Tag icon-menu

Creates an icon menu from a list of child components.

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.liferay.taglib.ui.IconMenuTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

cssClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringA CSS class for styling the component.
datafalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
directionfalsetruejava.lang.StringA position from which to pop up the icon menu dialog in relation to the trigger. The default direction is left. Possible values are up, down, left or right.
disabledfalsetruebooleanWhether to disable the icon menu.
dropdownCssClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringA CSS class for styling the dropdown.
extendedfalsetruebooleanWhether to extend the icon menu trigger by wrapping it in a button. The default value is true.
iconfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe location of an image file to use in the icon.
idfalsetruejava.lang.StringAn ID for the component instance.
localizeMessagefalsetruebooleanWhether to translate the message to the user's language. The default value is true.
markupViewfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
maxDisplayItemsfalsetrueintThe number of items to show in the icon menu before scrolling. The default value is 15.
messagefalsetruejava.lang.StringText to display next to the icon menu trigger. The default value is actions.
scrollfalsetruebooleanNo Description
selectfalsetruebooleanWhether to add the select CSS class to the icon menu. If set to true, the selected icon is added to the icon menu's trigger when the icon is selected. The default value is false.
showArrowfalsetruebooleanWhether to show an arrow, indicating a popup dialog, next to the icon menu's trigger icon. The default value is true.
showExpandedfalsetruebooleanWhether to extend the icon menu by default. The default value is false.
showWhenSingleIconfalsetruebooleanWhether to show the icon menu when there is only one icon. The default value is false.
triggerCssClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringA CSS class for styling the trigger for the icon menu. The default value is btn btn-secondary.
triggerLabelfalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
triggerTypefalsetruejava.lang.StringNo Description
useIconCaretfalsetruebooleanWhether the icon menu drop-down caret points to the direction set by the direction attribute.

No Variables Defined.

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