGroupGroupRoleService
          Provides the remote service interface for UserGroupGroupRole.
 interface UserGroupRoleService
          Provides the remote service interface for UserGroupRole.
 interface UserGroupService
          Provides the remote service interface for UserGroup.
 interface UserService
          Provides the remote service interface for User.
 interface WebsiteService
          Provides the remote service interface for Website.

Classes in com.liferay.portal.service that implement BaseService
 class AccountServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AccountService.
 class AddressServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AddressService.
 class BackgroundTaskServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for BackgroundTaskService.
 class BaseServiceImpl
 class ClassNameServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ClassNameService.
 class CompanyServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for CompanyService.
 class ContactServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ContactService.
 class CountryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for CountryService.
 class EmailAddressServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for EmailAddressService.
 class GroupServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for GroupService.
 class ImageServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ImageService.
 class LayoutBranchServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutBranchService.
 class LayoutPrototypeServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutPrototypeService.
 class LayoutRevisionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutRevisionService.
 class LayoutServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutService.
 class LayoutSetBranchServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutSetBranchService.
 class LayoutSetPrototypeServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutSetPrototypeService.
 class LayoutSetServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for LayoutSetService.
 class ListTypeServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ListTypeService.
 class MembershipRequestServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MembershipRequestService.
 class OrganizationServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for OrganizationService.
 class OrgLaborServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for OrgLaborService.
 class PasswordPolicyServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PasswordPolicyService.
 class PermissionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PermissionService.
 class PhoneServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PhoneService.
 class PluginSettingServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PluginSettingService.
 class PortalServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PortalService.
 class PortletPreferencesServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PortletPreferencesService.
 class PortletServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PortletService.
 class RegionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for RegionService.
 class RepositoryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for RepositoryService.
 class ResourceBlockServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ResourceBlockService.
 class ResourcePermissionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ResourcePermissionService.
 class RoleServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for RoleService.
 class StagingServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for StagingService.
 class TeamServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for TeamService.
 class ThemeServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ThemeService.
 class UserGroupGroupRoleServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for UserGroupGroupRoleService.
 class UserGroupRoleServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for UserGroupRoleService.
 class UserGroupServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for UserGroupService.
 class UserServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for UserService.
 class WebsiteServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for WebsiteService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service
 interface AnnouncementsDeliveryService
          Provides the remote service interface for AnnouncementsDelivery.
 interface AnnouncementsEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for AnnouncementsEntry.
 interface AnnouncementsFlagService
          Provides the remote service interface for AnnouncementsFlag.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service that implement BaseService
 class AnnouncementsDeliveryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AnnouncementsDeliveryService.
 class AnnouncementsEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AnnouncementsEntryService.
 class AnnouncementsFlagServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AnnouncementsFlagService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.asset.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.asset.service
 interface AssetCategoryPropertyService
          Provides the remote service interface for AssetCategoryProperty.
 interface AssetCategoryService
          Provides the remote service interface for AssetCategory.
 interface AssetEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for AssetEntry.
 interface AssetTagPropertyService
          Provides the remote service interface for AssetTagProperty.
 interface AssetTagService
          Provides the remote service interface for AssetTag.
 interface AssetVocabularyService
          Provides the remote service interface for AssetVocabulary.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.asset.service that implement BaseService
 class AssetCategoryPropertyServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AssetCategoryPropertyService.
 class AssetCategoryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AssetCategoryService.
 class AssetEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AssetEntryService.
 class AssetTagPropertyServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AssetTagPropertyService.
 class AssetTagServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AssetTagService.
 class AssetVocabularyServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for AssetVocabularyService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.service
 interface BlogsEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for BlogsEntry.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.service that implement BaseService
 class BlogsEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for BlogsEntryService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.service
 interface BookmarksEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for BookmarksEntry.
 interface BookmarksFolderService
          Provides the remote service interface for BookmarksFolder.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.service that implement BaseService
 class BookmarksEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for BookmarksEntryService.
 class BookmarksFolderServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for BookmarksFolderService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service
 interface DLAppService
          Provides the remote service interface for DLApp.
 interface DLFileEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for DLFileEntry.
 interface DLFileEntryTypeService
          Provides the remote service interface for DLFileEntryType.
 interface DLFileShortcutService
          Provides the remote service interface for DLFileShortcut.
 interface DLFileVersionService
          Provides the remote service interface for DLFileVersion.
 interface DLFolderService
          Provides the remote service interface for DLFolder.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service that implement BaseService
 class DLAppServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DLAppService.
 class DLFileEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DLFileEntryService.
 class DLFileEntryTypeServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DLFileEntryTypeService.
 class DLFileShortcutServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DLFileShortcutService.
 class DLFileVersionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DLFileVersionService.
 class DLFolderServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DLFolderService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.service
 interface DDLRecordService
          Provides the remote service interface for DDLRecord.
 interface DDLRecordSetService
          Provides the remote service interface for DDLRecordSet.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.service that implement BaseService
 class DDLRecordServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DDLRecordService.
 class DDLRecordSetServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DDLRecordSetService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service
 interface DDMStructureService
          Provides the remote service interface for DDMStructure.
 interface DDMTemplateService
          Provides the remote service interface for DDMTemplate.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service that implement BaseService
 class DDMStructureServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DDMStructureService.
 class DDMTemplateServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for DDMTemplateService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.expando.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.expando.service
 interface ExpandoColumnService
          Provides the remote service interface for ExpandoColumn.
 interface ExpandoValueService
          Provides the remote service interface for ExpandoValue.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.expando.service that implement BaseService
 class ExpandoColumnServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ExpandoColumnService.
 class ExpandoValueServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ExpandoValueService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.flags.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.flags.service
 interface FlagsEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for FlagsEntry.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.flags.service that implement BaseService
 class FlagsEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for FlagsEntryService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service
 interface JournalArticleService
          Provides the remote service interface for JournalArticle.
 interface JournalFeedService
          Provides the remote service interface for JournalFeed.
 interface JournalFolderService
          Provides the remote service interface for JournalFolder.
 interface JournalStructureService
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, since Web Content Administration now uses the Dynamic Data Mapping framework to handle templates
 interface JournalTemplateService
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, since Web Content Administration now uses the Dynamic Data Mapping framework to handle templates

