Package | Description |
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.asset.kernel.service |
This package defines the asset portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.blogs.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.counter.kernel.service |
This package defines the portal counter service local interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service |
This package defines the document library portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
| |
This package defines the document library portlet store interfaces, base classes, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.expando.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.exportimport.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.mail.kernel.service |
This package defines the portal mail service interfaces and utilities.
com.liferay.message.boards.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service |
This package defines the portal service interfaces and classes.
com.liferay.ratings.kernel.service | | |
This package defines the social related portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.trash.kernel.service |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AnnouncementsDelivery.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AnnouncementsDelivery.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AnnouncementsEntry.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AnnouncementsEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AnnouncementsFlag.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AnnouncementsFlag.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.fetchAnnouncementsDelivery(long deliveryId) |
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.fetchAnnouncementsEntry(long entryId) |
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.fetchAnnouncementsEntryByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the announcements entry with the matching UUID and company.
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.fetchAnnouncementsFlag(long flagId) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<AnnouncementsDelivery> |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getAnnouncementsDeliveries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements deliveries.
int |
Returns the number of announcements deliveries.
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getAnnouncementsDelivery(long deliveryId)
Returns the announcements delivery with the primary key.
List<AnnouncementsEntry> |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getAnnouncementsEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries.
int |
Returns the number of announcements entries.
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getAnnouncementsEntry(long entryId)
Returns the announcements entry with the primary key.
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getAnnouncementsEntryByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the announcements entry with the matching UUID and company.
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.getAnnouncementsFlag(long flagId)
Returns the announcements flag with the primary key.
List<AnnouncementsFlag> |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.getAnnouncementsFlags(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements flags.
int |
Returns the number of announcements flags.
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getDelivery(long deliveryId) |
List<AnnouncementsEntry> |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntries(long userId,
LinkedHashMap<Long,long[]> scopes,
boolean alert,
int flagValue,
int start,
int end) |
List<AnnouncementsEntry> |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntries(long userId,
LinkedHashMap<Long,long[]> scopes,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
int expirationDateMonth,
int expirationDateDay,
int expirationDateYear,
int expirationDateHour,
int expirationDateMinute,
boolean alert,
int flagValue,
int start,
int end) |
List<AnnouncementsEntry> |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntries(long classNameId,
long classPK,
boolean alert,
int start,
int end) |
List<AnnouncementsEntry> |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntries(long userId,
long classNameId,
long[] classPKs,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
int expirationDateMonth,
int expirationDateDay,
int expirationDateYear,
int expirationDateHour,
int expirationDateMinute,
boolean alert,
int flagValue,
int start,
int end) |
int |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long userId,
LinkedHashMap<Long,long[]> scopes,
boolean alert,
int flagValue) |
int |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long userId,
LinkedHashMap<Long,long[]> scopes,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
int expirationDateMonth,
int expirationDateDay,
int expirationDateYear,
int expirationDateHour,
int expirationDateMinute,
boolean alert,
int flagValue) |
int |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long classNameId,
long classPK,
boolean alert) |
int |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long userId,
long classNameId,
long[] classPKs,
boolean alert,
int flagValue) |
int |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long userId,
long classNameId,
long[] classPKs,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
int expirationDateMonth,
int expirationDateDay,
int expirationDateYear,
int expirationDateHour,
int expirationDateMinute,
boolean alert,
int flagValue) |
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryService.getEntry(long entryId) |
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getEntry(long entryId) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagService.getFlag(long entryId,
int value) |
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.getFlag(long userId,
long entryId,
int value) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
PersistedModel |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
List<AnnouncementsDelivery> |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getUserDeliveries(long userId) |
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.getUserDelivery(long userId,
String type) |
List<AnnouncementsEntry> |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getUserEntries(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.getUserEntriesCount(long userId) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetCategory.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetCategoryProperty.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AssetCategoryProperty.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AssetCategory.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetEntry.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AssetEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetLink.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetTag.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AssetTag.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetTagStats.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for AssetVocabulary.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for AssetVocabulary.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.fetchAssetCategory(long categoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.fetchAssetCategoryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the asset category matching the UUID and group.
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.fetchAssetCategoryProperty(long categoryPropertyId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.fetchAssetEntry(long entryId) |
AssetLink |
AssetLinkLocalService.fetchAssetLink(long linkId) |
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.fetchAssetTag(long tagId) |
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.fetchAssetTagByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the asset tag matching the UUID and group.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.fetchAssetTagStats(long tagStatsId) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.fetchAssetVocabulary(long vocabularyId) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.fetchAssetVocabularyByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the asset vocabulary matching the UUID and group.
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.fetchCategory(long categoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryService.fetchCategory(long categoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.fetchCategory(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
String name,
long vocabularyId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryService.fetchEntry(long entryId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(long entryId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(long groupId,
String classUuid) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(String className,
long classPK) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.fetchGroupVocabulary(long groupId,
String name) |
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.fetchTag(long groupId,
String name)
Returns the asset tag with the name in the group.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyService.fetchVocabulary(long vocabularyId) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetLinkLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetTagLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAncestorEntries(long entryId) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetCategories(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset categories.
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetCategoriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the asset categories matching the UUID and company.
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetCategoriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of asset categories matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of asset categories.
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetCategory(long categoryId)
Returns the asset category with the primary key.
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetCategoryAssetEntries(long categoryId) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetCategoryAssetEntries(long categoryId,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetCategoryAssetEntries(long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetEntry> orderByComparator) |
int |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetCategoryAssetEntriesCount(long categoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetCategoryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the asset category matching the UUID and group.
long[] |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetCategoryPrimaryKeys(long entryId)
Returns the categoryIds of the asset categories associated with the asset entry.
List<AssetCategoryProperty> |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getAssetCategoryProperties(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset category properties.
int |
Returns the number of asset category properties.
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getAssetCategoryProperty(long categoryPropertyId)
Returns the asset category property with the primary key.
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset entries.
int |
Returns the number of asset entries.
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetEntry(long entryId)
Returns the asset entry with the primary key.
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetCategories(long entryId) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetCategories(long entryId,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetCategories(long entryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> orderByComparator) |
int |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetCategoriesCount(long entryId) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetTags(long entryId) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetTags(long entryId,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetTags(long entryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetTag> orderByComparator) |
int |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetEntryAssetTagsCount(long entryId) |
long[] |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getAssetEntryPrimaryKeys(long categoryId)
Returns the entryIds of the asset entries associated with the asset category.
long[] |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetEntryPrimaryKeys(long tagId)
Returns the entryIds of the asset entries associated with the asset tag.
AssetLink |
AssetLinkLocalService.getAssetLink(long linkId)
Returns the asset link with the primary key.
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getAssetLinks(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset links.
int |
Returns the number of asset links.
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetTag(long tagId)
Returns the asset tag with the primary key.
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetTagAssetEntries(long tagId) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetTagAssetEntries(long tagId,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetTagAssetEntries(long tagId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetEntry> orderByComparator) |
int |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetTagAssetEntriesCount(long tagId) |
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetTagByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the asset tag matching the UUID and group.
long[] |
AssetEntryLocalService.getAssetTagPrimaryKeys(long entryId)
Returns the tagIds of the asset tags associated with the asset entry.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetTags(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset tags.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetTagsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the asset tags matching the UUID and company.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getAssetTagsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetTag> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of asset tags matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of asset tags.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getAssetTagStats(long tagStatsId)
Returns the asset tag stats with the primary key.
List<AssetTagStats> |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getAssetTagStatses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset tag statses.
int |
Returns the number of asset tag statses.
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabularies(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset vocabularies.
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulariesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the asset vocabularies matching the UUID and company.
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulariesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of asset vocabularies matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of asset vocabularies.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(long vocabularyId)
Returns the asset vocabulary with the primary key.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabularyByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the asset vocabulary matching the UUID and group.
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories() |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories(Hits hits) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long classNameId,
long classPK) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories(String className,
long classPK) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getCategories(String className,
long classPK) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategory(long categoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryService.getCategory(long categoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategory(String uuid,
long groupId) |
long[] |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategoryIds(String className,
long classPK) |
String[] |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategoryNames() |
String[] |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategoryNames(long classNameId,
long classPK) |
String[] |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategoryNames(String className,
long classPK) |
String |
AssetCategoryService.getCategoryPath(long categoryId) |
List<AssetCategoryProperty> |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getCategoryProperties() |
List<AssetCategoryProperty> |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getCategoryProperties(long entryId) |
List<AssetCategoryProperty> |
AssetCategoryPropertyService.getCategoryProperties(long entryId) |
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getCategoryProperty(long categoryPropertyId) |
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getCategoryProperty(long categoryId,
String key) |
List<AssetCategoryProperty> |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getCategoryPropertyValues(long groupId,
String key) |
List<AssetCategoryProperty> |
AssetCategoryPropertyService.getCategoryPropertyValues(long companyId,
String key) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getChildCategories(long parentCategoryId) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getChildCategories(long parentCategoryId) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getChildCategories(long parentCategoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getChildCategories(long parentCategoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
int |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getChildCategoriesCount(long parentCategoryId) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getChildEntries(long entryId) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryService.getCompanyEntries(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getCompanyEntries(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
AssetEntryService.getCompanyEntriesCount(long companyId) |
int |
AssetEntryLocalService.getCompanyEntriesCount(long companyId) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getCompanyVocabularies(long companyId) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getCompanyVocabularies(long companyId)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getDirectLinks(long entryId)
Returns all the asset links whose first entry ID is the given entry ID.
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getDirectLinks(long entryId,
boolean excludeInvisibleLinks) |
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getDirectLinks(long entryId,
int typeId)
Returns all the asset links of the given link type whose first entry ID
is the given entry ID.
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getDirectLinks(long entryId,
int typeId,
boolean excludeInvisibleLinks) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryService.getEntries(AssetEntryQuery entryQuery) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntries(AssetEntryQuery entryQuery) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntries(long[] groupIds,
long[] classNameIds,
String keywords,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
Boolean listable,
boolean advancedSearch,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
String orderByCol1,
String orderByCol2,
String orderByType1,
String orderByType2) |
int |
AssetEntryService.getEntriesCount(AssetEntryQuery entryQuery) |
int |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(AssetEntryQuery entryQuery) |
int |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long[] groupIds,
long[] classNameIds,
String keywords,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
Boolean listable,
boolean advancedSearch,
boolean andOperator) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryService.getEntry(long entryId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntry(long entryId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntry(long groupId,
String classUuid) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getEntry(String className,
long classPK) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getEntryCategories(long entryId) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getEntryTags(long entryId)
Returns the asset tags of the asset entry.
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetTagLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetLinkLocalService.getExportActionbleDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getGroupEntries(long groupId) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getGroupsTags(long[] groupIds)
Returns the asset tags in the groups.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getGroupsTags(long[] groupIds) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupsVocabularies(long[] groupIds) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupsVocabularies(long[] groupIds) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupsVocabularies(long[] groupIds,
String className) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupsVocabularies(long[] groupIds,
String className) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupsVocabularies(long[] groupIds,
String className,
long classTypePK) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupsVocabularies(long[] groupIds,
String className,
long classTypePK) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getGroupTags(long groupId)
Returns the asset tags in the group.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getGroupTags(long groupId) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getGroupTags(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset tags in the group.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getGroupTags(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetTag> obc) |
int |
AssetTagLocalService.getGroupTagsCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of asset tags in the group.
int |
AssetTagService.getGroupTagsCount(long groupId) |
AssetTagDisplay |
AssetTagService.getGroupTagsDisplay(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupVocabularies(long[] groupIds) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabularies(long[] groupIds) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId,
boolean addDefaultVocabulary) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId,
boolean createDefaultVocabulary) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId,
boolean createDefaultVocabulary,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> obc) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> obc) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> obc) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabularies(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> obc) |
int |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabulariesCount(long groupId) |
int |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupVocabulariesCount(long[] groupIds) |
int |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabulariesCount(long[] groupIds) |
int |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabulariesCount(long groupId,
String name) |
AssetVocabularyDisplay |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabulariesDisplay(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
boolean addDefaultVocabulary,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> obc) |
AssetVocabularyDisplay |
AssetVocabularyService.getGroupVocabulariesDisplay(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetVocabulary> obc) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getGroupVocabulary(long groupId,
String name) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetLinkLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetTagLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getLinks(long entryId)
Returns all the asset links whose first or second entry ID is the given
entry ID.
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getLinks(long entryId,
int typeId)
Returns all the asset links of the given link type whose first or second
entry ID is the given entry ID.
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getNextEntry(long entryId) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getParentEntry(long entryId) |
PersistedModel |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AssetLinkLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AssetTagLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AssetEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.getPreviousEntry(long entryId) |
List<AssetLink> |
AssetLinkLocalService.getReverseLinks(long entryId,
int typeId)
Returns all the asset links of the given link type whose second entry ID
is the given entry ID.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getSocialActivityCounterOffsetTags(long groupId,
String socialActivityCounterName,
int startOffset,
int endOffset) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getSocialActivityCounterPeriodTags(long groupId,
String socialActivityCounterName,
int startPeriod,
int endPeriod) |
List<Long> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getSubcategoryIds(long parentCategoryId) |
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.getTag(long tagId)
Returns the asset tag with the primary key.
AssetTag |
AssetTagService.getTag(long tagId) |
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.getTag(long groupId,
String name)
Returns the asset tag with the name in the group.
long[] |
AssetTagLocalService.getTagIds(long[] groupIds,
String name)
Returns the primary keys of the asset tags with the name in the groups.
long[] |
AssetTagLocalService.getTagIds(long[] groupIds,
String[] names)
Returns the primary keys of the asset tags with the names in the groups.
long[] |
AssetTagLocalService.getTagIds(long groupId,
String[] names)
Returns the primary keys of the asset tags with the names in the group.
String[] |
Returns the names of all the asset tags.
String[] |
AssetTagLocalService.getTagNames(long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns the names of the asset tags of the entity.
String[] |
AssetTagLocalService.getTagNames(String className,
long classPK)
Returns the names of the asset tags of the entity
List<AssetTag> |
Returns all the asset tags.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(long[] groupIds,
String name,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(long[] groupIds,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetTag> obc) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getTags(long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns the asset tags of the entity.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getTags(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getTags(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String name,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetTag> obc) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(long groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetTag> obc) |
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagLocalService.getTags(String className,
long classPK)
Returns the asset tags of the entity.
List<AssetTag> |
AssetTagService.getTags(String className,
long classPK) |
int |
AssetTagService.getTagsCount(long groupId,
String name) |
int |
AssetTagLocalService.getTagsSize(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
List<AssetTagStats> |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getTagStats(long classNameId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the asset tag statistics instances associated with
the asset entry matching the class name ID.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.getTagStats(long tagId,
long classNameId)
Returns the asset tag statistics instance with the tag and asset entry
matching the class name ID
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getTopViewedEntries(String[] className,
boolean asc,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetEntry> |
AssetEntryLocalService.getTopViewedEntries(String className,
boolean asc,
int start,
int end) |
int |
AssetTagService.getVisibleAssetsTagsCount(long groupId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
int |
AssetTagService.getVisibleAssetsTagsCount(long groupId,
String name) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getVocabularies(Hits hits) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getVocabularies(long[] vocabularyIds) |
List<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyService.getVocabularies(long[] vocabularyIds)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
AssetUtil#filterVocabularyIds(PermissionChecker, long[]) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.getVocabulary(long vocabularyId) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyService.getVocabulary(long vocabularyId) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getVocabularyCategories(long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategories(long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getVocabularyCategories(long parentCategoryId,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategories(long parentCategoryId,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategories(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategories(long groupId,
String name,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
int |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getVocabularyCategoriesCount(long vocabularyId) |
int |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long vocabularyId) |
int |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long parentCategory,
long vocabularyId) |
int |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategoriesCount(long groupId,
String name,
long vocabularyId) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategoriesDisplay(long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyCategoriesDisplay(long groupId,
String name,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getVocabularyRootCategories(long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyRootCategories(long groupId,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
int |
AssetCategoryLocalService.getVocabularyRootCategoriesCount(long vocabularyId) |
int |
AssetCategoryService.getVocabularyRootCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long vocabularyId) |
boolean |
AssetEntryLocalService.hasAssetCategoryAssetEntries(long categoryId) |
boolean |
AssetEntryLocalService.hasAssetCategoryAssetEntry(long categoryId,
long entryId) |
boolean |
AssetCategoryLocalService.hasAssetEntryAssetCategories(long entryId) |
boolean |
AssetCategoryLocalService.hasAssetEntryAssetCategory(long entryId,
long categoryId) |
boolean |
AssetTagLocalService.hasAssetEntryAssetTag(long entryId,
long tagId) |
boolean |
AssetTagLocalService.hasAssetEntryAssetTags(long entryId) |
boolean |
AssetEntryLocalService.hasAssetTagAssetEntries(long tagId) |
boolean |
AssetEntryLocalService.hasAssetTagAssetEntry(long tagId,
long entryId) |
boolean |
AssetTagLocalService.hasTag(long groupId,
String name)
true if the group contains an asset tag with the
name. |
void |
AssetEntryLocalService.reindex(List<AssetEntry> entries) |
List<AssetTag> |[] groupIds,
String name,
int start,
int end)
Returns the asset tags in the groups whose names match the pattern.
JSONArray |[] groupIds,
String name,
int start,
int end) |
JSONArray |[] groupIds,
String name,
long[] vocabularyIds,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String keywords,
boolean showNonindexable,
int[] statuses,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String keywords,
boolean showNonindexable,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String keywords,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
String assetCategoryIds,
String assetTagNames,
boolean showNonindexable,
int[] statuses,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
String assetCategoryIds,
String assetTagNames,
boolean showNonindexable,
int status,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
String assetCategoryIds,
String assetTagNames,
int status,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
String keywords,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
String assetCategoryIds,
String assetTagNames,
int status,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetTag> | groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end)
Returns the asset tags in the group whose names match the pattern.
JSONArray | groupId,
String name,
int start,
int end) |
List<AssetCategory> | groupId,
String keywords,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<AssetCategory> obc) |
List<AssetCategory> | groupId,
String name,
String[] categoryProperties,
int start,
int end) |
JSONArray | groupId,
String name,
String[] categoryProperties,
int start,
int end) |
BaseModelSearchResult<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.searchCategories(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String title,
long[] vocabularyIds,
int start,
int end) |
BaseModelSearchResult<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.searchCategories(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String title,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
long[] vocabularyIds,
int start,
int end) |
BaseModelSearchResult<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.searchCategories(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String title,
long[] vocabularyIds,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<AssetCategory> |
AssetCategoryLocalService.searchCategories(long companyId,
long groupIds,
String title,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.searchCategoriesDisplay(long[] groupIds,
String title,
long[] vocabularyIds,
int start,
int end) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.searchCategoriesDisplay(long[] groupIds,
String title,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
long[] vocabularyIds,
int start,
int end) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.searchCategoriesDisplay(long[] groupIds,
String title,
long[] vocabularyIds,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.searchCategoriesDisplay(long groupId,
String title,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.searchCategoriesDisplay(long groupId,
String title,
long parentCategoryId,
long vocabularyId,
int start,
int end) |
AssetCategoryDisplay |
AssetCategoryService.searchCategoriesDisplay(long groupId,
String title,
long vocabularyId,
long parentCategoryId,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
long |
AssetEntryLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String keywords,
boolean showNonindexable,
int[] statuses) |
long |
AssetEntryLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
String assetCategoryIds,
String assetTagNames,
boolean showInvisible,
boolean showNonindexable,
int[] statuses,
boolean andSearch) |
long |
AssetEntryLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long userId,
String className,
long classTypeId,
String userName,
String title,
String description,
String assetCategoryIds,
String assetTagNames,
boolean showNonindexable,
int[] statuses,
boolean andSearch) |
BaseModelSearchResult<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.searchVocabularies(long companyId,
long groupId,
String title,
int start,
int end) |
BaseModelSearchResult<AssetVocabulary> |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.searchVocabularies(long companyId,
long groupId,
String title,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
AssetVocabularyDisplay |
AssetVocabularyService.searchVocabulariesDisplay(long groupId,
String title,
boolean addDefaultVocabulary,
int start,
int end) |
AssetVocabularyDisplay |
AssetVocabularyService.searchVocabulariesDisplay(long groupId,
String title,
boolean addDefaultVocabulary,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for BlogsEntry.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for BlogsEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for BlogsStatsUser.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Folder |
BlogsEntryLocalService.fetchAttachmentsFolder(long userId,
long groupId) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.fetchBlogsEntry(long entryId) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.fetchBlogsEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the blogs entry matching the UUID and group.
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.fetchBlogsStatsUser(long statsUserId) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getBlogsEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the blogs entries.
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getBlogsEntriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the blogs entries matching the UUID and company.
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getBlogsEntriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of blogs entries matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of blogs entries.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getBlogsEntry(long entryId)
Returns the blogs entry with the primary key.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getBlogsEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the blogs entry matching the UUID and group.
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getBlogsStatsUser(long statsUserId)
Returns the blogs stats user with the primary key.
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getBlogsStatsUsers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the blogs stats users.
int |
Returns the number of blogs stats users.
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getCompanyEntries(long companyId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getCompanyEntries(long companyId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getCompanyEntriesCount(long companyId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
String |
BlogsEntryService.getCompanyEntriesRSS(long companyId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getCompanyStatsUsers(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getCompanyStatsUsers(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsStatsUser> obc) |
int |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getCompanyStatsUsersCount(long companyId) |
BlogsEntry[] |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getEntriesPrevAndNext(long entryId) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getEntry(long entryId) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryService.getEntry(long entryId) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getEntry(long groupId,
String urlTitle) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryService.getEntry(long groupId,
String urlTitle) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
int status,
int max) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupEntries(long groupId,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status) |
int |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId,
int status) |
int |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
String |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupEntriesRSS(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupsEntries(long companyId,
long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupsEntries(long companyId,
long groupId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getGroupsStatsUsers(long companyId,
long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getGroupStatsUsers(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getGroupStatsUsers(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsStatsUser> obc) |
int |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getGroupStatsUsersCount(long groupId) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupUserEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupUserEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int[] statuses,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupUserEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc) |
int |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int status) |
int |
BlogsEntryService.getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int[] statuses) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getNoAssetEntries() |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryService.getOrganizationEntries(long organizationId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
List<BlogsEntry> |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getOrganizationEntries(long organizationId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getOrganizationEntriesCount(long organizationId,
Date displayDate,
QueryDefinition<BlogsEntry> queryDefinition) |
String |
BlogsEntryService.getOrganizationEntriesRSS(long organizationId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getOrganizationStatsUsers(long organizationId,
int start,
int end) |
List<BlogsStatsUser> |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getOrganizationStatsUsers(long organizationId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsStatsUser> obc) |
int |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getOrganizationStatsUsersCount(long organizationId) |
PersistedModel |
BlogsEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.getStatsUser(long groupId,
long userId) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Counter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Counter |
CounterLocalService.fetchCounter(String name) |
Counter |
CounterLocalService.getCounter(String name)
Returns the counter with the primary key.
List<Counter> |
CounterLocalService.getCounters(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the counters.
int |
Returns the number of counters.
List<String> |
CounterLocalService.getNames() |
PersistedModel |
CounterLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
long |
CounterLocalService.increment() |
long |
CounterLocalService.increment(String name) |
long |
CounterLocalService.increment(String name,
int size) |
void |
CounterLocalService.rename(String oldName,
String newName) |
void |
CounterLocalService.reset(String name) |
void |
CounterLocalService.reset(String name,
long size) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLAppHelper.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLApp.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLApp.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLContent.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFileEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFileEntryMetadata.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLFileEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFileEntryType.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLFileEntryType.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFileRank.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFileShortcut.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLFileShortcut.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFileVersion.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLFileVersion.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLFolder.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLFolder.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLSyncEvent.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for DLTrash.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for DLTrash.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.fetchDLContent(long contentId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchDLFileEntry(long fileEntryId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file entry matching the UUID and group.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.fetchDLFileEntryMetadata(long fileEntryMetadataId) |
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.fetchDLFileEntryMetadataByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the document library file entry metadata with the matching UUID and company.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.fetchDLFileEntryType(long fileEntryTypeId) |
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.fetchDLFileEntryTypeByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file entry type matching the UUID and group.
DLFileRank |
DLFileRankLocalService.fetchDLFileRank(long fileRankId) |
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.fetchDLFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId) |
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.fetchDLFileShortcutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file shortcut matching the UUID and group.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.fetchDLFileVersion(long fileVersionId) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.fetchDLFileVersionByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file version matching the UUID and group.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.fetchDLFolder(long folderId) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.fetchDLFolderByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library folder matching the UUID and group.
DLSyncEvent |
DLSyncEventLocalService.fetchDLSyncEvent(long syncEventId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchFileEntry(long groupId,
long folderId,
String title) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchFileEntry(String uuid,
long groupId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchFileEntryByAnyImageId(long imageId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchFileEntryByFileName(long groupId,
long folderId,
String fileName) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryService.fetchFileEntryByImageId(long imageId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.fetchFileEntryByName(long groupId,
long folderId,
String name) |
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.fetchFileEntryMetadata(long fileEntryMetadataId) |
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.fetchFileEntryMetadata(long ddmStructureId,
long fileVersionId) |
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.fetchFileEntryType(long fileEntryTypeId) |
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.fetchFileEntryType(long groupId,
String fileEntryTypeKey) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.fetchFolder(long folderId) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.fetchFolder(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
String name) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.fetchFolder(String uuid,
long groupId) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.fetchLatestFileVersion(long fileEntryId,
boolean excludeWorkingCopy) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFolderLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileRankLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLContentLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getCompanyFolders(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getCompanyFoldersCount(long companyId) |
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.getContent(long companyId,
long repositoryId,
String path) |
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.getContent(long companyId,
long repositoryId,
String path,
String version) |
List<DLContent> |
DLContentLocalService.getContents(long companyId,
long repositoryId) |
List<DLContent> |
DLContentLocalService.getContents(long companyId,
long repositoryId,
String path) |
List<DLContent> |
DLContentLocalService.getContentsByDirectory(long companyId,
long repositoryId,
String dirName) |
DLContentDataBlobModel |
DLContentLocalService.getDataBlobModel(Serializable primaryKey) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDDMStructureFileEntries(long[] ddmStructureIds) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDDMStructureFileEntries(long groupId,
long[] ddmStructureIds) |
long |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDefaultFileEntryTypeId(long folderId) |
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.getDLContent(long contentId)
Returns the document library content with the primary key.
List<DLContent> |
DLContentLocalService.getDLContents(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library contents.
int |
Returns the number of document library contents.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library file entries.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the document library file entries matching the UUID and company.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of document library file entries matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of document library file entries.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntry(long fileEntryId)
Returns the document library file entry with the primary key.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file entry matching the UUID and group.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getDLFileEntryMetadata(long fileEntryMetadataId)
Returns the document library file entry metadata with the primary key.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getDLFileEntryMetadataByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the document library file entry metadata with the matching UUID and company.
List<DLFileEntryMetadata> |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getDLFileEntryMetadatas(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library file entry metadatas.
int |
Returns the number of document library file entry metadatas.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFileEntryType(long fileEntryTypeId)
Returns the document library file entry type with the primary key.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypeByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file entry type matching the UUID and group.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypeDLFolders(long fileEntryTypeId) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypeDLFolders(long fileEntryTypeId,
int start,
int end) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypeDLFolders(long fileEntryTypeId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> orderByComparator) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypeDLFoldersCount(long fileEntryTypeId) |
long[] |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypePrimaryKeys(long folderId)
Returns the fileEntryTypeIds of the document library file entry types associated with the document library folder.
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypes(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library file entry types.
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the document library file entry types matching the UUID and company.
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFileEntryTypesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntryType> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of document library file entry types matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of document library file entry types.
DLFileRank |
DLFileRankLocalService.getDLFileRank(long fileRankId)
Returns the document library file rank with the primary key.
List<DLFileRank> |
DLFileRankLocalService.getDLFileRanks(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library file ranks.
int |
Returns the number of document library file ranks.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getDLFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId)
Returns the document library file shortcut with the primary key.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getDLFileShortcutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file shortcut matching the UUID and group.
List<DLFileShortcut> |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getDLFileShortcuts(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library file shortcuts.
List<DLFileShortcut> |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getDLFileShortcutsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the document library file shortcuts matching the UUID and company.
List<DLFileShortcut> |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getDLFileShortcutsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileShortcut> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of document library file shortcuts matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of document library file shortcuts.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getDLFileVersion(long fileVersionId)
Returns the document library file version with the primary key.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getDLFileVersionByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library file version matching the UUID and group.
List<DLFileVersion> |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getDLFileVersions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library file versions.
List<DLFileVersion> |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getDLFileVersionsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the document library file versions matching the UUID and company.
List<DLFileVersion> |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getDLFileVersionsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileVersion> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of document library file versions matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of document library file versions.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFolder(long folderId)
Returns the document library folder with the primary key.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFolderByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the document library folder matching the UUID and group.
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFolderDLFileEntryTypes(long folderId) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFolderDLFileEntryTypes(long folderId,
int start,
int end) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFolderDLFileEntryTypes(long folderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntryType> orderByComparator) |
int |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFolderDLFileEntryTypesCount(long folderId) |
long[] |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getDLFolderPrimaryKeys(long fileEntryTypeId)
Returns the folderIds of the document library folders associated with the document library file entry type.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFolders(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the document library folders.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFoldersByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the document library folders matching the UUID and company.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getDLFoldersByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of document library folders matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of document library folders.
DLSyncEvent |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getDLSyncEvent(long syncEventId)
Returns the d l sync event with the primary key.
List<DLSyncEvent> |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getDLSyncEvents(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the d l sync events.
List<DLSyncEvent> |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getDLSyncEvents(long modifiedTime) |
int |
Returns the number of d l sync events.
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFolderLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getExtraSettingsFileEntries(int start,
int end) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getExtraSettingsFileEntriesCount() |
File |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFile(long userId,
long fileEntryId,
String version,
boolean incrementCounter)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFile(long, String,
boolean) |
File |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFile(long userId,
long fileEntryId,
String version,
boolean incrementCounter,
int increment)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFile(long, String,
boolean, int) |
File |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFile(long fileEntryId,
String version,
boolean incrementCounter) |
File |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFile(long fileEntryId,
String version,
boolean incrementCounter,
int increment) |
void |
DLAppHelperLocalService.getFileAsStream(long userId,
FileEntry fileEntry,
boolean incrementCounter) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(int start,
int end) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId)
Returns all the file entries in the folder.
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name-ordered range of all the file entries in the folder.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<FileEntry> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the file entries in the folder.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
List<Long> repositoryIds,
List<Long> folderIds,
String[] mimeTypes,
QueryDefinition<DLFileEntry> queryDefinition) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
List<Long> folderIds,
String[] mimeTypes,
QueryDefinition<DLFileEntry> queryDefinition) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId)
Returns the file entries with the file entry type in the folder.
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name-ordered range of all the file entries with the file entry
type in the folder.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<FileEntry> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the file entries with the file entry type
in the folder.
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntries(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getFileEntries(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<FileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(long folderId,
String name) |
List<Object> |
DLAppService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the file entries and shortcuts in the folder.
List<Object> |
DLFolderService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<Object> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLAppService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status)
Returns the number of file entries and shortcuts in the folder.
int |
DLFolderService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status) |
int |
DLAppService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes)
Returns the number of file entries and shortcuts in the folder.
int |
DLFolderService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntriesCount() |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
DateRange dateRange,
long repositoryId,
QueryDefinition<DLFileEntry> queryDefinition)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long folderId) |
int |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long folderId) |
int |
DLAppService.getFileEntriesCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId)
Returns the number of file entries in the folder.
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status) |
int |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
List<Long> repositoryIds,
List<Long> folderIds,
String[] mimeTypes,
QueryDefinition<DLFileEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
List<Long> folderIds,
String[] mimeTypes,
QueryDefinition<DLFileEntry> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId) |
int |
DLAppService.getFileEntriesCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId)
Returns the number of file entries with the file entry type in the
int |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes) |
int |
DLAppService.getFileEntriesCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(long fileEntryId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntry(long fileEntryId) |
FileEntry |
DLAppService.getFileEntry(long fileEntryId)
Returns the file entry with the primary key.
FileEntry |
DLAppLocalService.getFileEntry(long fileEntryId)
Returns the file entry with the primary key.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(long groupId,
long folderId,
String title) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntry(long groupId,
long folderId,
String title) |
FileEntry |
DLAppService.getFileEntry(long groupId,
long folderId,
String title)
Returns the file entry with the title in the folder.
FileEntry |
DLAppLocalService.getFileEntry(long groupId,
long folderId,
String title)
Returns the file entry with the title in the folder.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntryByName(long groupId,
long folderId,
String name) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId) |
FileEntry |
DLAppService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the file entry with the UUID and group.
FileEntry |
DLAppLocalService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the file entry with the UUID and group.
Lock |
DLFileEntryService.getFileEntryLock(long fileEntryId) |
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getFileEntryMetadata(long fileEntryMetadataId) |
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getFileEntryMetadata(long ddmStructureId,
long fileVersionId) |
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeService.getFileEntryType(long fileEntryTypeId) |
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getFileEntryType(long fileEntryTypeId) |
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getFileEntryType(long groupId,
String fileEntryTypeKey) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getFileEntryTypes(long ddmStructureId) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeService.getFileEntryTypes(long[] groupIds) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getFileEntryTypes(long[] groupIds) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeService.getFileEntryTypes(long[] groupIds,
int start,
int end) |
int |
DLFileEntryTypeService.getFileEntryTypesCount(long[] groupIds) |
List<DLFileRank> |
DLAppLocalService.getFileRanks(long repositoryId,
long userId)
Returns the file ranks from the user.
List<DLFileRank> |
DLFileRankLocalService.getFileRanks(long groupId,
long userId) |
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId) |
FileShortcut |
DLAppService.getFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId)
Returns the file shortcut with the primary key.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutService.getFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId) |
FileShortcut |
DLAppLocalService.getFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId)
Returns the file shortcut with the primary key.
List<DLFileShortcut> |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getFileShortcuts(long toFileEntryId) |
List<DLFileShortcut> |
DLAppHelperLocalService.getFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean active,
int status) |
List<DLFileShortcut> |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean active,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
int |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean active,
int status) |
int |
DLAppHelperLocalService.getFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean active,
int status) |
FileVersion |
DLAppService.getFileVersion(long fileVersionId)
Returns the file version with the primary key.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getFileVersion(long fileVersionId) |
FileVersion |
DLAppLocalService.getFileVersion(long fileVersionId)
Returns the file version with the primary key.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionService.getFileVersion(long fileVersionId) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getFileVersion(long fileEntryId,
String version) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getFileVersionByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId) |
List<DLFileEntryMetadata> |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getFileVersionFileEntryMetadatas(long fileVersionId) |
long |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getFileVersionFileEntryMetadatasCount(long fileVersionId) |
List<DLFileVersion> |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getFileVersions(long fileEntryId,
int status) |
List<DLFileVersion> |
DLFileVersionService.getFileVersions(long fileEntryId,
int status) |
int |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getFileVersionsCount(long fileEntryId,
int status) |
int |
DLFileVersionService.getFileVersionsCount(long fileEntryId,
int status) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolder(long folderId) |
Folder |
DLAppService.getFolder(long folderId)
Returns the folder with the primary key.
DLFolder |
DLFolderService.getFolder(long folderId) |
Folder |
DLAppLocalService.getFolder(long folderId)
Returns the folder with the primary key.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolder(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
String name) |
Folder |
DLAppService.getFolder(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
String name)
Returns the folder with the name in the parent folder.
DLFolder |
DLFolderService.getFolder(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
String name) |
Folder |
DLAppLocalService.getFolder(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
String name)
Returns the folder with the name in the parent folder.
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeService.getFolderFileEntryTypes(long[] groupIds,
long folderId,
boolean inherited) |
List<DLFileEntryType> |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getFolderFileEntryTypes(long[] groupIds,
long folderId,
boolean inherited) |
long |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolderId(long companyId,
long folderId) |
List<Long> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolderIds(long groupId,
long parentFolderId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
long) |
List<Long> |
DLFolderService.getFolderIds(long groupId,
long folderId) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId)
Returns all immediate subfolders of the parent folder.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountfolders) |
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountFolders)
Returns all immediate subfolders of the parent folder, optionally
including mount folders for third-party repositories.
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name-ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the
parent folder, optionally including mount folders for third-party
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountfolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Folder> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the parent
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountfolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountfolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Folder> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the parent
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name-ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the
parent folder.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderService.getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Folder> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the parent
List<Object> |
DLAppService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name-ordered range of all the immediate subfolders, file
entries, and file shortcuts in the parent folder.
List<Object> |
DLAppService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the immediate subfolders, file entries,
and file shortcuts in the parent folder.
List<Object> |
DLFolderService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc) |
List<Object> |
DLAppService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc) |
List<Object> |
DLFolderService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc) |
List<Object> |
DLFolderLocalService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
List<Object> |
DLFolderService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLAppService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders)
Returns the number of immediate subfolders, file entries, and file
shortcuts in the parent folder.
int |
DLFolderService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders) |
int |
DLAppService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders) |
int |
DLFolderService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLFolderService.getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
int |
DLAppService.getFoldersCount(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId)
Returns the number of immediate subfolders of the parent folder.
int |
DLFolderService.getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountfolders) |
int |
DLAppService.getFoldersCount(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
boolean includeMountFolders)
Returns the number of immediate subfolders of the parent folder,
optionally including mount folders for third-party repositories.
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountfolders) |
int |
DLAppService.getFoldersCount(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders)
Returns the number of immediate subfolders of the parent folder,
optionally including mount folders for third-party repositories.
int |
DLFolderService.getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountfolders) |
int |
DLFileEntryService.getFoldersFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
List<Long> folderIds,
int status) |
int |
DLAppService.getFoldersFileEntriesCount(long repositoryId,
List<Long> folderIds,
int status)
Returns the number of immediate subfolders and file entries across the
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the file entries in the group starting at
the repository default parent folder that are stored within the Liferay
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<FileEntry> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the file entries in the group that are
stored within the Liferay repository.
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the file entries in the group starting at
the root folder that are stored within the Liferay repository.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<FileEntry> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the file entries in the group starting at
the root folder that are stored within the Liferay repository.
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long repositoryId,
long rootFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long repositoryId,
long rootFolderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntry> obc) |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<FileEntry> obc) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId) |
int |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId)
Returns the number of file entries in a group starting at the repository
default parent folder that are stored within the Liferay repository.
int |
DLFileEntryService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId) |
int |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId)
Returns the number of file entries in a group starting at the root folder
that are stored within the Liferay repository.
int |
DLFileEntryService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
long repositoryId,
long rootFolderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status) |
int |
DLFileEntryService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status) |
int |
DLAppService.getGroupFileEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
long rootFolderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status) |
List<Long> |
DLFolderLocalService.getGroupFolderIds(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
void |
DLFolderLocalService.getGroupSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long groupId,
long folderId) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFolderLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileRankLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLContentLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<DLSyncEvent> |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getLatestDLSyncEvents() |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionService.getLatestFileVersion(long fileEntryId) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getLatestFileVersion(long fileEntryId,
boolean excludeWorkingCopy) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionService.getLatestFileVersion(long fileEntryId,
boolean excludeWorkingCopy) |
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getLatestFileVersion(long userId,
long fileEntryId) |
List<DLFileEntryMetadata> |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getMismatchedCompanyIdFileEntryMetadatas() |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getMisversionedFileEntries() |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.getMountFolder(long repositoryId) |
Folder |
DLAppLocalService.getMountFolder(long repositoryId)
Returns the mount folder of the repository with the primary key.
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getMountFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId)
Returns all immediate subfolders of the parent folder that are used for
mounting third-party repositories.
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getMountFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name-ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the
parent folder that are used for mounting third-party repositories.
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getMountFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderService.getMountFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
List<Folder> |
DLAppService.getMountFolders(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Folder> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the immediate subfolders of the parent
folder that are used for mounting third-party repositories.
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getMountFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
int |
DLAppService.getMountFoldersCount(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId)
Returns the number of immediate subfolders of the parent folder that are
used for mounting third-party repositories.
int |
DLFolderService.getMountFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getNoAssetFileEntries() |
List<FileEntry> |
DLAppHelperLocalService.getNoAssetFileEntries() |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getNoAssetFolders() |
List<DLFileEntryMetadata> |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getNoStructuresFileEntryMetadatas() |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getOrphanedFileEntries() |
PersistedModel |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLFolderLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLFileVersionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLFileRankLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLContentLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
DLSyncEventLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
List<DLFileEntry> |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getRepositoryFileEntries(long repositoryId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getRepositoryFileEntriesCount(long repositoryId) |
List<Long> |
DLFolderLocalService.getRepositoryFolderIds(long repositoryId,
long parentFolderId) |
List<DLFolder> |
DLFolderLocalService.getRepositoryFolders(long repositoryId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
DLFolderLocalService.getRepositoryFoldersCount(long repositoryId) |
void |
DLFolderLocalService.getRepositorySubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long repositoryId,
long folderId) |
void |
DLFolderLocalService.getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long groupId,
long folderId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
long, long) |
void |
DLFolderService.getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long groupId,
long folderId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
DLFolderService.getSubfolderIds(List, long,
long, boolean) |
void |
DLFolderService.getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean recurse) |
void |
DLAppService.getSubfolderIds(long repositoryId,
List<Long> folderIds,
long folderId) |
List<Long> |
DLAppService.getSubfolderIds(long repositoryId,
long folderId)
Returns all the descendant folders of the folder with the primary key.