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.journal.service that implement BaseService
 class JournalArticleServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for JournalArticleService.
 class JournalFeedServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for JournalFeedService.
 class JournalFolderServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for JournalFolderService.
 class JournalStructureServiceWrapper
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, since Web Content Administration now uses the Dynamic Data Mapping framework to handle templates
 class JournalTemplateServiceWrapper
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, since Web Content Administration now uses the Dynamic Data Mapping framework to handle templates

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.service
 interface MBBanService
          Provides the remote service interface for MBBan.
 interface MBCategoryService
          Provides the remote service interface for MBCategory.
 interface MBMessageService
          Provides the remote service interface for MBMessage.
 interface MBThreadService
          Provides the remote service interface for MBThread.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.service that implement BaseService
 class MBBanServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MBBanService.
 class MBCategoryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MBCategoryService.
 class MBMessageServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MBMessageService.
 class MBThreadServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MBThreadService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.mobiledevicerules.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.mobiledevicerules.service
 interface MDRActionService
          Provides the remote service interface for MDRAction.
 interface MDRRuleGroupInstanceService
          Provides the remote service interface for MDRRuleGroupInstance.
 interface MDRRuleGroupService
          Provides the remote service interface for MDRRuleGroup.
 interface MDRRuleService
          Provides the remote service interface for MDRRule.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.mobiledevicerules.service that implement BaseService
 class MDRActionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MDRActionService.
 class MDRRuleGroupInstanceServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MDRRuleGroupInstanceService.
 class MDRRuleGroupServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MDRRuleGroupService.
 class MDRRuleServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for MDRRuleService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.polls.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.polls.service
 interface PollsChoiceService
          Provides the remote service interface for PollsChoice.
 interface PollsQuestionService
          Provides the remote service interface for PollsQuestion.
 interface PollsVoteService
          Provides the remote service interface for PollsVote.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.polls.service that implement BaseService
 class PollsChoiceServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PollsChoiceService.
 class PollsQuestionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PollsQuestionService.
 class PollsVoteServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for PollsVoteService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.service
 interface RatingsEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for RatingsEntry.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.service that implement BaseService
 class RatingsEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for RatingsEntryService.

Uses of BaseService in

Subinterfaces of BaseService in
 interface ShoppingCategoryService
          Provides the remote service interface for ShoppingCategory.
 interface ShoppingCouponService
          Provides the remote service interface for ShoppingCoupon.
 interface ShoppingItemService
          Provides the remote service interface for ShoppingItem.
 interface ShoppingOrderService
          Provides the remote service interface for ShoppingOrder.

Classes in that implement BaseService
 class ShoppingCategoryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ShoppingCategoryService.
 class ShoppingCouponServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ShoppingCouponService.
 class ShoppingItemServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ShoppingItemService.
 class ShoppingOrderServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for ShoppingOrderService.

Uses of BaseService in

Subinterfaces of BaseService in
 interface SocialActivityService
          Provides the remote service interface for SocialActivity.
 interface SocialActivitySettingService
          Provides the remote service interface for SocialActivitySetting.
 interface SocialRequestService
          Provides the remote service interface for SocialRequest.

Classes in that implement BaseService
 class SocialActivityServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SocialActivityService.
 class SocialActivitySettingServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SocialActivitySettingService.
 class SocialRequestServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SocialRequestService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service
 interface SCFrameworkVersionService
          Provides the remote service interface for SCFrameworkVersion.
 interface SCLicenseService
          Provides the remote service interface for SCLicense.
 interface SCProductEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for SCProductEntry.
 interface SCProductVersionService
          Provides the remote service interface for SCProductVersion.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service that implement BaseService
 class SCFrameworkVersionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SCFrameworkVersionService.
 class SCLicenseServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SCLicenseService.
 class SCProductEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SCProductEntryService.
 class SCProductVersionServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for SCProductVersionService.

Uses of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service

Subinterfaces of BaseService in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service
 interface TrashEntryService
          Provides the remote service interface for TrashEntry.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.trash.service that implement BaseService
 class TrashEntryServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for TrashEntryService.

Uses of BaseService in

Subinterfaces of BaseService in
 interface WikiNodeService
          Provides the remote service interface for WikiNode.
 interface WikiPageService
          Provides the remote service interface for WikiPage.

Classes in that implement BaseService
 class WikiNodeServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for WikiNodeService.
 class WikiPageServiceWrapper
          Provides a wrapper for WikiPageService.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5