List<Long> |
DLAppService.getSubfolderIds(long repositoryId,
long folderId,
boolean recurse)
Returns descendant folders of the folder with the primary key, optionally
limiting to one level deep.
List<Long> |
DLFolderService.getSubfolderIds(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean recurse) |
String[] |
DLAppService.getTempFileNames(long groupId,
long folderId,
String folderName)
Returns all the temporary file entry names.
String |
DLFileEntryLocalService.getUniqueTitle(long groupId,
long folderId,
long fileEntryId,
String title,
String extension) |
boolean |
DLContentLocalService.hasContent(long companyId,
long repositoryId,
String path,
String version) |
boolean |
DLFolderLocalService.hasDLFileEntryTypeDLFolder(long fileEntryTypeId,
long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFolderLocalService.hasDLFileEntryTypeDLFolders(long fileEntryTypeId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.hasDLFolderDLFileEntryType(long folderId,
long fileEntryTypeId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.hasDLFolderDLFileEntryTypes(long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryLocalService.hasExtraSettings() |
boolean |
DLFileEntryService.hasFileEntryLock(long fileEntryId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryLocalService.hasFileEntryLock(long userId,
long fileEntryId) |
boolean |
DLFolderService.hasFolderLock(long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFolderLocalService.hasFolderLock(long userId,
long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFolderLocalService.hasInheritableLock(long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFolderService.hasInheritableLock(long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryLocalService.isFileEntryCheckedOut(long fileEntryId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryService.isFileEntryCheckedOut(long fileEntryId) |
boolean |
DLFolderService.isFolderLocked(long folderId) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryLocalService.isKeepFileVersionLabel(long fileEntryId,
boolean majorVersion,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryService.isKeepFileVersionLabel(long fileEntryId,
boolean majorVersion,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryLocalService.isKeepFileVersionLabel(long fileEntryId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
boolean, ServiceContext) |
boolean |
DLFileEntryService.isKeepFileVersionLabel(long fileEntryId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
boolean, ServiceContext) |
List<DLFileEntryType> | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String keywords,
boolean includeBasicFileEntryType,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntryType> orderByComparator) |
List<DLFileEntryType> | companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String keywords,
boolean includeBasicFileEntryType,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFileEntryType> orderByComparator) |
Hits | groupId,
long creatorUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | repositoryId,
long creatorUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | groupId,
long userId,
long creatorUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | groupId,
long userId,
long creatorUserId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | groupId,
long creatorUserId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | repositoryId,
long creatorUserId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | repositoryId,
SearchContext searchContext) |
Hits | repositoryId,
SearchContext searchContext,
Query query) |
int |
DLFileEntryTypeService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String keywords,
boolean includeBasicFileEntryType) |
int |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String keywords,
boolean includeBasicFileEntryType) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
DLStore |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ExpandoColumn.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ExpandoColumn.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ExpandoRow.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ExpandoTable.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ExpandoValue.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ExpandoValue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.fetchDefaultTable(long companyId,
long classNameId) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.fetchDefaultTable(long companyId,
String className) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.fetchExpandoColumn(long columnId) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnService.fetchExpandoColumn(long columnId) |
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.fetchExpandoRow(long rowId) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.fetchExpandoTable(long tableId) |
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.fetchExpandoValue(long valueId) |
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.fetchRow(long tableId,
long classPK) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.fetchTable(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumn(long columnId) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumn(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
String name) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumn(long tableId,
String name) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumn(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String name) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumns(long tableId) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumns(long tableId,
Collection<String> names) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumns(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumns(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
Collection<String> names) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumns(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumns(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
Collection<String> columnNames) |
int |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumnsCount(long tableId) |
int |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumnsCount(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName) |
int |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getColumnsCount(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValues(long columnId,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValues(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
String columnName,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValues(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
String columnName,
String data,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValues(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValues(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
String data,
int start,
int end) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValuesCount(long columnId) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValuesCount(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
String columnName) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValuesCount(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
String columnName,
String data) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValuesCount(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getColumnValuesCount(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
String data) |
Map<String,Serializable> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
Collection<String> columnNames,
long classPK) |
Map<String,Serializable> |
ExpandoValueService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
Collection<String> columnNames,
long classPK) |
Serializable |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK) |
Serializable |
ExpandoValueService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK) |
boolean |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
boolean defaultData) |
boolean[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
boolean[] defaultData) |
Date |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
Date defaultData) |
Date[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
Date[] defaultData) |
double |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
double defaultData) |
double[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
double[] defaultData) |
float |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
float defaultData) |
float[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
float[] defaultData) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
int defaultData) |
int[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
int[] defaultData) |
long |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
long defaultData) |
long[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
long[] defaultData) |
Map<?,?> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
Map<?,?> defaultData) |
Number |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
Number defaultData) |
Number[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
Number[] defaultData) |
short |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
short defaultData) |
short[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
short[] defaultData) |
String |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
String defaultData) |
String[] |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK,
String[] defaultData) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getDefaultTable(long companyId,
long classNameId) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getDefaultTable(long companyId,
String className) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getDefaultTableColumn(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getDefaultTableColumn(long companyId,
String className,
String name) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getDefaultTableColumns(long companyId,
long classNameId) |
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getDefaultTableColumns(long companyId,
String className) |
int |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getDefaultTableColumnsCount(long companyId,
long classNameId) |
int |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getDefaultTableColumnsCount(long companyId,
String className) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getDefaultTableColumnValues(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String columnName,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getDefaultTableColumnValues(long companyId,
String className,
String columnName,
int start,
int end) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getDefaultTableColumnValuesCount(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String columnName) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getDefaultTableColumnValuesCount(long companyId,
String className,
String columnName) |
List<ExpandoRow> |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getDefaultTableRows(long companyId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoRow> |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getDefaultTableRows(long companyId,
String className,
int start,
int end) |
int |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getDefaultTableRowsCount(long companyId,
long classNameId) |
int |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getDefaultTableRowsCount(long companyId,
String className) |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getExpandoColumn(long columnId)
Returns the expando column with the primary key.
List<ExpandoColumn> |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getExpandoColumns(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the expando columns.
int |
Returns the number of expando columns.
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getExpandoRow(long rowId)
Returns the expando row with the primary key.
List<ExpandoRow> |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getExpandoRows(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the expando rows.
int |
Returns the number of expando rows.
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getExpandoTable(long tableId)
Returns the expando table with the primary key.
List<ExpandoTable> |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getExpandoTables(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the expando tables.
int |
Returns the number of expando tables.
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getExpandoValue(long valueId)
Returns the expando value with the primary key.
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getExpandoValues(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the expando values.
int |
Returns the number of expando values.
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
JSONObject |
ExpandoValueService.getJSONData(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK) |
PersistedModel |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRow(long rowId) |
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRow(long tableId,
long classPK) |
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRow(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
long classPK) |
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRow(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
long classPK) |
List<ExpandoRow> |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRows(long tableId,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoRow> |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRows(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoRow> |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRows(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
int start,
int end) |
int |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRowsCount(long tableId) |
int |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRowsCount(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName) |
int |
ExpandoRowLocalService.getRowsCount(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValues(long rowId) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValues(long rowId,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValues(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
long classPK,
int start,
int end) |
List<ExpandoValue> |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValues(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
long classPK,
int start,
int end) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValuesCount(long rowId) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValuesCount(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
long classPK) |
int |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getRowValuesCount(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
long classPK) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getTable(long tableId) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getTable(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String name) |
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getTable(long companyId,
String className,
String name) |
List<ExpandoTable> |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getTables(long companyId,
long classNameId) |
List<ExpandoTable> |
ExpandoTableLocalService.getTables(long companyId,
String className) |
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getValue(long valueId) |
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getValue(long columnId,
long rowId) |
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getValue(long tableId,
long columnId,
long classPK) |
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getValue(long companyId,
long classNameId,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK) |
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.getValue(long companyId,
String className,
String tableName,
String columnName,
long classPK) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ExportImportConfiguration.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ExportImportConfiguration.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ExportImport.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ExportImport.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Staging.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Staging.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.fetchExportImportConfiguration(long exportImportConfigurationId) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfiguration(long exportImportConfigurationId)
Returns the export import configuration with the primary key.
List<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurations(Hits hits) |
List<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurations(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the export import configurations.
List<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurations(long groupId,
int type) |
List<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurations(long groupId,
int type,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<ExportImportConfiguration> orderByComparator) |
List<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurations(long companyId,
long groupId,
String keywords,
int type,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<ExportImportConfiguration> orderByComparator) |
List<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurations(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
String description,
int type,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<ExportImportConfiguration> orderByComparator) |
int |
Returns the number of export import configurations.
int |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurationsCount(long groupId) |
int |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurationsCount(long groupId,
int type) |
int |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurationsCount(long companyId,
long groupId,
String keywords,
int type) |
int |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getExportImportConfigurationsCount(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
String description,
int type,
boolean andSearch) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
PersistedModel |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
BaseModelSearchResult<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.searchExportImportConfigurations(long companyId,
long groupId,
int type,
String keywords,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<ExportImportConfiguration> |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.searchExportImportConfigurations(long companyId,
long groupId,
int type,
String name,
String description,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
MailService |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBBan.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for MBBan.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBCategory.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for MBCategory.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBDiscussion.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBMailingList.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBMessage.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for MBMessage.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBStatsUser.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBThreadFlag.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MBThread.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for MBThread.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MBBanLocalService.checkBan(long groupId,
long banUserId) |
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.fetchCategoryMailingList(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.fetchDiscussion(long discussionId) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.fetchDiscussion(String className,
long classPK) |
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.fetchMBBan(long banId) |
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.fetchMBBanByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards ban matching the UUID and group.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.fetchMBCategory(long categoryId) |
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.fetchMBCategoryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards category matching the UUID and group.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.fetchMBDiscussion(long discussionId) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.fetchMBDiscussionByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards discussion matching the UUID and group.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.fetchMBMailingList(long mailingListId) |
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.fetchMBMailingListByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards mailing list matching the UUID and group.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.fetchMBMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.fetchMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.fetchMBStatsUser(long statsUserId) |
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.fetchMBThread(long threadId) |
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.fetchMBThreadByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards thread matching the UUID and group.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.fetchMBThreadFlag(long threadFlagId) |
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.fetchMBThreadFlagByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards thread flag matching the UUID and group.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.fetchThread(long threadId) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.fetchThreadDiscussion(long threadId) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBMailingListLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBThreadLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBBanLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBMessageLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MBCategoryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<MBBan> |
MBBanLocalService.getBans(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
MBBanLocalService.getBansCount(long groupId) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
int status) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
int status) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
long[] excludedCategoryIds,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
long[] excludedCategoryIds,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getCategories(long groupId,
long excludedCategoryId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategories(long groupId,
long excludedCategoryId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<Object> |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesAndThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesAndThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesAndThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesAndThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesAndThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long[] excludedCategoryIds,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long[] excludedCategoryIds,
long[] parentCategoryIds,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long excludedCategoryId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long excludedCategoryId,
long parentCategoryId,
int status) |
MBCategory |
MBCategoryService.getCategory(long categoryId) |
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCategory(long categoryId) |
long[] |
MBCategoryService.getCategoryIds(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.getCategoryMailingList(long groupId,
long categoryId) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
int |
MBMessageService.getCategoryMessagesCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getCategoryMessagesCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
String |
MBMessageService.getCategoryMessagesRSS(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
int |
MBThreadLocalService.getCategoryThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCompanyCategories(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getCompanyCategoriesCount(long companyId) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getCompanyMessagesCount(long companyId,
int status) |
String |
MBMessageService.getCompanyMessagesRSS(long companyId,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getDiscussion(long discussionId) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getDiscussion(String className,
long classPK) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long userId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long userId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long userId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
String threadView)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long, long, String, long, int) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessagesCount(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessagesCount(String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
List<MBDiscussion> |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussions(String className) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBMailingListLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBThreadLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBBanLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBMessageLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
MBCategoryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
int |
MBMessageService.getGroupMessagesCount(long groupId,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessagesCount(long groupId,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessagesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int status) |
String |
MBMessageService.getGroupMessagesRSS(long groupId,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
String |
MBMessageService.getGroupMessagesRSS(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
boolean subscribed,
boolean includeAnonymous,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
boolean subscribed,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
Date modifiedDate,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
boolean subscribed,
boolean includeAnonymous,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
boolean subscribed,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
long userId,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreads(long groupId,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
int |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
boolean subscribed,
boolean includeAnonymous,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
int |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
boolean subscribed,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
int |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
Date modifiedDate,
int status) |
int |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int status) |
int |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
boolean subscribed) |
int |
MBThreadService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
boolean subscribed,
boolean includeAnonymous) |
int |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
long userId,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
int |
MBThreadLocalService.getGroupThreadsCount(long groupId,
QueryDefinition<MBThread> queryDefinition) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBMailingListLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBThreadLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBBanLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBMessageLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MBCategoryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
Date |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getLastPostDateByUserId(long groupId,
long userId) |
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.getMBBan(long banId)
Returns the message boards ban with the primary key.
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.getMBBanByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards ban matching the UUID and group.
List<MBBan> |
MBBanLocalService.getMBBans(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards bans.
List<MBBan> |
MBBanLocalService.getMBBansByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message boards bans matching the UUID and company.
List<MBBan> |
MBBanLocalService.getMBBansByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBBan> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message boards bans matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message boards bans.
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getMBCategories(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards categories.
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getMBCategoriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message boards categories matching the UUID and company.
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getMBCategoriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBCategory> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message boards categories matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message boards categories.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.getMBCategory(long categoryId)
Returns the message boards category with the primary key.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.getMBCategoryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards category matching the UUID and group.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getMBDiscussion(long discussionId)
Returns the message boards discussion with the primary key.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getMBDiscussionByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards discussion matching the UUID and group.
List<MBDiscussion> |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getMBDiscussions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards discussions.
List<MBDiscussion> |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getMBDiscussionsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message boards discussions matching the UUID and company.
List<MBDiscussion> |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getMBDiscussionsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBDiscussion> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message boards discussions matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message boards discussions.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.getMBMailingList(long mailingListId)
Returns the message boards mailing list with the primary key.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.getMBMailingListByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards mailing list matching the UUID and group.
List<MBMailingList> |
MBMailingListLocalService.getMBMailingLists(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards mailing lists.
List<MBMailingList> |
MBMailingListLocalService.getMBMailingListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message boards mailing lists matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMailingList> |
MBMailingListLocalService.getMBMailingListsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMailingList> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message boards mailing lists matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message boards mailing lists.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessage(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessages(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message-boards messages.
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getMBStatsUser(long statsUserId)
Returns the message boards stats user with the primary key.
List<MBStatsUser> |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getMBStatsUsers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards stats users.
int |
Returns the number of message boards stats users.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.getMBThread(long threadId)
Returns the message boards thread with the primary key.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.getMBThreadByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards thread matching the UUID and group.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getMBThreadFlag(long threadFlagId)
Returns the message boards thread flag with the primary key.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getMBThreadFlagByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message boards thread flag matching the UUID and group.
List<MBThreadFlag> |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getMBThreadFlags(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards thread flags.
List<MBThreadFlag> |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getMBThreadFlagsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message boards thread flags matching the UUID and company.
List<MBThreadFlag> |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getMBThreadFlagsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBThreadFlag> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message boards thread flags matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message boards thread flags.
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getMBThreads(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message boards threads.
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getMBThreadsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message boards threads matching the UUID and company.
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getMBThreadsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBThread> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message boards threads matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of message boards threads.
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.getMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessage(long messageId) |
long |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getMessageCountByGroupId(long groupId) |
long |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getMessageCountByUserId(long userId) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageService.getMessageDisplay(long messageId,
int status) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageService.getMessageDisplay(long messageId,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
int) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
long messageId,
int status) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
long, int) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessages(String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getNoAssetMessages() |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getNoAssetThreads() |
PersistedModel |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBMailingListLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBThreadLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBBanLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBMessageLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MBCategoryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getPositionInThread(long messageId) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getPriorityThreads(long categoryId,
double priority) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getPriorityThreads(long categoryId,
double priority,
boolean inherit) |
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getStatsUser(long groupId,
long userId) |
List<MBStatsUser> |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getStatsUsersByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getStatsUsersByGroupIdCount(long groupId) |
List<MBStatsUser> |
MBStatsUserLocalService.getStatsUsersByUserId(long userId) |
List<Long> |
MBCategoryService.getSubcategoryIds(List<Long> categoryIds,
long groupId,
long categoryId) |
List<Long> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getSubcategoryIds(List<Long> categoryIds,
long groupId,
long categoryId) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryService.getSubscribedCategories(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBCategory> |
MBCategoryLocalService.getSubscribedCategories(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
MBCategoryService.getSubscribedCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long userId) |
int |
MBCategoryLocalService.getSubscribedCategoriesCount(long groupId,
long userId) |
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.getThread(long threadId) |
int |
MBMessageService.getThreadAnswersCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId) |
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.getThreadDiscussion(long threadId) |
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.getThreadFlag(long userId,
MBThread thread) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageService.getThreadMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessagesCount(long threadId,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageService.getThreadMessagesCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status) |
String |
MBMessageService.getThreadMessagesRSS(long threadId,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadRepliesMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadService.getThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBThread> |
MBThreadLocalService.getThreads(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
int |
MBThreadService.getThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
int |
MBThreadLocalService.getThreadsCount(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessagesCount(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessagesCount(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status) |
int |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessagesCount(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
boolean |
MBThreadLocalService.hasAnswerMessage(long threadId) |
boolean |
MBBanLocalService.hasBan(long groupId,
long banUserId) |
boolean |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.hasThreadFlag(long userId,
MBThread thread) |
Hits | groupId,
long creatorUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | groupId,
long userId,
long creatorUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | groupId,
long creatorUserId,
long startDate,
long endDate,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Hits | groupId,
long userId,
long creatorUserId,
long startDate,
long endDate,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Account.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Account.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Address.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Address.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for BrowserTracker.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ClassName.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ClassName.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ClusterGroup.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Company.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Company.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Contact.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Contact.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Country.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for EmailAddress.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for EmailAddress.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Group.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Group.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Image.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Image.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutBranch.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for LayoutBranch.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutFriendlyURL.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Layout.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutPrototype.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for LayoutPrototype.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutRevision.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for LayoutRevision.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Layout.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutSetBranch.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for LayoutSetBranch.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutSet.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutSetPrototype.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for LayoutSetPrototype.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for LayoutSet.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for LayoutTemplate.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ListType.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ListType.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for MembershipRequest.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for MembershipRequest.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Organization.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Organization.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for OrgLabor.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for OrgLabor.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PasswordPolicy.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PasswordPolicyRel.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for PasswordPolicy.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PasswordTracker.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Permission.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Phone.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Phone.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PluginSetting.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for PluginSetting.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Portal.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PortalPreferences.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Portal.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PortletItem.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Portlet.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for PortletPreferences.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for PortletPreferences.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Portlet.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for RecentLayoutBranch.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for RecentLayoutRevision.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for RecentLayoutSetBranch.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Region.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Release.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for RepositoryEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Repository.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Repository.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ResourceAction.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ResourceBlock.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ResourceBlockPermission.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ResourceBlock.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Resource.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ResourcePermission.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for ResourcePermission.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ResourceTypePermission.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Role.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Role.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for ServiceComponent.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Subscription.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SystemEvent.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Team.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Team.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Theme.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Theme.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Ticket.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserGroupGroupRole.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for UserGroupGroupRole.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserGroup.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserGroupRole.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for UserGroupRole.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for UserGroup.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserIdMapper.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for User.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserNotificationDelivery.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserNotificationEvent.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for User.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserTracker.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for UserTrackerPath.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for VirtualHost.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for WebDAVProps.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for Website.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for Website.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for WorkflowDefinitionLink.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for WorkflowInstanceLink.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
long |
UserLocalService.authenticateForBasic(long companyId,
String authType,
String login,
String password)
Attempts to authenticate the user using HTTP basic access authentication,
without using the AuthPipeline.
long |
UserLocalService.authenticateForDigest(long companyId,
String username,
String realm,
String nonce,
String method,
String uri,
String response)
Attempts to authenticate the user using HTTP digest access
authentication, without using the AuthPipeline.
boolean |
UserLocalService.authenticateForJAAS(long userId,
String encPassword)
Attempts to authenticate the user using JAAS credentials, without using
the AuthPipeline.
void |
ClassNameLocalService.checkClassNames() |
Company |
CompanyLocalService.checkCompany(String webId,
String mx)
Returns the company with the web domain and mail domain.
void |
GroupLocalService.checkCompanyGroup(long companyId)
Adds a company group if it does not exist.
void |
ResourceActionLocalService.checkResourceActions() |
void |
GroupLocalService.checkSystemGroups(long companyId)
Creates systems groups and other related data needed by the system on the
very first startup.
void |
RoleLocalService.checkSystemRoles(long companyId)
Checks to ensure that the system roles map has appropriate default roles
in the company.
void |
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
#clearPortletsMap) |
void |
PortletLocalService.clearPortletsMap() |
String |
UserLocalService.encryptUserId(String name)
Encrypts the primary key of the user.
Account |
AccountLocalService.fetchAccount(long accountId) |
Address |
AddressLocalService.fetchAddress(long addressId) |
Address |
AddressLocalService.fetchAddressByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the address with the matching UUID and company.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.fetchBrowserTracker(long browserTrackerId) |
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.fetchByClassNameId(long classNameId) |
ClassName |
ClassNameService.fetchByClassNameId(long classNameId) |
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.fetchClassName(long classNameId) |
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.fetchClassName(String value) |
ClassName |
ClassNameService.fetchClassName(String value) |
ClusterGroup |
ClusterGroupLocalService.fetchClusterGroup(long clusterGroupId) |
ColorScheme |
ThemeLocalService.fetchColorScheme(long companyId,
String themeId,
String colorSchemeId) |
Company |
CompanyLocalService.fetchCompany(long companyId) |
Company |
CompanyLocalService.fetchCompanyById(long companyId)
Returns the company with the primary key.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.fetchCompanyByVirtualHost(String virtualHostname)
Returns the company with the virtual host name.
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchCompanyGroup(long companyId)
Returns the company's group.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.fetchContact(long contactId) |
Country |
CountryService.fetchCountry(long countryId) |
Country |
CountryService.fetchCountryByA2(String a2) |
Country |
CountryService.fetchCountryByA3(String a3) |
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.fetchDefaultWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK) |
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressService.fetchEmailAddress(long emailAddressId)
Returns the email address with the primary key.
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.fetchEmailAddress(long emailAddressId) |
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.fetchEmailAddressByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the email address with the matching UUID and company.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.fetchFirstLayout(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.fetchFirstLayoutFriendlyURL(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String friendlyURL) |
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchFriendlyURLGroup(long companyId,
String friendlyURL)
Returns the group with the matching friendly URL.
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchGroup(long groupId) |
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchGroup(long companyId,
String groupKey)
Returns the group with the matching group key by first searching the
system groups and then using the finder cache.
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchGroupByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the group with the matching UUID and company.
Image |
ImageLocalService.fetchImage(long imageId) |
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.fetchLastLayoutRevision(long plid,
boolean head) |
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.fetchLatestLayoutRevision(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid) |
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.fetchLayout(long plid) |
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.fetchLayout(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long layoutId) |
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.fetchLayout(String uuid,
long groupId,
boolean privateLayout) |
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.fetchLayoutBranch(long layoutBranchId) |
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.fetchLayoutByFriendlyURL(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String friendlyURL) |
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.fetchLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns the layout matching the UUID, group, and privacy.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.fetchLayoutFriendlyURL(long layoutFriendlyURLId) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.fetchLayoutFriendlyURL(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String friendlyURL,
String languageId) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.fetchLayoutFriendlyURL(long plid,
String languageId) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.fetchLayoutFriendlyURL(long plid,
String languageId,
boolean useDefault) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.fetchLayoutFriendlyURLByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the layout friendly u r l matching the UUID and group.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.fetchLayoutPrototype(long layoutPrototypeId) |
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeService.fetchLayoutPrototype(long layoutPrototypeId) |
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.fetchLayoutPrototypeByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the layout prototype with the matching UUID and company.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.fetchLayoutRevision(long layoutRevisionId) |
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.fetchLayoutRevision(long layoutSetBranchId,
boolean head,
long plid) |
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.fetchLayoutSet(long layoutSetId) |
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.fetchLayoutSet(String virtualHostname) |
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.fetchLayoutSetBranch(long layoutSetBranchId) |
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.fetchLayoutSetBranch(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String name) |
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeService.fetchLayoutSetPrototype(long layoutSetPrototypeId) |
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.fetchLayoutSetPrototype(long layoutSetPrototypeId) |
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.fetchLayoutSetPrototypeByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the layout set prototype with the matching UUID and company.
ListType |
ListTypeLocalService.fetchListType(long listTypeId) |
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestLocalService.fetchMembershipRequest(long membershipRequestId) |
Organization |
OrganizationService.fetchOrganization(long organizationId)
Returns the organization with the primary key.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.fetchOrganization(long organizationId) |
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.fetchOrganization(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the organization with the name.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.fetchOrganizationByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the organization with the matching UUID and company.
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborLocalService.fetchOrgLabor(long orgLaborId) |
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyService.fetchPasswordPolicy(long passwordPolicyId) |
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.fetchPasswordPolicy(long passwordPolicyId) |
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.fetchPasswordPolicy(long companyId,
String name) |
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.fetchPasswordPolicyByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the password policy with the matching UUID and company.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.fetchPasswordPolicyRel(long passwordPolicyRelId) |
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.fetchPasswordPolicyRel(String className,
long classPK) |
PasswordTracker |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.fetchPasswordTracker(long passwordTrackerId) |
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.fetchPhone(long phoneId) |
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.fetchPhoneByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the phone with the matching UUID and company.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.fetchPluginSetting(long pluginSettingId) |
PortalPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.fetchPortalPreferences(long portalPreferencesId) |
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.fetchPortlet(long id) |
PortletDecorator |
ThemeLocalService.fetchPortletDecorator(long companyId,
String themeId,
String colorSchemeId) |
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.fetchPortletItem(long portletItemId) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.fetchPortletPreferences(long portletPreferencesId) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.fetchPreferences(long companyId,
long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.fetchPreferences(PortletPreferencesIds portletPreferencesIds) |
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.fetchRecentLayoutBranch(long recentLayoutBranchId) |
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.fetchRecentLayoutBranch(long userId,
long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid) |
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.fetchRecentLayoutRevision(long recentLayoutRevisionId) |
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.fetchRecentLayoutRevision(long userId,
long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid) |
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.fetchRecentLayoutSetBranch(long recentLayoutSetBranchId) |
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.fetchRecentLayoutSetBranch(long userId,
long layoutSetId) |
Region |
RegionService.fetchRegion(long regionId) |
Region |
RegionService.fetchRegion(long countryId,
String regionCode) |
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.fetchRelease(long releaseId) |
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.fetchRelease(String servletContextName) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.fetchRepository(long repositoryId) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.fetchRepository(long groupId,
String portletId) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.fetchRepository(long groupId,
String name,
String portletId) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.fetchRepositoryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the repository matching the UUID and group.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.fetchRepositoryEntry(long repositoryEntryId) |
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.fetchRepositoryEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the repository entry matching the UUID and group.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.fetchResourceAction(long resourceActionId) |
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.fetchResourceAction(String name,
String actionId) |
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.fetchResourceBlock(long resourceBlockId) |
ResourceBlockPermission |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.fetchResourceBlockPermission(long resourceBlockPermissionId) |
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.fetchResourcePermission(long resourcePermissionId) |
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.fetchResourcePermission(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long roleId) |
ResourceTypePermission |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.fetchResourceTypePermission(long resourceTypePermissionId) |
Role |
RoleLocalService.fetchRole(long roleId) |
Role |
RoleService.fetchRole(long roleId) |
Role |
RoleLocalService.fetchRole(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the role with the name in the company.
Role |
RoleLocalService.fetchRoleByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the role with the matching UUID and company.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceComponentLocalService.fetchServiceComponent(long serviceComponentId) |
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.fetchSubscription(long subscriptionId) |
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.fetchSubscription(long companyId,
long userId,
String className,
long classPK) |
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.fetchSystemEvent(long systemEventId) |
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.fetchSystemEvent(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int type) |
Team |
TeamLocalService.fetchTeam(long teamId) |
Team |
TeamLocalService.fetchTeam(long groupId,
String name) |
Team |
TeamLocalService.fetchTeamByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the team matching the UUID and group.
Theme |
ThemeLocalService.fetchTheme(long companyId,
String themeId) |
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.fetchTicket(long ticketId) |
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.fetchTicket(String key) |
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUser(long userId) |
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByContactId(long contactId)
Returns the user with the contact ID.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the user with the email address.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByFacebookId(long companyId,
long facebookId)
Returns the user with the Facebook ID.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByGoogleUserId(long companyId,
String googleUserId)
Returns the user with the Google user ID.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserById(long userId)
Returns the user with the primary key.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByOpenId(long companyId,
String openId)
Returns the user with the OpenID.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByPortraitId(long portraitId)
Returns the user with the portrait ID.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the user with the screen name.
User |
UserLocalService.fetchUserByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the user with the matching UUID and company.
UserGroup |
UserGroupService.fetchUserGroup(long userGroupId)
Fetches the user group with the primary key.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.fetchUserGroup(long userGroupId) |
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchUserGroup(long companyId,
long userId) |
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.fetchUserGroup(long companyId,
String name) |
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.fetchUserGroupByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the user group with the matching UUID and company.
UserGroupGroupRole |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.fetchUserGroupGroupRole(UserGroupGroupRolePK userGroupGroupRolePK) |
UserGroupRole |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.fetchUserGroupRole(UserGroupRolePK userGroupRolePK) |
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.fetchUserIdMapper(long userIdMapperId) |
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.fetchUserNotificationDelivery(long userNotificationDeliveryId) |
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.fetchUserNotificationDelivery(long userId,
String portletId,
long classNameId,
int notificationType,
int deliveryType) |
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.fetchUserNotificationEvent(long userNotificationEventId) |
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.fetchUserNotificationEventByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the user notification event with the matching UUID and company.
Group |
GroupLocalService.fetchUserPersonalSiteGroup(long companyId)
Returns the default user's personal site group.
UserTracker |
UserTrackerLocalService.fetchUserTracker(long userTrackerId) |
UserTrackerPath |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.fetchUserTrackerPath(long userTrackerPathId) |
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.fetchVirtualHost(long virtualHostId) |
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.fetchVirtualHost(long companyId,
long layoutSetId) |
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.fetchVirtualHost(String hostname) |
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.fetchWebDAVProps(long webDavPropsId) |
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.fetchWebsite(long websiteId) |
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.fetchWebsiteByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the website with the matching UUID and company.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.fetchWorkflowDefinitionLink(long workflowDefinitionLinkId) |
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.fetchWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK) |
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.fetchWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK,
boolean strict) |
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.fetchWorkflowInstanceLink(long workflowInstanceLinkId) |
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.fetchWorkflowInstanceLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
Account |
AccountLocalService.getAccount(long accountId)
Returns the account with the primary key.
Account |
AccountLocalService.getAccount(long companyId,
long accountId) |
List<Account> |
AccountLocalService.getAccounts(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the accounts.
int |
Returns the number of accounts.
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RoleLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ClassNameLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
MembershipRequestLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceActionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PhoneLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PortletLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ClusterGroupLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
GroupLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SystemEventLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ContactLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
OrganizationLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
OrgLaborLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AddressLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PortletItemLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserTrackerLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
CompanyLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
AccountLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
WebsiteLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RepositoryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
VirtualHostLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SubscriptionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ListTypeLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ImageLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ReleaseLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ServiceComponentLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PluginSettingLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
TicketLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
EmailAddressLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
TeamLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
long |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getActionId(String name,
String actionId) |
long |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getActionIds(String name,
List<String> actionIds) |
List<String> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getActionIds(String name,
long actionIdsLong) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getActiveGroups(long companyId,
boolean active)
Returns all the active or inactive groups associated with the company.
Address |
AddressLocalService.getAddress(long addressId)
Returns the address with the primary key.
Address |
AddressService.getAddress(long addressId) |
Address |
AddressLocalService.getAddressByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the address with the matching UUID and company.
List<Address> |
AddressLocalService.getAddresses() |
List<Address> |
AddressLocalService.getAddresses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the addresses.
List<Address> |
AddressLocalService.getAddresses(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
List<Address> |
AddressService.getAddresses(String className,
long classPK) |
int |
Returns the number of addresses.
List<Layout> |
LayoutService.getAncestorLayouts(long plid)
Returns all the ancestor layouts of the layout.
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean archived) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean actionRequired,
boolean archived) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean actionRequired,
boolean archived,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean archived,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean archived) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean actionRequired,
boolean archived) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean actionRequired,
boolean archived,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean archived,
int start,
int end) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
boolean archived) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
boolean actionRequired,
boolean archived) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean archived) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getArchivedUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean actionRequired,
boolean archived) |
String |
PortalService.getAutoDeployDirectory() |
Map<Long,Set<String>> |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getAvailableResourceBlockPermissionActionIds(long[] roleIds,
String name,
long primKey,
List<String> actionIds)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getAvailableResourceBlockPermissionActionIds(String, long,
List) |
Map<Long,Set<String>> |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getAvailableResourceBlockPermissionActionIds(String name,
long primKey,
List<String> actionIds) |
Map<Long,Set<String>> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getAvailableResourcePermissionActionIds(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
Collection<String> actionIds) |
Map<Long,Set<String>> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getAvailableResourcePermissionActionIds(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long[] roleIds,
Collection<String> actionIds)
List<String> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getAvailableResourcePermissionActionIds(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long roleId,
Collection<String> actionIds)
Returns the intersection of action IDs the role has permission at the
scope to perform on resources of the type.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.getBrowserTracker(long browserTrackerId)
Returns the browser tracker with the primary key.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.getBrowserTracker(long userId,
long browserKey) |
List<BrowserTracker> |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.getBrowserTrackers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the browser trackers.
int |
Returns the number of browser trackers.
int |
PortalService.getBuildNumber() |
int |
ReleaseLocalService.getBuildNumberOrCreate() |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getChildLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
long parentLayoutRevisionId,
long plid) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getChildLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
long parentLayoutRevision,
long plid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutRevision> orderByComparator) |
int |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getChildLayoutRevisionsCount(long layoutSetBranchId,
long parentLayoutRevision,
long plid) |
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.getClassName(long classNameId)
Returns the class name with the primary key.
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.getClassName(String value) |
long |
ClassNameLocalService.getClassNameId(Class<?> clazz) |
long |
ClassNameLocalService.getClassNameId(String value) |
List<ClassName> |
ClassNameLocalService.getClassNames(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the class names.
int |
Returns the number of class names.
ClusterGroup |
ClusterGroupLocalService.getClusterGroup(long clusterGroupId)
Returns the cluster group with the primary key.
List<ClusterGroup> |
ClusterGroupLocalService.getClusterGroups(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the cluster groups.
int |
Returns the number of cluster groups.
ColorScheme |
ThemeLocalService.getColorScheme(long companyId,
String themeId,
String colorSchemeId) |
List<Company> |
Returns all the companies.
List<Company> |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanies(boolean system)
Returns all the companies used by WSRP.
List<Company> |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanies(boolean system,
int start,
int end) |
List<Company> |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanies(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the companies.
int |
Returns the number of companies.
int |
CompanyLocalService.getCompaniesCount(boolean system)
Returns the number of companies used by WSRP.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.getCompany(long companyId)
Returns the company with the primary key.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanyById(long companyId)
Returns the company with the primary key.
Company |
CompanyService.getCompanyById(long companyId)
Returns the company with the primary key.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanyByLogoId(long logoId)
Returns the company with the logo.
Company |
CompanyService.getCompanyByLogoId(long logoId)
Returns the company with the logo.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanyByMx(String mx)
Returns the company with the mail domain.
Company |
CompanyService.getCompanyByMx(String mx)
Returns the company with the mail domian.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanyByVirtualHost(String virtualHostname)
Returns the company with the virtual host name.
Company |
CompanyService.getCompanyByVirtualHost(String virtualHost)
Returns the company with the virtual host name.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanyByWebId(String webId)
Returns the company with the web domain.
Company |
CompanyService.getCompanyByWebId(String webId)
Returns the company with the web domain.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getCompanyGroup(long companyId)
Returns the company group.
Group |
GroupService.getCompanyGroup(long companyId)
Returns the company group.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getCompanyGroups(long companyId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the groups associated with the company.
int |
GroupLocalService.getCompanyGroupsCount(long companyId)
Returns the number of groups associated with the company.
long |
CompanyLocalService.getCompanyIdByUserId(long userId)
Returns the user's company.
Image |
ImageLocalService.getCompanyLogo(long imageId) |
long |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getCompanyScopeActionIds(long companyId,
String name,
long roleId) |
List<String> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getCompanyScopePermissions(ResourceBlock resourceBlock,
long roleId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getCompanyUsers(long companyId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the users belonging to the company.
List<User> |
UserService.getCompanyUsers(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
UserLocalService.getCompanyUsersCount(long companyId)
Returns the number of users belonging to the company.
int |
UserService.getCompanyUsersCount(long companyId) |
Contact |
ContactLocalService.getContact(long contactId)
Returns the contact with the primary key.
Contact |
ContactService.getContact(long contactId) |
List<Contact> |
ContactLocalService.getContacts(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the contacts.
List<Contact> |
ContactLocalService.getContacts(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Contact> orderByComparator) |
List<Contact> |
ContactService.getContacts(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Contact> orderByComparator) |
int |
Returns the number of contacts.
int |
ContactLocalService.getContactsCount(long classNameId,
long classPK) |
int |
ContactService.getContactsCount(long classNameId,
long classPK) |
String |
LayoutTemplateLocalService.getContent(String layoutTemplateId,
boolean standard,
String themeId) |
List<Theme> |
ThemeLocalService.getControlPanelThemes(long companyId,
long userId) |
List<Country> |
CountryService.getCountries() |
List<Country> |
CountryService.getCountries(boolean active) |
Country |
CountryService.getCountry(long countryId) |
Country |
CountryService.getCountryByA2(String a2) |
Country |
CountryService.getCountryByA3(String a3) |
Country |
CountryService.getCountryByName(String name) |
User |
UserService.getCurrentUser() |
List<CustomAttributesDisplay> |
PortletLocalService.getCustomAttributesDisplays() |
Role |
RoleLocalService.getDefaultGroupRole(long groupId)
Returns the default role for the group with the primary key.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getDefaultPasswordPolicy(long companyId) |
long |
LayoutLocalService.getDefaultPlid(long groupId)
Returns the primary key of the default layout for the group
long |
LayoutLocalService.getDefaultPlid(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns primary key of the matching default layout for the group
long |
LayoutLocalService.getDefaultPlid(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String portletId)
Returns primary key of the default portlet layout for the group
long |
LayoutService.getDefaultPlid(long groupId,
long scopeGroupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String portletId)
Returns the primary key of the default layout for the group.
long |
LayoutService.getDefaultPlid(long groupId,
long scopeGroupId,
String portletId) |
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.getDefaultPluginSetting() |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getDefaultPreferences(long companyId,
String portletId) |
User |
UserLocalService.getDefaultUser(long companyId)
Returns the default user for the company.
long |
UserLocalService.getDefaultUserId(long companyId)
Returns the primary key of the default user for the company.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getDefaultWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean delivered) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean delivered,
boolean actionRequired) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean delivered,
boolean actionRequired,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
boolean delivered,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean delivered) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean delivered,
boolean actionRequired) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean delivered,
boolean actionRequired,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean delivered,
int start,
int end) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
boolean delivered) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
boolean delivered,
boolean actionRequired) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean delivered) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getDeliveredUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
int deliveryType,
boolean delivered,
boolean actionRequired) |
PortletCategory |
PortletLocalService.getEARDisplay(String xml) |
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressService.getEmailAddress(long emailAddressId) |
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.getEmailAddress(long emailAddressId)
Returns the email address with the primary key.
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.getEmailAddressByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the email address with the matching UUID and company.
List<EmailAddress> |
EmailAddressLocalService.getEmailAddresses() |
List<EmailAddress> |
EmailAddressLocalService.getEmailAddresses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the email addresses.
List<EmailAddress> |
EmailAddressLocalService.getEmailAddresses(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
List<EmailAddress> |
EmailAddressService.getEmailAddresses(String className,
long classPK) |
int |
Returns the number of email addresses.
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
RoleLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
PhoneLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
OrganizationLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
AddressLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
WebsiteLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
RepositoryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
UserLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
EmailAddressLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
TeamLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
Group |
GroupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(long companyId,
String friendlyURL)
Returns the group with the matching friendly URL.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.getFriendlyURLLayout(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String friendlyURL)
Returns the layout for the friendly URL
List<Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.getFriendlyURLMapperPortlets() |
List<FriendlyURLMapper> |
PortletLocalService.getFriendlyURLMappers() |
Group |
GroupLocalService.getGroup(long groupId)
Returns the group with the primary key.
Group |
GroupService.getGroup(long groupId)
Returns the group with the primary key.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getGroup(long companyId,
String groupKey)
Returns the group with the matching group key.
Group |
GroupService.getGroup(long companyId,
String groupKey)
Returns the group with the name.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getGroupByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the group with the matching UUID and company.
String |
GroupLocalService.getGroupDescriptiveName(Group group,
Locale locale)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
Group.getDescriptiveName(Locale) |
String |
GroupLocalService.getGroupDescriptiveName(long groupId,
Locale locale)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
Group.getDescriptiveName(Locale) |
String |
GroupService.getGroupDisplayURL(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
boolean secureConnection)
Returns the group's display URL.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getGroupOrganizations(long groupId) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getGroupOrganizations(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getGroupOrganizations(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Organization> orderByComparator) |
int |
OrganizationLocalService.getGroupOrganizationsCount(long groupId) |
long[] |
RoleLocalService.getGroupPrimaryKeys(long roleId)
Returns the groupIds of the groups associated with the role.
long[] |
OrganizationLocalService.getGroupPrimaryKeys(long organizationId)
Returns the groupIds of the groups associated with the organization.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getGroupPrimaryKeys(long userId)
Returns the groupIds of the groups associated with the user.
long[] |
UserGroupLocalService.getGroupPrimaryKeys(long userGroupId)
Returns the groupIds of the groups associated with the user group.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getGroupRelatedRoles(long groupId) |
List<Repository> |
RepositoryLocalService.getGroupRepositories(long groupId) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getGroupRoles(long groupId) |
List<Role> |
RoleService.getGroupRoles(long groupId)
Returns all the roles associated with the group.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getGroupRoles(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getGroupRoles(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> orderByComparator) |
int |
RoleLocalService.getGroupRolesCount(long groupId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getGroups(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the groups.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getGroups(long[] groupIds)
Returns the groups with the matching primary keys.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getGroups(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
boolean site)
Returns all the groups that are direct children of the parent group.
List<Group> |
GroupService.getGroups(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
boolean site)
Returns all the groups that are direct children of the parent group.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getGroups(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
boolean site,
boolean inheritContent) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getGroups(long companyId,
String className,
long parentGroupId)
Returns all the groups that are direct children of the parent group with
the matching className.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getGroups(long companyId,
String className,
long parentGroupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the groups that are direct children of the parent
group with the matching className.
long |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getGroupScopeActionIds(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
long roleId) |
List<String> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getGroupScopePermissions(ResourceBlock resourceBlock,
long roleId) |
List<ResourceTypePermission> |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getGroupScopeResourceTypePermissions(long companyId,
String name,
long roleId) |
int |
Returns the number of groups.
int |
GroupLocalService.getGroupsCount(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
boolean site)
Returns the number of groups that are direct children of the parent
int |
GroupLocalService.getGroupsCount(long companyId,
String className,
long parentGroupId)
Returns the number of groups that are direct children of the parent group
with the matching className.
List<Team> |
TeamService.getGroupTeams(long groupId) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getGroupTeams(long groupId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getGroupUserGroups(long groupId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getGroupUserGroups(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getGroupUserGroups(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<UserGroup> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserGroupLocalService.getGroupUserGroupsCount(long groupId) |
long[] |
UserLocalService.getGroupUserIds(long groupId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the group.
long[] |
UserService.getGroupUserIds(long groupId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the group.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getGroupUserOrganizations(long groupId,
long userId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getGroupUsers(long groupId) |
List<User> |
UserService.getGroupUsers(long groupId)
Returns all the users belonging to the group.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getGroupUsers(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getGroupUsers(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserLocalService.getGroupUsersCount(long groupId) |
int |
UserLocalService.getGroupUsersCount(long groupId,
int status)
Returns the number of users with the status belonging to the group.
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getGroupUserUserGroups(long groupId,
long userId) |
Image |
ImageService.getImage(long imageId) |
Image |
ImageLocalService.getImage(long imageId)
Returns the image with the primary key.
Image |
ImageLocalService.getImageOrDefault(long imageId) |
List<Image> |
ImageLocalService.getImages() |
List<Image> |
ImageLocalService.getImages(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the images.
List<Image> |
ImageLocalService.getImagesBySize(int size) |
int |
Returns the number of images.
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RoleLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ClassNameLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
MembershipRequestLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceActionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PhoneLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PortletLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ClusterGroupLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
GroupLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SystemEventLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ContactLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
OrganizationLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
OrgLaborLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AddressLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PortletItemLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserTrackerLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
CompanyLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
AccountLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
WebsiteLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RepositoryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
VirtualHostLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SubscriptionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ListTypeLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ImageLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ReleaseLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ServiceComponentLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PluginSettingLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
TicketLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
EmailAddressLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
LayoutSetLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
UserGroupLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
TeamLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getInheritedRoleUsers(long roleId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc) |
List<ServiceComponent> |
ServiceComponentLocalService.getLatestServiceComponents() |
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.getLayout(long plid)
Returns the layout with the primary key.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.getLayout(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long layoutId)
Returns the layout matching the primary key, group, and privacy; throws a
NoSuchLayoutException otherwise. |
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getLayoutBranch(long layoutBranchId)
Returns the layout branch with the primary key.
List<LayoutBranch> |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getLayoutBranches(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutBranch> orderByComparator) |
List<LayoutBranch> |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getLayoutBranchs(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout branchs.
int |
Returns the number of layout branchs.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutByIconImageId(long iconImageId)
Returns the layout for the icon image; throws a
NoSuchLayoutException otherwise. |
Layout |
LayoutService.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns the layout matching the UUID, group, and privacy.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns the layout matching the UUID, group, and privacy.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURL(long layoutFriendlyURLId)
Returns the layout friendly u r l with the primary key.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURL(long plid,
String languageId) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURL(long plid,
String languageId,
boolean useDefault) |
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURLByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the layout friendly u r l matching the UUID and group.
List<LayoutFriendlyURL> |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURLs(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout friendly u r ls.
List<LayoutFriendlyURL> |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURLs(long plid) |
List<LayoutFriendlyURL> |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURLs(long plid,
String friendlyURL,
int start,
int end) |
List<LayoutFriendlyURL> |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURLsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the layout friendly u r ls matching the UUID and company.
List<LayoutFriendlyURL> |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getLayoutFriendlyURLsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutFriendlyURL> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of layout friendly u r ls matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of layout friendly u r ls.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getLayoutGroup(long companyId,
long plid)
Returns the group associated with the layout.
String |
LayoutService.getLayoutName(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long layoutId,
String languageId)
Returns the name of the layout.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutPrototype(long layoutPrototypeId)
Returns the layout prototype with the primary key.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeService.getLayoutPrototype(long layoutPrototypeId) |
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutPrototypeByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the layout prototype with the matching UUID and company.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getLayoutPrototypeGroup(long companyId,
long layoutPrototypeId)
Returns the group associated with the layout prototype.
List<LayoutPrototype> |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutPrototypes(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout prototypes.
int |
Returns the number of layout prototypes.
LayoutReference[] |
LayoutService.getLayoutReferences(long companyId,
String portletId,
String preferencesKey,
String preferencesValue)
Returns the layout references for all the layouts that belong to the
company and belong to the portlet that matches the preferences.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevision(long layoutRevisionId)
Returns the layout revision with the primary key.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevision(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid,
boolean head) |
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevision(long layoutSetBranchId,
long layoutBranchId,
long plid) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout revisions.
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long plid) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
boolean head) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
int status) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid,
int status) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutRevision> orderByComparator) |
List<LayoutRevision> |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisions(long layoutSetBranchId,
long layoutBranchId,
long plid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutRevision> orderByComparator) |
int |
Returns the number of layout revisions.
int |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getLayoutRevisionsCount(long layoutSetBranchId,
long layoutBranchId,
long plid) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layouts.
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long companyId) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns all the layouts belonging to the group.
List<Layout> |
LayoutService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId)
Returns all the layouts belonging to the group that are children of the
parent layout.
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long[] layoutIds)
Returns all the layouts that match the layout IDs and belong to the
List<Layout> |
LayoutService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId,
boolean incomplete,
int start,
int end) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId,
boolean incomplete,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layouts belonging to the group that are
children of the parent layout.
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String type)
Returns all the layouts that match the type and belong to the group.
LayoutReference[] |
LayoutLocalService.getLayouts(long companyId,
String portletId,
String preferencesKey,
String preferencesValue)
Returns the layout references for all the layouts that belong to the
company and belong to the portlet that matches the preferences.
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsByLayoutPrototypeUuid(String layoutPrototypeUuid) |
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsByLayoutPrototypeUuidCount(String layoutPrototypeUuid) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the layouts matching the UUID and company.
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Layout> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of layouts matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of layouts.
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsCount(Group group,
boolean privateLayout) |
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsCount(Group group,
boolean privateLayout,
boolean includeUserGroups) |
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsCount(Group group,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId) |
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsCount(Group group,
boolean privateLayout,
long[] layoutIds) |
int |
LayoutService.getLayoutsCount(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId) |
int |
LayoutService.getLayoutsCount(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId,
int priority) |
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsCount(User user,
boolean privateLayout) |
int |
LayoutLocalService.getLayoutsCount(User user,
boolean privateLayout,
boolean includeUserGroups) |
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.getLayoutSet(long layoutSetId)
Returns the layout set with the primary key.
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.getLayoutSet(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout) |
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.getLayoutSet(String virtualHostname) |
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getLayoutSetBranch(long layoutSetBranchId)
Returns the layout set branch with the primary key.
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getLayoutSetBranch(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
String name) |
List<LayoutSetBranch> |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getLayoutSetBranches(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout) |
List<LayoutSetBranch> |
LayoutSetBranchService.getLayoutSetBranches(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout) |
List<LayoutBranch> |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getLayoutSetBranchLayoutBranches(long layoutSetBranchId) |
List<LayoutSetBranch> |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getLayoutSetBranchs(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout set branchs.
int |
Returns the number of layout set branchs.
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeService.getLayoutSetPrototype(long layoutSetPrototypeId) |
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutSetPrototype(long layoutSetPrototypeId)
Returns the layout set prototype with the primary key.
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutSetPrototypeByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the layout set prototype with the matching UUID and company.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getLayoutSetPrototypeGroup(long companyId,
long layoutSetPrototypeId)
Returns the group associated with the layout set prototype.
List<LayoutSetPrototype> |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutSetPrototypes(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout set prototypes.
List<LayoutSetPrototype> |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getLayoutSetPrototypes(long companyId) |
int |
Returns the number of layout set prototypes.
List<LayoutSet> |
LayoutSetLocalService.getLayoutSets(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the layout sets.
List<LayoutSet> |
LayoutSetLocalService.getLayoutSetsByLayoutSetPrototypeUuid(String layoutSetPrototypeUuid) |
int |
Returns the number of layout sets.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getLayoutsGroups(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
boolean site,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns a range of all groups that are children of the parent group and
that have at least one layout.
int |
GroupLocalService.getLayoutsGroupsCount(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
boolean site)
Returns the number of groups that are children or the parent group and
that have at least one layout
LayoutTemplate |
LayoutTemplateLocalService.getLayoutTemplate(String layoutTemplateId,
boolean standard,
String themeId) |
List<LayoutTemplate> |
LayoutTemplateLocalService.getLayoutTemplates() |
List<LayoutTemplate> |
LayoutTemplateLocalService.getLayoutTemplates(String themeId) |
ListType |
ListTypeService.getListType(long listTypeId) |
ListType |
ListTypeLocalService.getListType(long listTypeId)
Returns the list type with the primary key.
List<ListType> |
ListTypeLocalService.getListTypes(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the list types.
List<ListType> |
ListTypeService.getListTypes(String type) |
List<ListType> |
ListTypeLocalService.getListTypes(String type) |
int |
Returns the number of list types.
List<Group> |
Returns all live groups.
List<Group> |
GroupService.getManageableSiteGroups(Collection<Portlet> portlets,
int max)
Returns a range of all the site groups for which the user has control
panel access.
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getMasterLayoutBranch(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid) |
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getMasterLayoutBranch(long layoutSetBranchId,
long plid,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getMasterLayoutSetBranch(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout) |
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestLocalService.getMembershipRequest(long membershipRequestId)
Returns the membership request with the primary key.
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestService.getMembershipRequest(long membershipRequestId) |
List<MembershipRequest> |
MembershipRequestLocalService.getMembershipRequests(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the membership requests.
List<MembershipRequest> |
MembershipRequestLocalService.getMembershipRequests(long userId,
long groupId,
long statusId) |
int |
Returns the number of membership requests.
long |
LayoutLocalService.getNextLayoutId(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns the primary key to use for the next layout.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getNoAnnouncementsDeliveries(String type)
Returns all the users who have not had any announcements of the type
delivered, excluding the default user.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getNoAssetOrganizations() |
List<User> |
Returns all the users who do not have any contacts.
List<User> |
Returns all the users who do not belong to any groups, excluding the
default user.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getNoLayoutsGroups(String className,
boolean privateLayout,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all non-system groups of a specified type (className)
that have no layouts.
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getNoPermissionLayouts(long roleId)
Returns all the layouts without resource permissions
List<Group> |
Returns all non-system groups having
null or empty friendly
URLs. |
List<Layout> |
Returns all the layouts whose friendly URLs are
null |
Organization |
OrganizationService.getOrganization(long organizationId)
Returns the organization with the primary key.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganization(long organizationId)
Returns the organization with the primary key.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganization(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the organization with the name.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizationByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the organization with the matching UUID and company.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationGroup(long companyId,
long organizationId)
Returns the specified organization group.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationGroups(long organizationId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationGroups(long organizationId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationGroups(long organizationId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> orderByComparator) |
int |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationGroupsCount(long organizationId) |
long |
OrganizationService.getOrganizationId(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the primary key of the organization with the name.
long |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizationId(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the primary key of the organization with the name.
long[] |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationPrimaryKeys(long groupId)
Returns the organizationIds of the organizations associated with the group.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationPrimaryKeys(long userId)
Returns the organizationIds of the organizations associated with the user.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizations(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the organizations.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizations(long[] organizationIds)
Returns the organizations with the primary keys.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizations(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Organization> obc) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationService.getOrganizations(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId)
Returns all the organizations belonging to the parent organization.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizations(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId)
Returns all the organizations belonging to the parent organization.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationService.getOrganizations(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the organizations belonging to the parent
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizations(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the organizations belonging to the parent
int |
Returns the number of organizations.
int |
OrganizationService.getOrganizationsCount(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId)
Returns the number of organizations belonging to the parent organization.
int |
OrganizationLocalService.getOrganizationsCount(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId)
Returns the number of organizations belonging to the parent organization.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationsGroups(List<Organization> organizations)
Returns the specified organization groups.
List<Group> |
GroupService.getOrganizationsGroups(List<Organization> organizations)
Returns the groups associated with the organizations.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getOrganizationsRelatedGroups(List<Organization> organizations)
Returns all the groups related to the organizations.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationUserIds(long organizationId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the organization.
long[] |
UserService.getOrganizationUserIds(long organizationId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the organization.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationUsers(long organizationId) |
List<User> |
UserService.getOrganizationUsers(long organizationId)
Returns all the users belonging to the organization.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationUsers(long organizationId,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationUsers(long organizationId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationUsersCount(long organizationId) |
int |
UserLocalService.getOrganizationUsersCount(long organizationId,
int status)
Returns the number of users with the status belonging to the
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborLocalService.getOrgLabor(long orgLaborId)
Returns the org labor with the primary key.
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborService.getOrgLabor(long orgLaborId) |
List<OrgLabor> |
OrgLaborLocalService.getOrgLabors(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the org labors.
List<OrgLabor> |
OrgLaborLocalService.getOrgLabors(long organizationId) |
List<OrgLabor> |
OrgLaborService.getOrgLabors(long organizationId) |
int |
Returns the number of org labors.
List<Theme> |
ThemeLocalService.getPageThemes(long companyId,
long groupId,
long userId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getParentGroups(long groupId)
Returns the group followed by all its parent groups ordered by closest
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.getParentLayout(Layout layout) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getParentOrganizations(long organizationId)
Returns the parent organizations in order by closest ancestor.
List<PasswordPolicy> |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getPasswordPolicies(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the password policies.
int |
Returns the number of password policies.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getPasswordPolicy(long passwordPolicyId)
Returns the password policy with the primary key.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getPasswordPolicy(long companyId,
long[] organizationIds) |
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getPasswordPolicyByUserId(long userId) |
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getPasswordPolicyByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the password policy with the matching UUID and company.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getPasswordPolicyRel(long passwordPolicyRelId)
Returns the password policy rel with the primary key.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getPasswordPolicyRel(long passwordPolicyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getPasswordPolicyRel(String className,
long classPK) |
List<PasswordPolicyRel> |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getPasswordPolicyRels(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the password policy rels.
int |
Returns the number of password policy rels.
PasswordTracker |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.getPasswordTracker(long passwordTrackerId)
Returns the password tracker with the primary key.
List<PasswordTracker> |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.getPasswordTrackers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the password trackers.
int |
Returns the number of password trackers.
PermissionedModel |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getPermissionedModel(String name,
long primKey) |
List<String> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getPermissions(ResourceBlock resourceBlock,
long roleId) |
PersistedModel |
RoleLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ClassNameLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
MembershipRequestLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ResourceActionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PhoneLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PortletLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutBranchLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ClusterGroupLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
GroupLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SystemEventLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ContactLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
OrganizationLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
OrgLaborLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AddressLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PortletItemLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserTrackerLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
CompanyLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
AccountLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
WebsiteLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
RepositoryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
VirtualHostLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SubscriptionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ListTypeLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ImageLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ReleaseLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ServiceComponentLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PluginSettingLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
TicketLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
EmailAddressLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
LayoutSetLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
UserGroupLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
TeamLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.getPhone(long phoneId)
Returns the phone with the primary key.
Phone |
PhoneService.getPhone(long phoneId) |
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.getPhoneByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the phone with the matching UUID and company.
List<Phone> |
PhoneLocalService.getPhones() |
List<Phone> |
PhoneLocalService.getPhones(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the phones.
List<Phone> |
PhoneLocalService.getPhones(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
List<Phone> |
PhoneService.getPhones(String className,
long classPK) |
int |
Returns the number of phones.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.getPluginSetting(long pluginSettingId)
Returns the plugin setting with the primary key.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.getPluginSetting(long companyId,
String pluginId,
String pluginType) |
List<PluginSetting> |
PluginSettingLocalService.getPluginSettings(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the plugin settings.
int |
Returns the number of plugin settings.
PortalPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getPortalPreferences(long portalPreferencesId)
Returns the portal preferences with the primary key.
List<PortalPreferences> |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getPortalPreferenceses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the portal preferenceses.
int |
Returns the number of portal preferenceses.
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.getPortlet(long id)
Returns the portlet with the primary key.
PortletApp |
PortletLocalService.getPortletApp(String servletContextName) |
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.getPortletById(long companyId,
String portletId) |
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.getPortletById(String portletId) |
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.getPortletByStrutsPath(long companyId,
String strutsPath) |
PortletDecorator |
ThemeLocalService.getPortletDecorator(long companyId,
String themeId,
String portletDecoratorId) |
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.getPortletItem(long portletItemId)
Returns the portlet item with the primary key.
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.getPortletItem(long groupId,
String name,
String portletId,
String className) |
List<PortletItem> |
PortletItemLocalService.getPortletItems(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the portlet items.
List<PortletItem> |
PortletItemLocalService.getPortletItems(long groupId,
String className) |
List<PortletItem> |
PortletItemLocalService.getPortletItems(long groupId,
String portletId,
String className) |
int |
Returns the number of portlet items.
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences() |
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences(int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences(long portletPreferencesId)
Returns the portlet preferences with the primary key.
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences(long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences(long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId) |
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences(long companyId,
long groupId,
long ownerId,
int ownerType,
String portletId,
boolean privateLayout) |
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferences(long plid,
String portletId) |
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferencesByPlid(long plid) |
long |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferencesCount(int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId) |
long |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferencesCount(int ownerType,
String portletId) |
long |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferencesCount(long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid,
Portlet portlet,
boolean excludeDefaultPreferences) |
long |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferencesCount(long ownerId,
int ownerType,
String portletId,
boolean excludeDefaultPreferences) |
List<PortletPreferences> |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPortletPreferenceses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the portlet preferenceses.
int |
Returns the number of portlet preferenceses.
List<Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.getPortlets() |
List<Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.getPortlets(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the portlets.
List<Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.getPortlets(long companyId) |
List<Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.getPortlets(long companyId,
boolean showSystem,
boolean showPortal) |
int |
Returns the number of portlets.
PortletPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getPreferences(long ownerId,
int ownerType) |
PortletPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.getPreferences(long ownerId,
int ownerType,
String defaultPreferences) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPreferences(long companyId,
long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPreferences(long companyId,
long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId,
String defaultPreferences) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getPreferences(PortletPreferencesIds portletPreferencesIds) |
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.getRecentLayoutBranch(long recentLayoutBranchId)
Returns the recent layout branch with the primary key.
List<RecentLayoutBranch> |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.getRecentLayoutBranchs(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the recent layout branchs.
int |
Returns the number of recent layout branchs.
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.getRecentLayoutRevision(long recentLayoutRevisionId)
Returns the recent layout revision with the primary key.
List<RecentLayoutRevision> |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.getRecentLayoutRevisions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the recent layout revisions.
int |
Returns the number of recent layout revisions.
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.getRecentLayoutSetBranch(long recentLayoutSetBranchId)
Returns the recent layout set branch with the primary key.
List<RecentLayoutSetBranch> |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.getRecentLayoutSetBranchs(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the recent layout set branchs.
int |
Returns the number of recent layout set branchs.
Region |
RegionService.getRegion(long regionId) |
Region |
RegionService.getRegion(long countryId,
String regionCode) |
List<Region> |
RegionService.getRegions() |
List<Region> |
RegionService.getRegions(boolean active) |
List<Region> |
RegionService.getRegions(long countryId) |
List<Region> |
RegionService.getRegions(long countryId,
boolean active) |
String |
ClassNameLocalService.getRegistryName() |
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.getRelease(long releaseId)
Returns the release with the primary key.
List<Release> |
ReleaseLocalService.getReleases(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the releases.
int |
Returns the number of releases.
List<Repository> |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepositories(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the repositories.
List<Repository> |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepositoriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the repositories matching the UUID and company.
List<Repository> |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepositoriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Repository> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of repositories matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of repositories.
Repository |
RepositoryService.getRepository(long repositoryId) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepository(long repositoryId)
Returns the repository with the primary key.
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepository(long groupId,
String portletId) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepository(long groupId,
String name,
String portletId) |
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.getRepositoryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the repository matching the UUID and group.
List<RepositoryEntry> |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the repository entries.
List<RepositoryEntry> |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntries(long repositoryId) |
List<RepositoryEntry> |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the repository entries matching the UUID and company.
List<RepositoryEntry> |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntriesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<RepositoryEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of repository entries matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of repository entries.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntry(long repositoryEntryId)
Returns the repository entry with the primary key.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntry(long userId,
long groupId,
long repositoryId,
String objectId) |
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntry(String uuid,
long groupId) |
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.getRepositoryEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the repository entry matching the UUID and group.
Resource |
ResourceLocalService.getResource(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey)
Returns a new resource with the name and primary key at the scope.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.getResourceAction(long resourceActionId)
Returns the resource action with the primary key.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.getResourceAction(String name,
String actionId) |
List<ResourceAction> |
ResourceActionLocalService.getResourceActions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the resource actions.
List<ResourceAction> |
ResourceActionLocalService.getResourceActions(String name) |
int |
Returns the number of resource actions.
int |
ResourceActionLocalService.getResourceActionsCount(String name) |
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getResourceBlock(long resourceBlockId)
Returns the resource block with the primary key.
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getResourceBlock(String name,
long primKey) |
List<Long> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getResourceBlockIds(ResourceBlockIdsBag resourceBlockIdsBag,
String name,
String actionId) |
ResourceBlockIdsBag |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getResourceBlockIdsBag(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
long[] roleIds) |
ResourceBlockPermission |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getResourceBlockPermission(long resourceBlockPermissionId)
Returns the resource block permission with the primary key.
List<ResourceBlockPermission> |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getResourceBlockPermissions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the resource block permissions.
ResourceBlockPermissionsContainer |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getResourceBlockPermissionsContainer(long resourceBlockId) |
ResourceBlockPermissionsContainer |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getResourceBlockPermissionsContainer(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name) |
int |
Returns the number of resource block permissions.
int |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.getResourceBlockPermissionsCount(long resourceBlockId,
long roleId) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getResourceBlockRoles(long resourceBlockId,
String className,
String actionId) |
List<ResourceBlock> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getResourceBlocks(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the resource blocks.
int |
Returns the number of resource blocks.
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getResourcePermission(long resourcePermissionId)
Returns the resource permission with the primary key.
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getResourcePermission(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long roleId)
Returns the resource permission for the role at the scope to perform the
actions on resources of the type.
List<ResourcePermission> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getResourcePermissions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the resource permissions.
List<ResourcePermission> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getResourcePermissions(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey)
Returns all the resource permissions at the scope of the type.
int |
Returns the number of resource permissions.
int |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getResourcePermissionsCount(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey)
Returns the number of resource permissions at the scope of the type.
List<ResourcePermission> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getResourceResourcePermissions(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
String primKey)
Returns the resource permissions that apply to the resource.
Map<String,List<String>> |
RoleLocalService.getResourceRoles(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey)
Returns a map of role names to associated action IDs for the named
resource in the company within the permission scope.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getResourceRoles(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
String actionId)
Returns all the roles associated with the action ID in the company within
the permission scope.
ResourceTypePermission |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getResourceTypePermission(long resourceTypePermissionId)
Returns the resource type permission with the primary key.
List<ResourceTypePermission> |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getResourceTypePermissions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the resource type permissions.
int |
Returns the number of resource type permissions.
Role |
RoleLocalService.getRole(long roleId)
Returns the role with the primary key.
Role |
RoleService.getRole(long roleId)
Returns the role with the primary key.
Role |
RoleLocalService.getRole(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the role with the name in the company.
Role |
RoleService.getRole(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the role with the name in the company.
Role |
RoleLocalService.getRoleByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the role with the matching UUID and company.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getRoleGroups(long roleId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getRoleGroups(long roleId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getRoleGroups(long roleId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> orderByComparator) |
int |
GroupLocalService.getRoleGroupsCount(long roleId) |
long[] |
GroupLocalService.getRolePrimaryKeys(long groupId)
Returns the roleIds of the roles associated with the group.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getRolePrimaryKeys(long userId)
Returns the roleIds of the roles associated with the user.
List<ResourcePermission> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getRoleResourcePermissions(long roleId)
Returns all the resource permissions for the role.
List<ResourcePermission> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getRoleResourcePermissions(long roleId,
int[] scopes,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the resource permissions for the role at the
List<ResourceTypePermission> |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.getRoleResourceTypePermissions(long roleId) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getRoles(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the roles.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getRoles(int type,
String subtype)
Returns all the roles of the type and subtype.
List<Role> |
RoleService.getRoles(int type,
String subtype) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getRoles(long companyId)
Returns all the roles in the company.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getRoles(long[] roleIds)
Returns all the roles with the primary keys.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getRoles(long companyId,
int[] types)
Returns all the roles with the types.
List<Role> |
RoleService.getRoles(long companyId,
int[] types) |
List<Role> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getRoles(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
String actionId) |
List<Role> |
ResourceBlockLocalService.getRoles(String name,
long primKey,
String actionId) |
int |
Returns the number of roles.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getRoleUserIds(long roleId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the role.
long[] |
UserService.getRoleUserIds(long roleId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the role.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getRoleUsers(long roleId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getRoleUsers(long roleId,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getRoleUsers(long roleId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserLocalService.getRoleUsersCount(long roleId) |
int |
UserLocalService.getRoleUsersCount(long roleId,
int status)
Returns the number of users with the status belonging to the role.
List<Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.getScopablePortlets() |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getScopeGroupLayouts(long parentGroupId) |
List<Layout> |
LayoutLocalService.getScopeGroupLayouts(long parentGroupId,
boolean privateLayout)
Returns all the layouts within scope of the group
List<ResourcePermission> |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.getScopeResourcePermissions(int[] scopes)
Returns all the resource permissions where scope = any ?.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceComponentLocalService.getServiceComponent(long serviceComponentId)
Returns the service component with the primary key.
List<ServiceComponent> |
ServiceComponentLocalService.getServiceComponents(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the service components.
int |
Returns the number of service components.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long userId,
int socialRelationType,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long, int,
String, int, int, OrderByComparator) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long, int,
String, int, int, OrderByComparator) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long userId,
int socialRelationType,
String socialRelationTypeComparator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long userId1,
long userId2,
int socialRelationType,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the users with a mutual social relation
of the type with both of the given users.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsers(long userId1,
long userId2,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the users with a mutual social relation
with both of the given users.
int |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsersCount(long userId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
int, String) |
int |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsersCount(long userId,
int socialRelationType)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
int, String) |
int |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsersCount(long userId,
int socialRelationType,
String socialRelationTypeComparator)
Returns the number of users with a social relation with the user.
int |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsersCount(long userId1,
long userId2)
Returns the number of users with a mutual social relation with both of
the given users.
int |
UserLocalService.getSocialUsersCount(long userId1,
long userId2,
int socialRelationType)
Returns the number of users with a mutual social relation of the type
with both of the given users.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getStagedSites() |
Group |
GroupLocalService.getStagingGroup(long liveGroupId)
Returns the staging group.
String |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getState(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getStrictPreferences(long companyId,
long ownerId,
int ownerType,
long plid,
String portletId) |
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.getStrictPreferences(PortletPreferencesIds portletPreferencesIds) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getSuborganizations(List<Organization> organizations)
Returns the suborganizations of the organizations.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getSuborganizations(long companyId,
long organizationId)
Returns the suborganizations of the organization.
int |
OrganizationLocalService.getSuborganizationsCount(long companyId,
long organizationId)
Returns the count of suborganizations of the organization.
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.getSubscription(long subscriptionId)
Returns the subscription with the primary key.
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.getSubscription(long companyId,
long userId,
String className,
long classPK)
Returns the subscription of the user to the entity.
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionLocalService.getSubscriptions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the subscriptions.
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionLocalService.getSubscriptions(long companyId,
long userId,
String className,
long[] classPKs)
Returns all the subscriptions of the user to the entities.
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionLocalService.getSubscriptions(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK)
Returns all the subscriptions to the entity.
int |
Returns the number of subscriptions.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getSubsetOrganizations(List<Organization> allOrganizations,
List<Organization> availableOrganizations)
Returns the intersection of
allOrganizations and
availableOrganizations . |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getSubtypeRoles(String subtype)
Returns all the roles of the subtype.
int |
RoleLocalService.getSubtypeRolesCount(String subtype)
Returns the number of roles of the subtype.
String[] |
RepositoryService.getSupportedConfigurations(long classNameId)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
String[] |
RepositoryService.getSupportedParameters(long classNameId,
String configuration)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
String[] |
RepositoryService.getSupportedParameters(String className,
String configuration)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.getSystemEvent(long systemEventId)
Returns the system event with the primary key.
List<SystemEvent> |
SystemEventLocalService.getSystemEvents(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the system events.
List<SystemEvent> |
SystemEventLocalService.getSystemEvents(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK) |
List<SystemEvent> |
SystemEventLocalService.getSystemEvents(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int type) |
int |
Returns the number of system events.
Team |
TeamService.getTeam(long teamId) |
Team |
TeamLocalService.getTeam(long teamId)
Returns the team with the primary key.
Team |
TeamService.getTeam(long groupId,
String name) |
Team |
TeamLocalService.getTeam(long groupId,
String name) |
Team |
TeamLocalService.getTeamByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the team matching the UUID and group.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getTeamPrimaryKeys(long userId)
Returns the teamIds of the teams associated with the user.
long[] |
UserGroupLocalService.getTeamPrimaryKeys(long userGroupId)
Returns the teamIds of the teams associated with the user group.
Role |
RoleLocalService.getTeamRole(long companyId,
long teamId)
Returns the team role in the company.
Map<Team,Role> |
RoleLocalService.getTeamRoleMap(long groupId)
Returns the team role map for the group.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getTeamRoles(long groupId)
Returns the team roles in the group.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getTeamRoles(long groupId,
long[] excludedRoleIds)
Returns the team roles in the group, excluding the specified role IDs.
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getTeams(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the teams.
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getTeamsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the teams matching the UUID and company.
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getTeamsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Team> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of teams matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of teams.
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getTeamUserGroups(long teamId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getTeamUserGroups(long teamId,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getTeamUserGroups(long teamId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<UserGroup> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserGroupLocalService.getTeamUserGroupsCount(long teamId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getTeamUsers(long teamId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getTeamUsers(long teamId,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getTeamUsers(long teamId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserLocalService.getTeamUsersCount(long teamId) |
String[] |
LayoutService.getTempFileNames(long groupId,
String folderName) |
Theme |
ThemeLocalService.getTheme(long companyId,
String themeId) |
List<Theme> |
ThemeLocalService.getThemes(long companyId) |
List<Theme> |
ThemeService.getThemes(long companyId) |
List<Theme> |
ThemeLocalService.getThemes(long companyId,
long groupId,
long userId,
boolean wapTheme)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
ThemeLocalService.getPageThemes(long, long, long) |
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.getTicket(long ticketId)
Returns the ticket with the primary key.
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.getTicket(String key) |
List<Ticket> |
TicketLocalService.getTickets(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the tickets.
int |
Returns the number of tickets.
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getTypeNotificationEvents(String type) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getTypeRoles(int type)
Returns all the roles of the type.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getTypeRoles(int type,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the roles of the type.
int |
RoleLocalService.getTypeRolesCount(int type)
Returns the number of roles of the type.
UnicodeProperties |
RepositoryService.getTypeSettingsProperties(long repositoryId) |
UnicodeProperties |
RepositoryLocalService.getTypeSettingsProperties(long repositoryId) |
User |
UserLocalService.getUser(long userId)
Returns the user with the primary key.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByContactId(long contactId)
Returns the user with the contact ID.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the user with the email address.
User |
UserService.getUserByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the user with the email address.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByFacebookId(long companyId,
long facebookId)
Returns the user with the Facebook ID.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByGoogleUserId(long companyId,
String googleUserId)
Returns the user with the Google user ID.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserById(long userId)
Returns the user with the primary key.
User |
UserService.getUserById(long userId)
Returns the user with the primary key.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserById(long companyId,
long userId)
Returns the user with the primary key from the company.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByOpenId(long companyId,
String openId)
Returns the user with the OpenID.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByPortraitId(long portraitId)
Returns the user with the portrait ID.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the user with the screen name.
User |
UserService.getUserByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the user with the screen name.
User |
UserLocalService.getUserByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the user with the matching UUID and company.
UserGroup |
UserGroupService.getUserGroup(long userGroupId)
Returns the user group with the primary key.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserGroup(long userGroupId)
Returns the user group with the primary key.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroup(long companyId,
long userId)
Returns the group directly associated with the user.
Group |
GroupService.getUserGroup(long companyId,
long userId)
Returns the group directly associated with the user.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserGroup(long companyId,
String name)
Returns the user group with the name.
UserGroup |
UserGroupService.getUserGroup(String name)
Returns the user group with the name.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserGroupByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the user group with the matching UUID and company.
Group |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupGroup(long companyId,
long userGroupId)
Returns the specified "user group" group.
UserGroupGroupRole |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRole(UserGroupGroupRolePK userGroupGroupRolePK)
Returns the user group group role with the primary key.
List<UserGroupGroupRole> |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRoles(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user group group roles.
List<UserGroupGroupRole> |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRoles(long userGroupId) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId)
Returns all the user's roles within the user group.
List<UserGroupGroupRole> |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRoles(long userGroupId,
long groupId) |
List<Role> |
RoleService.getUserGroupGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId)
Returns all the user's roles within the user group.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserGroupGroupRole> |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRolesByGroupAndRole(long groupId,
long roleId) |
List<UserGroupGroupRole> |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRolesByUser(long userId) |
int |
Returns the number of user group group roles.
int |
RoleLocalService.getUserGroupGroupRolesCount(long userId,
long groupId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupGroups(long userGroupId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupGroups(long userGroupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupGroups(long userGroupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> orderByComparator) |
int |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupGroupsCount(long userGroupId) |
long[] |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupPrimaryKeys(long groupId)
Returns the userGroupIds of the user groups associated with the group.
long[] |
UserLocalService.getUserGroupPrimaryKeys(long userId)
Returns the userGroupIds of the user groups associated with the user.
long[] |
TeamLocalService.getUserGroupPrimaryKeys(long teamId)
Returns the userGroupIds of the user groups associated with the team.
UserGroupRole |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRole(UserGroupRolePK userGroupRolePK)
Returns the user group role with the primary key.
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRoles(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user group roles.
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRoles(long userId) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId)
Returns all the user's roles within the user group.
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId) |
List<Role> |
RoleService.getUserGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId)
Returns all the user's roles within the user group.
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRoles(long userId,
long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRolesByGroup(long groupId) |
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRolesByGroupAndRole(long groupId,
long roleId) |
List<UserGroupRole> |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRolesByUserUserGroupAndGroup(long userId,
long groupId) |
int |
Returns the number of user group roles.
int |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRolesCount(long userId,
long groupId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserGroups(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user groups.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long userId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupService.getUserGroups(long companyId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long companyId)
Returns all the user groups belonging to the company.
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long[] userGroupIds)
Returns all the user groups with the primary keys.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long userId,
boolean inherit)
Returns all the user's site groups and immediate organization groups,
optionally including the user's inherited organization groups and user
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long userId,
boolean inherit,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the user's site groups and immediate
organization groups, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroups(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> orderByComparator) |
int |
Returns the number of user groups.
int |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupsCount(long userId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupsGroups(List<UserGroup> userGroups)
Returns the groups associated with the user groups.
List<Group> |
GroupService.getUserGroupsGroups(List<UserGroup> userGroups)
Returns the groups associated with the user groups.
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserGroupsRelatedGroups(List<UserGroup> userGroups)
Returns all the groups related to the user groups.
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserGroupTeams(long userGroupId) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserGroupTeams(long userGroupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserGroupTeams(long userGroupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Team> orderByComparator) |
int |
TeamLocalService.getUserGroupTeamsCount(long userGroupId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId) |
List<User> |
UserService.getUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserLocalService.getUserGroupUsersCount(long userGroupId) |
int |
UserLocalService.getUserGroupUsersCount(long userGroupId,
int status)
Returns the number of users with the status belonging to the user group.
long |
UserLocalService.getUserIdByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the primary key of the user with the email address.
long |
UserService.getUserIdByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the primary key of the user with the email address.
long |
UserLocalService.getUserIdByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the primary key of the user with the screen name.
long |
UserService.getUserIdByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the primary key of the user with the screen name.
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getUserIdMapper(long userIdMapperId)
Returns the user ID mapper with the primary key.
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getUserIdMapper(long userId,
String type) |
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getUserIdMapperByExternalUserId(String type,
String externalUserId) |
List<UserIdMapper> |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getUserIdMappers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user ID mappers.
List<UserIdMapper> |
UserIdMapperLocalService.getUserIdMappers(long userId) |
int |
Returns the number of user ID mappers.
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.getUserLayoutSetBranch(long userId,
long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long layoutSetId,
long layoutSetBranchId) |
List<UserNotificationDelivery> |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.getUserNotificationDeliveries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user notification deliveries.
int |
Returns the number of user notification deliveries.
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.getUserNotificationDelivery(long userNotificationDeliveryId)
Returns the user notification delivery with the primary key.
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.getUserNotificationDelivery(long userId,
String portletId,
long classNameId,
int notificationType,
int deliveryType,
boolean deliver) |
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEvent(long userNotificationEventId)
Returns the user notification event with the primary key.
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEventByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the user notification event with the matching UUID and company.
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEvents(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user notification events.
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEvents(long userId) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserNotificationEvent> |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEvents(long userId,
int deliveryType,
int start,
int end) |
int |
Returns the number of user notification events.
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
int deliveryType) |
int |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.getUserNotificationEventsCount(long userId,
String type,
int deliveryType,
boolean archived) |
long[] |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserOrganizationIds(long userId,
boolean includeAdministrative)
Returns all the IDs of organizations with which the user is explicitly
associated, optionally including the IDs of organizations that the user
administers or owns.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationService.getUserOrganizations(long userId)
Returns all the organizations with which the user is explicitly
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserOrganizations(long userId) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserOrganizations(long userId,
boolean includeAdministrative)
Returns all the organizations with which the user is explicitly
associated, optionally including the organizations that the user
administers or owns.
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserOrganizations(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserOrganizations(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Organization> orderByComparator) |
int |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserOrganizationsCount(long userId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserOrganizationsGroups(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns the range of all groups associated with the user's organization
groups, including the ancestors of the organization groups, unless portal
organizations.membership.strict is set to
true . |
List<Group> |
GroupService.getUserOrganizationsGroups(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns the range of all groups associated with the user's organization
groups, including the ancestors of the organization groups, unless portal
organizations.membership.strict is set to
true . |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserOrUserGroupTeams(long groupId,
long userId) |
Group |
GroupLocalService.getUserPersonalSiteGroup(long companyId)
Returns the default user's personal site group.
long[] |
RoleLocalService.getUserPrimaryKeys(long roleId)
Returns the userIds of the users associated with the role.
long[] |
GroupLocalService.getUserPrimaryKeys(long groupId)
Returns the userIds of the users associated with the group.
long[] |
OrganizationLocalService.getUserPrimaryKeys(long organizationId)
Returns the userIds of the users associated with the organization.
long[] |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserPrimaryKeys(long userGroupId)
Returns the userIds of the users associated with the user group.
long[] |
TeamLocalService.getUserPrimaryKeys(long teamId)
Returns the userIds of the users associated with the team.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserRelatedRoles(long userId,
List<Group> groups)
Returns the union of all the user's roles within the groups.
List<Role> |
RoleService.getUserRelatedRoles(long userId,
List<Group> groups)
Returns the union of all the user's roles within the groups.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserRelatedRoles(long userId,
long groupId)
Returns all the user's roles within the group.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserRelatedRoles(long userId,
long[] groupIds)
Returns the union of all the user's roles within the groups.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserRoles(long userId) |
List<Role> |
RoleService.getUserRoles(long userId)
Returns all the roles associated with the user.
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserRoles(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Role> |
RoleLocalService.getUserRoles(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> orderByComparator) |
int |
RoleLocalService.getUserRolesCount(long userId) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getUsers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the users.
List<User> |
UserLocalService.getUsers(long companyId,
boolean defaultUser,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc) |
int |
Returns the number of users.
int |
UserLocalService.getUsersCount(long companyId,
boolean defaultUser,
int status) |
List<Group> |
GroupService.getUserSitesGroups() |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserSitesGroups(long userId) |
List<Group> |
GroupLocalService.getUserSitesGroups(long userId,
boolean includeAdministrative) |
List<Group> |
GroupService.getUserSitesGroups(long userId,
String[] classNames,
int max)
Returns the user's groups "sites" associated with the group
entity class names, including the Control Panel group if the user is
permitted to view the Control Panel.
List<Group> |
GroupService.getUserSitesGroups(String[] classNames,
int max)
Returns the guest or current user's groups "sites" associated
with the group entity class names, including the Control Panel group if
the user is permitted to view the Control Panel.
int |
Returns the number of the guest or current user's groups
"sites" associated with the group entity class names, including
the Control Panel group if the user is permitted to view the Control
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionLocalService.getUserSubscriptions(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Subscription> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the subscriptions of the user.
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionLocalService.getUserSubscriptions(long userId,
String className)
Returns all the subscriptions of the user to the entities with the class
int |
SubscriptionLocalService.getUserSubscriptionsCount(long userId)
Returns the number of subscriptions of the user.
List<Team> |
TeamService.getUserTeams(long userId) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserTeams(long userId) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserTeams(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserTeams(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Team> orderByComparator) |
List<Team> |
TeamService.getUserTeams(long userId,
long groupId) |
List<Team> |
TeamLocalService.getUserTeams(long userId,
long groupId) |
int |
TeamLocalService.getUserTeamsCount(long userId) |
UserTracker |
UserTrackerLocalService.getUserTracker(long userTrackerId)
Returns the user tracker with the primary key.
UserTrackerPath |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.getUserTrackerPath(long userTrackerPathId)
Returns the user tracker path with the primary key.
List<UserTrackerPath> |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.getUserTrackerPaths(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user tracker paths.
List<UserTrackerPath> |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.getUserTrackerPaths(long userTrackerId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
Returns the number of user tracker paths.
List<UserTracker> |
UserTrackerLocalService.getUserTrackers(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the user trackers.
List<UserTracker> |
UserTrackerLocalService.getUserTrackers(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
Returns the number of user trackers.
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupService.getUserUserGroups(long userId)
Returns all the user groups to which the user belongs.
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserUserGroups(long userId) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserUserGroups(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserUserGroups(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<UserGroup> orderByComparator) |
int |
UserGroupLocalService.getUserUserGroupsCount(long userId) |
String |
PortalService.getVersion() |
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.getVirtualHost(long virtualHostId)
Returns the virtual host with the primary key.
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.getVirtualHost(long companyId,
long layoutSetId) |
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.getVirtualHost(String hostname) |
List<VirtualHost> |
VirtualHostLocalService.getVirtualHosts(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the virtual hosts.
int |
Returns the number of virtual hosts.
PortletCategory |
PortletLocalService.getWARDisplay(String servletContextName,
String xml) |
JSONArray |
PortletService.getWARPortlets() |
List<Theme> |
ThemeLocalService.getWARThemes() |
JSONArray |
ThemeService.getWARThemes() |
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.getWebDAVProps(long webDavPropsId)
Returns the web d a v props with the primary key.
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.getWebDAVProps(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
List<WebDAVProps> |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.getWebDAVPropses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the web d a v propses.
int |
Returns the number of web d a v propses.
Website |
WebsiteService.getWebsite(long websiteId) |
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.getWebsite(long websiteId)
Returns the website with the primary key.
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.getWebsiteByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the website with the matching UUID and company.
List<Website> |
WebsiteLocalService.getWebsites() |
List<Website> |
WebsiteLocalService.getWebsites(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the websites.
List<Website> |
WebsiteLocalService.getWebsites(long companyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
List<Website> |
WebsiteService.getWebsites(String className,
long classPK) |
int |
Returns the number of websites.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getWorkflowDefinitionLink(long workflowDefinitionLinkId)
Returns the workflow definition link with the primary key.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK) |
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK,
boolean strict) |
List<WorkflowDefinitionLink> |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getWorkflowDefinitionLinks(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the workflow definition links.
int |
Returns the number of workflow definition links.
int |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getWorkflowDefinitionLinksCount(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className) |
int |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.getWorkflowDefinitionLinksCount(long companyId,
String workflowDefinitionName,
int workflowDefinitionVersion) |
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getWorkflowInstanceLink(long workflowInstanceLinkId)
Returns the workflow instance link with the primary key.
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getWorkflowInstanceLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
List<WorkflowInstanceLink> |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getWorkflowInstanceLinks(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the workflow instance links.
List<WorkflowInstanceLink> |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.getWorkflowInstanceLinks(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
int |
Returns the number of workflow instance links.
boolean |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.hasActionId(ResourcePermission resourcePermission,
ResourceAction resourceAction)
true if the resource permission grants permission to
perform the resource action. |
boolean |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.hasCompanyScopePermission(long companyId,
String name,
long roleId,
String actionId) |
boolean |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.hasEitherScopePermission(long companyId,
String name,
long roleId,
String actionId) |
boolean |
OrganizationLocalService.hasGroupOrganization(long groupId,
long organizationId) |
boolean |
OrganizationLocalService.hasGroupOrganizations(long groupId) |
boolean |
RoleLocalService.hasGroupRole(long groupId,
long roleId) |
boolean |
RoleLocalService.hasGroupRoles(long groupId) |
boolean |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.hasGroupScopePermission(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
long roleId,
String actionId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasGroupUser(long groupId,
long userId) |
boolean |
UserService.hasGroupUser(long groupId,
long userId)
true if the user is a member of the group. |
boolean |
UserGroupLocalService.hasGroupUserGroup(long groupId,
long userGroupId) |
boolean |
UserGroupLocalService.hasGroupUserGroups(long groupId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasGroupUsers(long groupId) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayouts(Group group) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayouts(Group group,
boolean privateLayout) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayouts(Group group,
boolean privateLayout,
boolean includeUserGroups) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayouts(long groupId,
boolean privateLayout,
long parentLayoutId)
true if the group has any layouts;
false otherwise. |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayouts(User user,
boolean privateLayout) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayouts(User user,
boolean privateLayout,
boolean includeUserGroups) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayoutSetPrototypeLayout(long layoutSetPrototypeId,
String layoutUuid) |
boolean |
LayoutLocalService.hasLayoutSetPrototypeLayout(String layoutSetPrototypeUuid,
long companyId,
String layoutUuid) |
boolean |
MembershipRequestLocalService.hasMembershipRequest(long userId,
long groupId,
long statusId) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasOrganizationGroup(long organizationId,
long groupId) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasOrganizationGroups(long organizationId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasOrganizationUser(long organizationId,
long userId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasOrganizationUsers(long organizationId) |
boolean |
OrganizationLocalService.hasPasswordPolicyOrganization(long passwordPolicyId,
long organizationId)
true if the password policy has been assigned to the
organization. |
boolean |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.hasPasswordPolicyRel(long passwordPolicyId,
String className,
long classPK) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasPasswordPolicyUser(long passwordPolicyId,
long userId)
true if the password policy has been assigned to the
user. |
boolean |
PluginSettingLocalService.hasPermission(long userId,
String pluginId,
String pluginType) |
boolean |
ResourceBlockLocalService.hasPermission(String name,
long primKey,
String actionId,
ResourceBlockIdsBag resourceBlockIdsBag) |
boolean |
ResourceBlockLocalService.hasPermission(String name,
PermissionedModel permissionedModel,
String actionId,
ResourceBlockIdsBag resourceBlockIdsBag) |
boolean |
PortletLocalService.hasPortlet(long companyId,
String portletId) |
boolean |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.hasResourcePermission(List<Resource> resources,
long[] roleIds,
String actionId)
true if the roles have permission at the scope to
perform the action on the resources. |
boolean |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.hasResourcePermission(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long[] roleIds,
String actionId)
true if the roles have permission at the scope to
perform the action on resources of the type. |
boolean |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.hasResourcePermission(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long roleId,
String actionId)
true if the role has permission at the scope to
perform the action on resources of the type. |
boolean[] |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.hasResourcePermissions(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
String primKey,
long[] roleIds,
String actionId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
#getRoles(long, String, int,
String, String |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasRoleGroup(long roleId,
long groupId) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasRoleGroups(long roleId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasRoleUser(long roleId,
long userId) |
boolean |
UserService.hasRoleUser(long roleId,
long userId)
true if the user is a member of the role. |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasRoleUser(long companyId,
String name,
long userId,
boolean inherited)
true if the user has the role with the name,
optionally through inheritance. |
boolean |
UserService.hasRoleUser(long companyId,
String name,
long userId,
boolean inherited)
true if the user has the role with the name,
optionally through inheritance. |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasRoleUsers(long roleId) |
boolean |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.hasScopeResourcePermission(long companyId,
String name,
int scope,
long roleId,
String actionId)
true if the role has permission at the scope to
perform the action on the resource. |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasStagingGroup(long liveGroupId)
true if the live group has a staging group. |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasTeamUser(long teamId,
long userId) |
boolean |
UserGroupLocalService.hasTeamUserGroup(long teamId,
long userGroupId) |
boolean |
UserGroupLocalService.hasTeamUserGroups(long teamId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasTeamUsers(long teamId) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasUserGroup(long userId,
long groupId) |
boolean |
GroupService.hasUserGroup(long userId,
long groupId)
true if the user is associated with the group,
including the user's inherited organizations and user groups. |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasUserGroup(long userId,
long groupId,
boolean inherit)
true if the user is immediately associated with the
group, or optionally if the user is associated with the group via the
user's organizations, inherited organizations, or user groups. |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasUserGroupGroup(long userGroupId,
long groupId) |
boolean |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.hasUserGroupGroupRole(long userGroupId,
long groupId,
long roleId) |
boolean |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.hasUserGroupGroupRole(long userGroupId,
long groupId,
String roleName) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasUserGroupGroups(long userGroupId) |
boolean |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.hasUserGroupRole(long userId,
long groupId,
long roleId) |
boolean |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.hasUserGroupRole(long userId,
long groupId,
long roleId,
boolean inherit) |
boolean |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.hasUserGroupRole(long userId,
long groupId,
String roleName) |
boolean |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.hasUserGroupRole(long userId,
long groupId,
String roleName,
boolean inherit) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.hasUserGroups(long userId) |
boolean |
TeamLocalService.hasUserGroupTeam(long userGroupId,
long teamId) |
boolean |
TeamLocalService.hasUserGroupTeams(long userGroupId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasUserGroupUser(long userGroupId,
long userId) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.hasUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId) |
boolean |
OrganizationLocalService.hasUserOrganization(long userId,
long organizationId) |
boolean |
OrganizationLocalService.hasUserOrganization(long userId,
long organizationId,
boolean inheritSuborganizations,
boolean includeSpecifiedOrganization)
true if the user is a member of the organization,
optionally focusing on suborganizations or the specified organization. |
boolean |
OrganizationLocalService.hasUserOrganizations(long userId) |
boolean |
ResourceLocalService.hasUserPermissions(long userId,
long resourceId,
List<Resource> resources,
String actionId,
long[] roleIds)
true if the roles have permission to perform the
action on the resources. |
boolean |
RoleLocalService.hasUserRole(long userId,
long roleId) |
boolean |
RoleLocalService.hasUserRole(long userId,
long companyId,
String name,
boolean inherited)
true if the user is associated with the named
regular role. |
boolean |
RoleService.hasUserRole(long userId,
long companyId,
String name,
boolean inherited)
true if the user is associated with the named
regular role. |
boolean |
RoleLocalService.hasUserRoles(long userId) |
boolean |
RoleLocalService.hasUserRoles(long userId,
long companyId,
String[] names,
boolean inherited)
true if the user has any one of the named regular
roles. |
boolean |
RoleService.hasUserRoles(long userId,
long companyId,
String[] names,
boolean inherited)
true if the user has any one of the named regular
roles. |
boolean |
TeamService.hasUserTeam(long userId,
long teamId) |
boolean |
TeamLocalService.hasUserTeam(long userId,
long teamId) |
boolean |
TeamLocalService.hasUserTeams(long userId) |
boolean |
UserGroupLocalService.hasUserUserGroup(long userId,
long userGroupId) |
boolean |
UserGroupLocalService.hasUserUserGroups(long userId) |
boolean |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.hasWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className) |
boolean |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.hasWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
boolean |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.hasWorkflowDefinitionLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long typePK) |
boolean |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.hasWorkflowInstanceLink(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
boolean |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.isEnded(long companyId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK) |
boolean |
GroupLocalService.isLiveGroupActive(Group group) |
boolean |
UserLocalService.isPasswordExpired(User user)
true if the user's password is expired. |
boolean |
UserLocalService.isPasswordExpiringSoon(User user)
true if the password policy is configured to warn
the user that his password is expiring and the remaining time until
expiration is equal or less than the configured warning time. |
boolean |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.isSameAsCurrentPassword(long userId,
String newClearTextPwd) |
boolean |
SubscriptionLocalService.isSubscribed(long companyId,
long userId,
String className,
long classPK)
true if the user is subscribed to the entity. |
boolean |
SubscriptionLocalService.isSubscribed(long companyId,
long userId,
String className,
long[] classPKs)
true if the user is subscribed to any of the
entities. |
boolean |
ResourceBlockLocalService.isSupported(String name) |
boolean |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.isValidPassword(long userId,
String newClearTextPwd) |
Group |
GroupLocalService.loadFetchGroup(long companyId,
String groupKey)
Returns the group with the matching group key by first searching the
system groups and then using the finder cache.
Role |
RoleLocalService.loadFetchRole(long companyId,
String name)
Returns a role with the name in the company.
User |
UserLocalService.loadGetDefaultUser(long companyId)
Returns the default user for the company.
Group |
GroupLocalService.loadGetGroup(long companyId,
String groupKey)
Returns the group with the matching group key.
Map<String,Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.loadGetPortletsMap(long companyId) |
Map<String,Portlet> |
PortletLocalService.loadGetPortletsPool(long companyId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
#loadGetPortletsMap(long)) |
Role |
RoleLocalService.loadGetRole(long companyId,
String name)
Returns a role with the name in the company.
void |
ResourceBlockLocalService.releasePermissionedModelResourceBlock(PermissionedModel permissionedModel) |
void |
ResourceBlockLocalService.releaseResourceBlock(long resourceBlockId)
Decrements the reference count of the resource block and updates it in
the database or deletes the resource block if the reference count reaches
void |
ResourceBlockLocalService.releaseResourceBlock(ResourceBlock resourceBlock)
Decrements the reference count of the resource block and updates it in
the database or deletes the resource block if the reference count reaches
void |
PortletLocalService.removeCompanyPortletsPool(long companyId) |
List<LayoutPrototype> | companyId,
Boolean active,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutPrototype> obc) |
List<LayoutSetPrototype> | companyId,
Boolean active,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<LayoutSetPrototype> obc) |
List<LayoutPrototype> | companyId,
Boolean active,
OrderByComparator<LayoutPrototype> obc) |
List<LayoutSetPrototype> | companyId,
Boolean active,
OrderByComparator<LayoutSetPrototype> obc) |
List<MembershipRequest> | groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MembershipRequest> | groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MembershipRequest> obc) |
List<Group> | companyId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the company's groups, optionally
including the user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
long parentGroupId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups belonging to the parent group
that match the class name IDs and keywords, optionally including the
user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
long parentGroupId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups belonging to the parent group
that match the class name IDs and keywords, optionally including the
user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
long parentGroupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups belonging to the parent group
that match the class name IDs, name, and description, optionally
including the user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
long parentGroupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups belonging to the parent group
that match the class name IDs, name, and description, optionally
including the user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups that match the class name IDs
and keywords, optionally including the user's inherited organization
groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups that match the class name IDs
and keywords, optionally including the user's inherited organization
groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc) |
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups that match the class name IDs,
name, and description, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups that match the class name IDs,
name, and description, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc) |
Hits | companyId,
long userId,
String keywords,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all assets that match the keywords in the
List<Group> | companyId,
long parentGroupId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups belonging to the parent group
that match the keywords, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
long parentGroupId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups belonging to the parent group
that match the keywords, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
Hits | companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the organizations that match the
keywords, using the indexer.
Hits | companyId,
long userId,
String portletId,
long groupId,
String type,
String keywords,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all assets that match the keywords in the
portlet within the company.
List<Group> | companyId,
long parentGroupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the site groups belonging to the parent
group and organization groups that match the name and description,
optionally including the user's inherited organization groups and user
List<Group> | companyId,
long parentGroupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the site groups belonging to the parent
group and organization groups that match the name and description,
optionally including the user's inherited organization groups and user
List<Organization> | companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String keywords,
String type,
Long regionId,
Long countryId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name ordered range of all the organizations that match the
keywords, type, region, and country, without using the indexer.
List<Organization> | companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String keywords,
String type,
Long regionId,
Long countryId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Organization> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the organizations that match the
keywords, type, region, and country, without using the indexer.
List<Organization> | companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String name,
String type,
String street,
String city,
String zip,
Long regionId,
Long countryId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end)
Returns a name ordered range of all the organizations with the type,
region, and country, and whose name, street, city, and zipcode match the
keywords specified for them, without using the indexer.
List<Organization> | companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String name,
String type,
String street,
String city,
String zip,
Long regionId,
Long countryId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Organization> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the organizations with the type, region,
and country, and whose name, street, city, and zipcode match the keywords
specified for them, without using the indexer.
Hits | companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String name,
String type,
String street,
String city,
String zip,
String region,
String country,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the organizations whose name, type, or
location fields match the keywords specified for them, using the indexer.
List<Role> | companyId,
String keywords,
Integer[] types,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the roles that match the keywords and
List<Role> | companyId,
String keywords,
Integer[] types,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the roles that match the keywords, types,
and params.
List<Role> | companyId,
String keywords,
Integer[] types,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> obc) |
List<PasswordPolicy> | companyId,
String name,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<PasswordPolicy> obc) |
List<User> | companyId,
String keywords,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the users who match the keywords and
status, without using the indexer.
Hits | companyId,
String keywords,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the users who match the keywords and
status, using the indexer.
Hits | companyId,
String keywords,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort[] sorts) |
List<Group> | companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups that match the keywords,
optionally including the user's inherited organization groups and user
List<Group> | companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the groups that match the keywords,
optionally including the user's inherited organization groups and user
List<UserGroup> | companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<UserGroup> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the user groups that match the keywords.
Hits | companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the user groups that match the keywords,
using the indexer.
List<Role> | companyId,
String name,
String description,
Integer[] types,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the roles that match the name,
description, and types.
List<Role> | companyId,
String name,
String description,
Integer[] types,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Role> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the roles that match the name,
description, types, and params.
List<Group> | companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the site groups and organization groups
that match the name and description, optionally including the user's
inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<Group> | companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Group> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the site groups and organization groups
that match the name and description, optionally including the user's
inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<UserGroup> | companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<UserGroup> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the user groups that match the name and
Hits | companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the user groups that match the name and
List<Team> | groupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Team> obc) |
List<Team> | groupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Team> obc) |
List<Group> | companyId,
String name,
String description,
String[] params,
int start,
int end)
Returns an ordered range of all the site groups and organization groups
that match the name and description, optionally including the user's
inherited organization groups and user groups.
List<User> | companyId,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<User> obc)
Returns an ordered range of all the users with the status, and whose
first name, middle name, last name, screen name, and email address match
the keywords specified for them, without using the indexer.
Hits | companyId,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort)
Returns an ordered range of all the users with the status, and whose
first name, middle name, last name, screen name, and email address match
the keywords specified for them, using the indexer.
Hits | companyId,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort[] sorts) |
int |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
Boolean active) |
int |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
Boolean active) |
int |
MembershipRequestLocalService.searchCount(long groupId,
int status) |
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
long parentGroupId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of groups belonging to the parent group that match the
class name IDs, and keywords, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
long parentGroupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of groups belonging to the parent group that match the
class name IDs, name, and description, optionally including the user's
inherited organization groups and user groups.
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of groups that match the class name IDs, and keywords,
optionally including the user's inherited organization groups and user
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long[] classNameIds,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of groups that match the class name IDs, name, and
description, optionally including the user's inherited organization
groups and user groups.
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of groups belonging to the parent group that match the
keywords, optionally including the user's inherited organization groups
and user groups.
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long parentGroupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of groups belonging to the parent group and immediate
organization groups that match the name and description, optionally
including the user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
int |
OrganizationLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String keywords,
String type,
Long regionId,
Long countryId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of organizations that match the keywords, type,
region, and country.
int |
OrganizationLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String name,
String type,
String street,
String city,
String zip,
Long regionId,
Long countryId,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of organizations with the type, region, and country,
and whose name, street, city, and zipcode match the keywords specified
for them.
int |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String name) |
int |
RoleLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String keywords,
Integer[] types)
Returns the number of roles that match the keywords and types.
int |
RoleLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String keywords,
Integer[] types,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of roles that match the keywords, types and params.
int |
RoleService.searchCount(long companyId,
String keywords,
Integer[] types,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params) |
int |
UserLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String keywords,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of users who match the keywords and status.
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of groups that match the keywords, optionally
including the user's inherited organization groups and user groups.
int |
UserGroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of user groups that match the keywords
int |
RoleLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String name,
String description,
Integer[] types)
Returns the number of roles that match the name, description, and types.
int |
RoleLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String name,
String description,
Integer[] types,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params)
Returns the number of roles that match the name, description, types, and
int |
TeamService.searchCount(long groupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params) |
int |
TeamLocalService.searchCount(long groupId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params) |
int |
GroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of groups and immediate organization groups that match
the name and description, optionally including the user's inherited
organization groups and user groups.
int |
UserGroupLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of user groups that match the name and description.
int |
GroupService.searchCount(long companyId,
String name,
String description,
String[] params)
Returns the number of groups and organization groups that match the name
and description, optionally including the user's inherited organizations
and user groups.
int |
UserLocalService.searchCount(long companyId,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch)
Returns the number of users with the status, and whose first name, middle
name, last name, screen name, and email address match the keywords
specified for them.
Map<Long,Integer> |
UserLocalService.searchCounts(long companyId,
int status,
long[] groupIds) |
BaseModelSearchResult<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.searchOrganizations(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<Organization> |
OrganizationLocalService.searchOrganizations(long companyId,
long parentOrganizationId,
String name,
String type,
String street,
String city,
String zip,
String region,
String country,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.searchSocial(long[] groupIds,
long userId,
int[] socialRelationTypes,
String keywords,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.searchSocial(long userId,
int[] socialRelationTypes,
String keywords,
int start,
int end) |
List<User> |
UserLocalService.searchSocial(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
String keywords,
int start,
int end) |
BaseModelSearchResult<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.searchUserGroups(long companyId,
String keywords,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<UserGroup> |
UserGroupLocalService.searchUserGroups(long companyId,
String name,
String description,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<User> |
UserLocalService.searchUsers(long companyId,
String keywords,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<User> |
UserLocalService.searchUsers(long companyId,
String keywords,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
int start,
int end,
Sort[] sorts) |
BaseModelSearchResult<User> |
UserLocalService.searchUsers(long companyId,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<User> |
UserLocalService.searchUsers(long companyId,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
int status,
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params,
boolean andSearch,
int start,
int end,
Sort[] sorts) |
void |
PortalService.testAutoSyncHibernateSessionStateOnTxCreation() |
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.updateResourceBlockId(long companyId,
long groupId,
String name,
PermissionedModel permissionedModel,
String permissionsHash,
ResourceBlockPermissionsContainer resourceBlockPermissionsContainer) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for RatingsEntry.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for RatingsEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for RatingsStats.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(long userId,
String className,
long classPK) |
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.fetchRatingsEntry(long entryId) |
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.fetchRatingsEntryByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the ratings entry with the matching UUID and company.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.fetchRatingsStats(long statsId) |
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.fetchStats(String className,
long classPK) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<RatingsEntry> |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getEntries(long userId,
String className,
List<Long> classPKs) |
List<RatingsEntry> |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getEntries(String className,
long classPK) |
List<RatingsEntry> |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getEntries(String className,
long classPK,
double score) |
int |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(String className,
long classPK,
double score) |
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getEntry(long userId,
String className,
long classPK) |
ExportActionableDynamicQuery |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getExportActionableDynamicQuery(PortletDataContext portletDataContext) |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
PersistedModel |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
List<RatingsEntry> |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getRatingsEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the ratings entries.
int |
Returns the number of ratings entries.
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getRatingsEntry(long entryId)
Returns the ratings entry with the primary key.
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.getRatingsEntryByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the ratings entry with the matching UUID and company.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getRatingsStats(long statsId)
Returns the ratings stats with the primary key.
List<RatingsStats> |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getRatingsStatses(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the ratings statses.
int |
Returns the number of ratings statses.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getStats(long statsId) |
List<RatingsStats> |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getStats(String className,
List<Long> classPKs) |
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.getStats(String className,
long classPK) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivityAchievement.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivityCounter.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivityInterpreter.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivityLimit.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivity.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for SocialActivity.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivitySet.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialActivitySetting.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for SocialActivitySetting.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialRelation.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialRequestInterpreter.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for SocialRequest.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for SocialRequest.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.addActivityCounter(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
String name,
int ownerType,
int totalValue,
long previousActivityCounterId,
int periodLength)
Adds an activity counter specifying a previous activity and period
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.addActivityLimit(long userId,
long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int activityType,
String activityCounterName,
int limitPeriod) |
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.fetchActivityCounterByEndPeriod(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
String name,
int ownerType,
int endPeriod)
Returns the activity counter with the given name, owner, and end period
that belong to the given entity.
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.fetchActivityCounterByStartPeriod(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
String name,
int ownerType,
int startPeriod)
Returns the activity counter with the given name, owner, and start period
that belong to the given entity.
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.fetchActivityLimit(long groupId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int activityType,
String activityCounterName) |
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.fetchFirstActivity(String className,
long classPK,
int type) |
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.fetchLatestActivityCounter(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
String name,
int ownerType)
Returns the latest activity counter with the given name and owner that
belong to the given entity.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.fetchSocialActivity(long activityId) |
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.fetchSocialActivityAchievement(long activityAchievementId) |
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.fetchSocialActivityCounter(long activityCounterId) |
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.fetchSocialActivityLimit(long activityLimitId) |
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.fetchSocialActivitySet(long activitySetId) |
SocialActivitySetting |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.fetchSocialActivitySetting(long activitySettingId) |
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.fetchSocialRelation(long relationId) |
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.fetchSocialRelationByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the social relation with the matching UUID and company.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.fetchSocialRequest(long requestId) |
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.fetchSocialRequestByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the social request matching the UUID and group.
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.fetchUserAchievement(long userId,
long groupId,
String name) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialRelationLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialRequestLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivities(long classNameId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on assets identified by the
class name ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getActivities(long classNameId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on assets identified by the
class name ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivities(long mirrorActivityId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on the asset identified by the
class name ID and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getActivities(long mirrorActivityId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on the asset identified by the
class name ID and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivities(long mirrorActivityId,
String className,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on the asset identified by the
class name and the class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getActivities(long mirrorActivityId,
String className,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on the asset identified by the
class name and the class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivities(String className,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on assets identified by the
class name.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getActivities(String className,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done on assets identified by the
class name.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivitiesCount(long classNameId)
Returns the number of activities done on assets identified by the class
name ID.
int |
SocialActivityService.getActivitiesCount(long classNameId)
Returns the number of activities done on assets identified by the class
name ID.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivitiesCount(long mirrorActivityId,
long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns the number of activities done on the asset identified by the
class name ID and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
int |
SocialActivityService.getActivitiesCount(long mirrorActivityId,
long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns the number of activities done on the asset identified by the
class name ID and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivitiesCount(long mirrorActivityId,
String className,
long classPK)
Returns the number of activities done on the asset identified by the
class name and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
int |
SocialActivityService.getActivitiesCount(long mirrorActivityId,
String className,
long classPK)
Returns the number of activities done on the asset identified by the
class name and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity
identified by the mirror activity ID.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivitiesCount(String className)
Returns the number of activities done on assets identified by class name.
int |
SocialActivityService.getActivitiesCount(String className)
Returns the number of activities done on assets identified by class name.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivity(long activityId)
Returns the activity identified by its primary key.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityService.getActivity(long activityId)
Returns the activity identified by its primary key.
SocialActivityDefinition |
SocialActivitySettingService.getActivityDefinition(long groupId,
String className,
int activityType) |
SocialActivityDefinition |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getActivityDefinition(long groupId,
String className,
int activityType) |
List<SocialActivityDefinition> |
SocialActivitySettingService.getActivityDefinitions(long groupId,
String className) |
List<SocialActivityDefinition> |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getActivityDefinitions(long groupId,
String className) |
Map<String,List<SocialActivityInterpreter>> |
SocialActivityInterpreterLocalService.getActivityInterpreters() |
List<SocialActivityInterpreter> |
SocialActivityInterpreterLocalService.getActivityInterpreters(String selector) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getActivitySetActivities(long activitySetId,
int start,
int end) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getActivitySetActivities(long activitySetId,
int start,
int end) |
List<SocialActivitySetting> |
SocialActivitySettingService.getActivitySettings(long groupId) |
List<SocialActivitySetting> |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getActivitySettings(long groupId) |
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getClassActivitySet(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int type) |
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getClassActivitySet(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int type) |
List<SocialActivityAchievement> |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getGroupAchievements(long groupId) |
List<SocialActivityAchievement> |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getGroupAchievements(long groupId,
String name) |
int |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getGroupAchievementsCount(long groupId) |
int |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getGroupAchievementsCount(long groupId,
String name) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getGroupActivities(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the group.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getGroupActivities(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the group.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getGroupActivitiesCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of activities done in the group.
int |
SocialActivityService.getGroupActivitiesCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of activities done in the group.
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getGroupActivitySets(long groupId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getGroupActivitySetsCount(long groupId) |
List<SocialActivityAchievement> |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getGroupFirstAchievements(long groupId) |
int |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getGroupFirstAchievementsCount(long groupId) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getGroupUsersActivities(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of activities done by users that are members of the
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getGroupUsersActivities(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of activities done by users that are members of the
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getGroupUsersActivitiesCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of activities done by users that are members of the
int |
SocialActivityService.getGroupUsersActivitiesCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of activities done by users that are members of the
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialRelationLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
SocialRequestLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<SocialRelation> |
SocialRelationLocalService.getInverseRelations(long userId,
int type,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the inverse relations of the given type for which
the user is User2 of the relation.
int |
SocialRelationLocalService.getInverseRelationsCount(long userId,
int type)
Returns the number of inverse relations of the given type for which the
user is User2 of the relation.
JSONArray |
SocialActivitySettingService.getJSONActivityDefinitions(long groupId,
String className) |
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.getMirrorActivity(long mirrorActivityId)
Returns the activity that has the mirror activity.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityService.getMirrorActivity(long mirrorActivityId)
Returns the activity that has the mirror activity.
List<SocialActivityCounter> |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getOffsetActivityCounters(long groupId,
String name,
int startOffset,
int endOffset)
Returns all the activity counters with the given name and period offsets.
List<SocialActivityCounter> |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getOffsetDistributionActivityCounters(long groupId,
String name,
int startOffset,
int endOffset)
Returns the distribution of the activity counters with the given name and
period offsets.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getOrganizationActivities(long organizationId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the organization.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getOrganizationActivities(long organizationId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the organization.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getOrganizationActivitiesCount(long organizationId)
Returns the number of activities done in the organization.
int |
SocialActivityService.getOrganizationActivitiesCount(long organizationId)
Returns the number of activities done in the organization.
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getOrganizationActivitySets(long organizationId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getOrganizationActivitySetsCount(long organizationId) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getOrganizationUsersActivities(long organizationId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by users of the organization.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getOrganizationUsersActivities(long organizationId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by users of the organization.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getOrganizationUsersActivitiesCount(long organizationId)
Returns the number of activities done by users of the organization.
int |
SocialActivityService.getOrganizationUsersActivitiesCount(long organizationId)
Returns the number of activities done by users of the organization.
List<SocialActivityCounter> |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getPeriodActivityCounters(long groupId,
String name,
int startPeriod,
int endPeriod)
Returns all the activity counters with the given name and time period.
List<SocialActivityCounter> |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getPeriodDistributionActivityCounters(long groupId,
String name,
int startPeriod,
int endPeriod)
Returns the distribution of activity counters with the given name and
time period.
PersistedModel |
SocialRelationLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialActivityLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
SocialRequestLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getReceiverUserRequests(long receiverUserId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social requests for the receiving user.
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getReceiverUserRequests(long receiverUserId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social requests with the given status for the
receiving user.
int |
SocialRequestLocalService.getReceiverUserRequestsCount(long receiverUserId)
Returns the number of social requests for the receiving user.
int |
SocialRequestLocalService.getReceiverUserRequestsCount(long receiverUserId,
int status)
Returns the number of social requests with the given status for the
receiving user.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.getRelation(long relationId)
Returns the relation identified by its primary key.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.getRelation(long userId1,
long userId2,
int type)
Returns the relation of the given type between User1 and User2.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getRelationActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by users in a relationship
with the user identified by the user ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getRelationActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by users in a relationship
with the user identified by the user ID.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getRelationActivities(long userId,
int type,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by users in a relationship of
type with the user identified by userId . |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getRelationActivities(long userId,
int type,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by users in a relationship of
type with the user identified by userId . |
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getRelationActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done by users in a relationship with the
user identified by userId.
int |
SocialActivityService.getRelationActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done by users in a relationship with the
user identified by userId.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getRelationActivitiesCount(long userId,
int type)
Returns the number of activities done by users in a relationship of type
type with the user identified by userId . |
int |
SocialActivityService.getRelationActivitiesCount(long userId,
int type)
Returns the number of activities done by users in a relationship of type
type with the user identified by userId . |
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getRelationActivitySets(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getRelationActivitySets(long userId,
int type,
int start,
int end) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getRelationActivitySetsCount(long userId) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getRelationActivitySetsCount(long userId,
int type) |
List<SocialRelation> |
SocialRelationLocalService.getRelations(long userId,
int type,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the relations of the given type where the user is
the subject of the relation.
List<SocialRelation> |
SocialRelationLocalService.getRelations(long userId1,
long userId2,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the relations between User1 and User2.
int |
SocialRelationLocalService.getRelationsCount(long userId,
int type)
Returns the number of relations of the given type where the user is the
subject of the relation.
int |
SocialRelationLocalService.getRelationsCount(long userId1,
long userId2)
Returns the number of relations between User1 and User2.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getSocialActivities(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social activities.
int |
Returns the number of social activities.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.getSocialActivity(long activityId)
Returns the social activity with the primary key.
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getSocialActivityAchievement(long activityAchievementId)
Returns the social activity achievement with the primary key.
List<SocialActivityAchievement> |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getSocialActivityAchievements(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social activity achievements.
int |
Returns the number of social activity achievements.
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getSocialActivityCounter(long activityCounterId)
Returns the social activity counter with the primary key.
List<SocialActivityCounter> |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getSocialActivityCounters(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social activity counters.
int |
Returns the number of social activity counters.
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.getSocialActivityLimit(long activityLimitId)
Returns the social activity limit with the primary key.
List<SocialActivityLimit> |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.getSocialActivityLimits(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social activity limits.
int |
Returns the number of social activity limits.
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getSocialActivitySet(long activitySetId)
Returns the social activity set with the primary key.
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getSocialActivitySets(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social activity sets.
int |
Returns the number of social activity sets.
SocialActivitySetting |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getSocialActivitySetting(long activitySettingId)
Returns the social activity setting with the primary key.
List<SocialActivitySetting> |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.getSocialActivitySettings(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social activity settings.
int |
Returns the number of social activity settings.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.getSocialRelation(long relationId)
Returns the social relation with the primary key.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.getSocialRelationByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns the social relation with the matching UUID and company.
List<SocialRelation> |
SocialRelationLocalService.getSocialRelations(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social relations.
int |
Returns the number of social relations.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.getSocialRequest(long requestId)
Returns the social request with the primary key.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.getSocialRequestByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the social request matching the UUID and group.
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getSocialRequests(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social requests.
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getSocialRequestsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the social requests matching the UUID and company.
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getSocialRequestsByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<SocialRequest> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of social requests matching the UUID and company.
int |
Returns the number of social requests.
List<SocialActivityAchievement> |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getUserAchievements(long userId,
long groupId) |
int |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.getUserAchievementsCount(long userId,
long groupId) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by the user.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getUserActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done by the user.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done by the user.
int |
SocialActivityService.getUserActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done by the user.
List<Tuple> |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getUserActivityCounters(long groupId,
String[] rankingNames,
String[] selectedNames,
int start,
int end)
Returns the range of tuples that contain users and a list of activity
int |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.getUserActivityCountersCount(long groupId,
String[] rankingNames)
Returns the number of users having a rank based on the given counters.
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserActivitySet(long groupId,
long userId,
int type) |
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserActivitySet(long groupId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
int type) |
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserActivitySets(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserActivitySetsCount(long userId) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserGroupsActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the user's groups.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getUserGroupsActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the user's groups.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserGroupsActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done in user's groups.
int |
SocialActivityService.getUserGroupsActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done in user's groups.
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserGroupsActivitySets(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserGroupsActivitySetsCount(long userId) |
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserGroupsAndOrganizationsActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the user's groups and
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getUserGroupsAndOrganizationsActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the activities done in the user's groups and
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserGroupsAndOrganizationsActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done in user's groups and organizations.
int |
SocialActivityService.getUserGroupsAndOrganizationsActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done in user's groups and organizations.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserOrganizationsActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all activities done in the user's organizations.
List<SocialActivity> |
SocialActivityService.getUserOrganizationsActivities(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all activities done in the user's organizations.
int |
SocialActivityLocalService.getUserOrganizationsActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done in the user's organizations.
int |
SocialActivityService.getUserOrganizationsActivitiesCount(long userId)
Returns the number of activities done in the user's organizations.
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getUserRequests(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social requests for the requesting user.
List<SocialRequest> |
SocialRequestLocalService.getUserRequests(long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the social requests with the given status for the
requesting user.
int |
SocialRequestLocalService.getUserRequestsCount(long userId)
Returns the number of social requests for the requesting user.
int |
SocialRequestLocalService.getUserRequestsCount(long userId,
int status)
Returns the number of social requests with the given status for the
requesting user.
List<SocialActivitySet> |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserViewableActivitySets(long userId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.getUserViewableActivitySetsCount(long userId) |
boolean |
SocialRelationLocalService.hasRelation(long userId1,
long userId2,
int type)
true if a relation of the given type exists where
the user with primary key userId1 is User1 of the relation
and the user with the primary key userId2 is User2 of the
relation. |
boolean |
SocialRequestLocalService.hasRequest(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int type,
int status)
true if a matching social requests exists in the
database. |
boolean |
SocialRequestLocalService.hasRequest(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int type,
long receiverUserId,
int status)
true if a matching social request exists in the
database. |
boolean |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.isEnabled(long groupId,
long classNameId) |
boolean |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.isEnabled(long groupId,
long classNameId,
long classPK) |
boolean |
SocialRelationLocalService.isRelatable(long userId1,
long userId2,
int type)
true if the users can be in a relation of the given
type where the user with primary key userId1 is User1 of the
relation and the user with the primary key userId2 is User2
of the relation. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the local service interface for TrashEntry.
interface |
Provides the remote service interface for TrashEntry.
interface |
Provides the local service interface for TrashVersion.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TrashEntryService.deleteEntries(long groupId)
Deletes the trash entries with the matching group ID considering
void |
TrashEntryService.deleteEntries(long[] entryIds)
Deletes the trash entries with the primary keys.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(long entryId)
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.fetchEntry(String className,
long classPK)
Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.fetchTrashEntry(long entryId) |
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.fetchTrashVersion(long versionId) |
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.fetchVersion(long entryId,
String className,
long classPK)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
TrashVersionLocalService.fetchVersion(String, long) |
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.fetchVersion(String className,
long classPK) |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
TrashVersionLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
ActionableDynamicQuery |
TrashEntryLocalService.getActionableDynamicQuery() |
List<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId)
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
TrashEntryList |
TrashEntryService.getEntries(long groupId)
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
List<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
List<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<TrashEntry> obc)
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
TrashEntryList |
TrashEntryService.getEntries(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<TrashEntry> obc)
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
List<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntries(long groupId,
String className) |
List<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryService.getEntries(long groupId,
String className) |
int |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntriesCount(long groupId)
Returns the number of trash entries with the group ID.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntry(long entryId)
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.getEntry(String className,
long classPK)
Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
TrashVersionLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
IndexableActionableDynamicQuery |
TrashEntryLocalService.getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() |
PersistedModel |
TrashVersionLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
PersistedModel |
TrashEntryLocalService.getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj) |
List<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryLocalService.getTrashEntries(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the trash entries.
int |
Returns the number of trash entries.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.getTrashEntry(long entryId)
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.getTrashVersion(long versionId)
Returns the trash version with the primary key.
List<TrashVersion> |
TrashVersionLocalService.getTrashVersions(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the trash versions.
int |
Returns the number of trash versions.
List<TrashVersion> |
TrashVersionLocalService.getVersions(long entryId) |
List<TrashVersion> |
TrashVersionLocalService.getVersions(long entryId,
String className) |
Hits | companyId,
long groupId,
long userId,
String keywords,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |
BaseModelSearchResult<TrashEntry> |
TrashEntryLocalService.searchTrashEntries(long companyId,
long groupId,
long userId,
String keywords,
int start,
int end,
Sort sort) |